INDONESIA – Early Friday morning on January 15th, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, sending thousands fleeing from their beds. Over the next days the dust cleared. In the aftermath, 84 people were found dead and over 300 seriously injured. Additionally, the 2021 Indonesia Earthquake displaced approximately 30,000 residents from their homes.
Beyond the human toll, the quake and over 39 aftershocks have done significant damage to homes, businesses, roads, and other infrastructures in the area. Now, the people of Sulawesi desperately need our help.
Operation Blessing Friends Reach out to Earthquake Victims
Operation Blessing friends like you have heard their cries. We quickly sprang to action, preparing for a massive outreach effort to those affected by the earthquake. Fortunately, our Indonesian branch, Obor Berkat, stood ready on the ground and able to respond.

The team moved quickly to assist hundreds of families with food and hygiene kits. Thanks to you, they are also providing medical care to the wounded. Moreover, our teams on the ground will also be monitoring ongoing needs, to see how else we might be of assistance to hurting victims. Come back for updates on this urgent situation.
Please keep victims of the 2021 Indonesia Earthquake in your prayers. And consider giving a special gift today to help disaster victims in need at