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Boots On The Ground in Louisiana After Hurricane Francine

Field Report by Operation Blessing

KENNER, LA – Your support has sent Operation Blessing to Kenner, Louisiana to give help to those in need after Hurricane Francine. Thanks to your generosity, the disaster relief team is boots on the ground, giving much-needed support to families affected by the storm. Your kindness is making a difference to the people of Louisiana. Because of you, we were able to reach out quickly after the disaster hit.

In addition, your kindness is feeding people who have lost power and cannot prepare food for themselves. You have truly been the hands and feet of Jesus during this challenging time. Because of you, many hot meals have been provided to hungry families without power.

boots on the ground

Debris Removal in Kenner

You’ve also sent critical aid in the form of debris removal, as many families begin the laborious cleanup process after the strong winds of Hurricane Francine knocked over trees. Part of being the hands and feet of Jesus is helping people recover after a storm. This is where boots on the ground really make a difference. Our workers and volunteers provide an essential part of hurricane recovery, as many victims don’t have the resources or training to remove debris from their property on their own. Thank you for your ongoing support for the families of Kenner.

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