Week 1 – Hope: Ukraine
UKRAINE – This year, instead of festive Christmas music and celebrations with friends and family, squealing sirens and exploding bombs can be heard in many cities across Ukraine. But in the midst of war, the Advent season reminds us that we can have hope! Just before that first Christmas, when the Jews were suffering under Roman rule, an angel appeared to the shepherds and said, “Don’t be afraid! I will bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.” That hope is still available to us today through Jesus, and one of the purposes of these inspirational Advent readings is to remind us not to lose that hope.

Week 2 – Peace: Kenya
KENYA – All throughout the year, the people of Kenya save up their hard-earned money so that they can travel to spend time with their loved ones at Christmas. God waited until just the right season to send His Son to us. He paid the greatest price of all—His life. Why? So that we could know Him and have peace. During the season of Advent, we focus on His gift of salvation and peace that is available to us, not just during Christmas, but every day of our lives.

Week 3 – Love: Mexico
MEXICO – God’s love is the reason we celebrate during the Advent season! He loved us so much that He sent Jesus to walk on this earth with us and become the ultimate sacrifice. Through Him, our relationship with God is restored. God’s love comforts us when we are uncertain or afraid. It strengthens and inspires us as we walk with Him and serve Him in our daily lives. When we share that love during the Advent season and throughout the year, we are able to give others a glimpse of God’s love for them!

Week 4 – Joy: Philippines
PHILIPPINES – A parol is an ornamental star-shaped lantern made of bamboo sticks and colored tissue paper that is often lit during the Advent season in the Philippines. It reminds many of the star of Bethlehem and the joyous light that Christ brought into our dark and desperate world. The light of Christ still guides us and helps us navigate through our daily lives—bringing true joy to the world! Of all the inspirational Advent readings this one reminds us we can never forget that the Joy of the LORD is in our hearts.

Inspirational Advent Readings And More
Thank you for taking this very special journey with us. These devotionals are part of our Christmas Devotion and Inspiration booklet. If you haven’t received one already, you can order our FREE booklet with even more Christmas devotionals and inspiration from around the globe click here.
And please consider giving a special gift from your heart to help poor and hurting people this Christmas.