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Bringing Hope to Brazil Long after Floodwaters Recede

Field Report by Operation Blessing

BRAZIL – Weeks after the rush of floodwaters in Brazil no longer dominated the news, families were still suffering. But thanks to your generosity, Operation Blessing continues offering hope and help long after floodwaters recede and the headlines fade.

“We were very, very surprised, because it happened so quickly,” shared Rosangela, a flood survivor. “We never thought the water would get as high as it did. There was no time to do anything.” The devastation was overwhelming, with hundreds of thousands displaced, homes destroyed, and livelihoods lost.

Andre, a local baker, remembers the moment he realized danger was imminent. “I was at home, and we were following the news of what was happening, and we kind of freaked out when the dam started to overflow close to our house. Then we had to get out.”

The Loss of Personal Items after Floodwaters Recede

For Andre, the floods washed away more than just his possessions—they threatened his family’s entire livelihood. “Some things I lost during the flood are impossible to recover. I lost boxes for organizing our groceries. I lost fryer baskets, spoons, and utensils that we use frequently for the churro business, as well as perishable products,” he explained.

The loss of his churro cart hit particularly hard. “I felt so helpless that we couldn’t deal with such destruction by this force of nature. I felt so sad when I saw the cart submerged in water. It’s my livelihood. It’s the only thing I have to support my family.”

helping flood victims

But even as the news cycle moved on, Operation Blessing remained in the hard-hit city of Novo Hamburgo, offering crucial support to those in need. Thanks to your compassion, we were able to step in with brand-new tools and materials and help Andre restart his business. “After such loss, we got back to doing things and working. It makes us feel like we can go on. Operation Blessing helped me to start my work again,” Andre said gratefully.

Your generosity allowed Operation Blessing to address a range of needs across affected areas. From providing food and safe water to distributing solar lamps, hygiene kits, and cleaning supplies, your support made a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Brazil flooding damage

Picking Up the Pieces After the Flood

Many families found hope through the disaster relief team’s ongoing efforts. Patrini, a mother of three, returned home after weeks in a shelter to face the daunting task of cleaning up. “Mentally, my children and I have had a very difficult time with this. Everything is difficult. We lost everything.

It’s hard to see our house in this state,” she explained. Patrini’s husband, Jeremias, added, “It’s overwhelming. We never imagined this could happen to us. It was a shock to see our things not be rescued in time to salvage them, and only be able to take what little we could.”

flood relief charity

Thanks to friends like you, we were able to provide essential cleaning kits to Patrini’s family and others to help sanitize their homes. “This cleaning is so important to me, because I was alone with three children,” Patrini said. “There was no one to help me, and then help practically fell from the sky! It would have been hard for me to clean alone. I’m so glad they arrived.”

She added gratefully, “To those who give, I say thank you very much! May God help more and more. And may God touch more hearts to help people in need.”

helping flood survivors

Andre also expressed his gratitude. “I want to thank the people who help us. It’s not just for me and my business, but also the others you’ve helped by helping me. I want to thank Operation Blessing for all their help. God always sends the right people at the right time.”

Your faithful support enables Operation Blessing to keep showing the world God’s love far beyond the initial shock of disaster. Even after floodwaters recede, you are helping communities rebuild and restore their lives. In Brazil—and wherever disaster strikes next—you are making a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.

restoring hope after a flood

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