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Blessings Magazine August 2024

When Disaster Strikes, You Strike Back with Love, Compassion, and Tangible Aid

When disaster strikes, you are responding with love, compassion, and tangible aid. Your care is giving victims of disaster help and hope to face another day.

Also in this issue: 

  • Happenings – Catch up with the goings-on at Operation Blessing!
  • A Journey from Tragedy to a Bright Future – A story of rebuilding, thanks to you!
  • The Lord is Near the Brokenhearted – God bless you for comforting those facing disasters.
  • Compassion Transforms a Village in Indonesia – How you helped bless them with clean water.
  • Comfort in the Midst of Hardship – You supported a couple as they overcame illness and despair.
  • You Helped Restore Health to a Child in Honduras – Thank you for giving the gift of surgery!

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