CAMBODIA – Hours from the nearest city, the village of Trapeang Kha is like so many others in developing nations around the globe. The village is rich in beauty, but does not have the resources it needs to meet the needs of the people living there. Struggling farmers, hardworking fishermen, and unskilled laborers comprise this economically challenged community. Many of their younger members end up moving to Thailand to find better jobs. One pressing problem is the lack of access to clean water in Cambodia.
This requires citizens to search for water that is often unclean and unsafe. One resident, a woman named Ty, described the situation. “I used the water from the stream which was located near the mountain. Normally, I had to spend time walking about 0.3 miles to get water to use daily. The water was dirty and it had leaves, insects, and chemicals in it. My family used to get sick from using it.”

Clean Water Solutions For The Village Of Trapeang Kha
Then Operation Blessing friends like you reached out to make a difference for these precious villagers through a well that provides clean water in Cambodia. “Now, it is not difficult to get water like in the past. I have a new well and enough water to use. The water is clear and safe and the pump is easy to use,” Ty said.
Another resident, Srem, age 10, added, “Every morning I get water for my parents for cooking, drinking, washing, and bathing. My brother and sister like to use this well too. I have enough time for school and I can still help my family.”
“I love this new well because my family and my livelihood are better,” Ty said as she explained the change this well has created. “Thank you for sponsoring this well. May the Lord bless your family.”
In fact, many of the grateful villagers we talked to wished blessings upon you. Thank you for your giving heart and your generous support of clean water projects in Cambodia and around the world!