UKRAINE – Young Diana from Ukraine wanted nothing more in life than to play with friends and become a teacher when she grew up. Unfortunately, life for Diana hasn’t been that simple. Diana had problems with her vision from birth, but it wasn’t until she was in school that an eye exam revealed congenital cataracts in both of her eyes.
This condition affected her ability to interact with peers and her performance in school, as well as daily life activities. As if that weren’t bad enough, in February 2022— before her family even had time to look into further treatment— war broke out. Shelling began in her hometown, and Diana and her family were forced to flee to the area of Lviv, Ukraine, for safety.

Operation Blessing responded to the conflict in Ukraine as soon as it was safe enough to do so, providing comfort and aid for those in need. Thanks to you, we gave food and basic necessities both to refugees and to families remaining in war-torn Ukraine. Despite the ongoing woes of war, you continue to provide help to the hurting and healing to the afflicted.

Healing From Congenital Cataracts
In Lviv, Sunday school workers noticed that Diana was unable to play with the other children due to her vision issues, and they referred her to Operation Blessing. When friends like you heard the story of the 11-year-old Ukrainian girl struggling to see, they quickly responded with love and assistance.

Because of this outpouring of grace, Diana received the surgery she so badly needed. Her eyes are now well along the path to healing, and she can take full joy in being a child. Her family is so grateful. Diana said, “I’m happy that I can see now, I can draw now, and I can play with the other kids.”
Thank you for changing lives in Ukraine and around the globe!