THAILAND – Mhoo and her husband, Ampon, once struggled to get by in Thailand, until you sent a lifeline through their church and Operation Blessing. Because of your kindness a family was able to overcome crippling debt and experience financial freedom.
Ampon previously worked as a contractor but was having trouble finding enough work. “Our family was not in good shape because we were in significant debt from our previous job. We felt trapped and didn’t know what to do,” said Mhoo.

Support from the Local Church
Desperate to provide for himself and his family, Ampon turned to his pastor for assistance. “I asked the church for temporary support,” he told us.
Thanks to caring supporters like you, Operation Blessing had partnered with the couple’s church, creating a microenterprise program designed to help those in financial straits find job security through entrepreneurship. Pastor Pai welcomed this opportunity to help support families like Ampon’s and he happily referred Ampon and Mhoo for the program.
It was a perfect fit for them! “I was really glad to join such a supportive program, especially receiving the funding to help us start this business and generate income for our family,” Mhoo said.

“I was really glad to join such a supportive program, especially receiving the funding to help us start this business and generate income for our family.”
“I’m a cook at the church, and I know a thing or two about frying dishes, so I thought I would give it a try,” said Ampon. “We were able to pay off some of our debt by selling fried pork, which is now our main business,” he also told us. “We can take care of and support our family. I can honestly say that this job fully supports our living.”
Pastor Pai witnessed firsthand how the program is changing lives. “It’s not just about jobs,” he explained. “It’s about restoring dignity, strengthening families, and sharing God’s blessings.”
Enjoying Their Newfound Financial Freedom
Ampon and Mhoo aren’t only enjoying their newfound financial freedom, but also their ability to balance life outside of work now that he doesn’t need to work long hours.

Mhoo said, “I am grateful for the support of Operation Blessing. I am thankful that you are helping our family through this program. I’ve seen your help, sincerity, and care for families in need, enabling them to generate income and live normally. Thank you so much, Operation Blessing!”
Through Operation Blessing, you continue to empower families like theirs. Thank you for being a part of this ripple effect of hope and change. Together, we are turning hardships into blessings and helping people in need experience financial freedom.