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Credit Card Policy


Operation Blessing (OB) encourages caution and self-discipline in the use of credit cards. We offer this opportunity to donate online as a convenience to those who manage their finances in this way. We trust you will prayerfully consider your resources before making a credit card donation of any kind, and we recommend credit card donations be made on a card you pay off every month.

Donations to OB are used in support of humanitarian relief and community development programs in the United States and worldwide. They are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. On-line gift acknowledgements are given for verification. Official gift receipts will be mailed to donors for tax purposes.

Online donations to OB are accepted in U.S. dollars only. Canadian residents may wish to support the Operation Blessing ministry of our Canadian affiliate, Christian Broadcasting Associates* with a tax-deductible charitable donation, which will issue receipts from the Toronto office. All donations to OBI will be receipted from the U.S. office in U.S. dollars. (If your credit card is issued by a non-U.S. bank, your credit card statement should reflect your donation in your local currency. Any questions regarding that statement should be directed to the issuing bank.)


The online information Operation Blessing collects includes name, address, city, state, zip, telephone number, E-mail address, and, in the case of online giving, credit card number and expiration date. In order to continuously improve your service and tailor our subsequent communications to you, we may also collect broad information regarding your demographics, comments, professional interests, and contact preferences.

Operation Blessing uses your information to understand your needs and provide you with better service. We may use your information to complete a transaction, issue you an income tax receipt for a donation, or to personalize our Web site for you. If you so desire, we may also use this information to update you on ministry projects and activities. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research or provide you with information we think would be of particular interest. At a minimum, we will always give you the opportunity to decline such direct marketing.