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The Peril of Dangerous Water in Guatemala

Field Report by Operation Blessing

GUATEMALA – Abygail lives in the heart of Guatemala. A single mother of 2 boys, she faces a silent struggle that threatens many people in her community: the risk of using dangerous water to survive. While she does have places to go to get water, the sources are not safe to drink. The only real solution is a water system that provides water free from bacteria and contaminants.

dirty unsafe water in Guatemala

2 Sources of Dangerous Water

Abygail’s family, like many others in their community, relied on two primary sources of water, both of which posed significant health risks.

  1. A shallow well dug near their home
  2. A polluted river located more than a 30-minute walk away
bad water source

The water from these sources was far from safe. “The color is yellow. Sometimes it smells like dead animals,” Abygail described the well water. “We can’t drink it because it is bad and hurts our stomachs.” The river water was no better, with Abygail noting its “rusty smell and taste.”

Despite knowing the dangers, families like Abygail’s often had no choice but to consume this water. Her son said, “When I drink the water, my stomach hurts.” The consequences of drinking such contaminated water were severe, with Abygail’s children frequently falling ill and requiring medical attention.

contaminated and dirty water

The Need for Clean Water Systems in Guatemala

The situation in Abygail’s community highlights the critical need for clean water solutions in Guatemala. Families shouldn’t have to choose between dehydration and illness. The presence of proper water treatment and distribution systems can dramatically improve public health, reduce waterborne diseases, and enhance overall quality of life.

Operation Blessing Brings Change

In the face of this localized threat from dangerous water, Operation Blessing stepped in with a life-changing solution. We drilled a deep well in Abygail’s community. This helped provide a reliable source of clean water. But they didn’t stop there. We went further by:

  1. Installing a 4,000-gallon water tank
  2. Implementing a purification system
  3. Creating a network of pipes to distribute clean water to every home in the community

This system will ensure that families in Abygail’s community have constant access to safe, clean water right in their homes. The impact has been immediate and profound. Abygail expressed her heartfelt gratitude: “Thank you to Operation Blessing and the people who gave money to bring this clean water.”

Guatemala solution

The Power of Kindness

The transformation in Abygail’s community wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible kindness of Operation Blessing’s partners. Your donations have directly contributed to providing not just clean water, but hope and health to families in need. You are the reason children in Abygail’s community can now drink water without fear of illness.

a healthier choice

The Power of Your Support

While the story of Abygail’s village is one of triumph, countless others in Guatemala and around the world still face the daily struggle of accessing clean water. Because of this, Operation Blessing remains committed to addressing this global need, one community at a time.

Your continued support makes that possible! Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to a future where dangerous water is a thing of the past, and clean, safe water is a reality for all.

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