NIGERIA – Since before she was born, Destiny’s future has been uncertain. Her life was threatened first by the fire that injured her pregnant mother, Rose, and then by the cleft lip she had since birth.
This baby girl from Nigeria and her parents live on very little income. She desperately needed cleft lip surgery, but that was far out of reach. Her mother shared, “I am a housewife with no job. My husband can barely meet our family needs; most days we can only afford to eat twice. The thought of saving for the surgery is such a big challenge.” Still, finding a way to get cleft lip surgery in Nigeria was very important to Destiny and her family.
Life was already hard, but after Destiny was born, the child struggled to eat—and silent stares followed the family everywhere they went. People just didn’t understand Destiny’s condition, and this precious baby was stigmatized by the surrounding community. Destiny’s parents constantly worried about what this might do to her self-esteem as she grew older. They wanted her to have a bright future.

The Miracle Of Cleft Lip Surgery In Nigeria
Then your love found a way! The kindness of friends like you gave her the chance of a lifetime through a free surgery. She could have her cleft lip repaired, and her life would change dramatically. Before long, Destiny was in the operating room surrounded by physicians and Operation Blessing staff eager to help her. The moment Destiny came out of surgery, her mother was full of relief and praises to God. “I am so happy!” she said.

Destiny’s cleft lip surgery in Nigeria was a tremendous success. Now, she can eat without difficulty, and she won’t have to worry about a future filled with silent stares or teasing. Her future truly is as bright as her new healthy smile because of compassionate givers like you.
Thankfully, Destiny’s recovery has also gone beautifully. Rose said, “The first night after the surgery, I hardly could sleep. I could not take my eyes off my baby. The transformation was so much, she looks like a different baby. Thank you, Operation Blessing, for helping my baby.”