And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. – Matthew 10:42
Our world is facing a huge crisis, a heartbreaking crisis—a water crisis!
The World Health Organization estimates that about 2 billion people live in a country that lacks clean water. For some, this means taking long treks several times a day instead of going to work or school to get water that may not even be clean. For others it means dehydration, painful diseases, and even death.
Tragically, about 800,000 people die each year—including nearly 300,000 children—from waterborne and sanitation related illnesses.
When you give people clean water, you give them the gift of life, health, and so much more. You give parents more time and energy to earn an income and nurture their families. You give kids the ability to stay healthy, attend school, and have a brighter future. Perhaps most important of all, you give entire communities dignity, hope, and the priceless assurance that someone cares.
You can truly be the blessing that so many people are praying for right now. Will you please join us in supporting clean water outreaches around the world on an ongoing basis as a Blessing Builder partner for as little as $19 a month?
Thank you again for your generosity to provide water to the thirsty and suffering. Together, we can continue to fight this global water crisis, giving comfort and hope to precious people.