UPDATE 08/05/22 – Operation Blessing is continuing to send emergency food and water to those in need while offering volunteer support. Thanks to faithful partners, we’ve also set up a Mobile Kitchen and begun serving hot meals to hurting community members in and around Pikeville, KY.
In partnership with volunteers from East Kentucky Dream Center, teams are delivering hot meals directly to families. These efforts have been critical to residents in areas still struggling with food and water access since flooding caused extensive damage to local utilities and infrastructure.
UPDATE 08/03/22 – With help from compassionate supporters like you, Operation Blessing teams are on the ground in Kentucky with 12,000 pounds of Emergency Meal Kits for families in need. Flood-stricken residents continue to suffer from critically-low food and water supplies locally, so volunteers are hard at work packing the next loads.
Homeowners are also receiving volunteer help with debris removal and salvaging precious belongings as they try to recover after the storm. Continue to check back for more details, and please continue to pray for the communities affected by these tragic storm.
You can give a special gift to help disaster victims now.
KENTUCKY– On July 27, torrential rains swept across eastern Kentucky, causing a river to rise at record pace and overflow into the surrounding communities.
Powerful floodwaters swiftly devastated homes and businesses all across multiple counties, surprising people in the middle of the night. Residents were struck unprepared. And the cost was high.
Flooding in Eastern Kentucky Costs Lives
The storm covered hundreds of homes, ballparks, and public buildings in several feet of water, causing 12,000 people to lose power and tens of thousands to lose clean water access.
It also destroyed other critical infrastructure in key areas, including more than 50 bridges in Perry County. Search and rescue crews have had such difficulty accessing areas with major flooding that they are still trying to account for missing people days later.
What’s worse, the sudden storm has taken at least 30 lives, including the loss of several precious children. These families desperately need help and hope in this terrible time.

Teams Rush Relief to Kentucky Residents
Thanks to the ongoing support of generous friends like you, Operation Blessing teams quickly arrived on the ground to help hurting residents. And we aren’t coming empty handed—we’re bringing several thousand pounds of supplies.

For residents struggling with compromised water systems, partners like you offered them clean water in their time of need. And those facing the overwhelming task of cleaning out their flooded homes received much-needed supplies to help them get started.
We are also in the process of mobilizing volunteer support to help residents restore their homes and sort through precious belongings. In partnership with Connection Church in Kentucky, Operation Blessing family is showing Kentucky residents that God’s love is real and reaching out to them, and more help is being planned!

Please Pray for Storm Victims
Please pray for the families who have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. As people suffer the loss of so much, they desperately need hope. Thank you for being part of our Operation Blessing family. You shine as a light in the darkness of disaster.