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A Bright Future After Cataract Removal

Field Report by Operation Blessing

8-year old Kimberly loved to draw. But one day she began to notice her right eye was getting blurry. These were signs of Kimberly’s undiagnosed, yet serious, eye problem in Honduras. Kimberly’s mother, Carla, also noticed that her daughter’s right eye was bloodshot. She suspected something was wrong. So the next day Carla took Kimberly to the doctor.

The doctor diagnosed Kimberly with a cataract in her eye. He also told her that the treatment would include surgery. The surgery, of course, was very expensive. Carla was overwhelmed with sadness. The idea of her young daughter’s vision being obscured was painful. Carla also learned that Kimberly’s eye trouble involved more than a cataract. Her litany of serious eye problems also included a detached retina. This would also require a surgical procedure to fix.

Besides the strain of a heartbreaking diagnosis concerning Kimberly’s eyes, finances were another challenge. Tragically, Kimberly’s father had abandoned the family years before and Carla makes only a small income. She could never afford the surgery for her daughter’s eye problem in Honduras. But, thanks to you, hope was not lost! Carla heard about Operation Blessing’s life-changing surgeries program. They told her a donor wanted to help Kimberly with her surgery. The surgery was arranged. Carla was overjoyed! Her daughter would be able to see without blurriness. The surgery removed her cataract and restored her retina. Kimberley’s sight was restored! Thank you for your heart to see people all over the world healed from infirmities. To get involved, visit