TURKEY – Friends like you are reaching across the world today to help suffering people. Operation Blessing is in Hatay, Turkey helping an underserved community that has struggled since recent devastating earthquakes.
The people our teams have spoken to said they have received hardly any help since the disaster. One resident said, “Before you came, we were all alone. We didn’t have anything—no water or food.”
Teams Give Food Staples to Underserved Communities in Hatay

With the underground pipe network destroyed by the quakes and many homes completely destroyed, water is scarce. If people can find water, it’s going to be contaminated. Knowing the need, one of the first things Operation Blessing did in Hatay was set up a water filtration system and a large set of tanks big enough to serve this entire community. They’ve been receiving clean water ever since for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
However, people are hungry, too. To help, Operation Blessing disaster relief teams are doing regular food distributions in underserved communities. Families with hungry children are receiving rice, beans, sugar, and other essentials to sustain them.
All of these supplies are coming from a warehouse where thousands of food boxes have gone out to the people that need it the most. Those being blessed by our teams are extremely appreciative for the help. And every bit of it is thanks to faithful supporters like you. People moved by compassion are the ones that change the world in disaster situations such as this.
One resident said, “We are so grateful for your help. Now we have good water and food to eat. Thank you.”
Thanks to the support of the Operation Blessing family, people here in Hatay are getting what they need right when they need it the most. Together, we are making a difference.
Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit: https://www.ob.org/disasterrelief/