INDIA – As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him (Psalm 103:13). When your child hurts, you hurt. And God’s heart goes out to every suffering child around the world—including a precious 5-year-old girl in India named Sakshi. Sakshi’s parents discovered the deformity in her left shoulder and spine when she was just a year old, and she’s struggled with it ever since. Doctors said if Sakshi wasn’t operated on at this young age, she’d be partially disabled for life. Her parents desperately needed help in India for their little girl.
Her condition made it impossible for Sakshi to lift her arms above her head or move her left arm without pain. It broke her parents’ hearts to see her cry, but they couldn’t afford the costly surgery needed to heal her condition.

Help In India For Sakshi
Because of her shoulder, she was bullied at school so badly that her parents let her stay home. Mostly, Sakshi spent her days inside with her mother. Although she was now 5 years old, her mother still had to help with basic activities like bathing and putting on clothes. She would say, “Mommy, please make my arm better.” Her mother said, “Our hearts break for her, but we don’t know what to do.” Her family wanted so much more for her! They just needed a miracle.
And by God’s grace, friends like you delivered. Just look at her now! Little Sakshi stands straight and tall and pain-free. She’ll continue growing stronger with physical therapy, and she can look forward to even better days ahead. Her father is overwhelmed with gratitude. “Sakshi has relief! Her posture is also corrected. We are very thankful for all the services we received from the generous support of Operation Blessing. My daughter’s life is better!”