From the homes of struggling single moms in America to drought-stricken communities in Africa, YOU are fighting hunger, famine, and food insecurity wherever they’re found. With a variety of hunger-relief programs, your support of Operation Blessing provides world hunger relief that’s filling hungry bellies, ensuring food security, and transforming lives!
In the U.S., OB’s fleet of tractor-trailers delivers thousands of pounds of food, drinks, and more to our network of food pantries and churches across the country to help end hunger in America.
Internationally, Operation Blessing provides school nutrition programs in places like Peru and Mexico, small business assistance in locations like Guatemala to help hard-working people put food on the table, and agriculture programs that make it possible for families in areas like Kenya to grow food to eat and sell, as well as prevent food shortages.
These hunger-relief measures are preventing health problems like stunted growth, malnutrition, anemia, and more. Thanks to you, so many around the world no longer experience the gnawing pain of hunger, and hungry children now have the food they need to grow up healthy!
Famine Relief
When famine and drought strike vulnerable areas like Kenya and South Sudan, many are robbed not only of food for their tables, but also of their income opportunities. Thanks to you, Operation Blessing rushes to the scene to provide immediate hunger relief to the suffering and malnourished.
Agricultural & Farming Programs
In parts of Latin America and Africa, Operation Blessing supporters supply villages and schools with agricultural training, irrigation systems, chicken coops and farm animals. These offer struggling people a chance to grow food for their families, ending hunger and food insecurity long into the future. And families can sell the excess to better provide for other vital needs like education and medical care.
Nutritional Support
Many children around the world lack nutrients like protein and iron that they need to grow and thrive. Through our nutrition programs, you give school children in places like Kenya and Peru the extra support they need. Not only do you supply supplements and nutritious school meals, but in parts of Latin America you also offer classes to teach mothers how to prepare healthier meals for years to come.
When the COVID-19 pandemic swept around the world many lost jobs and incomes, making it difficult for parents to put food on the table for their children. In the U.S., the need for groceries and food supplies increased dramatically across Operation Blessing’s network of food distribution partners. Worldwide, many families and individuals who were already struggling to get by found themselves in even more desperate situations. Thanks to your support, Operation Blessing was able to respond to these growing needs with increased food deliveries to those in need.
Food Insecurity
When a person’s ability to secure enough food is in peril, often due to lack of resources or income, they are said to be “food insecure.” Though there can be many causes including war, pandemic, drought, natural disaster, and economic or political crises, when livelihoods are threatened, food insecurity is not far away. Many people do not know where their next meal is going to come from. Sadly, many are willing to work, but can’t find employment or don’t make enough to pay all their bills with the job that they have. Such is the plight of many in our world. Now, more than ever, Operation Blessing partners are supporting important hunger relief programs to fight food insecurity.
U.S. Hunger Strike Force
In the U.S., even many working families have a difficult time making ends meet. In addition, the unemployed, disabled, sick and elderly all too often go hungry. You bless your fellow Americans in need by making possible the distribution of truckloads of food and drinks to local food pantries, churches and other partner organizations. Large corporations donate food, and with your help, we send out our fleet of Hunger Strike Force semi-trucks to get that food into the hands of those who need it most, helping put an end to hunger in America.
Disaster and Crisis Relief
When crisis and natural disasters strike, basic needs like food, hygiene supplies, and clean drinking water often go unmet. But you send support to disaster victims in dire circumstances. Through hot meals following hurricanes in the U.S. and floods in Mexico; food for refugees; and the distribution of nonperishable food supplies for earthquake and volcano victims in places like the Philippines and Guatemala, you help provide relief and end hunger during the darkest times of crisis and disaster.
Business and Livelihood Support
One of the best methods for fighting hunger long into the future is by offering a hand up rather than a hand-out. Through skills training and small business support, you are changing lives for generations to come. Whether it’s a handicraft business in Latin America, a small store in Africa, or one of the many other opportunities available, you are helping families to earn more income to consistently provide food for their children.
Unemployed and Hungry
Unemployment or job loss can be one of the biggest contributors to hunger and food insecurity worldwide. Being unable to work or earn enough income can quickly jeopardize a family’s ability to acquire food. Thus unemployment can be a roadblock to food security. Operation Blessing’s microenterprise programs aim to attack the root causes of food insecurity in many nations around the world.
Food Shortage Caused by Natural Disaster
Few things can cause more disruption to food supplies than a major natural disaster. For instance, after a hurricane, roads are often flooded, power lines are down, and food supplies dwindle very fast. Couple this with supermarket shelves being empty, and you have a food shortage. Operation Blessing deploys staff, trucks, a mobile kitchen, and emergency supplies to provide food in the midst of disaster.
From the Field
Weathering the Storm in the Philippines
Thanks for Stepping Up When Times Get Tough
From Devastation to Hope Through Food Assistance