UNITED STATES – Shelby and LeGrand were surprised and happy when they found out they were having twins. Like so many generations before them starting a family was a source of joy. Also like other generations before them, there are challenges that come with the responsibility of parenthood.
The harsh reality of paying for groceries and baby supplies began to weigh heavily on them. With only one income, the young couple feared they would not be able to feed their children. Due to expenses and the cost of living it is hard enough for a single person to start out in the world. For a young couple with small children, the challenge can seem insurmountable.

Hunger Relief For A Young Couple
Thanks to the generous gifts of friends like you, Operation Blessing was able to provide hunger relief for this young couple. Through the generous support of our partners we were able to provide them with the essential groceries and baby supplies they needed.
When you give, families like theirs are cared for until they’re back on their feet. By providing hunger relief for a young couple, you help them, and their children, get a good start as they build their lives together.