TEXAS – Operation Blessing is on the ground in Brazoria, Texas, where a large hurricane hit just a few days ago. People here are suffering from massive numbers of downed trees and power outages affecting over 50% of the population. We’ve got heat indexes over 100 degrees, and there are very real concerns about people being overheated and dehydrated.
Operation Blessing is responding in numerous ways to this crisis as part of our Hurricane Beryl relief efforts. We have relief loads headed to many different cities in Texas. We have also established contacts with churches in various cities around the disaster zone, and we’re providing them with food and water to help suffering families.
We’re working with the Cajun Navy, Texans on a Mission, and a local church, First Baptist Church in Brazoria. We’re all working seamlessly together to create a relief effort that is really intended to serve the people of this community.

Hurricane Beryl Relief: Preventing Dehydration
The major focus is on cooling people down and making sure that they stay hydrated in these very, very hot temperatures. The intense heat puts many at risk of dehydration.
We ask you at home to pray these people get their electricity back, so they’re no longer facing the danger of overheating. Pray for our volunteers and our Operation Blessing personnel, that we stay safe as we are out in the heat helping these folks. And as always, pray that these people, through this adversity, come closer to God and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Your prayers and your support are incredibly valuable to us, and we truly appreciate that. If you’re able to volunteer, visit https://www.ob.org/disaster-relief/volunteer/ today! We would love to have you here. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, and God bless you.