KENYA – Duncan faithfully serves his community as their pastor. A single adult with no wife or children, he is usually able to support himself as a farmer. But for the past several years, a health problem has disrupted his ministry.
During that period, Duncan struggled with painful growths around his neck and face called keloids. They often itched and swelled, leaking a discharge of pus that caused him even more discomfort and soiled his clothes. People in the community stared at him because of his disfiguring growths. Some even asked invasive and uncomfortable questions.
Because Duncan held a very public position as pastor, he began to feel self-conscious. He lost his confidence, and his self-esteem plummeted. How could he continue to serve God and his congregation with this condition?
He searched for a solution from several hospitals. Doctors advised that he needed surgery and radiation. But his income from farming wouldn’t cover the cost. Instead, Duncan kept struggling day after day with a condition that continued to worsen.
“I wanted so much for the surgery to be done,” he told us. He was able to save a little bit of money from time to time, but it was never enough.

YOU Provided Surgery For Keloids
When our compassionate Operation Blessing family heard about Duncan’s struggles, friends like you wrapped their arms of love around him and gave this beloved pastor the gift of a life-changing surgery—paid in full!
The operation was a game-changer for Duncan. “Now I can go do my day-to-day activities without any worries,” he said. “People don’t look at me so weirdly.” Unforgettable love from friends like you helped heal this pastor with surgery for keloids.
Duncan is grateful for your love and compassion in his time of need. “What you have done in my life is not something to forget. You have really changed my life.”