FLORIDA – Our team is on the move in Florida. As soon as roads opened, the compassion of supporters like you got to work, making its way through the flooded streets with help and hope. Hurricane Ian survivors face long days ahead, but together with Operation Blessing, you can be there to walk them through it.

Connecting with Churches to Offer Hurricane Relief
Facing the devastation head-on, our disaster relief team has already delivered aid from our faithful partners to communities like Naples and Cape Coral. We’re handing out critical supplies like tarps for damaged roofs, generators to sustain those without power, and emergency food and water. Many more communities need the same help. Our teams are traveling across the devastated Florida coast assessing damage and preparing to deliver key supplies to the next communities in need.
The U.S. Disaster Relief Team is actively working with local churches who know the needs in their communities and who are motivated to offer hope to the hopeless. We visited Crosspoint Christian Church of Cape Coral, Florida. There, Lead Pastor Matt Swearingen told us their church was actively praying about how they could make a difference. Their prayers are getting answered as the Operation Blessing family equips them with the supplies their neighbors desperately need to experience God’s love in this difficult time.

Help in Their Hour of Need After Ian
As the team headed onward to hard-hit Ft. Myers, devastation was everywhere: semi-trucks flipped over, gas station canopies bent out of shape, and trees ripped from the ground. This community and others like it were traumatized by hours of sheltering in place during the storm, wondering if their families would make it through safely. And now, all they see around them is ruin. But with your help, they can also see a way forward.
Together, we can help lift the burdens of overwhelmed disaster victims. We can offer a glimpse of better days ahead. Will you give the gift of hope today?