NIGERIA – As tensions filled the air in Nigeria, an Operation Blessing medical team embarked on a grueling 12-hour journey to the little village of Mbak Ekpe. Despite the potential dangers of nationwide protests against the government, they pressed on. They were driven by the support of friends like you and a mission to bring hope to a community in need by providing much needed medical care in Nigeria

When they arrived at Mbak Ekpe Primary School, team members received a warm welcome. The community leader beamed as he shared how thankful his villagers were to have this incredible help. This mission was about more than just medical care—it was about restoring hope.
Then it was time for the work to begin, but not before giving it to God. The team gathered for a morning devotional, seeking strength and guidance for the days ahead. Then they introduced the innovative BackpackEMR technology—specifically created to provide medical records for clinics in rural locales—that would improve local care by allowing physicians and volunteers to focus on what mattered most—caring for patients.
As the team welcomed patient after patient, it quickly became clear what a difference good technology could make, taking quality care to the next level. The registration unit efficiently checked in people via iPads, while nurses recorded vital signs and doctors made informed decisions based on comprehensive patient histories they could access for the first time digitally.

In a temporary surgical theatre, volunteer surgeons performed minor procedures with precision. The lab buzzed with activity as technicians conducted various tests, from malaria screenings to blood sugar tests.
One patient expressed her overwhelming gratitude. “Many of our people have been suffering from different kinds of diseases. So this week we are happy because … so many kinds of medicines were given to them.”
Specialized Medical Care in Nigeria to Fill Multiple Needs
Specialized units offered tailored care to many residents. The pharmacy unit ensured that patients left with medications if prescribed by a doctor. Optometrists checked for conditions like glaucoma and myopia, providing glasses and medication to those in need. And in the dental unit, relieved patients received much-needed extractions and cleanings.

Another beneficiary shared, “It’s not easy in these hard times for somebody to do something like this to help people, so I appreciate it. May God bless you in Jesus’ name.”
Yet your love didn’t stop with physical care. Our team partnered with local pastors who provided comfort through counseling and prayer, sharing good news of hope in Jesus Christ.
For four days, the team worked tirelessly, touching many lives. By the end of the mission, they had treated 378 patients, each one a testament to what your compassion can accomplish for a hurting world.

As the Operation Blessing team prepared to leave Mbak Ekpe, they were thankful as they recalled the joy on so many faces.
Your support made this possible. Through your generosity, you’ve not only provided essential medical care in Nigeria but also rekindled hope in a community. Thank you for being a part of initiatives like these.