Ohio Tornado Survivors Find Hope

OHIO – After the storm, the air hung heavy with an uneasy stillness. The tornado had come and gone through Wapakoneta, Ohio, leaving behind shattered homes, twisted metal, and broken lives. But there, amid the despair that threatened to overwhelm hurting residents, a flicker of hope came to life. For survivors like Robert, a veteran and widower, that hope came in the form of caring strangers—Operation Blessing friends like you. Friends who cared enough to provide Ohio tornado relief to Americans in desperate need.

“I feel like it was a miracle. Because, had I been there, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here now,” Robert said of his narrow escape. “I was lying on my bed, taking a nap, and something woke me up—made me feel like I should get out of my camper.”

Upon returning to the decimated campground he once called home, Robert encountered a surreal scene. “Campers thrown everywhere, debris everywhere, people’s personal belongings everywhere,” he recalled. But even in the face of such loss, Robert felt that there was purpose waiting for him on the other side of his painful circumstances. “I’ve been wondering for years what my purpose is. I believe God has a purpose for me, and that’s why I’m still here. I just believe He has a purpose for all of us.”

Ohio tornado recovery

Restoring Hope Through Ohio Tornado Relief

And it was your generosity that helped make it possible for Robert and other tornado survivors to find freedom from hopelessness. Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team swiftly deployed to Ohio, working tirelessly to help victims start again by providing Ohio tornado relief. Your gifts enabled the team to provide essentials like hot meals and also hotel rooms for those who lost homes. This freed survivors from worrying over their basic needs so they could start piecing their lives back together.

For Robert, the assistance was a godsend. “I’m very grateful to Operation Blessing for giving me a place to stay and bringing me hot meals every day, offering me any care that I need, including spiritual and mental support. It’s just been a wonderful blessing,” he shared.

“I could be sleeping in my car— instead I’m staying in a hotel room.”

He was beyond grateful. “I can’t be thankful enough for everything you guys have done, really, and I really appreciate it. Thank you. And I thank God for you.” Your compassion empowered tornado survivors to rise above their troubles, paving the way for healing and restoration.

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing hope and freedom to hurting Ohioans when they needed it most. Your impact will be felt for years to come.

Recovery After Hurricane Beryl

TEXAS – Disaster relief efforts in Brazoria, Texas brought so much help to families on their road to recovery. Operation Blessing met residents Michael and his wife Cynthia, and they told us how much this help meant to them. While recovery after Hurricane Beryl has been challenging, our volunteers and donors continue to support the hurting through efforts like removing trees, limbs, and other debris scattered by the storm.

Cynthia said, “We don’t have insurance. We don’t have money to pay for tree cutting services. We were so concerned. What were we going to do?” Michael said, “My wife and I are both retired. She’s disabled, and I’m disabled now because I’ve just had major surgery. We were really worried about how we were going to pay for this.”

Hurricane Beryl volunteers in Brazoria Texas

Recovery After Hurricane Beryl Through Debris Cleanup

Through the generous support of our Operation Blessing partners, we were able to remove large downed trees and branches obstructing Michael’s yard. In addition to providing food, water, and supplies, debris cleanup is essential for recovery after Hurricane Beryl.

Michael said, “I was excited about opening the door. And there was Operation Blessing staring at me—a whole group of guys and girls ready to go to work here. That was fabulous!”

Operation Blessing partner and volunteer Clay said, “You know, it really reinforced my faith knowing the money I’m spending is going into the hands of hurting people. And that’s priceless.”

Cynthia said, “Donors that give to Operation Blessing, don’t stop giving—because these people work. They come and they do what needs to be done, and all in the name of Jesus.”

You can help families like Michael and Cynthia recover after Hurricane Beryl by partnering with Operation Blessing today.

Hurricane Beryl Cleanup Efforts

TEXAS – While the storm itself has come and gone, Hurricane Beryl cleanup efforts continue in Brazoria. Operation Blessing met Kymberly Bagwell and her family to offer help after the storm caused damage to her property. “We hadn’t really had a hurricane hit us the way it did. We heard some trees cracking and some noises outside.”

The morning after the storm, Kymberly checked out her property. “It took my breath away. I mean, it was devastating.” She continued, “The first thing I noticed was my chicken coop. It was leaning. It looked completely destroyed. Then I noticed the big tree in the back that completely covered the backyard and all the debris. There were tree limbs down everywhere.”

Now Kymberly was left to cleanup the debris by herself—a daunting and physically strenuous task for the young mother. With her husband working long hours and her time consumed by her children, Kymberly wasn’t sure how her family could start recovery. “I knew it was going to be a process to get everything back to normal, knowing that this was going to take so long to clean up.”

That’s when Operation Blessing stepped in.

massive damage from Hurricane Beryl

Volunteers Help With Hurricane Beryl Cleanup Efforts

Operation Blessing volunteers were there to help with Hurricane Beryl cleanup efforts. Kymberly shared, “I actually met with a gentleman who was telling me that they were offering help for people with their yard that was a disaster.” She was grateful, “All the guys in the blue that you see, they are in my yard helping me and cleaning my yard up.”

Thanks to the generous support of friends like you, Operation Blessing chopped and removed large trees and limbs from her property, making it safer for Kymberly’s family. “You know, my kids, I don’t have to worry about them getting in any of the trees and the limbs and all of that. I’m very thankful for anyone who chooses to donate with Operation Blessing. They are doing the work out of the kindness of their heart.”

You can help even more families like Kymberly’s by partnering with Operation Blessing.

Transforming Lives with Safe Well Water in Guatemala

GUATEMALA – In the heart of a Guatemalan village, Lourdes, a single mother, faced a daily battle for clean water. Her family’s reliance on a hand-dug, shallow well exposed them to water unfit for consumption. Tainted with minerals, it looked and smelled like rust, and it provided anything but safe well water. Despite the risks, Lourdes and her children had no choice but to consume this unsafe water, as well as collect contaminated rainwater.

contaminated shallow well

The Peril of Unclean Water

The dry season made their situation even worse, compelling a 30-minute trek to an alternative source. Unfortunately, this water had an odd taste that her three-year-old, Camila, didn’t like to drink. They would end up with stomach aches and illnesses that Lourdes could only treat with the simplest of remedies — lime water.

A Community’s Cry for Clean Water

The struggle for a basic human need in this community is a reflection of a larger issue faced by many regions in Guatemala. The quest for safe well water is not just about quenching thirst but securing a foundation for health and wellbeing.

family needs clean water in Guatemala

Operation Blessing: Providing Clean Water with a Safe Water Well

Enter Operation Blessing and friends like you, with a mission to not only provide relief but a sustainable solution. We drilled a deep well equipped with a pump capable of filling a 4,000-gallon tank, ensuring that purified water reaches Lourdes and over 80 families in her community.

testing water levels

The Gift of Health And Safe Well Water

Today, Lourdes no longer fears for her children’s health when they sip a glass of water. Thanks to support from friends like you, the gift of clean, purified water from the well has banished the fear of waterborne diseases and brought new hope to the entire village.

fresh water from the well

Lourdes Thanks You For Your Kindness

For families like Lourdes’, this change is not just life-improving — it’s life-saving. Your kindness has touched the lives of 80 families. Thank you for your faithful support.

safe water wells

Freedom From Worry Through Taiwan Earthquake Relief 

TAIWAN – When the ground started trembling, Grandma Mimi panicked. Earthquakes in Taiwan were not unusual, but this one was different. “The ground kept shaking and the children were crying.” She had to act quickly—to keep her family safe. Mimi gathered them all and fled their home in Hualien County, near the Taroko National Park. Outdoors where nothing could fall on them, they would be safer. 

Taiwan earthquake recovery

The 7.4-magnitude earthquake was the largest the nation had seen in 25 years. It damaged buildings and created landslides that trapped hikers in the national park. In an instant, the once-thriving community transformed from a tourist attraction into a ghost town. And local indigenous families—like Mimi’s—lost their only source of income. That is when you stepped in to provide Taiwan earthquake relief.

When Mimi and her family returned home, they saw that water tanks they relied on for their water supply, including their own, had toppled across the community. Mimi’s was damaged beyond repair. How would she be able to care for her extended family—more than 20 loved ones—without access to water?

broken water tank

“So many children to feed, and life is hard right now,” said Mimi. Many of her adult children lost their jobs when local hotels and restaurants closed for repair after the quake.

But Mimi’s family didn’t have to face this tragedy alone. Your compassion sent food and supplies to help them endure the difficult days ahead. After the earthquake, our team worked with local church partners to distribute more than 300 food bags to families in the Taroko community that were struggling to make ends meet. The extra supplies allowed locals to save their money for other needs, like repairs. Your willingness to provide Taiwan earthquake relief helped the survivors recover.

Taiwan earthquake relief donation

Even with the extra help, Mimi couldn’t afford to purchase a new water tank. Our team saw their need and began searching for new tanks, but they encountered a problem—local hardware stores didn’t have enough for the increased demand.

earthquake relief and support charity

Your Support Helped Earthquake Victims in Taiwan

Thanks to your generous support, we didn’t give up on Mimi and other families who had lost access to water. We kept searching and found the answer through another ministry partner in Taiwan. Together, we secured new tanks for these precious families.

The relief Mimi felt was evident on her face. The burden she had carried since that terrifying day lifted from her shoulders. Now she could take care of her loved ones—as she was always meant to do. Thank you for caring for these dear families during their time of greatest need.

helping Taiwan earthquake victims

Helping Hands After Hurricane Beryl

TEXAS – Operation Blessing met Tim and Sharon Fox of Brazoria to hear their account after Hurricane Beryl. Tim shared how they were, “listening to the wind howl and just all of a sudden heard all kinds of banging. And we found out that tree fell on the house. We got up that next morning, and everything just looked like a warzone.”

Sharon said, “I have so much work to do here on a daily basis because my husband is disabled and it’s left to me. And then with this storm, what it added to us is overwhelming.”

clearing hurricane debris

Providing Help After Hurricane Beryl

She continued, tears welling in her eyes, “We needed help. So it’s amazing to have the help.” Thanks to the dedicated support of friends like you, we’ve been helping affected residents clear downed trees from their homes while feeding families suffering from extended power outages and providing water and ice to help keep them cool.

Tim said, “The crew came out and picked up all the limbs and leaves to get our yard back in order—to get our lives back in order.”

Sharon said, “Thank you all so much. Thanks to everybody from Operation Blessing. And thanks all to all the donors who have made it possible for y’all to be here and give up time with your families all to come help us and our families.”

You can help even more families like the Fox’s after Hurricane Beryl when you visit https://www.ob.org/disaster-relief/ today!

In the Absence of Medical Care, a Listening Ear Protects a Life

PERU – At first, it was hardly noticeable—just a suspicion that things weren’t quite right. Nothing that meant her symptoms were anything more than the subtle signs of aging, Juana assured herself.

And, in the absence of medical care in her remote community in Peru, Juana chose to ignore it. “Many times, due to the limited resources we have, we cannot go to the city to receive medical care,” she told us. So she never had a medical professional she could voice her concerns to.

Living in the close-knit but poverty-stricken community of San José, Juana and her husband are hardworking and stoic. Juana’s days are dedicated to caring for her household and supporting her husband, who works tirelessly to provide for their needs.

But her symptoms grew worse, which troubled the usually resilient woman. When she heard that an Operation Blessing medical brigade was coming to San José, she immediately planned to attend. Finally, Juana realized, she’d be able to tell a medical professional about her symptoms—and find out what was wrong. This was a pleasant alternative to daily life in the absence of medical care in San José, Peru.

absence of medical care in Peru

Thanks to friends like you, our front-line health promoters journey to remote villages where medical care is hard to reach—bringing vital help and information to those in need. In so many poor, rural communities, these volunteers provide lifesaving basic care to local families for injuries, illness, pregnancy, and more.

And that’s exactly what happened with Juana because of your love and care. After medical tests were performed, she was surprised to learn the cause of her symptoms: diabetes. The condition could have been life-threatening if it had gone undetected. Thankful for the support you helped provide, Juana embarked on a journey to wellness—armed with medication, advice, and a newfound awareness of her health.

Juana was so grateful to finally have answers. “Fortunately, I was able to come today to participate in the medical brigade because I was already feeling some discomfort,” she told us. “Thank God this medical brigade was carried out in my community!”

And thank you for providing vital medical care to people in need.

Peru Medical Care

 Overcoming Food Scarcity with a Chicken Business

GUATEMALA – Delfina lives with her three children in Guatemala. Her husband works as a farm laborer when he can find work, but the family struggled just to survive. There never seemed to be enough food for them to eat. Overcoming food scarcity proved nearly impossible. For them, hunger pangs and sadness often took the place of meals.

Her son Derek said, “My classmates told me that they’d eat cereal and eggs. I wanted that, but we couldn’t afford it.”

food scarcity challenges

Delfina tried to help out with the family income as much as she could during harvest season. She said, “Women do not earn much. Depending on the job, we earn about $5 a day.”

When she and her husband can’t find work, the whole family suffered. With tears trickling down her cheeks, she said, “Some days my kids ask me, is there even an egg or bread? I couldn’t give them anything because I didn’t have it for them.”

Derek said, “I want to eat chicken and try other foods.”

A Chicken Business Helps a Family Overcome Food Scarcity

Then Operation Blessing visited Delfina and invited her to take part in a chicken project. After her training, we gave her a shed, feed, and 195 chickens to start a poultry and egg business. She said, “My kids are happy. My daughter loves scrambled eggs, and now I can give them to her. I’m so happy.”

Derek said, “Thank you with all my heart for helping us. Because now we will have a better life.” Thank you for making this microenterprise possible and for helping a family live without hunger!

Triumph Over Bullying Due to Cleft Lip: Lik’s Journey

CAMBODIA – In a small village in Cambodia, a young boy named Lik faced a world of adversity simply because he was born with a cleft lip. His brother Heng, a kind and devoted sibling, experienced firsthand the heartache that comes from seeing a loved one bullied and ostracized. However, through the incredible generosity of Operation Blessing partners, Lik’s story becomes one of hope and healing. This journey ended with triumph over bullying and poor health due to cleft lip because of YOUR kindness.

The Plight of a Child with Cleft Lip in Cambodia

Lik’s condition, although correctable, posed health risks and proved a significant challenge for his loving family. He struggled to eat, and they didn’t have money to buy milk for him. There were adults in the community who were rude to Lik and his brother for no other reason than Lik’s cleft lip. The family desperately wanted Lik to get surgery to avoid the cruel stigma children faced. This was not possible due to the financial burden of cleft lip surgery.

The cost of the surgery was beyond their modest means, as Lik’s parents toiled daily earning mere dollars through fruit selling and fishing. The cruelty of bullying compounded their despair, making the need for surgery not just a matter of health, but also of dignity.

Changing Lives with a Single Operation

For families like Lik’s, the dream of cleft lip surgery was not even possible. However, Operation Blessing partners help provide surgery to families that cannot afford it. Operation Blessing is a charity with a heart to help others in a number of ways. One of those ways is by providing life-changing surgeries in different parts of the world. The reason for this mission is simple: these kinds of surgeries change lives and reshape futures.

Operation Blessing’s Biggest Strength: Our Partners

Through the generous contributions of partners like you, Operation Blessing can make lasting change in the lives of children like Lik. Because of our partners, Lik was able to get cleft lip surgery. This is an example of how our partners directly impact lives, offering children like Lik a chance at a normal life. The surgery grants a fresh start and paves the way for a future where Lik is not facing bullying due to cleft lip. A future without mistreatment due to a condition out of his control.

A Future Free from Bullying Due to Cleft Lip

Post-surgery, Lik’s weight gain and increased vitality are visible testaments to the success of the procedure. Heng’s joy is obvious as he shares the playground with a brother who wakes up eager to play, no longer hindered by a cleft lip. Heng can look to the future with relief knowing that Lik is free from a future threatened by bullying and poor health due to cleft lip. Thank you for making this surgery possible!

Feeding Hurricane Survivors In Texas

TEXAS – Operation Blessing is still bringing relief after Hurricane Beryl devastated the small community of Brazoria. We continue to see improvements in the power outages. Little by little residents are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. But there are still many needs in this area. One major need is meals for hurricane survivors.

A big part of Operation Blessing’s hurricane relief efforts often involve feeding hurricane survivors. This can mean everything from providing ready-to-eat meals to operating a full mobile kitchen. Thanks to compassionate friends like you, we provide hot meals for survivors who may not have power or even a kitchen. To people who are in shock after a storm like Hurricane Beryl, it can mean a lot.

Feeding Hurricane Survivors With Hot Food Operations

Local resident Dede said, “We lost all of our food due to the power outage. And payday’s not until next week, so just a little bit helps.”

We started our hot food operations with the use of a small mobile kitchen, and it successfully transitioned into the local elementary school kitchen. This gave us the ability to expand the number of meals we are able to provide to those who need them. Local resident John Marc said, “I feel blessed, and I can’t believe y’all are here.” Thank you for you support that allows us to keep feeding hurricane survivors in Texas.

For the next part of our relief, debris cleanup, WE NEED YOU!

If you have the ability to give us a morning and afternoon, or even to stay overnight, we have the work for you. You can help even more families like Dede and John Marc when you visit www.ob.org/volunteer today!

hurricane volunteers in Texas