A Miracle Baby in China

CHINA – Although Zifan’s parents were ecstatic to learn they were expecting their first child, they despaired when they learned Zifan had something terribly wrong with his heart. The doctors told them that without an expensive operation, the child would die right after birth.

Surgery was out of reach for Zifan. His family is part of the oppressed Muslim population in China, and his father’s income as a restaurant worker could never cover the cost. While this story started as a tragedy, the ending was very different. What looked like heartbreak would soon become the story of a miracle baby in China.

family in China needs help

With such a grim diagnosis, Zifan’s mother was advised not to carry her pregnancy to term. “But I remember an ultrasound where I heard his heartbeat,” she said. “And when he kicked, it seemed he was telling me, ‘Mom, I’m strong. You should be strong, too!'” Providentially, a woman met the worried parents and told them about Operation Blessing—and your compassion made it possible to provide the surgery that repaired Zifan’s heart.

But I remember an ultrasound where I heard his heartbeat,” she said. “And when he kicked, it seemed he was telling me, ‘Mom, I’m strong. You should be strong, too!'”

child surgery in China

Showing the Love of Christ to a Muslim Couple in China

This jubilant Muslim couple was astonished that Christians would come to their aid. “I didn’t expect a Christian lady who was completely different from us to help,” Zifan’s mother said. “But she was very warmhearted.” Through this, you helped to share the love of Christ with their family as well.

helping a family in China

Seeing sweet little Zifan bustling about these days, smiling with delight as he plays happily, you’d never know his birth—and health—had ever been in doubt. This miracle baby in China has brought so much joy to his grateful parents, and it’s all thanks to caring, compassionate people like you!

Celebrating Mothers!

PERU – Meet Ruth, a loving young wife and mother who devotes herself to her family and caring for her farm animals in a remote village of Peru. Under normal circumstances, she might not have had the time or resources to travel and seek prenatal care. But thanks to friends like you, Operation Blessing brought care and guidance right to her and other expecting mothers in her area.

Prenatal Training for Expecting Mothers

She received prenatal training and an ultrasound at no cost. As her firstborn is a boy, she was excited to learn her second child would be a healthy girl. After Ruth’s daughter was born, you also blessed her with a wonderful packet of baby supplies. Overjoyed, Ruth said, “We thank Operation Blessing and all the people who make this kind of help possible.”

Providing Texas Flood Relief for Devastated Communities

TEXAS – In the wake of catastrophic flooding that has overwhelmed vast areas of Texas, Operation Blessing is on the ground, providing essential relief and support to affected residents. The relentless rain, which some authorities say has been worse than Hurricane Harvey, has turned streets into rivers, submerging vehicles and homes and leaving families in desperate need of assistance.

Partnering with Local Churches for Texas Flood Relief

Operation Blessing has partnered with Hi-Way Tabernacle Church in Cleveland, Texas, to distribute more than 14 tons of critical relief supplies, including emergency meal kits, clean water, and home cleanup buckets. Pastor Stokes of Hi-Way Tabernacle Church has witnessed the devastation firsthand. “It was horrible,” he said. “The waters began to go up—record highs, way above Hurricane Harvey. We started getting heavy rain here, and the water had nowhere to go, and homes were being flooded; people couldn’t get out.”

Providing Emergency Supplies and Assessing Further Needs

In addition to providing emergency supplies, Operation Blessing staff are assessing the needs of the affected communities to determine where else they can help. Pastor Stokes emphasized the importance of the relief efforts, saying, “We’ve got meals to get them by for a few days, water for a few days, and supplies to clean for a few days, and then they’ll come back.”

Texas Flood Damage

The Impact of Compassionate Giving

The support of compassionate friends like you is making a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the Texas floods. Pastor Stokes expressed his gratitude, stating, “Your gift is working directly with people that are standing there wondering ‘how do I rebuild my life?’ So, God bless you as you donate and sow seed and give—it’s touching the lives of people who will see Christ in that gift.”

How You Can Help Texas Flood Victims

Operation Blessing continues to work tirelessly to provide Texas flood relief and support to those in need. By donating to the relief efforts, you can help provide essential supplies, food, water, and assistance to families who have lost so much.

Your support can make a life-changing difference for those affected by the catastrophic flooding in central Texas. Together, we can share God’s love and bring hope to hurting families in their time of need.

Texas flood relief

New Well Provides Refreshment for a Mother’s Soul

KENYA – Laingeso poured the fresh cool water you helped provide over her children’s heads. She recalled how clean, fresh, and satisfying the water from their new well now tasted on her lips. She smiled, maybe even laughed. Thankfully, her children—Khoboso (3) and Thuleyo (10 months)—would be spared the agony she had endured for far too long.

clean water in Kenya

Laingeso’s life had been a constant battle for clean water. It could have been tragic if wonderful friends like you had not intervened. Her family relies on water to drink, cook, and keep their livestock—their primary source of income—alive. They often traveled from place to place just to find enough of this precious resource for their thirsty goats, cattle, and camels. But the recent drought in the Marsabit region of Kenya had dried up most of their watering holes.

They settled with about 430 other families in the Korr villages to endure the worst. Every day, women and children had to carry two or three jerrycans several miles to gather water from an old borehole well in Tubcha. It left little time for other chores and earning additional income.

“It would often take me a whole day to get the water,” Laingeso told us. The water was salty and made cooking difficult. It also caused urinary problems for her family. But she never gave up hope for a better future for her children. “I have always prayed that God will bring us water closer.”

borehole well

Refreshment from a New Well

God heard her prayers and answered through generous supporters like you! Your love and compassion came to her rescue and helped build a new deep borehole well that provided fresh, clean water to Laingeso, her children, and the 430 families in the Korr villages.

Your generosity also blessed each of the four communities with bathrooms and hand-washing stations. Residents learned about safe sanitation practices so they can create healthier habits that will help prevent further infection and disease.

charity for clean water

Laingeso couldn’t contain her joy. “When we tasted this water for the first time, everyone in the village was so excited as the water was fresh, clean and very satisfying.” She added, “Now we fetch water from the taps and go to the bathroom and shower comfortably and there is also the privacy to shower.”

Through this water system and new well, friends like you changed the lives of these communities for now—and for generations to come. “If there was something we could give to show our gratitude, we would, but now only our words and our smiles can express the gratitude in our hearts,” said Laingeso. “May you be blessed, and may the Lord reward your generosity.

Kenya clean water system

Overcoming Bullying From Cleft Lip

CAMBODIA – In the lush, remote villages of Cambodia, a young boy named Keara faced a challenge that extended beyond the typical trials of childhood. Born with a cleft lip, Keara’s condition was more than a medical issue—it was a source of social isolation and bullying.

bullying from cleft lip

A Cleft Lip’s Impact: More Than Cosmetic

For four-year-old Keara, the cleft lip was not just a physical ailment; it was a barrier to acceptance among his peers. His father, Saene, noticed his son’s growing self-consciousness and desire to change. Keara’s own brother felt the sting of the cruel taunts hurled at him. It brought him to tears and angered him.

The Stigma of Cleft: Battling Bullying From Cleft Lip

Children in the village would call Keara ‘arche’, the local term for ‘cleft boy’, and would sometimes resort to physical aggression. This bullying had a profound effect on Keara, so much so that his mother feared for his future, worrying about the psychological toll this could take as he grew older.

Hope on the Horizon: Operation Blessing Provides Help

The turning point for Keara came when a local pastor introduced his family to Operation Blessing. Thanks to the generosity of donors, Keara was taken to a city hospital for free surgery to repair his cleft lip. The success of the operation was more than a physical repair—it was a restoration of hope, dignity, and a future free from the fear of social ostracism.

Post-Surgery: A Future Without Bullying

The transformation post-surgery was profound. Keara’s lip, once a source of scorn, now reflected the beauty of a child’s innocent smile. The village’s perception shifted, and the taunts ceased. Keara’s parents, overwhelmed with gratitude, no longer had to worry about the heavy burden of surgery costs or their son’s wellbeing.

Your Kindness Helps in So Many Ways

Your kindness did more than just physically heal Keara. You helped his emotional well being as well. The cruel taunts over his lip have stopped. This has not just brought relief to him, but peace to his family. Thank you for your heart to care for others! Please continue to support surgeries that can change lives.

healed from bullying

Operation Blessing Responds to Catastrophic Flooding in Texas and Brazil

TEXAS & BRAZIL – In recent weeks, catastrophic flooding has devastated communities across Texas and Brazil, leaving countless families in desperate need of assistance. Operation Blessing is on the ground in both regions, providing critical relief supplies and support to those affected by these unprecedented floods.

Brazil Flooding
Texas Flooding

Catastrophic Flooding in Texas

In Texas, nearly two months of heavy rainfall led to severe flash flooding, inundating streets and submerging vehicles and homes. Some authorities have stated that this storm event has been worse than Hurricane Harvey. The rainfall plunged roadways underwater and forced rivers to overflow, leading to evacuations and water rescues. Hundreds of homes and businesses have flooded, and many school districts have canceled classes due to the dangerous conditions.

Operation Blessing, in partnership with Hi-Way Tabernacle Church in Cleveland, Texas, is responding by providing more than 14 tons of essential relief supplies, including emergency meal kits, clean water, and disaster cleanup kits. Operation Blessing staff are also assessing the needs of the affected communities to determine where else they can provide assistance.

Worst Flooding on Record in Brazil

Meanwhile, in Brazil, the city of Porto Alegre experienced the worst flooding on record, with some areas receiving as much as 17.5 feet of water. The torrential rains caused landslides, collapsed bridges, and washed-out roads, resulting in at least 83 fatalities and forcing 115,000 people from their homes.

State Governor Eduardo Leite emphasized the severity of the situation, stating, “I repeat and insist: the devastation to which we are being subjected is unprecedented.” He added that the state will need a “kind of ‘Marshall Plan’ to be rebuilt.”

With more than 800,000 people now cut off from water supply, Operation Blessing’s international disaster relief team is preparing to provide clean water to those in need through partnerships with local churches. Our team also plans to distribute solar lamps and potentially food due to widespread power outages.

Supporting Flood Victims

As families in Texas and Brazil grapple with the aftermath of these catastrophic floods, Operation Blessing is committed to providing critical assistance and support. Relief staff are working tirelessly to assess the needs of the affected communities and deliver essential relief supplies to those who need them most. And you can help!

We’re dedicated to helping flood victims together in this challenging time. Through local partnerships and the help of friends like you, we will bring hope and relief to the countless families affected by these catastrophic flooding events.

Love and Hope in the Midst of Tragedy in Ukraine

UKRAINE – Life changed dramatically for Marina and her family in Ukraine on the fateful day of February 24, 2022, when Russia attacked. She told us, “The first day of the massive war brought numerous casualties to our town of Vugledar, widespread destruction of homes, terrifying siren sounds, and an icy fear for the lives of our two children.” Such is the plight of many fighting to survive the tragedy in Ukraine.

Marina couldn’t bring herself to abandon her husband, Arthur, who served in the army near their city. Instead, she and her sons, Maxim (16) and Vadim (7), along with several others, huddled in a bomb shelter as explosions thundered and shook the ground. Forced to use water that came from puddles and melted snow, they would strain it through cotton and boil it to try and make it safe.

Sometimes Marina would run to her nearby apartment to cook food, but once as she was rushing back with hot soup in one hand and boiling water in the other, a rocket landed close by her. She said, “The explosion scattered the soup from the shock wave, and I fell. Wounded and covered in blood and hot soup, I … realized I had miraculously survived.”

After that, Arthur insisted she evacuate with the children. Marina gave Arthur a slip of paper with the Lord’s Prayer written on it, and he asked her to pray for him.

As she fled the area with her two boys, shells exploded around them and shrapnel hit their car. The boys huddled on the floorboards in terror. From that point on, much of what occurred remains hazy to Marina. They did find shelter in a safer area of Ukraine. Although traumatized, eventually she began to experience some peace and a bit of happiness.

But even that was torn away when she learned her husband had been killed in the war. She could barely identify his ravaged body, except for the slip of paper containing the Lord’s Prayer, which he still had on his person.


These were dark days indeed for Marina and her boys. But during this time you made a huge difference in their lives.

You demonstrate God’s love by reaching out to comfort the brokenhearted with hope, help, and healing in times of tragedy. Marina said, “Every day, the Operation Blessing team works to ensure that places for refugees have bread and food and that people do not go hungry.”

That’s only possible because of wonderful friends like you!

Showing Kindness Amidst the Tragedy in Ukraine

At the shelter run by our partner organization and supplied by caring people like you, Marina has found herself surrounded by the prayers and encouragement of Christian believers. This has kept her sane. During a worship service she decided to receive water baptism, which she feels marked the beginning of a new life for her and her children.

baptism in Ukraine

Since then, she has learned that Arthur died a hero while saving another man. And knowing that Arthur still kept the Lord’s Prayer with him during his last moments offers her assurance that she will be reunited with him someday in heaven. Isn’t it touching to know that you helped make this beautiful story possible? That’s why we’re so incredibly thankful for you.


Marina’s story is still ongoing—as is the war in Ukraine. Thanks to wonderful donors like you, we’re able to reach out to Ukrainian refugees with aid, support, and encouragement. And for those who remain in the war-torn nation, we provide vital supplies that have kept them alive—like fuel for warmth, essential food items, homemade bread, hot meals for the elderly and those injured in the war, and even Christmas presents for the children.

Over two years have passed since the war began in Ukraine. But let’s not recall these years merely as just a time of tragedy and violence; let’s also remember them as years when God’s love shone brightly through you to bless those in the most desperate need!

overcoming tragedy in Ukraine

Nebraska Tornadoes: The Road to Recovery

NEBRASKA – In the midst of the devastation following the EF3 tornado that tore through Blair, Nebraska, stories of hope and resilience have begun to surface. As Operation Blessing continues its efforts to support the Nebraska recovery process, the impact of friends like you is becoming increasingly evident in the lives of survivors like Steven, a local veteran whose property suffered significant damage during the tornado.

Providing Critical Aid to Tornado Survivors

Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team has been working hand in hand with volunteers and local residents to provide essential resources and manpower for the cleanup and rebuilding efforts. For survivors like Steven, who often face overwhelming challenges and limited resources in the aftermath of such a disaster, this support has been crucial.

Steven expressed his gratitude for Operation Blessing’s assistance, saying, “They all just showed up and started helping. It was just so overwhelming. And then the volunteers started coming. There’s so much stuff going on in the world now, it kind of makes you feel good to know there’s still good people out there.”

Generosity Makes a Life-Changing Difference

Thanks to compassionate supporters, Operation Blessing was able to clear dangerous debris and replace tarps on Steven’s roof at no cost to him, offering a glimmer of hope through the chaos. This tangible assistance has been vital for tornado survivors like Steven, allowing them to take the first steps towards rebuilding their lives.

Heartland Tornado Support

Operation Blessing Continues Supporting Nebraska Recovery Efforts

As the Nebraska recovery efforts progress, Operation Blessing remains dedicated to supporting impacted communities and helping them start again.

The road to recovery may be long, but the residents of Blair are working hard to come back from this, and people like you help us give them the support they need. We’re offering hope for all those affected by this devastating tornado outbreak. Together, we can help Nebraska come back stronger.

tornado damage

Hope for the Heartland: Nebraska Tornado Response

NEBRASKA – Multiple tornadoes, including a powerful EF-3, recently ravaged the Central U.S., hitting portions of Nebraska. They left a trail of destruction in their wake. The largest twister caused catastrophic damage in suburban areas near Omaha, shredding trees, flipping cars, and reducing homes to rubble. Amidst the chaos and devastation, Operation Blessing, as part of their Nebraska tornado response, is on the ground, providing much-needed relief to the affected communities.

Immediate Response and Debris Clearing

As soon as the tornadoes subsided, Operation Blessing’s relief staff sprang into action. They quickly began assisting homeowners in clearing debris, a crucial first step in the recovery process. Joe of Elkhorn, Nebraska, recounted the terrifying experience of the storm ravaging his community. “The house started shaking, we could hear the wood cracking and breaking, the windows breaking,” Joe recalled. “Pretty soon it was all over, and we came up.”

Setting Up a Base of Operations

To effectively serve the people of Nebraska, Operation Blessing has established a base of operations in Blair, just outside of Omaha. This strategic location allows us to reach those who desperately need our help in the aftermath of the tornadoes. From here, we can coordinate our relief efforts, distribute essential supplies, and provide support to the affected families.

Rebuilding Lives, One Home at a Time

Joe Zeifel’s family suffered roof damage, broken windows, and the total loss of his outbuildings. “Operation Blessing is helping me to rebuild the barn for our animals that was lost,” Joe expressed his gratitude for the assistance. “It’s going to be a temporary shelter, but it’s a shelter for the animals. So that’s what they’re helping us to do today.”

The outpouring of support from volunteers and friends like you has been a huge blessing for those impacted by the tornadoes. “All the people have come to help. It’s just overwhelming and it’s just amazing you cannot thank them enough, you know, a lot of them you don’t even know, you’ll never see again. But they’re willing to come out and help,” Joe shared.

Nebraska tornado response damage

Your Support Makes a Difference

When you partner with Operation Blessing, your contributions become a lifeline for families like Joe’s, providing them with the tangible relief they so desperately need. Your generosity helps jumpstart their road to recovery, offering hope amidst the devastation.

As Operation Blessing continues its Nebraska tornado response, your support is vital in helping rebuild lives and restore hope to these resilient communities. Together, we can make a lasting impact and stand beside those in need during their most challenging times.

damage after tornado

Tornadoes Rip Through the Heartland

UNITED STATES – Over the weekend, more than 100 tornadoes tore through the heartland of the U.S., ripping apart communities, homes, and lives in Nebraska, Iowa, Texas, and Oklahoma. As a result heartland tornado victims are in need of support.

Reports are still coming in, but it’s clear that these storms left unimaginable destruction and despair in their wake, as well as several deaths. Right now, our hearts are aching for those affected by this tragedy.

We immediately deployed a team to the affected areas in Nebraska and nearby Iowa to offer disaster relief and support. We’re currently on the ground in Nebraska helping with clean up and repair efforts.

Operation Blessing is committed to standing with heartland tornado victims during this difficult time. But we can’t do it alone. Will you join with us and help those who are hurting? 

Your support is crucial in enabling us to extend our reach and provide assistance to as many struggling community members as possible. Your generosity will offer hope, healing, and restoration to people who are suffering. We also ask that you please pray for our relief team, and for the all those affected by these terrible storms. 

Providing Support for Heartland Tornado Victims

Together, through the power of prayer and compassion, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of shattered people in the heartland of the U.S. Thank you for your unwavering support and solidarity during this critical time. Stay safe, and God bless you.  

Heartland Tornado Donation