Bringing Water and Hope to Taiwan Earthquake Victims

TAIWAN – When a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan, it triggered massive landslides and left a trail of destruction in its wake. Among the hardest hit areas was Taroko in Hualien County. There, Taiwan earthquake victims found themselves without access to clean water due to damaged water tanks. For residents like 52-year-old Lai Lijing, who relies on these tanks for her daily water needs, the situation was dire.

“The ground shook,” Lai recounted. “I woke up, and everything on my desk fell over. When my younger brother came, I told him what happened to the water at the back. My brother ran to check and saw that the water tower was broken. So, he turned off all the main switches.”

Challenges Faced by Taiwan Earthquake Victims

Lai found herself in a difficult position; she is physically challenged and mainly lives on government assistance. Affording a new water tank seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. “I don’t have any income,” she explained. “If I really want to buy it, I can only save a little and wait for a long time.”

To make matters worse, the demand for water tanks following the earthquake was high, and the supply was low. That made it even harder for affected families to acquire the necessary equipment.

unable to afford a new water tank

Operation Blessing’s Taiwan Earthquake Response

Recognizing the urgent need, Operation Blessing swiftly responded. Our team partnered with the Chinese Christian Relief Association (CCRA) to address the water crisis in the aftermath. Thanks to the generous support of compassionate friends like you, Operation Blessing was able to procure nine water tanks for nine households in need, including one for Lai.

Your kindness and generosity have made a tangible difference in the lives of these earthquake survivors, providing them with access to clean water and restoring a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

Your Compassion Makes a Difference

Lai expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the support she received: “Thank you for donating this water tower for my home. Thank you very much!”

Your unwavering support enables Operation Blessing to respond swiftly to disasters worldwide, bringing hope and relief to those who need it most. By being a hero to survivors like Lai, you are making a profound impact on their lives and helping them rebuild in the wake of terrible hardship.

As Operation Blessing continues to respond to disasters worldwide, your ongoing support is crucial in ensuring that no one is left behind. Together, we can restore hope and bring lasting change to communities devastated by natural disasters.

working with community partner

Neighbors and Heroes: A Story of Recovery in Slidell, LA

LOUISIANA – In the wake of a powerful EF-2 tornado that left many Slidell, Louisiana residents reeling, Operation Blessing swiftly responded to provide critical assistance and support. The devastating storm struck with little warning, leaving behind a trail of hazardous debris and widespread property damage.

“We had no time to prepare,” said one resident about the twister. “I mean it was there, and it was gone. I was here for Katrina, but this seems to be more damaging than Katrina was.”

Community Pillar Dane Prioritizes Neighbors’ Needs

Among those impacted was Dane, a former Marine and motorcycle enthusiast who has been a beacon of support for his community since moving to the area. Known for his generosity and willingness to lend a helping hand, Dane’s neighbors respected him greatly.

“Dane is one of a kind,” shared a neighbor. “When Dane moved into the neighborhood, he was immediately like friends with everybody. He made himself known.”

Operation Blessing Teams Provide Relief and Hope

With the generous support of our Operation Blessing family, our disaster relief team visited the damaged homes to remove debris and offer hope. Dane, true to his character, prioritized his neighbors’ needs even before his own home.

“Operation Blessing came and asked me if I knew anybody who needed help, and I was like, ‘Yeah, my neighbors,'” Dane explained. “I said, ‘You know, they need help.'”

tornado volunteers

Slidell Tornado Assistance Extends to Essential Supplies and Repairs

Operation Blessing provided water, food, and other essential supplies to Dane’s neighbors. Our team then returned to ensure Dane’s own needs were met as well.

“I really didn’t expect that,” Dane shared. “I was hoping that my neighbors could get some help, and they really came through. They bought all of the material and actually helped me put my fence back together and saved me and my disabled brother from having to do it; it really was a blessing.”

Support and Prayers Make a Difference in Disaster Recovery

In times of disaster, it is the generosity of friends like you that enables Operation Blessing to help families and neighbors take their first steps towards recovery. Whether through volunteering, giving financially, or offering prayers, your contributions make a significant difference.

“If you can pray for Operation Blessing and you’re an intercessor and you don’t have anything other to offer than that, that’s the best,” Dane emphasized. “I get excited, and people are like, ‘Why are you excited? Your house just got hit by a tornado.’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, but wait till you see what God does with this mess, because He’s going to come through. You just have to wait.'”

Slidell recovery

Provide Hope to Slidell Tornado Victims!

Together, we can continue to bring hope and restoration to disaster victims as they navigate the challenges of rebuilding their lives. Thank you for your compassion and support. To donate to disaster relief, click below or visit

A Helping Hand for Slidell Tornado Victims

LOUISIANA – After a sudden twister tore through their town, Slidell tornado victims were forced to deal with the damage. Residents like Linda recounted the helpless feelings she and her husband felt. “I would just love to walk away and not look back,” she said. They needed friends like you to offer help and hope in their time of need.

Though Linda and her husband were unharmed by the storm, their property took a beating. Large fallen trees and debris littered their yard. As retirees, the couple didn’t know what to do. “My gosh, how are we gonna get through this?” Linda thought.

Providing Support for Slidell Tornado Victims

But Operation Blessing supporters like you didn’t let Linda and her husband deal with this burden alone! You sent a team of hardworking staff and volunteers to clean up their property. The team got to work clearing heavy debris from their yard, restoring hope for the couple. “I bawled,” said Linda with tears in her eyes. “They have a good name, Operation Blessing, because that’s what they are. They are our heroes!” Thank you for showing love to Slidell tornado victims like Linda and her husband.

tornado relief

You Can Help Disaster Victims!

More people still desperately need help, and you can be a lifeline for them. Partner with us to help the hurting. When disaster strikes, your partnership makes all the difference. To support disaster survivors, visit

Today, Davina Can Run Without Rickets

NIGERIA – It hurts to be judged before people really know you. Young Davina knew this all too well, as her severely bowed legs brought attention to her like a neon sign—but that didn’t dampen her spirits. This sweet 5-year-old girl was born with a condition called rickets, which made her legs misshapen. But she just kept moving, overcoming the difficulties she faced with an infectious smile and a passion for life.

charity help to afford surgery for Rickets

The Difficulty of Movement with Rickets

Full of energy, she loves to dance and doesn’t shy away from playing soccer and other games with friends. But it’s hard to stay on your feet when your legs won’t cooperate. She often ended up on the ground, battered and bruised. In fact, most days it hurt her just to get up and walk, but there was too much life to live for Davina to stay down. And while she might have come home with bruises, she got out there and tried her best to be part of the action.

This became all the harder, however, when people singled her out or ridiculed her. Davina’s mother, Saratu, shared, “Some days ago someone described my house by telling someone it was ‘the house with the girl who has bowed legs,’ and this made me cry.”

Aside from her condition, life was already challenging for Davina, her siblings, and her widowed mother. Her father had been sick and bedridden for two years, and then he passed away. Being ill for so long, he was unable to set them up for a life without his provision. Since he died, their family has barely survived on the support of others.

free from Rickets

Unable to Afford Surgery

Living in a small, underdeveloped town in Nigeria created even more obstacles for the family. Their area is out of the government eye and has very weak infrastructure—particularly where healthcare is concerned. It would have taken a miracle for Davina’s family to even access the facilities and physicians needed to give her corrective surgery—and that’s if they could have afforded it. Surgery to repair Davina’s legs was just one of many impossible dreams—until now.

God made a way, thanks to you! When our Nigerian surgery coordinator named Eyen met Davina, he knew there was hope for this precious girl. Because of your compassion, he and the rest of our life-changing surgeries team were able to connect Davina with skilled physicians and provide her with corrective surgery free of charge. Thanks to you, we were also able to be by Davina’s side throughout the process, to support and encourage and answer any questions.

Rickets surgery

Free from Rickets.. Because of You

Davina came through wonderfully, and her surgery turned out to be a tremendous success! Today, her legs are beautifully straight and she is free from rickets! She’s able to run and play with freedom and grace, and her future is looking bright— because you help make miracles happen.

“Thank you,” Saratu said, “for fixing my daughter’s legs. I have always dreaded the cost of having the corrective surgery for Davina. Right now, I am overwhelmed with joy, and I pray that God will greatly multiply Operation Blessing for the show of love.”

Davina Rickets recovery

Standing with Louisiana: Slidell Tornado Relief

LOUISIANA – On April 10th, a powerful EF-2 tornado tore through Slidell, Louisiana. The tornado, with winds reaching 115-125 mph, damaged homes, businesses, and infrastructure, leaving residents in desperate need of assistance. Operation Blessing quickly mobilized its disaster relief team to respond to the crisis.

Volunteers and Staff Offer Help and Hope to Affected Communities

Operation Blessing’s relief staff arrived on the scene to assess the damage and provide immediate assistance to tornado victims in partnership with local Louisiana volunteers. Teams have been working diligently to remove downed trees and debris from properties, allowing residents to begin the process of rebuilding their lives.

Offering Support to Tornado Victims

In addition to the physical support, Operation Blessing has been providing emotional and spiritual support to the tornado victims. Team members have been offering prayer and a glimpse of God’s love to those who have been affected by this devastating event, reminding them that they are not alone during this challenging time.

Assessing the Full Extent of the Damage in Slidell and Surrounding Areas

The Slidell tornado was part of a larger severe weather system that brought torrential rains, damaging winds, large hail, and the threat of additional tornadoes across the Gulf Coast states over multiple days. Louisiana Governor Landry toured the impacted areas in Slidell to assess the damage caused by the EF-2 tornado, underscoring the severity of the situation. As the full extent of the damage is still being evaluated, it is clear that the Slidell community will require ongoing support and assistance in the coming weeks.

Thanks to friends like you, our team is there for the people of Louisiana, helping residents clean up debris, remove fallen trees, and assist in any way we can to get them through these devastating times.

slidell tornado relief help

You Can Help Disaster Victims!

Would you please reach out and give a special gift to help disaster victims in this difficult time? You can be a light in that darkness, providing the love, support, and encouragement they need. Find out how when you visit or today!

Breaking Tradition from Water Scarcity in the Best Sort of Way

PERU – Elvis trudged along the dusty path with a heavy jug slung across his slender 11-year-old frame. The sun hung high in the sky outside the village of Llinquipata as Elvis and his father began the difficult walk to collect water. Beads of sweat already trickled down Elvis’s forehead. But father and son pressed on for this essential resource their family so desperately needed. Water scarcity and struggle were all Elvis and his family had ever known.

Unfortunately, the journey to fetch water was a ritual of suffering that Elvis’s family and the community of Llinquipata had endured for generations. The remote village relied on either collecting water that ran off their tin roofs during the rainy season or on long treks for water. Elvis often undertook the exhausting journey to collect water from distant wells. The water had a distinct odor and yellowish hue. So even a successful trip came with limited reward.

Overcoming Water Scarcity with a Water Treatment System

But now, thanks to the generosity of donors like you, a new day has emerged for Elvis and his neighbors in Llinquipata. They’ve received a state-of-the-art, solar-powered water system. And the people of this remote village no longer struggle with water scarcity.

The innovative solution you helped provide includes a treatment system and an elevated tank to store clean water. A network of pipes brings this precious resource directly to the homes in the community. This eliminates the crippling journey to fetch water from dirty wells forever! The added blessing of bathrooms with biodigester toilets has given each family the power to protect their health like never before.

The End of the Generational Struggle for Clean Water

Previously, Elvis had grown up witnessing the generational struggle for clean water that had defined the lives of people like his mother, Rute. Now, donors like you have given this young boy the opportunity to become part of a historic turning point that has shattered the tradition of water scarcity. One thing is certain for Elvis, his family, and the surrounding community of Llinquipata. Some traditions deserve to be broken.

“My family and I are overjoyed,” Rute said. “We used to have to strain the water we carried to utilize it. Now, thanks to Operation Blessing, we have water very close to us, and the water has been filtered and purified. … We are really grateful for this help and blessing we received.”

A Season of Growth for Indonesian Chili Farmers Thanks to You

INDONESIA – Working in the agriculture industry can bring a great harvest, or it can be filled with insurmountable challenges and pitfalls. Countless variables have to come together just right in order for crops to flourish. Natural factors beyond our control such as the weather, grade of soil, and animals looking for a snack—combined with other challenges like lack of proper tools and poor economic standing—can all interfere with the quality of the harvest for an Indonesian chili farmer.

Indonesian Chili Farmers in remote areas are all too familiar with these challenges. However, thanks to your dedication to helping people in vulnerable communities, a group of farmers in Indonesia recently received the needed support to significantly improve their crops.

Mr. Radianus is a chili farmer in the rural community of Bawamataluo. His crop provided his primary source of income. Needless to say, when his harvest didn’t produce a high yield, he was devastated. He grew desperate for his situation to change.

Thankfully, Operation Blessing heard about his dilemma and knew how to help. Because of your generosity, Mr. Radianus and other chili pepper farmers in similar situations were given quality seedlings and new farming equipment to get their crops going strong. As the seedlings grew, so did their hope for the future.

Helping Indonesian chili farmers

Training for Indonesian Chili Farmers

In addition to seeds and tools, you provided the farmers with training on how to nurture the crop to help improve the yield at harvest time. We also moved the gardening location of Mr. Radianus and the group to a secure spot, where the farmers could look out for each other.

A fresh start was exactly what Mr. Radianus needed. Now that he’s in a safer location, equipped with new tools and expanded knowledge, his crop flourished, and he reported that his income increased. He and the other farmers are planning to expand their crops soon.

Operation Blessing’s support of the farmers is one example of how you empower others through microenterprise. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, and we’re so grateful that you help make these miracles happen.

The Miracle of Giving Food… When Food Prices Are Soaring

VIRGINIA – “This is just a rough patch, and I know it’s passing,” said Zine from Virginia, trying to stay positive. That’s just who Zine is. But right now, times are tough. Food prices are soaring, and hard-working people like Zine are struggling to make ends meet. When money got tight, Zine was thankful to find relief through your love and support and the food pantry at Bethel Worship Center Church International, a ministry partner of Operation Blessing.

charity helping the hungry

Twenty years ago, Zine moved from South Africa to the United States. Over time, she noticed others in need all around her and wanted to help, so she left a well-paying job as a delivery specialist to establish a group home in Virginia for people with mental disabilities. Even with a financial plan, she saw the COVID pandemic slow her progress and dwindle her reserve.

During this time, because of your support, she didn’t have the burden of paying for her own groceries weighing on her. Instead, she was able to focus on those in need. “I can devote my day to working in the business,” she said. “It just gives me a lot of peace.”

“There are a lot of needy families who need food.”

hungry in Virginia

When Food Prices Are Soaring Needy Families Need YOU

Zine often picked up extra groceries for neighbors who were not able to travel to the food pantry and even brought back some cake for the children who lived next door. “There are a lot of needy families who need food,” she told us. “You get a lot of fresh food here, fresh vegetables and milk. This is really useful to someone who isn’t getting a lot of protein.”

Your generosity made all that possible. Thanks to you, Operation Blessing is able to provide food so that food pantries like this one and others across the country can continue providing groceries to Zine and many others.

“It’s bringing comfort,” said Sabrina, who runs the pantry at Bethel Worship Center Church with her mother. “The food makes a difference in the finances at home because they can comfortably make a decision to pay the light bill and not be hungry.” And the quality of the food you provide is something Sabrina says she would serve to her own family.

help when food prices are soaring due to inflation

“The money is going straight to the communities—people you see in the grocery store, people that you see at church, they are direct recipients of the donations,” Sabrina told us. “Seeing another human receiving something they need, it just gives me joy.”

The compassion her whole staff has for helping others pours over to the people they meet, including Zine. Every time Zine visited the food pantry, she felt your love in action. “When I look into the women and men’s eyes, I see the face of God.”

Today, Zine is working toward becoming financially independent and no longer needs assistance from the food pantry. She is doing what she loves—caring for others in her group home.

Senegal Microenterprise: A Pathway from Loss to Livelihood

SENEGAL – In Senegal, the journey from the grief to self-sufficiency was a testament of resilience and of your unwavering support. Astou and her sisters faced the unimaginable: the loss of both parents. This nightmare left them grappling with uncertainty and the looming threat of poverty. Yet, your support turned tragedy into triumph. Your kindness helped transform despair into a Senegal microenterprise that supports this family.

Chicken Rearing Microenterprise: Sustenance and Schooling

For Astou, the challenge was to take care of her sisters as she grieved. She felt overwhelmed by the responsibility. The family now had no choice but find a way to support themselves. Even before your helping hand, the sisters tried to support themselves.  Their initial foray into entrepreneurship—harvesting baobab leaves and selling ice cream and juice—demonstrated their determination. However, despite their hard work, they could not make enough to live. Then hunger set in. But you were there to be a light to these young women. Your support of this microenterprise would help give them hope.

Battling Poverty in Senegal: The Role of Microenterprise

Now Astou and her sisters found themselves in a heart breaking situation. They were trying to survive but facing poverty and hunger at every turn. This type of nightmare can drain anyone of hope. But partners like you know the power of generosity and how it can help others overcome difficult circumstances.

Your support allowed Operation Blessing to help set up Astou’s chicken business. Because of you, Operation Blessing was able to provide the resources and training she needed.  This simple act of generosity helped Astou battle poverty. The profits from this endeavor did more than just ensure food on their table; it reinstated hope and education into their lives. With earnings from the chicken business, all the sisters returned to school.

Gratitude and Growth: The Impact of a Senegal Microenterprise

Today, Astou’s story is not just one of survival but of triumph. The support from the microenterprise program didn’t just alleviate their immediate needs, but equipped them with tools for a sustainable future. Astou sends you her gratitude. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Please continue to help us help people support themselves.

Providing Water Tanks to Taiwan Earthquake Survivors

TAIWAN- The horrible earthquake that struck near Hualien, Taiwan, left a trail of destruction affecting many people. Among the hardest hit were the Taroko tribe, an aboriginal group living near the now-closed Taroko National Park. The quake not only damaged buildings and triggered landslides but also destroyed the water tanks that many families relied on for their daily water needs.

An Operation Blessing team on the ground quickly identified the urgent need for new water tanks among the Taiwan survivors in the Taroko community. Many families’ tanks were completely destroyed, leaving them without reliable access to clean water.

Mimi’s Story: Taiwan Survivors Struggling Without Water Tanks

Mimi, a 63-year-old grandmother and member of the Taroko tribe, shared her harrowing experience during the earthquake: “I didn’t know what to do because the ground kept shaking and the children were crying.” When her family returned home after fleeing for safety, they found their water tanks destroyed beyond repair.

Taiwan survivors

For Mimi’s extended family of 20 people, a functioning water tank is essential for daily life. To make matters worse, many of her children worked in hotels located within Taroko National Park before it was forced to close due to earthquake damage. The loss of income has made it even more challenging for these Taiwan survivors to afford a new water tank on their own.

Providing Water Tanks to Taiwan Survivors Amid Local Shortages

As our team sought to provide replacements for the damaged water tanks, we encountered a new challenge: a shortage of water tanks at local hardware providers. But the support of friends like you enabled the team to keep going and work with local partners to secure a supplier and initiate the process of delivering new water tanks to Taiwan survivors like Mimi’s family.

taiwan survivor story

Your Support Brings Hope to Taiwan Survivors

In the face of such devastating losses, your support can make a world of difference for Taiwan survivors like Mimi and her family.

Together, we can demonstrate God’s love and provision for Taiwan survivors during this challenging time. Thank you for considering a gift to support Operation Blessing’s mission to provide relief for disaster victims.