Aid for Taiwan Communities Devastated by Earthquake Damage

TAIWAN- Residents are in crisis after a massive earthquake struck off the Taiwan coast less than a week ago—damaging over 100 buildings, ruining critical infrastructure, and leaving hundreds injured.

Dozens remain trapped in the rubble fighting for their lives as rescuers work frantically to save them. Tragically, the crisis is far from over as powerful aftershocks—some as strong as magnitude 6.5—have continued to rattle the region and threatened to cause even more destruction.

Taiwan earthquake damage

Rapid Response to Deliver Critical Relief

In the aftermath of the disaster, Operation Blessing quickly mobilized to provide critical aid to the affected communities. Our teams on the ground are working closely with local partners to assess the needs of earthquake survivors and deliver assistance to those who need it most.

Focusing on the Most Vulnerable Amid Ongoing Threats

As violent aftershocks continue, Operation Blessing is focusing on reaching the most vulnerable populations impacted by the earthquake damage. This includes seniors and families in aboriginal villages where many homes were severely damaged or destroyed.

Operation Blessing staff are meeting with disaster management officials to coordinate relief efforts and ensure aid reaches those in desperate need. We are already purchasing emergency food supplies and other essential items for distribution to hard-hit communities.

Taiwan Earthquake Devastation

Long-Term Commitment to Recovery and Restoration

While Taiwan’s strict building codes thankfully prevented an even greater catastrophe, the earthquake damage and impact have left many families reeling from the loss of their homes and livelihoods. The road to recovery will be long, but Operation Blessing is committed to walking alongside these communities.

Our teams are providing not only material support but also emotional care to those traumatized by the disaster. We know that rebuilding lives and communities takes time, and we are dedicated to being a source of hope and support for as long as it takes. Will you join us?

Ohio Tornado Survivor Shares His Heart

OHIO – A devastating tornado tore through communities in Wapakoneta, Ohio, leaving several homes destroyed. Displaced locals like veteran and widower Robert Williams felt blessed to be alive. Robert said, “I feel like it was a miracle, because, had I been home, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here now.”

Ohio Tornado Survivor

“I can’t be thankful enough for everything you guys have done…Thank you. And I thank God for you.”

Surviving the Ohio Tornado

Robert shared the traumatic experience. “Well, I was laying on my bed, taking a nap, and something woke me up, made me feel like I should get out of my camper.” Though he narrowly escaped the tornado, when Robert came home, he found that the entire campground where he lived was destroyed. He said there were, “Campers thrown everywhere, debris everywhere, people’s personal belongings everywhere.”

tornado damage in Ohio

Since Robert survived, he is beyond grateful and trying to trust God will turn this situation towards his good. “I believe God has a purpose for me, and that’s why I’m still here. I just believe he has a purpose for all of us.”

Friends Like You Were There for Him

Operation Blessing deployed the disaster relief team to Ohio to help those in need. With the generous support of friends like you, the team was able to give displaced families a place to stay in hotels and food to meet their daily needs.

Robert said, “I’m very grateful to Operation Blessing for giving me a place to stay and bringing me hot meals every day, offering me any care that I need from a place to stay to spiritual to mental. It’s just been a wonderful blessing. I can’t thank them enough.”

His conclusion was sobering: “I could be sleeping in my car, but instead I’m staying in a nice hotel room. I’m getting meals every day. I can’t be thankful enough for everything you guys have done, and I really appreciate it. Thank you.”

Responding to Devastating Taiwan Earthquake

TAIWAN- On April 3rd, a powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck eastern Taiwan, causing widespread damage and loss of life. The Taiwan earthquake, which was the strongest to hit the area in 25 years, left at least 9 people dead and over 300 injured. As the people of Taiwan grapple with the aftermath of this disaster, Operation Blessing is responding to provide critical aid and support to those in need.

Powerful 7.4 Magnitude Taiwan Earthquake Devastates Region

The earthquake caused significant damage across the Hualien and Taitung regions, with buildings collapsed, roads and bridges damaged, and power outages affecting hundreds of thousands. According to CNBC, “Television showed buildings in the eastern city of Hualien shaken off their foundations. Islandwide train service was suspended, as was subway service in Taipei.”

Operation Blessing’s International Disaster Relief Team Deploys to Affected Areas

In the face of this devastation, Operation Blessing is sending its international disaster relief team to the affected areas to assess the damage and provide essential assistance. Our teams will work tirelessly to deliver critical supplies and resources to help earthquake survivors as they begin the long process of recovery.

Your Compassionate Support Can Make a Difference

Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te tweeted, “Our response efforts are in full swing to address the aftermath of today’s earthquake in Taiwan. The outpouring of global support is uplifting & deeply appreciated.” Operation Blessing is proud to help you join this global response, standing alongside the people of Taiwan in their time of need.

As a compassionate supporter, you can play a vital role in our relief efforts. Your generous donation will enable us to provide essential items to earthquake survivors. Together, we can be a lifeline to those who have lost so much and help them rebuild their lives.

Feature photo used with permission from Creative Commons (source here).

Heart Surgery for Young Adrian

EL SALVADOR – In El Salvador, a young heart beats stronger now, thanks to your kindness that helped provide heart surgery to a young boy in need. Three-year-old Adrian’s story is a powerful testament to what kindness and dedication can accomplish.

Because he was born with a heart murmur, it was clear this young boy would face challenges. He had a hole in his heart. Sadly, his parents were faced with the terrifying reality that their son would need surgery. Without child heart surgery, their son could lose his battle with this risky and complicated condition. However, since they could not afford surgery, what could they do?

wages cannot pay for surgery

The Weight of a Heartbeat: Adrian’s Challenge

hole in heart

Adrian’s mother, Alexandra, recalls the overwhelming fear upon learning of her son’s condition. The financial difficulty to afford the much-needed surgery caused a constant heartache, casting a shadow of despair over the family. Adrian’s fatigue and rapidly racing heart were distressing signs of his struggle. Imagine if your child was sick and you knew they needed help. Now, imagine if you had no way to help them.

A Brother’s Prayer: Alejandro’s Hope for Adrian

As Adrian’s health hung in the balance, his older brother, Alejandro, turned to prayer. His innocent prayers were a moving plea for his brother’s healing. This is when you came along and made the difference. You became the hands and feet of Christ to give this family hope.

praying for resources for surgery

Operation Blessing: A Beacon of Hope After Child Heart Surgery in El Salvador

Hope arrived when Adrian was referred to a heart hospital, supported by Operation Blessing. Your commitment to helping sick children allowed Adrian to undergo the life-saving operation at no cost to his family. After surgery, life was very different for young Adrian. He emerged not only healthy, but also full of life. Think of the joy this brought to his family.

Your Generosity Is Reshaping Lives One Family at a Time

Today, Adrian plays without restraint, free from the heart problems that once threatened his life. His family’s gratitude knows no bounds. They marvel at the kindness YOU showed when you donated to make Adrian’s surgery possible. The success of Adrian’s surgery is a beacon of what you can do. It shows the positive impact of charitable giving on families facing the impossible choice between financial ruin and their child’s health.

healed from heart problems in El Salvador

Why Stop Now – Change the World One Step at a Time

The story of Adrian and his family is a reminder that helping even one child can impact the world. Think of all the prayers that you helped answer when you decided to be a blessing. You heard the call and you decided to change this young boy’s life for the better. Thank you for all you do! Help us continue to show families like Adrian’s the love of Christ by supporting these surgeries!

child heart surgery is a success

Making a Home with Help from New Friends During Hard Times

VIRGINIA – Hard times can prove challenging for any family, even more so for those who have recently relocated far away from their family and friends. That’s what Nicole and her husband, Oscar, discovered when they moved recently to Norfolk, Virginia. Since the move, finances have been tight for their small family. Oscar takes on whatever construction jobs he can find, and he’s pretty versatile. “I do everything I can,” he said, “from building a house to electrical. Everything.”

Nevertheless, Nicole told us, “It’s hard to make ends meet. After bills are paid, it’s hard to find the funds to get food.”

“It’s hard to make ends meet. After bills are paid, it’s hard to find the funds to get food.”

facing hard times in Virginia

So she was delighted to hear about the food bank at nearby New Hope Christian Community Center, an Operation Blessing partner organization that you help keep supplied. She can’t say enough about what’s available through this outreach. “It’s good quality. There’s always a bunch of fruits and vegetables. There’s good meat, and even little snacks for my daughter. I’m never disappointed when I come in.”

Helping Families During Hard Times

The food you help provide has a profound impact on families facing hard times. Nicole says it’s “incredible” that friends like you are aiding people who need help. “It just makes the quality of life better. It helps us get through day by day.”

overcoming hard times in Norfolk Virginia

Critical partnerships like the one we have with New Hope allow us to deliver aid where and when it’s needed most—and make your thoughtful donations work as hard as possible. We’re told that recent reductions in government programs have led to a drastic increase in New Hope’s food recipients. Military families, single moms or dads, elderly couples, young adults, teenagers living on the street—all are welcome.

Nicole wishes more people knew about this outreach. “It means everything just to be able to provide and feed our children and ourselves. Thank you so much. … You all are doing incredible work!” As a cherished partner, your kindness and compassion are making a world of difference— whether you’re feeding hungry families on the other side of the globe, or right here at home.

Virginia Hunger

Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Indigenous Communities in Mexico

MEXICO – In the remote indigenous communities of Mexico, families like Manuela’s face a daily struggle for safe water. Their reliance on distant contaminated small pools is not only exhausting but poses serious health risks, especially to children. They desperately need sustainable clean water solutions.

Can You Imagine If Your Children Had To Drink THIS Water?

In the United States it would be considered inhumane, even cruel, to allow someone to drink the water Manuela’s children have had to drink. The consequences of consuming this dirty water are appalling. Manuela’s children suffered from vomiting, stomach aches, and diarrhea, illnesses born of necessity and a lack of options. And if that was not bad enough, they had to make a long trek to get more of this water, all while recovering from what it did to them previously! But you cared enough to help mothers like Manuela.

dirty water in Mexico

The Gift of Clean Water: Your Kindness Reached Out To Help Manuela’s Children

Your donations were used by Operation Blessing to help transform their suffering. Each household in Manuela’s community received a transformative gift—a rainwater harvesting system capable of collecting, storing, and purifying up to 1,300 gallons of water. This simple yet innovative method captures, stores, and purifies rainwater, offering a beacon of hope for communities grappling with water scarcity.

Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Solution for Clean Water

Operation Blessing’s goal to install a rainwater harvesting system has been a blessing for Manuela’s family and other families in her community. Children who once fell ill due to contaminated water now enjoy a life free from waterborne diseases, thanks to the support from generous donors.

rainwater clean water solution

Water Management Education: Sustaining the Change

The benefits of rainwater harvesting extend beyond immediate access to clean water. By training families in water management and conservation, especially crucial during the dry season, the initiative ensures long-term sustainability. It’s not just about surviving but thriving, with clean water as the cornerstone of community health and well-being.

Education and Empowerment

Beyond the provision of equipment for a rainwater harvesting system, Operation Blessing ensured that the community was equipped with the knowledge to manage and conserve water, a vital skill during the unforgiving dry season. This education marked a pivotal shift towards sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Your Impact on Villages Like Manuela’s

Manuela’s story is just one among many, highlighting the stark reality of water issues in Mexico and the profound difference that rainwater harvesting can make. It is also a story of what YOU can do. With your support we changed the lives of an entire village. We also were able to do it in a way that is environmentally friendly and cost effective.

Please continue to make these blessings possible as we help people in need! Help provide clean water in Mexico and multiple places around the globe.

rainwater harvesting water solutions

Hope for Traumatized Victims of War In Israel

ISRAEL – Jovelle is alone now—because terrorists took her husband’s life. “He didn’t even see our son,” she said, weeping. “It was only three weeks before my due date.” Jovelle is now one of many traumatized victims of war in Israel, trying to piece their lives back together after the attack.

On October 7, Hamas militants invaded Israel near the Gaza Strip, brutally murdering civilians without mercy. One of their victims was Jovelle’s husband, a Filipino national named Paul. And she received the heart-wrenching news just before she was about to give birth to their son.

“It’s been a long time since we dreamed of having a child— ten years,” shared Jovelle as she spoke with an Operation Blessing counselor.

“At first, I didn’t believe it. I said that I wanted to see my husband— they only showed me pictures. He was unrecognizable,” she said, wiping away her tears. “I only identified him through his tattoo, which is my name.”

Now, Jovelle will try her best to raise their new son without him.

charity helping Israel war victims

Trauma Counseling For Victims of War In Israel

But she hasn’t been alone through this experience—because friends like you are there. Operation Blessing helped provide trauma counseling for Israel war victims to assist Jovelle in processing her grief. And she received special love and comfort from our team on the ground, who also happened to be from her home nation of the Philippines.

Our relief teams and CBN Israel have been working together since the war began to help some of the nearly 2 million people who have fled the conflict zone in Israel. When war broke out suddenly all around them, families like Jovelle’s had no choice but to flee for their lives. They had no time to pack; they just had to run. A tale very common among Israel war survivors.

help for survivors of Israel terror attacks

Today, our team is working with displaced people in the city of Eilat, four hours from Jerusalem. There, we’ve been providing families with shelter in local hotels along with food, clean water, and hygiene supplies. And for the traumatized souls who are willing, we’ve helped offer psychological support.

Jovelle opened her heart to us, and we responded with encouragement and a warm embrace. You also provided diapers, formula, milk, and other baby supplies to help her have a great start with her new baby. Our team was able to rejoice with her to see the new life God brought out of such darkness and pain. And we’re thankful to you for your part in it.

Help for Israel war survivors

Bringing Tornado Relief to Ohio

OHIO – A powerful storm system spawned deadly tornadoes that ravaged communities across the Midwest, especially in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. The twisters left a path of destruction, claiming lives and damaging homes, businesses, and an RV park. After all they’ve been through, families in Ohio need our help.

Team Deployed to Hard-Hit Ohio

Operation Blessing immediately deployed to Wapakoneta, Ohio, one of the areas heavily impacted by the tornadoes. Our disaster relief team is on the ground, facilitating tornado relief to Ohio by providing immediate supplies for those in desperate need. Our mobile kitchen is also there, serving hot meals to residents struggling in the aftermath.

Many homes and businesses were severely damaged or destroyed, leaving families without basic necessities. Closed establishments and widespread power outages have made it extremely difficult for people to access food, water, and other critical supplies.

Assessing Widespread Damage

The recent storm system proved devastating for the Indian Lake area in Ohio’s Logan County. At least three people lost their lives in the state, with dozens more injured. An entire mobile home park was leveled, and multiple buildings suffered catastrophic damage including shattered windows, partially ripped-off roofs, and punctured walls.

To help, we’ve hosted a community cleanup day where we coordinated volunteers to remove debris and downed trees, bringing some sense of restoration to the ravaged region. Our teams also continue to assess damages to determine the best way we can bring tornado relief to Ohio and focus on areas of greatest need.

Housing Homeless Families

With many families now made temporarily homeless by the destruction of their property, the relief team has also seen a unique need we can meet. We determined which families were most in need of assistance in partnership with our partner Wapak Church and will be providing them with temporary lodging in local establishments. We intend to give them 30 days of relief through this effort. Together, we can help hurting families have a save space to plan for an uncertain future!

Friends Like YOU Can Help!

In the wake of such widespread devastation, the affected Ohio communities face tremendous challenges. But they don’t have to go through this alone.

Your generous support allowed Operation Blessing to be there from the very start with emergency relief supplies and hot meals. As the recovery efforts continue, we’ll be there to share your love with hurting families in their time of need.

Thank you for your compassionate heart. Please remember to pray for those who are suffering after this tragic event.

You Brought Healing in the Wake of Hurricane Otis Destruction

MEXICO – In the midst of Hurricane Otis destruction, families in Acapulco found themselves struggling to survive the devastation caused by the Category 5 storm. Parents tried to protect their children from sickness while also grappling with the loss of nearly everything they owned. Thanks to the invaluable support of caring donors like you, stories of healing and renewed hope have emerged from the eye of the storm.

Hurricane Survivors Get Help from the Operation Blessing Medical Brigade

Pregnant with her sixth child, Rosa faced the terrifying reality of trying to safeguard her family as Hurricane Otis tore off the roof over their heads. After a few days, the family returned to the ruined remains of their home—where they became sick after sleeping on damp beds. That’s when your love stepped in and made all the difference for Rosa’s family. Because of the support of faithful donors like you, an Operation Blessing medical brigade was ready and waiting to provide Rosa’s children with much-needed attention.

Rosa was also given an ultrasound, providing a reassuring glimpse at her unborn baby. 

Elsewhere in Acapulco, Laura’s two young daughters, Mikeyla and Itzy, developed coughs, headaches, and fevers—all aggravated by the dust, heat, and constant exposure to sun and burning garbage after the hurricane. You helped to provide medical care when this family needed it most! Your support became a lifeline and supplied the family with medicines and a renewed sense of hope.

“Operation Blessing has been a big relief and has renewed the hope of people like me, who don’t have the resources to care for our children,” Laura said. “Having health, we have the possibility of getting ahead.”

More Families Receive Help and Hope

But the miracle of your compassion doesn’t end there. Vanessa, a first-time mother, and her 7-month-old baby, Iris, faced the hurricane’s relentless winds as their home was stripped away, leaving them exposed to the elements and frightened. When Iris developed a persistent cough, Vanessa was desperate for medical assistance. Through your support and Operation Blessing’s medical brigade, a family doctor provided Iris with medication, offering relief beyond measure.

Amaya, a 4-year-old girl, suffered a facial injury after being knocked over by a dog during the cleanup efforts. Her father, Oscar, discovered Operation Blessing’s medical brigade and little Amaya received immediate care, easing her parents’ worries and highlighting the role you have played during this critical time.

And 4-year-old José Luis and his family lost their roof during the powerful storm. Struggling with drastic temperature changes, José Luis developed a troublesome respiratory problem. His parents, Azucena and José, searched for health clinics or pharmacies in vain until they heard about Operation Blessing’s medical brigade at a nearby church. Soon after, José Luis received the treatment he needed, and his father even obtained medicine for his diabetes. “We had been looking everywhere and couldn’t find help,” said José Luis’s mother. “Thank you for being here and offering this aid. We really needed it!”

Hurricane Otis Recovery was made possible by YOU

These powerful stories display the profound impact you have made in the wake of Hurricane Otis. Your faithful support has brought healing and helped build a brighter future for families facing a long and difficult hurricane recovery. Immediate medical needs have been met and a spark of hope ignited in the hearts of families in Acapulco—thanks to you!

Hurricane Otis Victim

You Are Making a World of Difference with Clean Water Solutions

WORLDWIDE – Did you know that through your partnership with Operation Blessing you are making a world of difference with sustainable water solutions. All around the globe, you are changing lives every day, and one of the amazing ways you’re doing this is through clean water. Today we’d like to introduce you to a few of the people who’ve had their lives transformed thanks to your love and care.

Transforming The Lives Of School Children With Sustainable Water Solutions

The struggle to access water—even dirty water—is common in rural villages around the world. Without a reliable supply of clean drinking water, entire families remain entrenched in poverty, unable to focus on anything except basic survival. But your generosity is reaching into mountain valleys, jungles, and deserts to make a difference for generations to come with sustainable water solutions.

Tucked away in the remote mountains of Costa Rica, children like Geovania (age 11) walk for up to an hour through the Palmera Indigenous Reserve just to get to school. The path is rocky. Many children have to cross rivers, which swell with heavy rains, and they can encounter dangerous snakes along the way. When they finally arrive, imagine their disappointment when school is cancelled because there is no water—a journey wasted.

clean water solutions

“In the summer, the river dries up, but in the heavy rainy season, the hose is damaged,” Geovania’s mother, Lucrecia, explains. “If there is no water, they can’t cook, they can’t drink, and the children go back home.” Without classes, the more than 60 students who attend there don’t learn enough to pass their exams.

The problem of drinking water access had been an ongoing one for the elementary school in Palmera Reserve. Sometimes parents came to help their children collect untreated water from a stream three miles away in order to keep the school open. “I was sad to miss my classes,” Geovania told us.

“I would like the school to have water, to study and learn.”

 Friends like you answered her plea! Our compassionate Operation Blessing donors provided a rainwater catchment system that could collect and store more than 5,000 gallons of rainwater. Enough water would then be cleaned, filtered, and pumped to the school to cover the basic needs of 100 teachers, students, and visitors. And the rainwater harvesting system would keep the school open!

You are giving hope, comfort, and joy to so many in their darkest hours and paving the way for a brighter future through the gift of clean water. 

Bringing Hope For Future Generations With Safe Drinking Water

On the other side of the world, Neelmuni raised livestock on a small piece of land in India. The closest source of water was the river a half-mile away—only accessible by a treacherous path through fields and jungles. Sometimes, she made the trip three or four times a day in the subtropical heat to collect enough water for her family and animals. During the rainy season, the ground became slick, and the water she brought home was full of silt. 

The journey was tiring and difficult, Neelmuni didn’t ask for help. Her husband, frequently weakened by tuberculosis, was not strong enough to travel and Neelmuni insisted her two sons focus on their education.

When your love supplied a water pump to Neelmuni’s community, she couldn’t contain her joy. Neelmuni would no longer have to make the long journey to the river several times each day and her sons would never have to endure to what she did to access clean drinking water for their own families someday.

Offering Comfort To Those In Need With Clean Water Solutions

After a deadly earthquake struck Morocco, families in small villages struggled to climb out of the rubble and rebuild their lives. Residents like Khadija were afraid to drink the water for fear that it might have become contaminated. The damage from a major disaster often disrupts clean water access to victims.

Your generous support brought much-needed food, tents, clothing, and hygiene supplies to the suffering people in Morocco. But you didn’t stop there. Your kindness also alleviated Khadija’s fears by providing portable water filters. These people no longer have to worry about drinking dirty water, thanks to clean water solutions from you!

water access