Fighting Food Insecurity in America with Faith

Deidre and her husband Stacy valued their faith and family above all else. In fact, Stacy wanted to spend more time with his family. He accepted a new job that allowed him to do this. Unfortunately, he soon discovered the job didn’t pay enough to cover their expenses. This is the situation facing far too many families fighting food insecurity in America.

Thankfully, Stacy’s strong faith in God helped him make it through the struggle.  He told us, “I was still trusting God. I was still saying ‘You’re working it out for the good, and I’m trusting You. I am looking for positions. You got this God.’”

Facing Food Insecurity in America

Even though both Stacy and Deidre were working–her full-time as a teacher–they could not pay all their bills. For many, this nightmare of working multiple jobs and still being unable to afford necessities leads to food insecurity. Trapped in the struggle, Deidre and Stacy needed help.

Deidre talked with us about the challenges she and so many Americans face. However, the stress of the situation did not diminish her faith in God. She summed up her patient resolve when she said, “Just making ends meet. Being able to pay bills on time. You know I just kind of trusted that God would provide for us.”

And of course…God did!

God Provides Through You and a Local Partner

That is when Stacey and Deidre discovered an Operation Blessing partner that helps people facing food insecurity. Kingdom Investing Outreach Center helps provide food so families do not have to go without nutritious groceries when they cannot earn enough to pay all their bills. The center is one of multiple hunger relief partners that Operation Blessing supplies with food to help people who cannot afford the basics, and it’s all because of your support.

Stacy was grateful for your generosity. With a full heart Stacy said, “They gave a lot of love. They just make you feel right at home. And I shared this with my family. We were all excited. The kids were excited. It’s a blessing to see they are getting everything they need when it comes to their eating.”

The Need for Nutritious Food

Many American families cannot provide all the food their family needs to be healthy. Your giving and partnership helps to change that, one family at a time. Your dedication helps combat this type of poverty and give hope to so many facing similar circumstances. For Stacy and Deidre it made a huge difference.

And God did not stop there! He also provided a new job for Stacy—a job that is paving the way for a better future.

Deidre and Stacy’s faith has remained strong through the ordeal. She said she’s, “so grateful that there is always hope no matter the situation. God is like, ‘stay focused on me,’ because the God of the universe can do anything.”

need for nutritious food

Partnership Makes This Possible

The fact that you care makes this possible. You are the hands and feet of Christ. Your giving and faithful dedication put food on the table for people who are doing everything they can to survive.

Thank you for making a difference.

Wildfire Medical Relief: A Mission of Healing in Chile

CHILE – In the aftermath of Chile’s devastating wildfires, the charred landscape of Miraflores near Valparaiso is a stark reminder of the disaster’s wrath. Amidst this desolation, Operation Blessing stands as a beacon of hope, delivering vital wildfire medical relief to affected communities grappling with loss and the daunting task of recovery.

Operation Blessing’s Medical Tent: A Haven in the Ashes

Gustavo Angel, the OB Medical Director, has been ministering medical assistance with a dedicated team to residents who have faced the fires’ fury. The community’s resilience is palpable as families, having lost nearly everything, return to their land to confront the reality of their razed homes and begin the arduous process of rebuilding.

medical aid for wildfire victims

Wildfire Medical Relief Amidst Recovery

The medical tent established by Operation Blessing is more than just a structure; it’s a symbol of care and support, providing first-level medical care, essential medicines, wound care, and health therapies. For those living out in the open, vulnerable to the conditions wrought by the fire, this medical support is a lifeline.

Comfort Food and Community Support

Diego Traverso, Director of International Disaster Relief, brings updates from a food truck serving hot meals to families. In collaboration with Youth With a Mission from Santiago, the team provides not just sustenance but also a sense of normalcy through comfort food, allowing families to nourish their bodies and spirits as they continue the hard work of cleaning and rebuilding.

The Difference YOU Are Making

Operation Blessing is committed to remaining in the region, extending their stay to support the ministries and churches actively working in the field. The success of these relief efforts hinges on the generosity of those who support Operation Blessing’s mission, enabling them to offer assistance where it’s needed most. The difference you are making cannot be said enough. Your prayers, contributions, and endless support stands as a light to people who have lost everything. Thank you for such a heart to help people in need and show them the love of Christ. Please continue to support our wildfire relief efforts in Chile.

Please continue to support our efforts and help heartbroken but grateful disaster survivors. Visit and continue to bless the wildfire victims in Chile!

care for Chile wildfire victims

Helping Holocaust Survivors During War in Israel

ISRAEL – For anyone, undergoing a nonstop barrage of rocket fire would be shattering. Losing your home to the assault would be almost unthinkable. Being attacked while seeking haven in a bomb shelter would be shocking. But imagine if you had to endure such devastation as a Holocaust survivor—having endured incredible trauma already—without your sight?

Relief for Blind Victims of War in Israel

Since October 7, Operation Blessing has been traveling to many parts of Israel, helping people affected by the ongoing war, especially vulnerable people like those who are displaced, recent immigrants, and those who struggle with blindness.

Thanks to the generosity of partners like you, we met many of the most urgent needs of these hurting people—distributing thousands of food boxes, along with hygiene products, and seasonal clothing.

helping a holocaust survivor in Israel

Meet Sofia: a Holocaust Survivor

One of the precious people we had the opportunity to meet was Sofia, a Holocaust survivor. She went blind at an early age, when Germany bombed Stalingrad during World War II. But this didn’t stop her from teaching piano to blind children over the years, something that gave her so much joy. She gratefully accepted the food and other products you helped provide to assist her through this disorienting time.

helping a holocaust survivor

Spreading Joy with Hot Meals

At the Jewish Institute for the Blind in Jerusalem, thanks to your support we partnered with a caterer to prepare hot meals for many evacuees there who are blind and visually impaired.

Spreading Joy with Hot Meals

Right now, these people are relying on the assistance of the Institute for their daily meals and other needs. Since the government provides breakfast and dinner, CBN Israel and Operation Blessing joined forces to supply lunch, not only to the shelter but also to other places where internally displaced families now reside. And this is all because you care!

As those at the institute like to say, “The heart sees more than the eyes can ever imagine.” At Operation Blessing, as you so regularly demonstrate, a heart of compassion is key. We so appreciate your loving heart!

help for vulnerable people in Israel

The broad reach of Operation Blessing’s impact is only possible when friends like you continue to support families during crisis. Your kindness helps bring hope to some of Israel’s most vulnerable populations. Would you give a special gift to help people in crisis at

Chile Wildfire Relief: The Road to Recovery

CHILE – In an unprecedented crisis that devastated the coastal city of Viña del Mar, residents experienced a disaster as swift as it was damaging. Within moments, a wildfire engulfed the beautiful landscape. Chile wildfire relief efforts now face the monumental task of addressing the immediate needs and fostering the long-term recovery of the affected communities.

The Blaze That Swept Through Viña del Mar

The fires that laid claim to thousands of homes did more than just ravage the physical structures; they disrupted lives and dismantled dreams. As we stood at ground zero in Chile, where the fires had ceased just days ago, the stories of loss were still fresh as many now found themselves homeless. Yet, even as the embers died down, the spirit of the Chilean people endured, turning now to the essential process of wildfire recovery. It’s a journey from the ashes towards hope, a path paved with the collective efforts of a community—with friends like you behind them—bent on reclaiming what it lost.

Chile relief efforts

Operation Blessing: On the Ground to Provide Support and Comfort

The sight of wildfire victims refusing to abandon hope is inspiring. And you empowered Operation Blessing to step forward, offering support to those staring at the void left by the flames. Our international disaster relief team is facilitating the distribution of essential supplies, particularly food and water. The goal is to provide as much comfort as possible to wildfire victims looking at a long road to recovery.

Rebuilding With Gratitude and Faith

Among the ruins, you will find more than just the remnants of a disaster; you will find a community clinging to their faith in the face of adversity. It is a unity driven by passionate gratitude and belief in a future where they will recover and put the tragedy behind them. There is also a profound appreciation for the support that has poured in from faithful partners like you.

charity efforts for chile wildfire

Your Kindness Paves the Way Forward for Viña del Mar

As Viña del Mar looks to the horizon, the challenge is clear: rebuild not just lives but return hope to people who have lost so much. This process is not a sprint but a marathon, one that will require YOUR sustained commitment to Chile wildfire relief efforts. Thank you for your support. Please continue to support this cause as we show the love of Christ to wildfire victims.

Your contribution to Chile relief is more than just a donation—it’s a reminder to the victims that God’s love never fails! Visit and continue to bless the wildfire victims in Viña del Mar!

Overcoming Kidney Failure: A Story of Hope

FLORIDA – Brenda’s diagnosis of end-stage kidney failure was a devastating blow for her and her husband, Ben. The potentially deadly condition, which stops the kidneys from filtering waste from the blood, forced Brenda out of work and Ben into the role of her full-time caregiver. This dramatic shift not only threatened Brenda’s life but also plunged the couple into a financial crisis due to lost income and the rising costs of healthcare.

The Financial Impact of Chronic Illness

The journey through kidney failure is as much a financial battle as it is a health battle. For Brenda and Ben, the relentless medical appointments and treatments drained their savings. The situation paints a broader picture of the financial burden of kidney failure, where patients and their families struggle not only with the disease but also with the economic fallout that accompanies it.

Finding Hope and Help

In their darkest moments of kidney failure, Ben and Brenda found support through Lighthouse Gospel Mission, a partner of Operation Blessing. This support provided them with much-needed food and served as a reminder of your incredible generosity. It was a beacon of hope during their hardest times, proving that compassion and assistance could make a significant difference in their lives.

A New Chapter: Recovery and Giving Back

The couple’s story took another positive turn when Brenda received a kidney transplant after just ten months on the waiting list, a significantly shorter time than anticipated. This miracle marked the beginning of their recovery and a new chapter in their lives. Now in full-time ministry, Ben and Brenda are dedicated to giving back and supporting others facing similar challenges, demonstrating the importance of financial help during illness and the impact of community support.

faith and recovery

Thank YOU for Your Support

Ben and Brenda’s journey from despair to recovery emphasizes that no one should face such challenges alone. By giving generously, YOU provided hope to those in the throes of kidney failure, helping them through the process. Thank you for your help! Please continue to partner with us to help other Americans facing difficult circumstances due to illness.


Love and Chickens Help a Family Fight Hunger

THAILAND – Your love is reaching around the world and blessing so many hurting families in need. Children like Malik (age 6) have food today because you came to their rescue. Malik loved helping her grandmother. She cleaned the house and raised chickens on their poultry farm. “Grandma loves me and my brother,” said Malik. “She takes care of us.”

The chickens helped provide for their needs and put food on the table. But for Grandma Aon, raising her grandchildren by herself was hard. And then the unthinkable happened: a flood washed away their farm. Overnight, Grandma Aon had nothing left and no way to support her family without help from friends like you.

Thailand hunger relief through a chicken business

“I was very stressed,” Grandma Aon told us. “I have nothing to invest to buy more chickens.” She knew that finding a job would be difficult, but she needed to support her grandchildren. “Who will hire me? I did not know what to do.”

Eventually, their money ran out. Grandma Aon could no longer afford to buy food, except for a little rice. She boiled it for Malik and her brother first. “Grandma put salt on the rice for me because we had no money,” Malik said. “She told me to eat first, and she would eat what was left.”

The burden was too heavy on her grandmother. Sometimes, she simply broke down. Malik stayed by her side and tried to encourage her. “When I saw Grandma cry, I would wipe her tears and say, ‘Don’t cry. God will be with us.’”

Grandma Aon continued to seek God for an answer. “I prayed and asked Him to provide money so I could raise chickens once again. One night, I had a dream about some people from Bangkok who would teach me about raising something.”

Your Kindness Helps a Family Fight Hunger with a Chicken Business

Her dream came true! Through your generosity, our Operation Blessing team in Bangkok had the opportunity to train Grandma Aon in the skills she needed to run a business. You also gave her 300 chickens along with the feed and supplies she needed to relaunch her business. Then you went above and beyond to provide her family with enough food until the chickens were old enough to sell.

Malik jumped in and began to help her grandmother feed the chickens and fill their water buckets. “I’m glad Grandma has work to do and has income,” she said. “I am glad that I can help her.”

And Grandma Aon’s business is thriving once again. Since it relaunched, she has raised and sold nearly 700 chickens and says that her family is no longer hungry, thanks to you! She is grateful for all God has done through your love and support. “God has answered my prayer. God has brought His people to care for me. I have peace and joy now. Thanks for helping us.”

Hunger relief in Thailand

Chile Wildfires: A Call for Urgent Relief

CHILE – Operation Blessing is mobilizing an international disaster relief team for a critical mission responding to the devastating wildfires that have swept across Chile. With over 5,000 homes destroyed and countless families affected, the need for wildfire relief and an effective disaster response is immediate and pressing.

The Need for Chile Wildfire Relief

The residents of Chile urgently need help. The wildfires have not only destroyed vast swathes of land but have also had a terrible impact on the Chilean people. Many families have been displaced, and tragically, more than 100 lives have been lost.

Meeting the Most Critical Needs

Wildfires are merciless, leaving behind a trail of destruction that can change the landscape of communities in an instant. The Chile wildfires have been particularly catastrophic. As an experienced charitable organization that has deployed across the globe, Operation Blessing stands ready to offer support to those who are suffering the most. The team plans to focus on offering much-needed first aid assistance for burn victims, as well as providing food and water to families in desperate need of resources.

disaster relief in Chile

A Heartfelt Thanks for Support and Prayers

We extend our deepest gratitude to all who have supported Operation Blessing, enabling us to reach out with aid and compassion where it’s needed most. Your support fuels our mission and empowers us to provide relief in the wake of disasters like the Chile wildfires.

The path to recovery for Chile will require a concerted effort of relief and rebuilding. Operation Blessing is committed to being a part of this process, helping to restore lives and bring hope to those in distress.

As we embark on this deployment, we ask for your continued prayers and support. We promise to keep you updated on our efforts to bring wildfire relief to Chilean families. Together, with your help, we can make a tangible difference in the aftermath of this disaster. God bless you for your generosity and for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Find out how when you visit today!

How Your Love Transforms Lives in the Peruvian Highlands

PERU – If the vista a person sees from his front door were an indicator of wealth and happiness, then Jacinto should have been a rich and contented man. Surrounded by towering mountains in the Peruvian highlands, he cares for his herd of sheep in this lovely spot. Jacinto lives in a distant community located about three hours away from beautiful Lake Titicaca.

However, the 68-year-old sheepherder and his camera-shy wife, Juana, faced harsh realities. Situated in such remote spots, indigenous communities like theirs are made up of isolated, vulnerable people. They had no running water at their home, and they had to make long, grueling treks to fetch water for drinking, washing, and cooking—but the water was not even clean.

“We suffer a lot because of this,” Jacinto said. “Sometimes we got sick because we didn’t know the water wasn’t good for us. But,” he pointed out, “what else can we do—we still have to walk to get water. I want my wife to rest, but sometimes I get tired and she helps me.”

water projects in peruvian highland area

A Water System in the Peruvian Highlands

Fortunately, Operation Blessing reached the people of Osocco with great news for every member of this rugged community. With help from friends like you, our staff built a pumped water system that would take the water from its source to a reservoir, then filter and treat it—allowing clean water to be piped to each house!

And, because of your generous gifts, we also provided biodigester bathrooms next to each house. Thanks to donors like you with loving hearts, after so many years of suffering Jacinto and Juana had their lives changed forever.

“I can’t believe we have water. I can’t believe we have a bathroom.” Jacinto rejoiced. “Thank you so much, my friends. God bless you all!”

Fighting to See with Congenital Cataracts

UKRAINE – Young Diana from Ukraine wanted nothing more in life than to play with friends and become a teacher when she grew up. Unfortunately, life for Diana hasn’t been that simple. Diana had problems with her vision from birth, but it wasn’t until she was in school that an eye exam revealed congenital cataracts in both of her eyes.

This condition affected her ability to interact with peers and her performance in school, as well as daily life activities. As if that weren’t bad enough, in February 2022— before her family even had time to look into further treatment— war broke out. Shelling began in her hometown, and Diana and her family were forced to flee to the area of Lviv, Ukraine, for safety.

congenital cataract sufferer in Ukraine

Operation Blessing responded to the conflict in Ukraine as soon as it was safe enough to do so, providing comfort and aid for those in need. Thanks to you, we gave food and basic necessities both to refugees and to families remaining in war-torn Ukraine. Despite the ongoing woes of war, you continue to provide help to the hurting and healing to the afflicted.

girl with cataracts in Ukraine

Healing From Congenital Cataracts

In Lviv, Sunday school workers noticed that Diana was unable to play with the other children due to her vision issues, and they referred her to Operation Blessing. When friends like you heard the story of the 11-year-old Ukrainian girl struggling to see, they quickly responded with love and assistance.

surgery for cataracts in Ukraine

Because of this outpouring of grace, Diana received the surgery she so badly needed. Her eyes are now well along the path to healing, and she can take full joy in being a child. Her family is so grateful. Diana said, “I’m happy that I can see now, I can draw now, and I can play with the other kids.”

Thank you for changing lives in Ukraine and around the globe!

Blessed Through Nourishment 

VIRGINIA – Retired and living on a fixed income, Winifred knows just how difficult it can be making ends meet in today’s economy. Having worked many years for a Virginia-based shipyard, she thought retirement would offer her a chance to rest after years of hard work. But instead, Winifred has been struggling to even buy food due to rising inflation. Thanks to your generous support, she doesn’t have to weather the storm and fight inflation alone.

Because of faithful donors like you, Winifred was able to turn to Netcasters Kitchen, a food distribution partner of Operation Blessing. There, Winifred is able to receive food without paying the high grocery store prices.“It makes a difference, makes a great difference,” Winifred said. “I don’t have to worry about going to the store to get this or get that. Basically, they give you everything that you need. Fresh food and canned food and pastries … all that good stuff.”

Winifred is not only able to benefit physically, but she also receives spiritual support with every visit to Netcasters Kitchen. “It’s great. They start to pray for you. And, you know, some of us don’t get prayer unless we come through this line… I feel God’s love all the time. I know He loves all of us.”

hunger relief efforts in Virginia

Your Generosity Has Helped People Cope with Rising Inflation

Through the uncommon kindness of donors like you and the efforts of Netcasters Kitchen, Winifred can keep food on the table without straining her tight budget.

“You learn how to maintain. That’s what you got to do,” Winifred explained. “When you get this stuff at the food bank, and you see the price of the stuff in the store, you’re like, ‘Thank you, Jesus,’ because you don’t have to pay the high price to get the healthy meals.”

Your support continues to offer hope and positively impact lives across the United States. Thank you for embodying the love of God through the essential gift of food and helping seniors like Winifred fight inflation.