A Taste of the Holidays: Cajetas de Pinito

COSTA RICA – Welcome to Operation Blessing’s culinary journey around the world. We’re delighted to introduce you to the delectable “Cajetas de Pinito,” a beloved holiday treat from Costa Rica. This delightful recipe is part of our Christmas Around the World: Sweets & Treats booklet, where we celebrate the rich culinary traditions of diverse cultures.

Costa Rica is a land of lush rainforests, stunning coastlines—and great food. More importantly, Costa Rican cuisine features scrumptious desserts like Cajetas de Pinito. This dish is a shining example of the country’s culinary wonders. In this recipe video, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of making this delicious holiday sweet. Watch closely as we combine simple yet flavorful ingredients to create these mouthwatering treats.

A Costa Rican Christmas Treat

As you follow along, you’ll discover the unique blend of textures and tastes that make “Cajetas de Pinito” a cherished holiday tradition. From the sugary toppings to the amazing taste, every bite is a homage to the local tropical flavors. But this video is about more than just cooking; it’s about sharing the love and culture of Costa Rica with the world. Food has an incredible power to connect people, transcending borders and languages. Through this recipe, you’ll not only savor a delicious treat but also gain a deeper appreciation for the customs of this beautiful nation.

costa rican dessert

So, join us in the kitchen as we whip up a batch of “Cajetas de Pinito.” With Operation Blessing, every dish we create is a recipe for hope and kindness. Enjoy!

Bringing Joy Through Surgery

INDIA – Little Abhijeet’s life was off to a difficult start. At 4 years old, he had a massive cyst on his forehead. Even though it was benign, it caused a lot of problems. The massive cyst pressed against his left eye, pushing it closed and obstructing his vision. And when it swelled, his eye watered.

Suffering Through The Affliction

Like most young boys, Abhijeet loved to run and play, but his vision problems meant he often lost his balance and fell down. He couldn’t even walk properly. He needed constant supervision and assistance.

As you can imagine, Abhijeet’s parents worried about their only son. But the remote rural village in India where they lived didn’t offer many options. Plus, as farmers, they simply didn’t have any extra income to save toward the surgery he desperately needed. Abhijeet’s father already worked hard to pick up extra jobs to cover their most basic household expenses, leaving his wife, Gunita, at home to care for their boy. “We are very poor, and we are unable to manage the expenses required for surgery,” she told us. “We are afraid for him and his future.”

They took Abhijeet to a more modestly priced government hospital close to their village, but sadly, the facility was not equipped to do a surgery like this. He needed a private hospital. Gunita was crushed.

surgery for a child in need in India

Removing The Massive Cyst

That’s when compassionate supporters like you stepped in to help. A group of Operation Blessing friends pooled their resources and provided the surgery to remove the massive cyst on Abhijeet’s forehead for this precious family—paid in full.

After his operation, Abhijeet could see clearly for the first time in his life. He could
walk, run, and play with other children his age without difficulty. This little boy couldn’t contain his joy! You also brought joy to his suffering parents. “It was impossible for me to bear the cost as well as see my son suffer,” said Abhijeet’s father. “It brings me and my wife joy to see his face and see him smile.”

child cyst surgery

You Are Remaking Their World In Iquitos

PERU – Marllory lives in the outskirts of Iquitos, known as the capital of the Peruvian Amazon. Surrounded by rainforest, this area in northeastern Peru is also known for its extreme poverty. In this difficult environment, Marllory has her work cut out for her. The 29-year-old single mother cares for her four sons: Daniel (10), Ezequiel (7), Sandro (4), and Mateo (1). Since their father abandoned them, Marllory has struggled alone.

Each day meant desperately trying to keep their heads above water. With such young children, Marllory has had limited options. For years, she’s been selling empanadas and other food items at a stand outside her home. She also does laundry for others whenever she can—anything to put food on the table.

helping a family in need in Peru

“I have four sons,” she explained, “and I want to give them a good future. I would like them to turn into good, professional men. That’s why I must work every day to get the meals my children need.”

It hasn’t been easy. Due to a lack of supplies, she hasn’t been able to keep her business running. Some days, that means she can feed her sons only a single meal—two at most. Occasionally, she’s had to resort to borrowing from her neighbor to make sure her growing boys get the nutrition they need.

In addition, Marllory worried about the decrepit condition of their home. The walls were moldy and rotting, and the roof had holes in it. Whenever there was a heavy storm, her children would get scared. Not only was the house unsafe, but it had no bathroom inside. Without the financial resources to fix up her house, Marllory knew it would be impossible to get the necessary repairs made.

Improving Their Lives In Iquitos

Then, with your help, Operation Blessing came alongside this family in Iquitos to provide the support they needed. Thanks to generous donors like you, we were able to build a new house with two bedrooms, a bathroom, living room, a dining room, and even all the furnishings they needed!

charity helping a family in iquitos

But that’s not all your generosity made possible. Marllory also received supplies for her food and empanada business, which will assure her enough income to provide better nutrition for her children. Best of all, her new business is attached to her home so she can care for her children.

“I am very grateful to everyone,” Marllory said. “I thank God in the first place–and the Operation Blessing staff who considered me to be able to receive this great blessing and support.”

help for a family in Iquitos Peru

Helping For The Long Haul In Hawaii

HAWAII – The people of Hawaii will forever remember August 8, 2023. In what’s being called one of the deadliest wildfires in U.S. history, flames overtook the island of Maui and almost completely destroyed the once-beautiful city of Lahaina. What remained was a long haul of recovery for residents in Hawaii to get back to some form of normalcy.

Although evacuation orders were given, storm winds drove the fire so far and so fast that people were trapped before they could escape. “Telephone poles were falling down left and right, and fires were getting started from all of the live wires hitting the ground,” recalled Alan, a wildfire survivor. He said that because of the strong winds, it all unfolded in minutes.

support for hawaiians

Alan tried to flee with his sons—including little 4-year-old Kaipo. But the road was gridlocked as fires burned within sight of their vehicle. Everyone wanted out.

“Fire was everywhere, burning everyone’s houses, making its way toward everyone and their vehicles as they tried to get away,” Alan said. Thankfully, he and his boys did survive the blaze, but their whole world had gone up in flames.

Helping Hawaiians In Need

Caring friends like you quickly reached out. Even as the inferno raged, members of Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team rushed to a neighboring island in Hawaii. From there they would offer help as soon as the fires died down.

Once the fires were contained, the extent of the devastation became clear. As they raced across over 3,200 acres of land, those destructive wildfires had taken more than 110 lives. It also destroyed 2,200 buildings—homes, businesses, medical facilities—in the process. When the ash settled, 11,000 people were homeless.

hawaii wildfire charity

For many, one of the hardest things about losing their homes was losing their livelihoods, as well. Some people had manual labor jobs requiring tools that were ruined by the flames. As soon as we heard about this need, Operation Blessing supporters like you leapt into action to offer help. As it turned out, fishing and diving gear was critical for these island people. They still supplemented their families’ incomes via the water. And what a difference the tools and gear made for people like Alan!

“That chainsaw as well as the dive gear was … I don’t know what to say … you guys gave me something that I can use to provide for my ohana (family),” Alan shared. “To have stuff like that handed to us is like a dream come true. It’s hard to believe this is really happening.Big mahalos (thanks) to you all. Thank you, guys, for taking the time and opportunity for helping those in need. You guys are truly a blessing.”

helping wildfire victims

The fishing gear, along with some gas-powered grills you provided, ensured that disaster survivors had something to eat. But the next question was: Where would they live? Many stayed in tents provided by Operation Blessing. But they needed a more long-term solution as they worked to rebuild their homes and community.

Homes For Hawaiians Help Provide Hope

And once again, you heard their cries and provided support for the long haul in Hawaii. In partnership with King’s Cathedral Church and Family Life Center, we worked to provide temporary homes for displaced Hawaiians. These ready-to-assemble shelters are specially engineered to be set up in minutes and in all sorts of configurations. But they’re also designed to feel like a home.

The shelters will include private bathrooms and kitchens, hooked up to a fresh water system that Operation Blessing is working to install. Together, these homes will help form the ’Ohana Hope Village. Operation Blessing even helped transport these homes across America for the people of Maui.

Help For The Long Haul In Hawaii Is Happening Because Of YOU!

Because you cared, those who lost all they owned can have a safe, secure place to lay their heads and look forward to a brighter future. You’ve truly brought joy to their world. Thank you!

Helping Children During the Crisis in Israel

ISRAEL – Amidst the chaos of war in Israel, Operation Blessing friends like you are remembering the littlest among those affected: the children. Like their parents, these little ones must face the overwhelming consequences and emotional challenges of the Israel conflict. Children in the Israel crisis find themselves being forced to navigate an impossible situation. Their lives have been disrupted. The uncertainty of the future is a constant concern, and they have no idea when things will return to normal.

Lior, a father and recent Operation Blessing volunteer, said, “The families are staying in the hotel. It sounds like a vacation, but it isn’t. They just want to go back home, and the kids are having a rough time.” 

Operation Blessing has partnered with CBN Israel to support families that are taking shelter in hotels. With your help, we prepared a space where the children can get a sense of normalcy again and start meeting with other children during what used to be classroom times. 

Providing Stability for Children in the Israel Crisis

Oran, a former educator in Eilat where the hotel is located, said, “It’s important to help the kids feel secure and safe again, and we do it through teaching.” With the generous gifts of friends like you, Operation Blessing provided the families with iPads so that they can do their homework. We’ve also provided a printer so that they can start printing learning materials. And our team has made toys available for the children, because the families had to flee immediately, and some came with only their children in their hands.

Oran said, “This is something that was given to us as a treasure, and we really, really treasure it. We’re really appreciative of the donation of Operation Blessing.” 

Operation Blessing also transformed an area that used to be the deck at the hotel. We’ve converted it into a sports center so the children can start playing again. They can start healing from the trauma through joy and laughter. Seeing how his daughter benefited from these children’s spaces, Lior said, “It’s amazing, and it’s really helping the community. It’s really nice, thank you.” 

Thank You for Blessing These Children

Through your partnership, these children in the Israel crisis can reach a brighter future and a better tomorrow. Thank you for caring for families affected by the war. You can support even more families in crisis when you visit https://www.ob.org/mc/obcrisis/.

A Path to Healing from a Cleft Lip in Indonesia

INDONESIA – In the beautiful country of Indonesia, a young boy named Keenan embarked on a remarkable journey of healing. His story is one filled with both challenges and hope. Let’s follow Keenan’s path and discover how he overcame a cleft lip in Indonesia through the dedication of Operation Blessing partners.

The Quest for Understanding

Keenan’s story began with his mother, Amel, who vividly remembers the day he was born. While it should have been a time of pure joy, Keenan’s entry into the world was tinged with sadness. Amel couldn’t help but feel guilty and sad because Keenan was born with a cleft lip.

During her pregnancy, Amel had a bad fall that left her with a broken arm. To feel better, she took some medicine. She wondered if the medicine had caused Keenan’s cleft lip. This thought weighed heavily on her heart, filling her with guilt. She couldn’t help but question whether she had somehow caused her baby’s condition.


Struggles with a Cleft Lip in Indonesia

As Keenan grew, his cleft lip presented challenges. Simple things like eating and drinking became difficult for him. The formula he tried to drink would often spill out of his nose, making mealtime a struggle. Keenan’s family could see that life might be harder for him as he got older, and they worried about the challenges he might face.

Keenan’s grandmother felt sad when she saw other children laughing and playing. She worried that Keenan might not have the same opportunities as other kids. It was hard for her to imagine a future where Keenan could live a normal life with a cleft lip.

A Glimmer of Optimism

Despite the challenges, there was a glimmer of optimism in Keenan’s story. His family knew that he needed surgery to fix his cleft lip, but they faced a big problem – money. Keenan’s dad, Hasan, worked hard as a motor-taxi driver, but his income was small. They simply couldn’t save enough money to pay for the surgery Keenan needed.

But hope arrived in an unexpected way when Amel began searching for help on the internet. It was during this search that she discovered Operation Blessing in Indonesia. She learned that Operation Blessing helps families like theirs by providing free surgery for children with cleft lip conditions. This news brought a spark of hope to Keenan’s family.

cleft lip charity

The Blessing of Transformation

The love of our partners changed the lives of young Keenan. Because of your donations, Operation Blessing was able to step in to help Keenan. They arranged for him to receive the surgery he needed to fix his cleft lip. And something amazing happened – Keenan’s lip began to heal beautifully. His family was overjoyed to see the positive changes taking place in their young son.

A New Dawn for Keenan

After the surgery, Keenan’s life started to change in incredible ways. Eating and drinking became easier for him, and he even started gaining weight. Keenan’s bright smile was now free from the worries of his cleft lip, and his family could see a promising future ahead. A life full of frustration and pain was averted, quelling the fears of his parents.

Expression of Profound Gratitude for Operation Blessing Partners

Keenan’s family couldn’t find enough words to express their gratitude. Hasan, Keenan’s dad, felt a deep appreciation for the life-changing surgery his son had received. The worry of Keenan being teased or treated differently because of his cleft lip began to fade away. Operation Blessing and its partners had made a tremendous difference in their lives. Imagine the peace the family feels knowing their child will not be scorned or teased for having a cleft lip.

A New Future for Keenan Following Surgery

The kindness of Operation Blessing partners transformed Keenan’s life, giving him the chance to smile and dream. As we reflect on Keenan’s story, let it inspire us to reach out and bring hope to more children like him, ensuring that their paths are filled with healing, happiness, and endless possibilities.

cleft lip surgery results

YOU Are Making The Difference in The Lives of People Worldwide

Keenan’s story isn’t just about his own journey. It’s an invitation for all of us to make a difference. By partnering with Operation Blessing, we can help more children like Keenan have a chance at a brighter future. Become a force for change. Partner with Operation Blessing to help people in need around the globe. 

Preventing Waterborne Diseases in Morocco

MOROCCO – It’s been several weeks since a deadly earthquake struck Morocco, and our team on the ground have heard some absolutely heartbreaking stories as we’ve spent time with these wonderfully hospitable people. Following such a terrible event, so many of the necessities people need to survive are damaged or destroyed. For the people of Amizmiz, Morocco, one major need is safe water and sanitation.

It is hard enough to be homeless. Many earthquake survivors in Morocco now live in tents because their homes were destroyed by the earthquake. But trying to manage daily life without access to safe water or sanitation is unbearable. Now, many residents of Amizmiz have no access to showers, toilets, or even reliable access to clean water. With this reality comes a new and deadly threat—the chance of contracting waterborne diseases in Morocco.

help for village

Destroyed Homes and Lives in Amizmiz, Morocco Following the Earthquake

Ghizlane Aourouar, an earthquake survivor living in Amizmiz with her children, shared her experiences. “The morning after the earthquake, we saw our reality. We saw our destroyed homes, people being rescued, people dying. We know people who have been lost just down the road, and we feel so sorry for them.”

Our hearts truly break for these people. Not only have they lost the people they love, but you could also say many have lost a portion of their dignity as well with the destruction of their bathroom sinks and showers. Since these people’s homes have been destroyed, they are forced to live in tents, and they’ve lost proper means of safe, adequate sanitation and hygiene. Ghizlane told us, “The public bathrooms are closed. There is nowhere for women or especially children to use toilets or bathe. It’s such a crisis, and many are suffering.”

help for earthquake survivors

Preventing Waterborne Diseases in Morocco

Children are especially susceptible to waterborne diseases in Morocco, and situations like these are prime for an epidemic. But with your continued support, Operation Blessing is stepping in, installing not only toilets but also sinks and showers with water access for the needy.

Ghizlane said, “I’m thankful for your volunteers who worked so hard. And thank you to the people who brought this help. Your support means so much to us.” These beautiful Moroccan people are able to have this basic dignity restored as they no longer have to go to the bathroom in the wild like an animal and can take a shower after a long day.

Thank You For Constant Support

We’re helping them to understand their “imago dei,” that they were made in God’s image, and letting them know that God sees them and loves them. You can support even more families like Ghizlane’s when you partner with Operation Blessing at https://www.ob.org/disaster-relief/ today!

Honoring Veteran’s Day With Operation Blessing

This Veteran’s Day, Operation Blessing honors those who have faithfully protected our country. We are privileged to work with a number of retired service members who have dedicated their lives to serving God and country. Please enjoy as these brave patriots share their stories.

Meet Yudith Buck

Veteran of the United States Navy

Accounting Specialist at Operation Blessing

“Recruiters came to tell us about all the possibilities you will have if you go into the military. I’m like, ‘Oh, I would love to do that. I would like to see different cultures, different languages, and help.’

When I was in the Navy, I was an electronics technician. I got to experience a lot of wonderful memories in the Navy, and during that time I saw the reward. The reward when you help someone else is not what you do for that person, it’s the blessing you receive by helping out.

I am so blessed and so grateful to have served this country, it has opened so many opportunities for me and for my family. I always wanted to be part of God’s plan, to help out people in any way that I can. I wanted to be able to one day look back and tell my grandkids I did what I could with what I was given.

Coming from the Navy and then coming to Operation Blessing as an accountant specialist, I can see a lot of similarities in the mission that we have in the military to go and help serve, support, and honor our country with the mission that we have at Operation Blessing.”

Meet Anthony Lloyd

Veteran of the United States Coast Guard

Senior Director of US Disaster Relief at Operation Blessing

“Back in high school, I felt like I wanted to serve my country because I wanted to keep the spirit of 1776 alive.

When you join the military, it’s life-changing. You have to change who you are into somebody that’s driven to serve. I believe this 100%. Everybody that served in our military—they have strong service DNA. Right off the bat, I was doing disaster-related operations.

I’m really proud about what happened in the United States Coast Guard and how it prepared me as a humanitarian to serve our country. After I retired, the position for the Sr. Director of Disaster Relief came up, and it was almost as if God had been preparing me to come to Operation Blessing to use the leadership, the proficiency, the competencies, and the staff skills that I had picked up in the military.”

Meet Jeff Westling

Veteran of the United States Coast Guard

Chief of Staff at Operation Blessing

“I started thinking about the military in about 6th grade. I was part of a boy scout unit at the time, and most of my leaders were veterans from WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.

My relationship with God did have a major impact on how I made my decision to join the military. I wanted to have a career where I could really make a difference during people’s greatest times of need. I think over the 31 total years I wore the uniform, from cadet at the Coast Guard Academy through a career retiring as a Coast Guard Captain in 2018, I had the opportunity to be a pioneer in so many different aspects. Those of us who are Christians are called to be ambassadors for Christ wearing the uniform of the United States.

As the Chief of Staff for Operation Blessing, I’m very privileged to be able to use the totality of my career experiences in the military. I know that God is using me. He’s using all of us. He’s using Operation Blessing to meet the needs of all of those who are suffering, who are lost, who are hungry, and who are sick—in the U.S. and around the world. We have this opportunity that we have been entrusted with to do all of this for God’s glory, to make the name of Jesus known throughout the nations.” 

Veteran's Day Operation Blessing

A Special Thank You To All of Our Veterans

This Veteran’s Day, Operation Blessing honors all veterans who have served, supported, and protected our country. We thank you.

The Taste Of Freedom And Fresh Water

KENYA – Meressa loved her job as a hairdresser in Kenya. Fixing hair for her friends and neighbors put a smile on her face. But one thing got in the way and often cost her business valuable clients: lack of fresh water.

“It brings me joy to do people’s hair, but fetching water took most of my time,” said Meressa. “After I went once or twice, customers would be waiting. Others left because they didn’t want their hair washed with dirty water.”

Meressa and other women in her community had to walk one hour to retrieve water from a dirty stream that cows often drank from. Because of her work, she often had to make the same trip five times each day. According to Meressa, to make matters worse, the water made her family sick—even after she boiled it. “In my family, all of us have been sick many times,” she told us. “I prayed all the time for God to give us clean water.” And He answered her prayers through friends like you!

Your love enabled us to provide a solar-powered well in Meressa’s community and relieved her burden. Today, she can easily get fresh, clean water just steps away from her home.

blessing in kenya with fresh water

Hot Meals for Hurting Families in Israel

ISRAEL – As the war in Israel continues, many families fleeing the conflict are left wondering where their next meal might come from. Because of your faithful support, Operation Blessing is on the ground doing everything we can to provide hot meals for hurting families in Israel.

In partnership with CBN Israel, we’re operating a food truck right on the outside of Jerusalem. Thanks to you, we’re serving lunches for families that have been displaced, including many elders and families with children. With this food truck, you’re providing meals for them and showing them Gods love in this difficult time of war.

Compassionate Supporters Are Providing for Hurting Families in Israel

Operation Blessing connected with one hotel where Chef Udi described what a difference this effort is making. He said, “We got a call from Operation Blessing, and they said, ‘Anything that you will need to cook, we will supply,’ and the kitchen is back in full operation!”

providing food supplies for displaced families

Operation Blessing is also partnering with local hotels because of friends like you. You are providing the kitchens of these hotels with the supplies they need to feed displaced families seeking shelter from the war. These establishments are willing to do what they can. But without your help, there would be far too many hungry people to feed for these businesses that can’t afford to serve people who aren’t paying customers.

He continued, “We keep working only because of Operation Blessing. And I believe that this will keep going for a long time because the needs are unbelievable. So this kitchen is a major player now.”

bread to the many hungry displaced families in Israel

Thank you so much for your support. Keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel, and may God bless you. Many of these families have no idea what the future holds, but friends like you are making a way for them right now in the midst of their difficult circumstances.

When you partner with Operation Blessing, you are changing their lives and making a difference for their future today.