Smokehouse Creek Fire: Providing Help in Texas

TEXAS – In the heart of the Texas Panhandle, a devastating wildfire known as the Smokehouse Creek Fire has become the biggest in the state’s history. It’s left a trail of destruction, loss, and an urgent need for aid.

Engulfing nearly 1.3 million acres, this catastrophic blaze has not only claimed lives but also razed dozens of homes and buildings,. It forced residents into life-threatening escapes. The rapid spread of the fire, powered by high winds and dry conditions, caught many off guard. Sadly, ranchers suffered immense losses, as thousands of cattle perished in the inferno.

Operation Blessing Wildfire Relief Efforts

Amidst the devastation, thanks to friends like you, Operation Blessing is collaborating with local churches to deliver essential items and support to those affected. From providing food and water to hygiene kits and emergency meal kits, we are addressing the immediate needs of the community. We want to offer a glimmer of hope in the face of despair.

relief effort for smokehouse creek fire in Texas

Recovery from the Smokehouse Creek Fire

As the battle against the Smokehouse Creek Fire continues, the spirit of resilience shines brightly within the Texas Panhandle. The community’s response, marked by unity and unwavering support, serves as a powerful reminder of the strength found in collective action.

In these moments of crisis, every helping hand and every prayer offers solace and strength to those facing the unimaginable. Through the generosity of donors like you, the path to recovery is paved with hope and the promise of renewal.

A Smile Makes All The Difference

CAMBODIA – Although he was her second child, Lak Sopheap was not prepared for his birth. It should have been such a joy. But when she first saw Thaina, her smile turned to tears. He had a severe cleft lip that stretched up to his nose. She held the child in her arms and promised that she would try to help him recover.

But that promise, sadly, proved impossible to keep. Lak Sopheap couldn’t work. She had to take care of the children. Her husband earned less than $9 a day at construction jobs—when they were available. At other times, he helped local farmers tend their cassava fields, but he only got paid at harvest time. Money was always a worry, and milk was expensive.

Now that they had an extra mouth to feed, how would she help her baby boy with his severe cleft lip? Thankfully, an answer came through friends like you!

overcoming severe cleft lip

Constant Battles Due to the Impact of Severe Cleft Lip

For six months, Lak Sopheap struggled to care for her son. His severe cleft lip made feeding time a constant battle. Milk escaped through the infant’s nose and lips—milk they couldn’t afford to waste. In addition, Thaina was not able to get the nutrition he desperately needed as a growing baby. If not repaired soon, his condition could become life-threatening.

Lak Sopheap longed to get Thaina the surgery he needed, but the family simply couldn’t afford it. “I just want to see my son smile again.” Still, she kept hoping that one day a miracle would happen. And it did!

Thanks to the kindness of Operation Blessing family members like you, Thaina was able to get the life-changing surgery he needed. Within a few weeks, he was able to eat better and even smile. The family is relieved, and also thankful that Thaina will also receive cleft palate surgery when the time is right.

“We are happy, and every time I look at my face, I always have a smile,” his mother said.

Friends just like you are making a difference in the lives of people around the world through our Life-Changing Surgeries program. These surgeries relieve the financial burden from families in remote areas who can’t afford medical care and give them the chance to thrive. Their smiles make all the difference!

Solar Powered Water System in Peru Offers New Hope

PERU – In the remote Andean heights of Peru, where the air is thin and the mountains stretch skyward, 12-year-old Maria and her family face a daily ordeal that contradicts the region’s serene beauty: the struggle for clean drinking water. At over 13,000 feet, where her father toils as a farmer and cattle-raiser, the scarcity of potable water poses a dire challenge for Maria.

The Perilous Journey for Water in Peru’s Andes

Maria’s strenuous journey to collect water, burdened with heavy bottles, is a testament to the resilience required for survival here. The family’s primary water source, an exposed ground hole collecting rainwater, is far from safe. Its contamination can cause illness, and during dry spells, their plight gets even worse.

A Community Plagued by Water Contamination

Vincente, Maria’s father, bears the anguish of watching his children suffer frequent bouts of sickness from the water they have no choice but to drink. Diarrhea and the constant threat of more serious disease compel him to seek medical help, straining his finances and causing fear for the future.

A New Solar Powered Water System Helps the Community

Then, a beacon of hope: thanks to support from friends like you, Operation Blessing arrives. With a commitment to combating Peru’s water contamination and scarcity, we construct a new solar powered water system. By tapping into an uncontaminated source, we channel water to an elevated tank for treatment. Solar power then becomes the driving force, propelling clean water to homes across the community.

The Dawn of Clean Water in Maria’s Village

Today, thanks to the innovation and the generosity of our supporters, Maria can drink and cook with water free from the taint of contamination. A solar powered water system brings new light and hope to a village that once dreaded the ordeal of gathering and consuming dirty water. Pride swells in Vincente’s heart, and the shadow of fear that once loomed over his family has lifted. Clean water, once a distant dream, now flows close to home, safeguarding the health and joy of his daughters.

When Cowboys Cry: Operation Blessing Responds to Texas Wildfires

TEXAS – The Operation Blessing team has arrived in the Texas Panhandle in response to the worst wildfires in Texas history that have scorched more than a million acres. Since arriving, Operation Blessing team members have been visiting regional churches to assess the need and see how—thanks to your support—we can provide resources to those affected.

Staff member Haley Henson said, “I was able to speak with Hutchinson County Commissioner Chris Prock, as well as a rancher from the area named Shannon about the magnitude of the destruction.”

Heartbreak in Texas

Chris told us, “We lost several hundred structures to the fire. It went through some of our neighborhoods. And some of our residents came to home to find that their house was completely demolished by this fire that moved through really quickly.”

Next we talked to Shannon who shared his story with us. “I turned off the highway to come in here and there was fire raging on both sides of me. I couldn’t see the road, and when I got to the gate my entrance was on fire. So I just had to keep going, and I finally made it out of the smoke and away from everything. I got up on top [of a hill], and I just watched the fire come across here. At the Cracklin’ J Ranch we lost around 5,000 acres of grass. This has been a very devastating time for our area of the Texas Panhandle.”

Haley said, “Everywhere you go you can smell the stench of smoke and char. Many of us have heard the term cowboys don’t cry, but in the panhandle of Texas where they’ve lost livestock and homes, it will bring a cowboy to tears.”

Shannon indeed grew emotional as he continued. “That’s what we pride ourselves on—being good stewards of the land and being good stewards of our livestock also. So it’s hit hard. It was just a helpless feeling.”

Providing Help After the Texas Wildfires

Thanks to love and support from donors like you, more of our Operation Blessing team members are on their way with trucks loaded with supplies such as hygiene kits, cleaning kits, food, water, and more. With your help, we will continue to bless this community through prayer and emotional support, and provide whatever we can in the aftermath of the Texas wildfires.

Texas wildfire damage relief

“Having organizations like Operation Blessing show up, a global organization, just to show they care and say, ‘Hey, what can we do for your community? We’re here for you. How can we meet that need?’ It’s just a huge blessing to us,” said Commissioner Chris.

This would not be possible without our Operation Blessing supporters and friends like you! Thank you for allowing us to be the hands and feet of Jesus and extend Christ-like compassion to those that are hurting.

To help disaster victims at this time, please visit

Damaged ranch in Texas following Texas wildfires

Sending Aid to Texas Wildfire Survivors

OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE: Operation Blessing Deploys US Disaster Relief Team to the Texas Panhandle To Help Residents and First Responders Impacted by the Texas Wildfire Known as the Smokehouse Creek Fire

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (February 29, 2024) – The humanitarian organization Operation Blessing is deploying leaders from its U.S Disaster Relief team to the Panhandle of Texas to help residents and first responders who are being impacted by the Smokehouse Creek Fire, the largest burning fire in Texas, which has so far burned over 500,000 acres and is 0% contained, according to FEMA.

Operation Blessing deployed a team this morning from Virginia Beach who will arrive in Amarillo early afternoon. Upon arrival, the team will meet with partners and local officials to assess immediate needs and begin the relief efforts.

Operation Blessing deploys to Texas wildfire

Deploying to Texas Wildfire

A caravan of relief equipment is being deployed from Operation Blessing’s Bristol, TN warehouse that includes a mobile kitchen capable of serving hundreds of hot meals daily, and a box truck full of food and emergency supplies. A shower trailer also being readied for deployment and will follow shortly afterwards.

Additionally, Operation Blessing’s warehouse in Dallas, TX has two trailer-truckloads of emergency relief supplies ready for deployment if needed, including bottled water, shelf stable and ready-to-eat foods, and emergency disaster relief kits containing items such as garbage bags, paper towels, cleaners, hand sanitizer, scour pads, gloves, and N95 masks.

In times of disaster and crisis, Operation Blessing friends like you make it possible for us to quickly move into action, reaching out with practical assistance and the love of Christ. Please keep the victims of the Texas wildfire in your prayers. If you’d like to give a gift to help hurting people after disasters, please visit

Nasal Tumors: A Silent Threat in the Life of a Child

GUATEMALA – At the tender age of 11, Yael experienced a medical anomaly that would send any parent into a spiral of worry: persistent severe nosebleeds. These weren’t ordinary nosebleeds; they were the kind that made your ears burn and caused significant loss of blood.

The Dire Diagnosis: Facing a Nasal Mass

Doctors made a chilling discovery: a large, non-cancerous mass was nestled inside Yael’s nasal cavity. This nasal mass was not just a silent occupant; it was life-threatening. Doctors warned that without nasal tumor surgery, Yael could die. The prospect of surgery brought its own set of worries, compounded by the family’s financial limitations. The cost of such a specialized operation was beyond their means, and the helplessness felt by Yael’s parents was an agony no one should endure.

A Beacon of Hope: The Gift of Nasal Tumor Surgery

In their darkest hour, a glimmer of hope emerged when Operation Blessing learned about Yael’s situation. Friends like you stepped in, covering the costs for the much-needed surgery. Your generosity made this possible. Your giving is an act of profound kindness that allowed Yael’s parents to breathe a sigh of relief. And the surgery was successful, removing a dark shadow from over Yael and his parents lives.

Gratitude and New Beginnings Post-Surgery

Today, Yael’s life has returned to the normalcy every child deserves. Thanks to the generosity of partners like you, the nightmare of the nasal tumor is behind them. Yael’s family wants to extend their heartfelt thanks to Operation Blessing and all those who donated to support their son’s surgery. Your contributions didn’t just change Yael’s life; they restored a family’s hope.

Rebuilding Homes After Chile Wildfires

CHILE – In the wake of the devastating wildfires that swept through Chile, which left homes in ruins and families displaced, organizations like Operation Blessing have been working tirelessly on the ground to provide support and aid to those in need. Daisy’s family found themselves facing the daunting task of rebuilding their lives from the literal ashes where their home once stood.

“The fires started near us and progressed to a little below our house,” Daisy recounted. “In less than an hour, we had to evacuate with only the backpacks we packed for ourselves the day before.” The suddenness of the disaster left Daisy and her family in shock, grappling with the reality of losing their home and possessions.

However, amidst the devastation, there was hope. Organizations such as Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and local churches rallied together with our Operation Blessing team to provide assistance to families like Daisy’s. Together with your compassionate support, we embarked on the journey of rebuilding homes after the Chile wildfires.

Helping Chile Wildfire Victims Rebuild

Daisy expressed her gratitude, thanking you and acknowledging the role of faith and community in their journey towards recovery. “In these cases, I believe God moves the hearts of the people who help. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the help, what they’re doing for us and many other people,” she said.

The collaboration between Operation Blessing, YWAM, and local churches exemplifies the power of collective action in times of crisis. And you help make that possible! Dibel, a member of YWAM, emphasized the long-term commitment required for rebuilding efforts. “This will be a long-term project, and that’s why we want to keep working on this and challenge others to join us,” he stated.

fundamental needs after the wildfires

Meeting Fundamental Needs after the Wildfires

In addition to rebuilding homes, we are focusing on immediate concerns as well. Addressing fundamental needs such as food and water are still important after the wildfire. With homes destroyed, ensuring access to these basic necessities becomes critical since wildfire victims have no kitchens or refrigeration to store or prepare food. Thanks to you, Operation Blessing, has been instrumental in providing these essential items to affected communities.

A Special Thanks to YOU for Your Kindness

As Daisy looks towards the future, she finds solace in the support they have received. “I want to give thanks to Operation Blessing and to the donors who are making our dream possible,” she expressed. “We’re no longer starting from scratch, and the five of us give you heartfelt thanks.”

The resilience of families like Daisy’s, coupled with your unwavering support, is helping wildfire victims get back on their feet. As Chile continues to recover from the devastation of the wildfires, your contributions are making a difference in so many lives.

Please continue to support disaster victims in times of tragedy by supporting Operation Blessing. Visit and continue to bless disaster victims in need!

Rebuilding Homes After Chile Wildfires

Your Love Reaches Around the World to Help Kenyan Families

KENYA – They’re only children but Farayan and his small niece Neewo have known hunger pains that few of us can even imagine. When severe drought struck Kenya, their family lost everything— including the animals they depended on to survive. Theirs was one of many Kenyan families who were facing the cold reality of hunger. Food was scarce. Hope faded more with every passing day.

Help for families in Kenya in desperate need

Farayan’s mother—who is also Neewo’s grandmother, Nagisai—did what she could to provide for her family, but when the drought struck, she had nothing left. Every day, this matriarch of her multi-generational family spent hours walking from village to village, searching for work—anything that would allow her to put just a little food on the table. All too often, she came back empty-handed.

“It would break my heart when I tried so hard and got nothing,” she said. “So, I went out again and again, trying to look for food. If I didn’t find anything in one village, I would walk to the next and on to the next.” But everyone was suffering. For miles around, no one had any food left.

severe drought in Kenya

When she did find a little morsel of food, she gave it to her children or the grandchildren she also thought of as her own kids. “I would tell them, ‘I know it’s not enough, but be patient. This is all we have for now.’ Then I would go back out again and beg for more food. … I thought the drought would kill my children.”

Help For Kenyan Families

They needed someone to reach out and change their circumstances. Thankfully, across the world, friends like you heard Nagisai’s cries. You came to her rescue with a most precious gift—food for her family and the 780 other Kenyan families in her surrounding community! For Farayan, Neewo, and Nagisai, you also provided something else— something more precious than food. When you sent your love around the world, you brought hope that tomorrow could be better.

The severe drought in Kenya affected villages like theirs all across the Marsabit region. And your support not only helped with food, it also gave families access to clean water and helped with long-term initiatives aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty. Through a local sack garden program, our teams trained community members to grow their own produce—right there in the parched landscape—so parents could provide for their children for years to come.

These initiatives gave families like Nagisai’s the tools that they needed to cultivate food and generate ongoing income that would help them build a brighter future for the next generation! Over and over again, your love is making the difference for those in greatest need.

Fighting Food Insecurity in America with Faith

Deidre and her husband Stacy valued their faith and family above all else. In fact, Stacy wanted to spend more time with his family. He accepted a new job that allowed him to do this. Unfortunately, he soon discovered the job didn’t pay enough to cover their expenses. This is the situation facing far too many families fighting food insecurity in America.

Thankfully, Stacy’s strong faith in God helped him make it through the struggle.  He told us, “I was still trusting God. I was still saying ‘You’re working it out for the good, and I’m trusting You. I am looking for positions. You got this God.’”

Facing Food Insecurity in America

Even though both Stacy and Deidre were working–her full-time as a teacher–they could not pay all their bills. For many, this nightmare of working multiple jobs and still being unable to afford necessities leads to food insecurity. Trapped in the struggle, Deidre and Stacy needed help.

Deidre talked with us about the challenges she and so many Americans face. However, the stress of the situation did not diminish her faith in God. She summed up her patient resolve when she said, “Just making ends meet. Being able to pay bills on time. You know I just kind of trusted that God would provide for us.”

And of course…God did!

God Provides Through You and a Local Partner

That is when Stacey and Deidre discovered an Operation Blessing partner that helps people facing food insecurity. Kingdom Investing Outreach Center helps provide food so families do not have to go without nutritious groceries when they cannot earn enough to pay all their bills. The center is one of multiple hunger relief partners that Operation Blessing supplies with food to help people who cannot afford the basics, and it’s all because of your support.

Stacy was grateful for your generosity. With a full heart Stacy said, “They gave a lot of love. They just make you feel right at home. And I shared this with my family. We were all excited. The kids were excited. It’s a blessing to see they are getting everything they need when it comes to their eating.”

The Need for Nutritious Food

Many American families cannot provide all the food their family needs to be healthy. Your giving and partnership helps to change that, one family at a time. Your dedication helps combat this type of poverty and give hope to so many facing similar circumstances. For Stacy and Deidre it made a huge difference.

And God did not stop there! He also provided a new job for Stacy—a job that is paving the way for a better future.

Deidre and Stacy’s faith has remained strong through the ordeal. She said she’s, “so grateful that there is always hope no matter the situation. God is like, ‘stay focused on me,’ because the God of the universe can do anything.”

need for nutritious food

Partnership Makes This Possible

The fact that you care makes this possible. You are the hands and feet of Christ. Your giving and faithful dedication put food on the table for people who are doing everything they can to survive.

Thank you for making a difference.

Wildfire Medical Relief: A Mission of Healing in Chile

CHILE – In the aftermath of Chile’s devastating wildfires, the charred landscape of Miraflores near Valparaiso is a stark reminder of the disaster’s wrath. Amidst this desolation, Operation Blessing stands as a beacon of hope, delivering vital wildfire medical relief to affected communities grappling with loss and the daunting task of recovery.

Operation Blessing’s Medical Tent: A Haven in the Ashes

Gustavo Angel, the OB Medical Director, has been ministering medical assistance with a dedicated team to residents who have faced the fires’ fury. The community’s resilience is palpable as families, having lost nearly everything, return to their land to confront the reality of their razed homes and begin the arduous process of rebuilding.

medical aid for wildfire victims

Wildfire Medical Relief Amidst Recovery

The medical tent established by Operation Blessing is more than just a structure; it’s a symbol of care and support, providing first-level medical care, essential medicines, wound care, and health therapies. For those living out in the open, vulnerable to the conditions wrought by the fire, this medical support is a lifeline.

Comfort Food and Community Support

Diego Traverso, Director of International Disaster Relief, brings updates from a food truck serving hot meals to families. In collaboration with Youth With a Mission from Santiago, the team provides not just sustenance but also a sense of normalcy through comfort food, allowing families to nourish their bodies and spirits as they continue the hard work of cleaning and rebuilding.

The Difference YOU Are Making

Operation Blessing is committed to remaining in the region, extending their stay to support the ministries and churches actively working in the field. The success of these relief efforts hinges on the generosity of those who support Operation Blessing’s mission, enabling them to offer assistance where it’s needed most. The difference you are making cannot be said enough. Your prayers, contributions, and endless support stands as a light to people who have lost everything. Thank you for such a heart to help people in need and show them the love of Christ. Please continue to support our wildfire relief efforts in Chile.

Please continue to support our efforts and help heartbroken but grateful disaster survivors. Visit and continue to bless the wildfire victims in Chile!

care for Chile wildfire victims