Abundant Blessings After Idalia

FLORIDA – Although the hurricane passed through with surprising speed, those affected by its destructive force faced a long road to recovery after Idalia. Thanks to friends like you, our Operation Blessing team arrived on the scene quickly and reached out to help people like Linda, a resident of a community near hard-hit Homosassa, Florida.

She told us, “It was such a good community. It’s quiet. It’s beautiful. I’m on the water. I live in paradise, and I love it. But Hurricane Idalia came, and paradise is not as pretty as it used to be.”

Coping With The Damage After Idalia

Linda described her experience after Idalia. “I came home after evacuating. I opened the door—I had two feet of water in the house.” Our Operation Blessing crew of staff and volunteers got right to work helping Linda recover her home. They removed damaged furniture, waterlogged belongings, and ruined drywall and flooring.

Linda was so grateful for the help friends like you sent. She said, “Operation Blessing knocked on my door and immediately got a crew in here to get all the heavy things out of the house. That’s something I cannot do on my own. Without them, I just really don’t know what I would have done. They were just so wonderful.”

Caring For People In Need After Hurricane Idalia

Shannon and her 12-year-old son Logan were truly blessed after Idalia by the love and comfort you sent. Shannon said, “My stuff is gone, but my God isn’t gone.” And Logan said, “Having Operation Blessing and the church here, it really boosted my faith. It really made me think that, yes, there is a God that’s here to help us.”

Because you care, we were able to coordinate dozens of volunteers, providing them with the needed tools and oversight to help residents. You also sent truckloads of relief items to hurricane victims, including vital food, water, and cleanup supplies. With your help, our mobile kitchen served over a thousand hot meals to both volunteers and residents.

Thank you so much! God bless you as you have abundantly blessed the people of Florida.

Relief for Hurricane Otis Survivors

MEXICO – Hurricane Otis survivors are facing a devastated landscape of roofless buildings, downed power lines, and homes flooded with water. The account by Hurricane Otis survivor, Jessica, reveals just how difficult the circumstances have become in and around Acapulco.

She is thankful her family escaped with their lives from one of the most catastrophic hurricanes ever to hit the area. “We were all down under the dining table. And we began to hear everything falling down, the dishes, the entire refrigerator, everything,” Jessica said. “The wind was so loud, and it was so strong even the walls were shaking. It felt like an earthquake. The floors and walls—everything was moving. We could hear it.”

When the storm subsided, Jessica and her family’s true nightmare began. She said, “My husband left because we couldn’t wait under the table anymore, and he started to look around. He said to me, ‘Guess what, we don’t have a roof anymore.’ I thought maybe a part of it might still be there, but he said: ‘It’s all gone.'”

damage caused by Hurricane Otis in Mexico

Partnering with Local Organizations to Help Hurricane Otis Survivors

The needs of Hurricane Otis survivors are overwhelming, but thanks to our Operation Blessing partners, hope can prevail. Jessica and her husband learned about a community dinner that Operation Blessing set up at the Star of Bethlehem Church, and they connected with us there. In partnership with local humanitarian organizations, Operation Blessing is providing many families like Jessica’s with an oasis of hope.

Jessica said, “When we came, they gave us food, and we got to eat. The truth is we were so tired. They not only gave us food and water, but kind attention. And thanks to you, you also gave us water, some groceries, and things for the baby. And then we also had some breakfast because, to be honest, we were hungry.” She went on, “You could say that I lost everything, but I’m happy. I’m happy because my family is alive, because I’m fine, and because I have somewhere to take refuge.”

relief for hurricane otis survivors

Many people are still sitting in darkness, without power or the means to cook or preserve food. For others, their homes have flooded, and everything they own has been ruined. And some have lost those they love most and will be grieving as they face the monumental task of recovery. The people of this region still need our help.

YOU Are Helping Hurricane Otis Survivors!

With the generous support of friends like you, Operation Blessing can continue to bring drinking water, food, solar lamps, and above all, hope, to the people of Acapulco. You can help even more families in need when you visit https://www.ob.org/disaster-relief/ today!

You Gave Food In Abundance

WEST VIRGINIA – Kayla knows the cost of sacrifice all too well. After going through a divorce, she resolved to do anything necessary to support her children. And when she couldn’t, it was your sacrificial support that got her through the most difficult days.

Quality time with her four children had always been important to Kayla. They loved to spend time together—roasting marshmallows, skipping rocks across the creek, or just hanging out at home. She cherished every moment.

But when she was suddenly on her own to pay the bills, Kayla had no choice but to give up being a stay-at-home mom in order to work. “I want them to know that Mommy’s there, I love them, and I’m going to provide for them at all costs,” said Kayla.

fighting food insecurity

The transition was more difficult than she anticipated. “It was overwhelming. I was scared. I know that there were people willing to help if I asked, but I wanted to do it myself. I didn’t want to be dependent on someone.”

At first, Kayla got a job as a cook at a local daycare, where she could also get childcare for her youngest son. It was perfect. “I know that was a godsend moment,” she said. “It was a reminder that God is providing—because who else could give you exactly what you’re needing like that?”

the importance of hunger relief or a young mother

Food In Abundance From A Local Food Pantry

Even with a steady income, however, money was tight. Kayla continued struggling to pay the bills and didn’t have enough to cover all of her children’s needs. “There was no extra. There was no safety net if something catastrophic were to happen.” The constant pressure took a toll on Kayla. She was desperate and began to struggle spiritually. But God was faithful. He continued to provide for her through your generous compassion.

One day the director of an Operation Blessing partner ministry visited the daycare where Kayla worked— and offered extra assistance to families of the children. Food pantries help provide food in abundance for families in need. Kayla gratefully accepted this lifeline.

She visited the ministry’s food pantry, and her heavy burden began to lighten. “People legitimately cared. It gave me confidence that God was providing through them, and it wasn’t something to be ashamed of,” Kayla said. “I felt relief when they were giving me the food, because that was just one less thing I would have to worry about for that month.”

When her children saw all the food you provided, their faces lit up. Kayla’s heart filled with joy. “It’s like Christmas for them,” she said. “The food is more than enough. … The food has helped me not only to fill my belly, but the spiritual aspect is what I keep falling back on the most.” God’s faithfulness was evident.

Soon, Kayla was able to find another job as a cook that helped her better provide for her family. But she did not forget the sacrifice you made to help her and her children when they needed it most. “Thank you to the people providing all this. I know the ones that are doing this—they’re sacrificing in some way, whether it’s time or money. They’re sacrificing something to try to take care of people like me.”

Rescued From Blindness

INDIA – Five years ago, Soniya lost her parents in an accident. Just like that, her life was turned upside down. She and her two siblings went to live with their uncle’s family, and that was a bright spot in an otherwise dark time—but sadly, the darkness kept growing in a different way. In fact, it would not be long before Soniya would need to be rescued from blindness by friends like you.

Soniya’s vision began to blur significantly in her left eye as she developed a cataract. As you might imagine, schoolwork soon became difficult for Soniya, and it wasn’t long before her vision became so bad in both eyes that she dropped out of school entirely. 

life changing surgery to restore sight

“Earlier, I used to be engaged in dancing and singing. I have also participated in school-level competitions. I like to entertain people around me with my talents,” she shared. “Two years ago, I realized that I was unable to see anything clearly, then gradually my vision faded away and I became partially blind,” she continued. “There was no hope left in my life.”

This 18-year-old who once had plans to become a doctor found herself without any career prospects or much hope for the future. 

Rescued From Blindness Because Of YOU!

Thankfully, friends like you intervened, and Soniya soon encountered God’s love through Operation Blessing. When our life-changing surgeries program formed a special partnership with healthcare facilities in India, your gifts opened the door to provide cataract repair surgeries to thousands.

Through that partnership, Soniya received the life-changing surgery she so desperately needed. A simple act of kindness from compassionate people like you has rewritten her story with hope. Because of YOU Soniya was rescued from blindness. Now that she can see again, Soniya can resume her studies and confidently pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.

Safe Spaces in Israel for the Suffering

ISRAEL – Operation Blessing is in Eilat, Israel, which is one of the country’s southernmost cities. Families are seeking refuge there because it’s far from the conflict, and friends like you are there with us giving them critical aid and a safe space when they need it most.

Displaced people are checking into the second hotel supported by our Operation Blessing family. Some of them only brought a few bags and their children. They just need some sense of normalcy in a terribly traumatic time.

Lina Schvetz shared her memory of leaving her hometown, “A lot of the houses are ruined. It’s horrible. No one is outside. Everyone is gone. I don’t know if they left everything behind. Obviously, we can’t work. Everything is closed.”

You can see the despair in their eyes. They don’t know what the future holds. Some families are separated. Many mothers are alone with their children while grandmothers are alone with their grandchildren. It’s the children that suffer most in times like these, and they need our help.

Supplies and Safe Spaces for Suffering Families in Israel

But thanks to Operation Blessing partners, our team is caring for these families. We’re not only providing lodging, food, and hygiene supplies, but also help with transportation and even toys for children. Thanks to the support of friends like you, families have a way to travel to this town far from danger and find solace.

Lina sends her thanks. “It’s helping us very much. My children are happy to be here. They can play, and for a moment they forget everything that’s happened.”

supplies for displaced persons

Many of these families don’t know what to do or where to turn. But here, in this safe space that friends like you are providing, these families have a chance to heal. They can fellowship, pray together, and eat together until, prayerfully, the terror stops in Israel.

Thank you for loving these families. Thank you for turning your prayers, your concerns, and your thoughts into tangible physical supplies for the thousands of families that need it most.

When you partner with Operation Blessing, you are changing their lives and making a difference in their future today.

Helpful New Beginnings After Tragic Earthquakes

MOROCCO AND TURKEY – When tragic earthquakes strike, lives are left in the rubble. Recently, you reached out to survivors in Morocco after deadly earthquakes took thousands of lives and left tens of thousands homeless. You provided vital supplies like food, water, blankets, and solar lights. You offered, both literally and figuratively, a light in the darkness for survivors of tragic earthquakes. One Moroccan named Zouhair said, “It was like a miracle when you came here.”

earthquake damage in Morocco


But long after an earthquake strikes, the rebuilding goes on. As people in Turkey continued the struggle to rebuild their lives after the deadly earthquakes shook their region earlier this year, you gave them hope. You’re helping people like Hakan rewrite their stories.

While most people slept in their beds, that peaceful night in February quickly turned chaotic as the earth shook and turned buildings into rubble. Tens of thousands died, and millions more were displaced. As survivors mourned the loss of their loved ones—family, friends, and neighbors—so many struggled to find a way to move forward and support themselves once again.

Hakan survived, but like many others he lost everything, including his coffee shop. Without it, he had no way to support himself. “It’s been traumatic for me to see my friends’ lives destroyed, and so many lives were lost,” said Hakan. “There’s so much sadness here, but I do not want to leave the city. I want to see the city rebuilt, but I don’t have much hope.” 

supplies for earthquake victims in Turkey 2023


Then you gave him a lifeline when he needed it most! Faithful Operation Blessing friends like you stepped in and provided microenterprise grants to help business owners like Hakan earn a living and restore their dignity. Together, we worked with Hakan to build a new coffee shop— complete with appliances and supplies—so he could restart his business without further delay.

This business is also helping to restore a sense of community and hope for the future to people in his area. Hakan is so grateful for your love and support during this most difficult time. “It has touched me that someone from another part of the world, who doesn’t even know me, comes all the way here to help.”

Your generosity has blessed so many others in Turkey by supplying water filter systems, food, and tents for those still living in tent cities across the region. Thank you for bringing a ray of hope and comfort to these precious people who are hurting in Turkey. May God bless you for helping victims of tragic earthquakes!

Support for Hurricane Otis Victims

MEXICO – Operation Blessing is in Acapulco, Mexico, offering critical relief to storm victims after category 5 Hurricane Otis devastated the region. Residents shared their experiences with us.

One man said, “We heard there would be a hurricane coming, but not one so intense. We didn’t have time to prepare anything.” A mother told us, “It was so ugly. I’ve seen things like that on TV but never experienced anything like it. It was like something out of a movie.” She continued. “I had to hold my children; I thought the wind would just blow them away.”

Operation Blessing Disaster Relief Team Provides Support

After the storm passed, our Operation Blessing disaster relief team deployed to hard-hit communities. As always, the first step is to identify the biggest needs. One local volunteer shared this with us: “The strong winds devastated everything. Electric poles fell, the water and gas pipes were destroyed. There is no water; there is no gas; there is no electricity.” With the ongoing generosity of friends like you, we brought water purifiers and are working with the local church to establish a soup kitchen for this community.

responding after category 5 Hurricane Otis hit

Many people are still sitting in darkness, without power or the means to cook or preserve food. Others had their homes flooded, and everything they own has been ruined. And some have lost those they love most and will be grieving as they face the monumental task of recovery.

You Can Help Hurricane Otis Victims

We want to thank you for your prayers and your support because Operation Blessing partners like you are making this help possible for the most desperate people in Acapulco. You can be part of crucial disaster relief when you visit https://www.ob.org/disaster-relief/ today.

Responding to Hurricane Otis in Mexico

MEXICO – Operation Blessing is responding to Hurricane Otis after the category 5 storm barreled into Mexico’s Guerrero state on the Pacific coast on October 25. The strongest storm on record for that region, Otis came with 165 mph winds that tore the roofs from residences and hotels and destroyed communications channels along with the power grid, leaving huge segments of the population in darkness.

hurricane otis

Hurricane Otis Caused Landslides and Took Lives

Torrential downpours from the hurricane also caused widespread flash-flooding, making main roadways inaccessible and even causing landslides in some places. Already, authorities have reported that more than 25 people died from storm-related causes. Much of the damage centers around Acapulco, which has descended into chaos since looters began to take advantage of the devastation.

Our international disaster response team deployed right away and is now on the ground to assess damages and determine how we might best help the suffering. Many people are still sitting in darkness, without power or the means to cook or preserve food. Others had their homes flooded, and everything they own has been ruined. And some have lost those they love most and will be grieving as they face the monumental task of recovery.

You Can Help the Hurting

Thankfully, friends like you are there in times like these. We’ll be working to provide food, clean water, and critical supplies for hurting families as soon as possible—all thanks to the generosity of friends like you. If you want to partner with Operation Blessing to help disaster victims, you can give at ob.org/crisis.

Please also join us in praying for those who have lost power—especially people in hospitals—as well as people who are overwhelmed by loss and trauma and the prospect of rebuilding life as they know it. God is faithful to answer when we call to Him in faith for those in need. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Christ to meet them in this difficult time.

Supporting Displaced Families in Israel

ISRAEL – Operation Blessing is supporting displaced families in Israel who have escaped the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israeli military forces.  

We met Irina and her family who have had to flee their home due to the violence. She told us, “When we woke up on the morning on the seventh of October, we saw the news, and we were shocked. We didn’t know what to do and didn’t know where we were going. We understand we can’t go back home to Ashkelon.”

As the attacks took civilians by surprise, thousands of families have had to evacuate in a hurry. Unfortunately, they now find themselves empty-handed in a new town, with no clothes and no food.

Irina described the conditions when they first arrived. “We came into this place, and this was like a desert—one big room for 20 people. There were only mattresses on the floor, and people had nothing to eat.”

Food, Shelter, and Support for Displaced Families

In the city of Eilat 4 hours away from Jerusalem, we’re hosting families like Irina’s that are fleeing from the bombs and the horrors of war. Because of the generosity of our partners, Operation Blessing has brought solutions that include everything from providing bus fares, to clothes, food, personal hygiene supplies, toys for the children, bedding, and lodging.

Friends like you are also providing safe spaces for suffering families to re-energize, to reorganize their thoughts, and to check in with their loved ones, as most of them are women and young children.

Irina said, “Thank you for what you’re doing. It’s very important for Israeli people and all people that need help.”

You Can Help Suffering Families in Israel

We want to reach out to you today so that you can help us support these families whose futures are now uncertain. By supporting Operation Blessing, you can help the thousands of Israeli families that just a few days ago lived a normal, peaceful life. To give, visit ob.org/crisis.

Thank you for loving these families. Thank you for turning your prayers, your concerns, and your thoughts into tangible physical supplies for the thousands of families that need it most.

When you partner with Operation Blessing, you are changing their lives and making a difference in their future today.

Israel Crisis Response

ISRAEL – On October 7, Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas militants—members of a terrorist organization based out of the contested Gaza strip—and the two parties have been at war ever since. Since the first days of the conflict, our sister organization CBN Israel has been in Israel offering assistance. We have now joined forces there on the ground with an Israel crisis response.

Thousands of lives have been lost, and thousands more people—both soldiers and civilians—have sustained injuries in the days of fighting since Israel’s first retaliatory missile strikes. What’s more, in an attempt to preserve life, Israel ordered the evacuation of everyone in the northern area of the Gaza Strip, by all accounts over 1 million people. And the panicked rush of humanity out of the conflict zone in the days since defies belief.

Now, hundreds of thousands of people who have fled the conflict zone are homeless and hopeless until circumstances change. They’re forced to reside in overflowing U.N. sponsored refugee camps or struggle to survive on their own unless they can get help. Thankfully, compassionate friends like you have made a way for them. 

Israel Crisis Response from Operation Blessing

Operation Blessing’s international disaster response team is working alongside CBN Israel to provide temporary hotel housing and meals for displaced families—even preparing a food truck to offer hot meals for people on the move. This way, suffering souls can at least have food to fill their bellies and a safe place to lay their heads at night. 

Israel crisis support

The need is simply overwhelming, so plans are also in the works to provide a variety of other supplies and services for children and adults that will make their stay more comfortable and help them regain some sense of normalcy—even as many of their homes are being destroyed. 

Please pray for these families, especially the thousands who have lost loved ones in the conflict. If you’d like to help us bless victims of crisis, you can give at ob.org/crisis.