The Peril of Dangerous Water in Guatemala

GUATEMALA – Abygail lives in the heart of Guatemala. A single mother of 2 boys, she faces a silent struggle that threatens many people in her community: the risk of using dangerous water to survive. While she does have places to go to get water, the sources are not safe to drink. The only real solution is a water system that provides water free from bacteria and contaminants.

dirty unsafe water in Guatemala

2 Sources of Dangerous Water

Abygail’s family, like many others in their community, relied on two primary sources of water, both of which posed significant health risks.

  1. A shallow well dug near their home
  2. A polluted river located more than a 30-minute walk away
bad water source

The water from these sources was far from safe. “The color is yellow. Sometimes it smells like dead animals,” Abygail described the well water. “We can’t drink it because it is bad and hurts our stomachs.” The river water was no better, with Abygail noting its “rusty smell and taste.”

Despite knowing the dangers, families like Abygail’s often had no choice but to consume this water. Her son said, “When I drink the water, my stomach hurts.” The consequences of drinking such contaminated water were severe, with Abygail’s children frequently falling ill and requiring medical attention.

contaminated and dirty water

The Need for Clean Water Systems in Guatemala

The situation in Abygail’s community highlights the critical need for clean water solutions in Guatemala. Families shouldn’t have to choose between dehydration and illness. The presence of proper water treatment and distribution systems can dramatically improve public health, reduce waterborne diseases, and enhance overall quality of life.

Operation Blessing Brings Change

In the face of this localized threat from dangerous water, Operation Blessing stepped in with a life-changing solution. We drilled a deep well in Abygail’s community. This helped provide a reliable source of clean water. But they didn’t stop there. We went further by:

  1. Installing a 4,000-gallon water tank
  2. Implementing a purification system
  3. Creating a network of pipes to distribute clean water to every home in the community

This system will ensure that families in Abygail’s community have constant access to safe, clean water right in their homes. The impact has been immediate and profound. Abygail expressed her heartfelt gratitude: “Thank you to Operation Blessing and the people who gave money to bring this clean water.”

Guatemala solution

The Power of Kindness

The transformation in Abygail’s community wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible kindness of Operation Blessing’s partners. Your donations have directly contributed to providing not just clean water, but hope and health to families in need. You are the reason children in Abygail’s community can now drink water without fear of illness.

a healthier choice

The Power of Your Support

While the story of Abygail’s village is one of triumph, countless others in Guatemala and around the world still face the daily struggle of accessing clean water. Because of this, Operation Blessing remains committed to addressing this global need, one community at a time.

Your continued support makes that possible! Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to a future where dangerous water is a thing of the past, and clean, safe water is a reality for all.

Helicopter Supply Drop Brings Vital Hurricane Relief to North Carolina

ASHEVILLE – In the wake of Hurricane Helene, you sent lifesaving aid directly to those in need. Operation Blessing’s helicopter supply drop in North Carolina brought crucial hurricane relief to families isolated by the storm. Thanks to your incredible generosity, survivors of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina received water filtration systems, solar lights, and emergency food packages. This swift response brought hope and life-saving resources to those hardest hit by the devastation.

Hurricane Relief Through a Helicopter Supply Drop

The scale of destruction caused by Hurricane Helene has been overwhelming. Roads were washed away, bridges collapsed, and entire communities were left without power or clean water. But your donations made it possible for Operation Blessing to reach these remote locations with essential supplies. Our multiple helicopter supply drops targeted areas cut off from traditional aid routes, ensuring that no family was left behind.

Jess, one of the storm survivors, shared her emotional story: “Hearing that we could reliably pull water from our creek again brought me to tears.” Thanks to your support, Jess and many others now have access to clean water through the water filtration systems you helped provide.

hurricane relief with a supply drop from the air

Hurricane Helene Relief in North Carolina via Helicopter

With roads impassable and communities stranded, helicopter supply drop proved to be a lifeline for families across Western North Carolina. In addition to water filtration systems, you helped deliver solar lamps and emergency meal kits. These supplies, made possible by your donations, are vital for families like Jess’s, who lost access to clean water and power after the hurricane. The impact of your donations is felt deeply by those receiving aid. “We’ve been living off bottled water, but it can only go so far,” Jess explained.

You Made This Relief Possible

Your compassion and generosity are the driving force behind Operation Blessing’s ability to provide timely disaster relief. The hurricane relief through this helicopter supply drop was a direct result of your support. You are the reason we can continue to deliver emergency supplies to those in desperate need after disasters like Hurricane Helene. Families in North Carolina are still recovering from the devastating effects of the storm. But thanks to you, they have clean water, light, and food during these challenging times.

Help More Families in Need

The recovery is far from over, and there are still many families who need help. If you want to continue supporting disaster relief efforts, visit Operation Blessing’s disaster relief page. By donating today, you are helping Operation Blessing continue to deliver life-saving aid to families facing the aftermath of hurricanes and other natural disasters.

helicopter supply drop to Asheville North Carolina

Bringing Hope to Brazil Long after Floodwaters Recede

BRAZIL – Weeks after the rush of floodwaters in Brazil no longer dominated the news, families were still suffering. But thanks to your generosity, Operation Blessing continues offering hope and help long after floodwaters recede and the headlines fade.

“We were very, very surprised, because it happened so quickly,” shared Rosangela, a flood survivor. “We never thought the water would get as high as it did. There was no time to do anything.” The devastation was overwhelming, with hundreds of thousands displaced, homes destroyed, and livelihoods lost.

Andre, a local baker, remembers the moment he realized danger was imminent. “I was at home, and we were following the news of what was happening, and we kind of freaked out when the dam started to overflow close to our house. Then we had to get out.”

The Loss of Personal Items after Floodwaters Recede

For Andre, the floods washed away more than just his possessions—they threatened his family’s entire livelihood. “Some things I lost during the flood are impossible to recover. I lost boxes for organizing our groceries. I lost fryer baskets, spoons, and utensils that we use frequently for the churro business, as well as perishable products,” he explained.

The loss of his churro cart hit particularly hard. “I felt so helpless that we couldn’t deal with such destruction by this force of nature. I felt so sad when I saw the cart submerged in water. It’s my livelihood. It’s the only thing I have to support my family.”

helping flood victims

But even as the news cycle moved on, Operation Blessing remained in the hard-hit city of Novo Hamburgo, offering crucial support to those in need. Thanks to your compassion, we were able to step in with brand-new tools and materials and help Andre restart his business. “After such loss, we got back to doing things and working. It makes us feel like we can go on. Operation Blessing helped me to start my work again,” Andre said gratefully.

Your generosity allowed Operation Blessing to address a range of needs across affected areas. From providing food and safe water to distributing solar lamps, hygiene kits, and cleaning supplies, your support made a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Brazil flooding damage

Picking Up the Pieces After the Flood

Many families found hope through the disaster relief team’s ongoing efforts. Patrini, a mother of three, returned home after weeks in a shelter to face the daunting task of cleaning up. “Mentally, my children and I have had a very difficult time with this. Everything is difficult. We lost everything.

It’s hard to see our house in this state,” she explained. Patrini’s husband, Jeremias, added, “It’s overwhelming. We never imagined this could happen to us. It was a shock to see our things not be rescued in time to salvage them, and only be able to take what little we could.”

flood relief charity

Thanks to friends like you, we were able to provide essential cleaning kits to Patrini’s family and others to help sanitize their homes. “This cleaning is so important to me, because I was alone with three children,” Patrini said. “There was no one to help me, and then help practically fell from the sky! It would have been hard for me to clean alone. I’m so glad they arrived.”

She added gratefully, “To those who give, I say thank you very much! May God help more and more. And may God touch more hearts to help people in need.”

helping flood survivors

Andre also expressed his gratitude. “I want to thank the people who help us. It’s not just for me and my business, but also the others you’ve helped by helping me. I want to thank Operation Blessing for all their help. God always sends the right people at the right time.”

Your faithful support enables Operation Blessing to keep showing the world God’s love far beyond the initial shock of disaster. Even after floodwaters recede, you are helping communities rebuild and restore their lives. In Brazil—and wherever disaster strikes next—you are making a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.

restoring hope after a flood

Disaster Relief in Georgia

GEORGIA – When natural disasters strike, the impact on communities can be devastating, and Hurricane Helene was the most devastating storm to strike our country in years. Operation Blessing and its partners have been at the forefront of providing crucial aid and offering disaster relief in Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina.

Your Generosity in Action: Disaster Relief in Valdosta

The impact of your donations became immediately apparent as Operation Blessing teams hit the ground running in Valdosta. Within 24 hours of the disaster, a fully operational headquarters was established, ready to serve those in desperate need.

“Operation Blessing was right there as soon as we needed them, getting volunteers ready to go, partnering with our church, being able to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community,” Pastor Caleb said.

The Power of Partnership in Georgia Disaster Relief

Your support has enabled Operation Blessing to provide comprehensive disaster relief services across Georgia, including:

  1. Chainsaw work to clear fallen trees
  2. Debris cleanup to restore safety and access
  3. Tarping damaged roofs to prevent further damage
  4. Distribution of essential supplies and hot meals

In just 48 hours, over 1,000 hot meals and cases of water were distributed to those hurting in the Valdosta community. This immediate response was made possible by your generous contributions.

Disaster Relief in Valdosta

Why Your Continued Support Matters

The need for disaster relief in Georgia remains critical. As Pastor Caleb emphasized, “We’ve seen the results of it. We’ve seen the boxes of food come in, we’ve seen the cleaning supplies. We’ve seen the hands and feet show up here and be able to set up a headquarters for all those in need within 24 hours of a major disaster. But he also pointed out a crucial fact: “It only happens because of individuals like you and me that give to this organization.”

“We’ve seen the hands and feet show up here and be able to set up a headquarters for all those in need within 24 hours of a major disaster.”

-Caleb Clay, Pastor Anchor Faith Church

Be a Beacon of Hope in Georgia’s Disaster Relief Efforts

Your partnership is the lifeline that allows Operation Blessing to respond swiftly and effectively to disasters across Georgia and beyond. As we continue to face natural disasters, your ongoing commitment to disaster relief in Valdosta is more important than ever. You have the power to bring hope, healing, and restoration to communities devastated by hurricanes and other catastrophes.

Remember, in the face of disaster, you are the reason families find shelter, communities rebuild, and hope is restored. Together, we can continue to provide crucial disaster relief in Georgia and other parts of the Southeast, bringing light to even the darkest of times.

Hurricane Helene Relief: Partnering for Recovery

NORTH CAROLINA – When Hurricane Helene rampaged through parts of Western North Carolina, the damage was devastating, leaving homes and businesses in shambles. Entire communities faced widespread destruction, with roads blocked by debris, power outages, and access to basic necessities severely limited. Operation Blessing quickly stepped in, providing critical disaster relief to Hurricane Helene victims. This included delivering essential resources like water, food, and hygiene kits.

This massive relief effort is only happening because of you. Your generosity makes it possible to reach storm-affected families and help them begin the long road to recovery. The incredible response from our partners means that, even in hard-to-reach areas, we can continue delivering the necessary supplies and support.

Hurricane damage in Asheville, North Carolina

Hurricane Helene Relief in the Town of Asheville, North Carolina

In the town of Asheville, North Carolina, residents found themselves cut off from gas stations and grocery stores, unable to find basic essentials. Fallen trees and impassable roads contributed to the chaos. Operation Blessing’s team, alongside volunteers, is working tirelessly to provide much-needed relief. Despite the immense Hurricane Helene damage, our partners are working hard to ensure that no one is left behind in this recovery effort.

The overwhelming property damage in small towns is heartbreaking. Yet, with your unwavering support, we managed to deploy relief teams swiftly, setting up feeding stations and distributing water in these storm-ravaged areas. You are making this happen by standing with families as they begin to rebuild their lives.

The Power of Community After Disaster

The Hurricane Helene relief effort also demonstrates the power of community, with our partners’ generosity at the forefront. You allow Operation Blessing to continue offering the disaster response needed to bring hope to people in distress. The impact of your donations reaches far beyond immediate needs, contributing to long-term recovery for families devastated by the hurricane.

This is more than just a cleanup; it’s about restoring hope to families who lost so much. Your continued support throughout the Hurricane Helene relief effort makes all the difference.

Rebuilding these communities would be impossible without the tremendous help of our partners. Every donation, every show of support, is a lifeline for those who lost their homes and livelihoods in the storm.

Thank You for Caring for People in Western North Carolina

We want to thank you—the heart and soul behind this relief effort. Because of your generosity, families across Western North Carolina are being given hope. Together, we stand stronger, ready to face whatever comes next, knowing that your compassion will continue to bring comfort and help to disaster victims in need.

Hurricane Helene damage in North Carolina

Hope After Helene: A Mother’s Terrifying Tale

VALDOSTA, GEORGIA – “Mom, I don’t think I’m going to make it.” Those were words no mother ever wants to hear, and they chilled Belinda Cribb to the bone as she heard them from her son over the phone.

Unfortunately, stories like this continue to pour in from hurricane-devastated North Carolina even now, and not all of them have such a good ending. That’s why our team is there on the ground searching out those in need to offer a helping hand.

In the video above, Belinda shares her terrifying experience with Hurricane Helene, which struck as a Category 4 storm in late September near her home of Valdosta, Georgia.

Thankfully, Belinda’s fears were unfounded. Though their home was surrounded by fallen trees, her son was thankfully unharmed. By God’s grace, Belinda was reunited with him the next morning.

But after returning home, Belinda faced the immense damage unleashed by the storm. “The last three days, I’ve cried all the way from where I’m coming from to here. I’ve cried all the way,” said the long-time Valdosta resident. “Because seeing what people are going through is just immense.”

hope after the storm

Hope After Helene Through Your Kindness

But friends like you didn’t let Belinda suffer alone. You sent an Operation Blessing disaster relief team to her home, and they got to work tarping her roof and providing prayer and support. “You can’t put it into words when you’re going through this,” Belinda said through tears. “And, you know, all these nice boys come up to you and shake your hand.”

Thank you for providing tangible help and hope for survivors of Hurricane Helene. There are still countless families who need help, especially in North Carolina! Visit to send aid to disaster victims today.

tarping a roof after the hurricane

Hurricane Helene Devastation: A Tale of Destruction and Hope

UNITED STATES – The recent Hurricane Helene devastation has left communities reeling across multiple states, with North Carolina bearing the brunt of what officials describe as “catastrophic” destruction. As residents grapple with the aftermath, a massive disaster relief effort is underway, bringing together local communities, government agencies, and humanitarian organizations like Operation Blessing.

Massive Hurricane Helene damage

Massive Hurricane Helene Damage

In Asheville, North Carolina, the extent of Hurricane Helene devastation is staggering. Drone footage reveals impassable roads, isolating survivors and complicating rescue efforts. Local officials report that hundreds of people are missing in Buncombe County alone, where compromised cell connections and dangerous travel conditions hamper communication and aid delivery.

Community Response and Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief

Despite the challenges, communities are rallying together. In Asheville, residents lined up outside grocery stores to stock up on essentials, while others organized community potlucks to share resources. Organizations like Operation Blessing are at the forefront of these relief efforts. Staging out of Valdosta, Georgia, and partnering with Anchor Faith Church, Operation Blessing is sending volunteers into affected neighborhoods to assist with cleanup and provide hot meals. In Forest City, North Carolina, Operation Blessing has set up distribution sites, delivering hygiene kits, water, and emergency meal kits to families in need.

Hurricane Helene relief

Thank You For Being There for Them

The immediate focus is on disaster relief, and your support of Operation Blessing is what makes that possible. As we continue to address the impact of Hurricane Helene devastation, your kindness is making a difference in the lives of disaster victims. You are writing a larger story of hope and are the hands and feet of Christ. Thank you for endless kindness and generosity!

Hurricane Helene devastation charity

Help After Hurricane Helene

GEORGIA – You are empowering volunteers to provide help after Hurricane Helene for disaster victims! Your incredible generosity has enabled Operation Blessing to forge a powerful partnership with Anchor Faith Church in the wake of Hurricane Helene. Together, we’ve mobilized dedicated volunteers who are now on the ground, providing crucial support to devastated communities.

These compassionate individuals are distributing essential supplies and helping families clear debris, as they take their first steps towards recovery after the storm’s destruction. Your support is the catalyst for hope, turning despair into determination as we work tirelessly to rebuild lives and restore communities.

Volunteers are the backbone of disaster relief. They are there on the ground, providing both physical support and spiritual support. After a massive storm like Helene, these volunteers are essential both to offer a ray of hope and to offer comfort in the midst of tragedy

Help after Hurricane Helene in a Number of Ways

Thank you for your continued prayers and support in this difficult time. Your kindness and generosity make our disaster relief efforts possible. Without YOU, many might not have the basic necessities needed to survive. You are truly the hands and feet that show people the love of Christ. By providing support after Hurricane Helene, you are helping to restore hope to people in need. Visit to help victims of disaster get back on their feet.

Hurricane Helene damage

Hurricane Helene: Operation Blessing Partnering with Local Church

GEORGIA – Operation Blessing is already on the ground working in Valdosta, GA, where the center of the hurricane brought intense winds and driving rains. One of our strengths is our focus on partnering with local organizations. This allows us to assess the area with assistance from local organizations who can help us direct aid to where it’s most needed.

Partnering with Local Church Anchor Faith

For our efforts in Georgia, we are partnering with a local church called Anchor Faith Church. Pastor Mark Brady said, “We’re just thankful to partner with Operation Blessing and do whatever we can to be a blessing to our community at this time.” He continued, “They prepared us for what they could do and how we can partner with them serve our community with cleaning supplies, hygiene kits, food, even prepping hot meals here.”

Another multinational team of disaster relief experts have arrived in North Carolina, where flooding has absolutely devastated communities. Additionally, we are serving the community around our warehouse in the city of Bristol on the border of Virginia and Tennessee where food and water are huge needs.

working with Anchor Faith Church in Georgia

This is only possible because of the generous support of our Operation Blessing partners. You can help disaster victims when you visit today!

Reaching Out to the Brokenhearted in Asheville and Beyond

NORTH CAROLINA – OB National Media Liaison, Hayley Henson is still reeling after Hurricane Helene struck the area where she lives in Asheville, North Carolina.

She shared her emotional firsthand account of the storm. “The last thing that I expected was for this storm to head north and impact this mountainous region, in which I live, the way that it did.” Seeing the destruction, she continued, “It’s been heartbreaking. It’s record-breaking flooding. It hasn’t been this bad since 1916.”

“There were downed trees, downed power lines So many people couldn’t get out. There was no way to get out on the roadways,” Hayley said. “Most people are without power, without water, and most restaurants are closed. It’s really hard to get resources. Gas stations are running out of gas.”

A team of Operation Blessing disaster relief experts from around the globe has arrived since the shooting of this video, and they’re on the ground in Asheville beginning their outreach. They will provide comfort and much needed resources in this time of devastation. Meanwhile another team will continue serving in Valdosta, Georgia, where they’ve been since Saturday after initially offering relief in Florida.

Hayley also said, “I’ve seen firsthand what our team can do the way they can love on people, pour out resources, prayers and just be there for people in their time of need.”

Please continue to support this vital disaster relief work through your donations and prayers so that we can help more people. It’s because of friends like you that we can do what we do.