Transforming Lives through Cleft Surgery in Indonesia

INDONESIA – The birth of a child is a moment etched deeply into a parent’s memory. For Rosta, a mother from Indonesia, this moment was marked by both joy and heartbreak. She had been blessed with a baby girl, but her daughter, Achava, was entering the world with a cleft lip and palate.

As the family grappled with emotional struggles and financial limitations, Achava’s need for cleft surgery in Indonesia was very clear. While it appeared to be a tragedy at first, her story quickly became one of hope and transformation through an answered prayer.

Emotional Struggles and Self-Blame for Cleft Lip and Palate

During her pregnancy, Rosta experienced extreme nausea. This occurred especially during the first trimester. Seeking relief, she turned to medication. However, after discovering Achava’s condition, Rosta couldn’t help but blame herself. The possible connection between her medication and the cleft lip and palate filled her with guilt.

Rosta felt as if her consumption of the medicine was the cause of Achava’s condition. This tormented Rosta as she saw her child struggle to eat and do things other children did very easily.

Rosta Prays to God

As a woman of faith, Rosta found solace in prayer during these trying times. She appealed to God, seeking understanding and help. In the depths of her heart, she questioned why such a challenge had befallen their family. The need for cleft surgery became a test of their faith and a plea for help—one that would be answered!

Cleft Charity

Financial Hardships

The challenges didn’t stop there. Rosta’s husband, Rudi, lost his job, casting a shadow of financial difficulty over their lives. The family’s already strained financial situation was further exacerbated by their inability to afford the necessary cleft surgery for Achava. Their hopes were now dimmed by the weight of economic hardship.

God Answers Prayer through Cleft Surgery in Indonesia

In the midst of their trials, a glimmer of hope appeared when Operation Blessing entered their lives. The encounter with this cleft surgery charity brought a ray of light to the family. Through Operation Blessing’s kindness, arrangements were made for Achava to receive the much-needed cleft lip surgery, an unforeseen gift that held the promise of transformation.

The Healing Journey from Cleft Lip and Palate

The surgery was a turning point in Achava’s life. Rosta’s joy was immeasurable as she saw her daughter’s smile post-surgery. The transformation was more than physical; it was a profound emotional healing that resonated with gratitude and hope. Achava’s journey toward healing had begun, and the path was illuminated by the compassion of those who cared.

The Power of Your Generosity as Operation Blessing Partners

Achava’s healing process was a testament to the power of generosity. Likewise, Operation Blessing’s partners played a pivotal role in changing her life. Their donations, fueled by kindness and empathy, facilitated the healing journey that Achava embarked upon. The impact of Operation Blessing’s donors was profound, a testament to the ripple effect of selfless giving.

Hope for the Future

Cleft Surgery In Indonesia

Rudi’s heart echoed with a wish for continued support for families facing similar challenges. The transformative experience they had witnessed fueled his desire to see more lives changed through acts of kindness. He recognized that the role of donors was not just a financial contribution. It was also a catalyst for instilling hope and igniting change.

Gratitude for Cleft Surgery in Indonesia

In the midst of their journey, Rosta’s gratitude was boundless. She extended her heartfelt thanks to Operation Blessing and its donors. She was grateful for the profound impact they had made on her family’s life. As she looked back on their path from heartbreak to healing, Rosta’s message of hope was resounding, an inspiration for others facing their own trials.

Make The Difference for Children in Need of Cleft Surgery

In the end, Rosta’s story is a testament to the enduring power of hope, faith, and the kindness of strangers. Through the challenges of cleft lip and palate, the transformative impact of cleft surgery, and the unwavering support of Operation Blessing and its donors, Achava’s journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for families around the world and a call to action for the faithful. You have the opportunity to partner with Operation Blessing. You can make a tangible difference in the lives of children like Achava. Together, we can be instruments of change. We can extend a helping hand to those in need and foster a future filled with hope.

Learn More About How YOUR Kindness Is Changing Lives

Compassion in Action for Remote Moroccan Villagers

MOROCCO – Operation Blessing is visiting remote Moroccan villagers with assistance in hand for families who are suffering after a devastating earthquake destroyed their communities. The roads to these far-flung locations are very hard to travel, so help hadn’t reached these families yet—that is, until friends like you stepped in.

Transporting Supplies for Remote Moroccan Villagers

Our team assisted villages in one area that took several hours to reach with supplies from our base of operations. In order to even arrive there with aid, our staff had to get creative. We loaded up food, clean water, and other critical supplies on donkeys, because it’s the only way to reach them. Now, those basic necessities are making a tremendous difference in the daily lives of men, women, and children who have struggled since their homes were ruined.

Diego Traverso of Operation Blessing addressed some of the people who were suffering and shared the sentiments of all of our partners. He said, “We feel your pain. But we want to let you know that you are not alone. You are very important to us.”

earthquake supplies to remote morocco

Thanks to YOU

And this is all thanks to friends like you. Without the prayers and donations of compassionate humanitarians, we couldn’t reach people with compassion and support. You can make a difference in the lives of Morocco earthquake survivors by working together with us in the region. Your hands of compassion can show them God’s love. Visit today to give towards the cause.

Help and Hunger Relief for a Struggling Single Mother

WEST VIRGINIA – Kayla was a struggling single mother forced to take care of her family without help. She was dedicated to her two wonderful children but had never expected to be raising them alone. Now that she had to be both caregiver and breadwinner, she was overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, Kayla’s plight is not unique. So many young American women find themselves in this difficult situation. Many times a struggling single mother is faced with challenges that no one should have to face. Supporting a family on one income makes even putting food on the table difficult. This can lead to food insecurity and hunger issues. 

hungry single mother

While a lack of income is a challenge, it’s also hard to find the time to be a parent. A single mother has to go to work to provide. But that means less time and energy to meet the critical emotional needs of her kids. This problem put Kayla in a hard position.

She was worried. Kayla wanted to make sure her kids always had enough to eat and that she could spend lots of time with them. But it felt like a puzzle with missing pieces.

Answering the Needs of a Struggling Single Mother

This is where friends like you come in! Kayla’s life took a turn for the better when people who cared about others came together to show her family something very special—God’s love—through the gift of groceries.

Your support of Operation Blessing helped make sure that Kayla could provide for her family. Imagine how happy and relieved Kayla must have felt when she saw her kitchen filled with delicious food, all thanks to people who cared. It made a big difference in her life, and it made her children smile too!

But Kayla’s story isn’t just about her. There are many families around the country who face tough times. They might not have enough food to eat, or they might need help when there’s a big disaster.

That’s why they need you! You can team up with Operation Blessing and help families like Kayla’s. Together, we can provide important things like food for hungry families, clean water for drinking, and assistance after natural disaster. You can be a part of this wonderful mission by partnering with us and visiting today.

When you give, you’re not just making a donation; you’re giving hope. You’re telling families like Kayla’s that they’re not alone and that there are kind hearts out there who care about them. There are no small gifts. When everyone joins together, we can touch many lives in amazing ways!

single mother with food insecurity

Providing Aid to Morocco Earthquake Survivors

MOROCCO – A devastating earthquake has left many villages outside of Marrakesh, Morocco, in ruins. As with many large earthquakes, aftershocks are a serious threat. The fear of another tremor prevents Morocco earthquake survivors from returning to their homes.

This reality only heightens the need for aid for Morocco earthquake victims. Without safe access to their homes, the survivors can’t get food. And even those who have managed to find food have no access to a kitchen to prepare it. This makes your support of Operation Blessing that much more essential.

Disaster Aid for Morocco Earthquake Survivors

In these difficult circumstances, Operation Blessing has taken action to provide essential support. Families in affected areas now find themselves living in makeshift tents along the roadsides. Because of this desperate situation, Operation Blessing wasted no time in distributing critical supplies. Alongside much-needed food, solar lamps are being provided to address the absence of electricity, offering a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.

Brendan O’Leary, a staff representative of Operation Blessing, expressed our gratitude for our generous donors. Their unwavering support enables us to serve as compassionate agents of love in Morocco, touching the hearts of those we assist. Each donation is a beacon of hope that brings us closer to rebuilding lives and communities.

earthquake volunteers

Dedicated Earthquake Volunteers

As always, the sacrifice of caring volunteers helps bring hope and assistance to those in need. In Morocco, Layla and Zouhair stand out. These local earthquake survivors are intent on helping their neighbors through this difficult time. They shared, “We feel incredibly blessed and happy to contribute here. The survivors we meet are profoundly thankful, feeling truly blessed. It’s as if a tangible blessing is permeating this area, filling it with hope and healing.”

Zouhair is very grateful for your help. He expressed his appreciation for everyone contributing to this special operation. The aid provided, even in simple measures, brings a ray of hope. Water, food, and shelter mean so much to people who have lost everything. This assistance can create a major positive change in the lives of those who have endured so much.

Support Has Been Essential to Help Morocco Earthquake Survivors

You too can make a difference in the lives of Morocco earthquake survivors by joining hands with Operation Blessing. Visit today to show your support. Your contribution will help bring comfort and healing to these resilient communities. Together, we can rebuild and restore, showing that even in the face of adversity, there is strength and unity.

morocco earthquake victims

Help for Hard to Reach Places in Morocco

MOROCCO – Operation Blessing is dedicated to sending help to hard to reach places in Morocco after the tragic earthquake in that country. We are pushing past dangerous areas and heavy machinery to bless those victims who need it most–all because you care!

Reaching Out in the Hard Places

Closer to the epicenter, you can see the full extent of the disaster, and this video catches a birds eye view for you. Thanks to you, we were able to make it to this remote village. We have been one of the few, and one of the first humanitarian organizations to reach many of these villages. And the people are so happy and grateful for your help!

With your support, we arrived with disaster relief supplies including food, water, and solar lamps to light the dark nights with no electricity. These supplies are so important to villagers sleeping outdoors because their homes have been decimated or left crumbling and too dangerous to return to.

In the video you also hear from Rasheed, who lost his brother in the quake. Rasheed is now volunteering to help the survivors through Operation Blessing, and he shows us around the ruins.

We can’t thank those of you who have already donated enough! You are making a huge difference in this tragic time, especially those in hard to reach places in Morocco. Please keep Moroccans in your prayers as they continue to cope with this tragedy and rebuild their lives. If you’d like to donate to help disaster victims at this time, please visit

You Are Giving Aid to Earthquake Victims in Morocco

MOROCCO – “It was like a miracle when they came here,” said a Moroccan volunteer named Zouhair. “We are so blessed with Operation Blessing.” We want to offer a huge thanks to friends like you for sending Morocco earthquake aid during this dark time following the tragic and deadly disaster. But more help is still needed.

Thousands are dead and tens of thousands are without homes right now in Morocco. People are sleeping outdoors away from the dangerous crumbling buildings. Many of the survivors have lost loved ones. They desperately need help, comfort, encouragement and hope.

An Operation Blessing staff member shares his story and his heart for the hurting people in Morocco in the video. Because of you, Operation Blessing is on the ground in remote areas providing tangible relief for those affected in the form of Morocco earthquake aid. We gave them meals to eat and supply bags full of critical items like food, water, and solar lights. The solar lights will brighten the dark nights in areas without electricity.

Compassionate friends like you are also allowing volunteers like Zouhair to join Operation Blessing in responding to the devastating earthquake which has shaken his home country of Morocco.

Thank you for your heart for disaster victims. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. If you’d like to help, you can donate now at

OB Volunteers Aid Hurricane Idalia Victims

FLORIDA – After Hurricane Idalia hit vulnerable neighborhoods in Florida, several volunteers joined the Operation Blessing disaster relief team to aid families in need. This is the second disaster that Crystal has volunteered with Operation Blessing. She said, “These people had tragic events in their life, and they needed someone to care, someone to step forward, someone to let them know that God was still listening, that God was still watching, and God was there to rescue.”

hurricane idalia volunteers

Caring Volunteers Aid Hurricane Idalia Victims Like Tom And Dee

Crystal and the team arrived at Thomas and Dee’s home in Homosassa. Immediately, Tom and Dee felt the compassion and care of the Operation Blessing volunteers. Thomas told us, “Operation Blessing is one of the best caring groups of humanity.” He continued, “Even though I lost a lot of material things, the care I’m seeing far outweighs.” When we walked into Tom and Dee’s house, it was saturated by water. Debris had floated onto their property.

With the support of Operation Blessing partners, our volunteers went into the home, gutted the bathrooms and kitchen, and then removed the office furniture that had been destroyed. Crystal remarked, “There was hope that was not there when we walked in. Tom’s countenance changed–far more positive and looking forward to tomorrow.”

With tears in his eyes, Tom said, “In my years, I can’t say I appreciate anything more than what you guys have done for us.” He continued, “Seeing a group of people helping me and others has made me realize there’s a good side to everything.”

Crystal shared her love of the volunteer experience. “These people are in true desperate need, and they find love in our help. Something so simple as cleaning up a bathroom for an elderly couple or mucking out a storage building can mean so much.”

Finally, Crystal said, “What more could we really ask for that we’ve had an impact on someone’s life and made their life a little better?”

You can be part of changing lives after a disaster strikes when you partner and volunteer with Operation Blessing. Find out how when you visit and today!

Disaster Relief After The Morocco Earthquake

MOROCCO – You won’t want to miss this first-hand account of how friends like you are already making a powerful difference for earthquake survivors in Morocco. Watch now as our International Disaster Director, Diego Traverso, brings you the situation on the ground following the deadly earthquake.

Just a few days ago, Morocco suffered one of the biggest earthquakes of the last century. Now, many villages are completely devastated. Hope is scarce, but that’s where you come in. With your continued support, Operation Blessing is on the ground right now, assessing immediate needs and working with local partners to bring disaster relief after the Morocco earthquake.

Earthquake Relief

In the video, Traverso takes you to Amizmiz, a small remote village in Morocco that was decimated. The roads are hard to travel, and very little help had reached them. However, because of the compassion of friends like you, Operation Blessing has reached them and is assisting with earthquake aid like water, blankets, milk, bread, and other essential supplies for this community.

food for morocco earthquake victims

Morocco Earthquake Support

Tens of thousands of people in this region will need a tremendous outpouring of love and support to make it through these difficult days without homes, businesses, schools, stores, and other essential buildings and supplies. You can help them rebuild their lives. Will you please open your heart and reach out with a special gift for disaster victims today?

Please continue to pray for the people of Morocco during this tragic time. Thank you for being a light in the darkness. God bless you.

Follow all the latest disaster relief after the Morocco earthquake here:

Food or Medicine

GUATEMALA – As a parent, Nury frequently faced this difficult decision: food or medicine? Imagine having to make that choice for your child. Every day, many families around the world deal with this dilemma because they can’t afford both. But your love is reaching out to them with a solution.

Nury has lived in the remote community of El Reposo, Guatemala, since she was a child. To see a doctor, residents must walk 45 minutes to the nearest health center. Even if they can make the journey, many simply can’t afford to purchase medication.

providing medicine in guatemala

Food Or Medicine…A Choice No One Should Have To Make

“Many times, we spend more than we earn per day,” said Juana, who also lives in El Reposo. “Sometimes when you get sick or something happens to you, you have to figure out what to do—take natural medicine or seek help from a neighbor.”

Thanks to the generous support of friends like you, Operation Blessing was able to provide them with an answer to their problem— training residents to become Community Health Volunteers. Through the class, Nury and other community members like Juana learned how to administer basic first aid care, measure vital signs, and detect signs of malnutrition, COVID-19, and other serious diseases.

Juana was able to put her training into practice almost immediately when her niece
was bitten by a squirrel. “At that moment I remembered that they had given us a first aid kit. I put into practice everything that we had been taught in the course by Operation Blessing.” She used the supplies to stop the bleeding quickly. “The program was very good for us. Now we know what to do in any situation.”

After graduating, Nury will be able to serve her family—and community—when they get sick. “It is a great relief and blessing for what they taught us,” she told us. “Thanks to Operation Blessing for helping us!”

providing medicine for people in need

Responding to Deadly Earthquake in Morocco

MOROCCO – You might have already heard the heartbreaking news of the earthquake in Morocco. The death toll is now nearly 2,500 people and is expected to continue climbing. The people of Morocco desperately need help right now.

But, Operation Blessing has been responding to this type of life-shattering natural disaster for decades. Thanks to our faithful friends like YOU, we are already on the move to help victims of this devastating quake.

Right now, our multinational disaster team is rushing aid to the area including water purification systems, tents, and solar lights. At the same time, we’re continuing to assess the situation with partners in the region to determine how we can best serve the people in the aftermath of this terrible disaster.

Helping Earthquake Victims in Morocco

As one victim put it, “All the walls literally felt like Play-Doh and the floor just felt as if it was melting underneath my knees. I thought, ‘I’m going to die.’” This quake mainly affected vulnerable people in rural mountain areas. Many who survived have no safe homes or buildings to return to. Together with partners like you, Operation Blessing will show God’s love by offering relief to hurting people during this tragic time.

We know your hearts are probably aching, just as ours are, as we process this horrible news. Please join us in praying for those who are suffering and grieving loved ones, and consider giving a special gift to help disaster victims today.

Thank you again for your love and support for Operation Blessing. God bless you and keep you and your loved ones safe!