Deadly Morocco Earthquake – Help Is on the Way

Operation Blessing Sending International Disaster Relief Team to Morocco Following Deadly Earthquake

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (September 10, 2023) – Operation Blessing is deploying members of its International Disaster Relief team to Morocco to aid in the relief efforts following a deadly earthquake that has reportedly killed more than 2,000 people.

Relief After Deadly Earthquake Strikes

Diego Traverso, director of International Disaster Relief, will join Operation Blessing team members from Spain and Virginia Beach to distribute relief supplies including solar-powered lights and water filtration equipment, and to help with immediate needs. The team will also meet with local officials to determine the best response in the coming days and weeks.

Helping Disaster Victims

Traverso most recently led Operation Blessing’s efforts to help the people of Turkey, following an earthquake in early February.

Operation Blessing continues its efforts to help the people of Florida recover after Hurricane Idalia, and team leaders are also keeping a close eye on Hurricane Lee off the east coast of the USA.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to the relief efforts:

About Operation Blessing

Based in Virginia Beach, VA, Operation Blessing (OB) provides humanitarian services such as strategic disaster relief, medical care, hunger relief, and clean water. Founded in 1978, Operation Blessing has touched the lives of millions of people in more than 90 countries and territories, including the US.

From Food Scarcity To Plenty

VIRGINIA BEACH – Nye has always believed in helping others. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, this single mother of four was working as a nurse in her Virginia community—until she went into respiratory failure and became a patient herself. That’s when she needed help from friends like you. 

“They said I was gone for about eight seconds,” Nye said. “The doctors believe that I had COVID, and that turned to pneumonia.” She had to quit working because she couldn’t risk further exposure to COVID. The lack of income began to impact other areas of her life. Food scarcity in Virginia Beach was now a problem for her, as she didn’t have enough savings to afford everything she and her family needed.

“It was a very scary time for me not to be able to support my kids,” Nye explained.“We were just honestly living off of the savings that I had accumulated. And once that started dwindling, I started panicking.”

overcoming food scarcity in Virginia

Freedom From Food Scarcity In Virginia Beach

Then, her pastor at Freedom Church told her the church was starting a food pantry with the help of Operation Blessing. There, thanks to you, Nye received the food she desperately needed to feed her family. “The food pantry actually helped me and my kids a lot,” Nye told Operation Blessing staff. “God really answered my prayers.” The food pantry made sure Nye and her family were no longer facing food scarcity in Virginia Beach on a regular basis.

When Nye’s pastor gave her the opportunity to run the food pantry, she seized the chance to give back to the community again. “Anything for the Lord!” Nye exclaimed. “When we partnered with Operation Blessing, it opened opportunities for me to do what I know the Lord put me on this earth to do, and that’s to meet others that are in need.”

Thanks to our ministry partners and to you, Nye’s family made it through the rough patch. Now Nye is back to working full time as a nurse—and her family is thriving. “The Lord has carried me through so many storms. He has covered me in so many ways,” she said, overcome with emotion. “I’m filled with so much joy and happiness.”

Because of the love Jesus Christ poured out on us, it is our mission at Operation Blessing to be used to pour out His love to others. Thanks to friends like you, families just like Nye’s are receiving the help they need when they need it the most.

Hope Of A Brighter Tomorrow

INDIA – Nothing brings parents more joy than welcoming a new child into their home. Every moment is cherished. The first days and weeks are filled with delight and anticipation about the bright future waiting for their little one. But dark clouds quickly steal that joy when a child is born sick or with an abnormality that jeopardizes his future.

A Dark Day in India

For Nirnay’s parents, his condition became a nightmare when they realized there was no way that they could help their son—unless someone like you intervened. Nirnay’s parents would soon realize that their child was in desperate need of surgery.

After little Nirnay was born, a gland under his tongue began to swell and grow. By the time he was just 2 years old, it was so large that it filled most of his mouth. He could barely eat. His mother fed him soft food through a tiny opening near his upper lip.

“He cannot eat or speak properly, and he is unable to control his saliva,” said Sudesh, Nirnay’s father. “We must always be careful with him, so he does not get injured or infected.” Their sweet little boy needed around-the-clock care at home—he could not go out or play with other children.

In Desperate Need Of Surgery…But Unable To Afford It

Without help, their son would never be able to thrive. Nirnay’s parents took him to a nearby government hospital but only received referrals to other hospitals. They were devastated to discover that Nirnay needed multiple surgeries to correct his condition, as they would never be able to cover the cost of treatment on their own. 

Every time Sudesh looked at his child, he felt helpless. “We tried a lot to get him treated through the government hospital, but nothing worked out.” They were out of options—and out of hope.

Then compassionate friends like you stepped in to take away the despair of this precious family. Nirnay would get the surgeries he needed—paid in full.

After his first surgery, Nirnay made a quick recovery. He was able to eat without difficulty and even began learning how to speak. During follow-up visits, his doctors determined that he wouldn’t need the other surgeries after all!

Nirnay’s parents were thrilled. Their son would be able to eat, talk, and grow along with other children his age. The compassion of people on the other side of the globe had truly given them a miracle and restored their dreams for the bright future they had imagined.

“I am happy for my son,” Sudesh said. “I had no chance and was unable to help my son get any treatment. But the support from Operation Blessing and surgery at Padhar Hospital changed our lives, especially Nirnay’s. Watching him laughing and eating regularly makes me delighted.”

You Are Changing Lives With Surgery

Every year, our Operation Blessing family helps provide thousands of life-changing surgeries to desperate families around the world who would not otherwise be able to afford the cost of surgery. It is only through the kindness of people like you that we are able to make miracles like Nirnay’s possible.

Thank you for your heart to bless the hurting and helping a young boy in desperate need of surgery. If you′d like to help patients in need directly, visit our surgeries catalog at

surgery for children in need

Miracles In Kenya

KENYA – One, two, three… Khoboso counted. Yes, all six of her sweet little ones were there, snuggled up close to each other in sleep. She was thankful. At least they were safe and together. But dread quickly overcame her brief moment of comfort. They still had nothing to eat.

The drought had swept through their region like a pack of hungry wolves, devouring the herd of camels her family depended upon for survival—along with the flocks and herds of her entire pastoral community. If it wasn’t for compassionate friends like you, their story would have had a terrible end.

“All the livestock we had have been wiped out by the drought. Five sickly camels are all we have left. Before this drought,” Khoboso said, “whenever we needed food, we would take a few animals and sell them, then we would buy food for our families and children.” Khoboso went on, “We move among our neighbors and relatives begging. If we get lucky, we get a little something. If not, then we all sleep hungry.”

Days And Days Of Having Nothing To Eat

When Operation Blessing met Khoboso, she was near the end of her rope. Days and days of being faced with the prospect of having nothing to eat had taken a toll. “My husband and I keep asking ourselves, ‘How will our children survive in this drought?’ Even if we get lucky from begging, whatever we get is still too little even for the children. It’s just something to trick our stomachs. It’s never a proper meal.”

But happily, because of your amazing kindness, their situation would soon change. When we learned about Khoboso’s village, we made a commitment to be the difference for the suffering souls who call it home.

Operation Blessing Provides Hunger Relief

One day, Khoboso saw a group of people approaching in the distance. She’d heard of them before. Hope was on the horizon! As Operation Blessing volunteers entered the village and started handing out bags of rice, beans, maize, and containers of cooking oil—solid staples to sustain a family— Khoboso’s heart soared. You had come to her rescue!

food for hungry kenyans

She hurried home with her bounty in hand, eager to share the good news with her children. As she heated the oil and the smell of cooked food began to waft throughout their hut, she was overcome with emotion. They almost hadn’t made it. But compassionate strangers like you answered her prayers. When the kids woke up from their naps, they couldn’t believe their eyes. It was a moment they’ll never forget—a moment made possible by you.

“Thanks to you, today I am not worried about where we will get food! We have enough for us and our children.” Khoboso shared the gratitude filling the hearts of many in the village. “The joy that we have today is because God answered our prayers and sent you to bring us food. We are really grateful!”

starving in kenya

Partner With Operation Blessing As We Help Communities In Kenya

Every day, the love of Operation Blessing supporters makes its way through communities across Kenya.

Together, we fight the effect of natural disasters like the drought that stole Khoboso’s way of life. Through initiatives like sack gardens in desert environments, we help families sustain themselves for the long term. By offering whatever supplies or assistance they are most lacking, you provide tangible evidence of God’s love that Kenyans will remember for years to come.

When you stand with us, you also make sure families have clean water access near their homes so they can drink and cook without getting sick. And you empower families to provide for themselves through microenterprise projects like goat-rearing and beekeeping.

You are giving people a way to break the cycle of poverty in Kenya. Thank you!

A Happy, Healthy Life in Peru

PERU – Access to clean water is crucial for a happy and healthy life. And we’re thrilled to share the compassion and generosity from friends like you who have opened the door to that happier life for villagers in Osocco. A life with access to drinkable water in Peru.

For too long, the residents of Osocco struggled to find access to drinkable water that was safe to consume. They had to rely on shallow wells filled with contaminated water for many of their needs, and they had to walk over 40 minutes to a nearby village to find water somewhat suitable for drinking.

Sweet 4-year-old Yareli experienced firsthand the struggles caused by a lack of clean water. Once, she accidentally drank contaminated well water and became sick with a painful stomach infection. When asked what she wanted most for her village, Yareli simply said, “I want clean water.” We heard her plea—and held a special campaign to raise the funds to provide water for her whole community.

Access To Drinkable Water In Osocco, Peru

Thanks to the support of compassionate friends like you, Yareli and her neighbors no longer have to worry about access to drinkable water that is safe and clean. With your help, we built a clean water system right within Osocco village, providing 28 families with the blessing of drinkable water piped directly to their homes. Children like Yareli have been rescued from the struggles caused by a lack of safe water. Families now have the opportunity to work and play with a smile because they know a refreshing drink is never more than a few steps away.

Faithful partners also made it possible to build bathrooms at the villagers’ homes—complete with handwashing stations, biodigester toilets, and showers. And you helped provide training about good health and hygiene for this community.

Seventy-nine-year-old Cayetana had suffered through carrying water long, hard distances for years, but not anymore! “I don’t have enough words to say thank you to the friends that donated this amazing blessing—water, and pretty bathrooms. We won’t have to cry of sadness anymore, but we’ll cry of joy because we finally have these two things essential for living. Thank you so much.”

Today, the precious villagers and children of Osocco have good reason to celebrate! They are thriving like never before— because of love and support from friends like you. Thank you for recognizing the priceless value of clean water and helping to make such a positive difference in their lives.

Providing Help After Hurricane Idalia

FLORIDA – Imagine returning to your home and finding that most of your possessions had been destroyed. Only days before, you had to evacuate while a powerful and deadly storm threatened to tear through your hometown. All you could do was wait it out while you hoped and prayed that your house would be in the same condition as it was when you left it.

Many hurricane survivors live with the uncertainty of what they will find when they return home. Shannon, single mother of Logan and Michael, experienced this nightmare firsthand when she left her home before Hurricane Idalia made landfall.

Hurricane Idalia brought powerful winds and flooding to parts of Florida and the Southeast, leaving behind extensive damage. For some, it could be years before they finish putting their lives back together. Those who face these storms are often left devastated, feeling hopeless and alone.

Finding Your Home Is Not the Same

When Shannon and her boys returned home, they came face to face with their worst fears. Their home had been heavily damaged. Storm water had pushed its way through the house, destroying almost all of their belongings.

Shannon's belongings destroyed by Hurricane Idalia.

The shock of losing everything was overwhelming. But Shannon had to be strong. Her two children were depending on her. What would she do? She wasn’t even sure where to begin. Thanks to our Operation Blessing partners, she didn’t have to face those first steps alone. You sent her the help she desperately needed in the wake of Hurricane Idalia.

Volunteers Provide Help After Hurricane Idalia

Operation Blessing volunteers showed up to help Shannon salvage belongings and clean up her home. The sheer amount of work involved in cleaning up after a hurricane can be overwhelming. Our volunteers are there to help remove debris and clean out homes, relieving hurricane victims like Shannon and her family from the burden of facing it all alone. They also serve people spiritually through encouragement and prayer. 

That encouragement was the lift Shannon needed to keep going. “This is devastating,” she said. “But I do know from my faith and the faith support that I am getting from everybody is that my stuff is gone, but my God isn’t gone.”

Her 12-year-old son Logan was equally touched. Watch as he shares the story from his point of view.

And Shannon and Logan are just two examples of the many lives we are reaching through your compassion and care. Thanks to you, we are also able to provide much-needed food and critical supplies to hurricane victims when they needed it most. YOU are helping them through this difficult time and demonstrating the love of Christ!

Continue to Partner with Operation Blessing

Your partnership allows us to reach people like Shannon and help them in many ways, making it possible for victims to restore their lives. You are the hands and feet that reach people in desperate need…and give them hope.

Hurricane Idalia Support

FLORIDA – With the storm gone, Hurricane Idalia survivors can finally start recovering, but that means it’s time to face the reality of Hurricane Idalia damage. Some homes received as much as three feet of water, and the devastation is overwhelming for disaster victims. Now Hurricane Idalia support has become critical.

Storms like Hurricane Idalia strike with ferocity. The result can be widespread destruction throughout large areas. This means that vital resources are disrupted since power is out, stores are closed, and roads are impassable. This is in addition to the destruction of homes and property.

“To see some of the members of this community lose everything overnight and scramble to pick up the pieces is utterly heartbreaking,” Operation Blessing’s National Media Liaison, Hayley Henson, said as she surveyed the damage. Hurricane victims need help, and you can be there for them by giving a gift today!

hurricane idalia storm surge

Hurricane Idalia Support Is on the Way

Hurricane Idalia support is on the way. Our disaster relief team is working with Christian Center Church in Homosassa, FL to organize mass cleanup efforts in the surrounding area through volunteer assistance and the provision of cleaning supplies to people with damaged homes.

As with any disaster, time is not a luxury. The faster we can respond, the quicker we can get help to hurricane survivors who need it! One way we do this is by reducing the time and distance it takes for us to respond when we know a powerful storm is coming.

Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief Team pre-staged in Valdosta, GA, before the storm, then deployed to Homosassa on Thursday once travel was deemed safe. Equipment on site in Homosassa includes a mobile kitchen, a mobile command center, a construction trailer, a work order trailer, and multiple trucks carrying relief supplies and equipment.

Gathering Truckloads of Supplies

Additionally, Operation Blessing is preparing multiple trailer-truckloads of emergency relief supplies, including bottled water, shelf stable and ready-to-eat foods, and emergency disaster relief kits containing items such as garbage bags, paper towels, cleaners, hand sanitizer, scour pads, gloves, and N95 masks. Once they depart from Operation Blessing’s warehouses, the truckloads will be delivered to partner organizations throughout the affected area, for distribution to residents.

Volunteer Teams Are Helping Clear Hurricane Idalia Damage

With Hurricane Idalia damage so common, volunteer teams will help hurting homeowners recover by removing debris, cleaning out flooded housing, and prepping homes for repair. Operation Blessing’s mobile kitchen is also providing hot meals to residents, many of whom had lost power or own damaged appliances.

Hayley shared the heart of our work: “We are so grateful to work alongside this church to help alleviate the burden so many are experiencing as well as show them Christlike compassion, love, and hope when their worries seem all too consuming.”

Please keep praying for those who have lost so much and consider giving a gift to help them recover. May God bless you and keep you today!

Keep Showing Your Support!

Your partnership allows Operation Blessing to help hurricane victims in need. Your endless kindness allows us to meet so many of the different needs Hurricane Idalia survivors have. Thank you for helping us touch lives!

hurricane idalia flooding

Relief from Hurricane Idalia

Hurricane Idalia Pounds the Coast of Florida

FLORIDA – Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Florida as a dangerous Category 3 storm with 125 mph winds, and Operation Blessing stands ready to respond as it churns across the panhandle.

With calls for evacuation across 49 counties and tens of thousands of electrical workers being marshaled for power outages, this storm is looking like it has the potential to cause widespread damage. Authorities warned of catastrophic storm surge and destructive winds. Governor Ron DeSantis announced, “This is going to be something that will leave significant impacts.”

hurricane idalia path

Plans for Relief from Hurricane Idalia

Thanks to friends like you—residents along the Gulf Coast and peninsula of Florida will not be left to face the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia’s fury alone. As this massive storm moves through the area, our disaster relief team has plans to provide relief from Hurricane Idalia. Operation Blessing will be ready with critical assistance to help victims pick up the pieces and begin again. Our teams are already standing by in Georgia, ready to rush to the scene with a mobile kitchen and supplies as soon as the area opens, in order to help those in desperate need.

You are providing the people of Florida a lifeline in the midst of disaster. Residents who evacuated have no idea what will be left when they return home. Those who decided to stay may not have access to food or the supplies they need to get through the days ahead. But you are giving them a helping hand and hope!

Pray for the Victims of Hurricane Idalia

Please join us in prayer for the lives who have been impacted by Hurricane Idalia and those that remain in its path as it travels through Georgia and the Carolinas. Many will face difficult days ahead as they deal with the damage and lost loved ones this storm leaves behind. Also pray for the many first responders and electrical workers as they navigate often dangerous situations to get to those in dire need.

To help disaster victims in need, please visit

Thank you for your heart and compassion to respond to victims of disaster in their darkest hours. May God bless you.

Rebuilding After Typhoon Mawar

GUAM – You might have already seen the pictures of the devastation caused by Typhoon Mawar in Guam. The destructive power of this typhoon destroyed buildings and homes. We were given a glimpse into the horror they faced on the news. For us it was statistics and pictures of houses we had never been too. We processed from a safe distance, without attachment or memories.

Although we try to empathize, it can be hard to really absorb what people on the island of Guam are facing. These typhoon victims are not just numbers. Every number we hear, every home we see, is a real life story of trauma and pain. One way to try and understand is to meet a family in Guam and tell their story. Maya and her family represent one of those stories.

The Devastation and Sadness

Category 4 Typhoon Mawar unleashed its fury on Maya’s town. What followed was a path of destroyed homes and lives. One of which was Maya’s home. It was once a place of safety and happy memories. Now it was shattered due to the typhoon. The sight of their destroyed house painted a sad picture. It was a vivid reflection of the turmoil that had befallen their lives.

home destroyed by typhoon

Homeless Typhoon Victims

The aftermath of the typhoon plunged Maya’s family into a state of disarray. The wreckage of their home mirrored the challenges they now faced. They would not just need to rebuild their homes but their lives! Her family did not have the resources to rebuild their home. Sadly, the meager income they received barely stretched to cover their daily expenses. As you would expect, this left any plans to rebuild in limbo. 

Temporary Refuge

With their own dwelling reduced to ruins, Maya’s family sought temporary refuge in an empty house nearby. As you might expect, it was a bittersweet arrangement. While they had a roof over their heads, it was a constant reminder of the disruption they were enduring. And the conditions were poor, with high humidity and the nuisance of mosquitoes.

But the makeshift arrangement served as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It was a reminder that even in the face of adversity, families find a way to stick together. Like so many others, Maya and her family clung to hope. 

A Prayer for Hope

Maya no longer had a home of her own. But, she also understood the power of prayer, as she fervently prayed to GOD. Despite the challenges, she was not giving up, but was steadfast in her resolve. As we know, GOD answers prayer! Sometimes in ways you cannot even predict or comprehend.

Operation Blessing Helps Rebuild The Home

Following Typhoon Mawar, the winds of change blew across Dededo, Guam, carrying with them hope in the form of Operation Blessing friends like you. Upon learning of Maya’s family’s plight, we wasted no time springing into action. Driven by the compassion of its partners and supporters, Operation Blessing embarked on a mission to mend not just the shattered pieces of a house, but the fractured spirits of a family.

Through the generosity of our partners like you, Operation Blessing breathed new life into Maya’s family’s world. The sound of hammers and the hum of construction became a symphony of restoration. With each nail that was hammered into place, a sense of anticipation must have grown in Maya’s heart. The transformation was not limited to bricks and mortar. It extended to the blossoming smiles and rekindled hope in the eyes of Maya, her siblings, and her mother.

rebuilding a home after typhoon mawar

Returning To Their Home After Typhoon Mawar

As the final touches were put in place, Maya’s family stood in awe before their restored home. It was more than just a structure – it was a testament to the incredible kindness of Operation Blessing partners. Maya looked around, her heart brimming with gratitude. The house that had once been reduced to rubble had now become a sanctuary of her dreams, a place where hope was nurtured and the promise of a better tomorrow thrived.

In a house on the Pacific Island of Guam, Maya’s family’s story has been rewritten. Amid the wreckage and despair, a wave of compassion arose. Ultimately, this proved that even in the darkest of times, the light of your generosity could make a real difference. And as Maya and her family stepped into their new beginning, they carried with them not only the keys to their restored home but also the unwavering belief that, together, we can weather any storm and rebuild, stronger than before.

new home after typhoon mawar.

The Reward Of Faith

When you have lost everything, you can plunge into despair. Many abandon hope. Many would accept defeat. Maya didn’t. Neither did YOU! You know God can use your generosity to restore hope. You helped provide the resources for Maya and her family to have a home again. Your partnership with Operation Blessing made this possible. Please continue to support families like Maya’s!

new housing after typhoon

Providing Critical Supplies for Hawaiians

MAUI – Beyond the pictures of the Lahaina wildfires, there is more to the story. Hidden behind the images of burned buildings and heaps of ash are wildfire survivors. Men, women, and children in the town of Lahaina find themselves struggling to restart their lives. The critical supplies you’ve sent Hawaiians have been essential to their well-being. The kindness of our partners is helping people get clean water and food—things they desperately need! But they have other, less obvious needs as well. As we watch in sadness the plight of Maui wildfire survivors, we are all wondering, how can we help them get back on their feet?

Supplies for Hawaiians Help Residents Regain Their Livelihood

As if losing your home, your clothes, and your car were not enough, imagine losing your job. For many in the Lahaina community, fishing and diving were a part of their livelihoods. The wildfire destroyed all the gear they used. Now they find themselves without this opportunity to provide for their families or make a living. A whole way of island life, passed down for generations, was threatened. 

So much of the community has been decimated. So many friends and family are gone. Historic landmarks and homes are nothing more than memories. Scorched shells that once resembled automobiles line the roads.

But there is always hope. While providing food and water, we learned that one important step to recovery is getting them equipment to fish and dive. This can help people provide. It can also help them return to some sense of normalcy—all because you cared. Your generosity allowed us to buy this equipment. The impact is so profound that it’s hard to capture in words. To Hawaiian people it means not only food and income, but also priceless cultural preservation and the sheer joy of fishing out in the water.

Your Kindness Is Helping People Put Their Lives Back Together

The past few weeks have been nothing but terror, fear, and disruption. Many have lost everything, but getting this livelihood opportunity back is a big step toward stability. It’s a chance to start returning to normal in a community crushed by tragedy and natural disaster. 

It may only be a rod and reel. It may just be some simple diving gear. But you might never know the impact a pair of flippers and a fishing rod could have. To people who have lost everything, it is tangible hope! Your generosity is helping people in Maui and Lahaina put their daily lives back together. 

Continue to Touch the Lives of People in Lahaina!

You have probably heard the old saying about how you can fish for a day or teach a man to fish. You are helping fishermen and divers provide for their families beyond just the short term provision of basic supplies. You are helping them fish. But you are also showing the love of Christ. YOU are fishing for men by showing them you care…even thousands of miles away!
