Rebuilding After Typhoon Mawar

GUAM – You might have already seen the pictures of the devastation caused by Typhoon Mawar in Guam. The destructive power of this typhoon destroyed buildings and homes. We were given a glimpse into the horror they faced on the news. For us it was statistics and pictures of houses we had never been too. We processed from a safe distance, without attachment or memories.

Although we try to empathize, it can be hard to really absorb what people on the island of Guam are facing. These typhoon victims are not just numbers. Every number we hear, every home we see, is a real life story of trauma and pain. One way to try and understand is to meet a family in Guam and tell their story. Maya and her family represent one of those stories.

The Devastation and Sadness

Category 4 Typhoon Mawar unleashed its fury on Maya’s town. What followed was a path of destroyed homes and lives. One of which was Maya’s home. It was once a place of safety and happy memories. Now it was shattered due to the typhoon. The sight of their destroyed house painted a sad picture. It was a vivid reflection of the turmoil that had befallen their lives.

home destroyed by typhoon

Homeless Typhoon Victims

The aftermath of the typhoon plunged Maya’s family into a state of disarray. The wreckage of their home mirrored the challenges they now faced. They would not just need to rebuild their homes but their lives! Her family did not have the resources to rebuild their home. Sadly, the meager income they received barely stretched to cover their daily expenses. As you would expect, this left any plans to rebuild in limbo. 

Temporary Refuge

With their own dwelling reduced to ruins, Maya’s family sought temporary refuge in an empty house nearby. As you might expect, it was a bittersweet arrangement. While they had a roof over their heads, it was a constant reminder of the disruption they were enduring. And the conditions were poor, with high humidity and the nuisance of mosquitoes.

But the makeshift arrangement served as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It was a reminder that even in the face of adversity, families find a way to stick together. Like so many others, Maya and her family clung to hope. 

A Prayer for Hope

Maya no longer had a home of her own. But, she also understood the power of prayer, as she fervently prayed to GOD. Despite the challenges, she was not giving up, but was steadfast in her resolve. As we know, GOD answers prayer! Sometimes in ways you cannot even predict or comprehend.

Operation Blessing Helps Rebuild The Home

Following Typhoon Mawar, the winds of change blew across Dededo, Guam, carrying with them hope in the form of Operation Blessing friends like you. Upon learning of Maya’s family’s plight, we wasted no time springing into action. Driven by the compassion of its partners and supporters, Operation Blessing embarked on a mission to mend not just the shattered pieces of a house, but the fractured spirits of a family.

Through the generosity of our partners like you, Operation Blessing breathed new life into Maya’s family’s world. The sound of hammers and the hum of construction became a symphony of restoration. With each nail that was hammered into place, a sense of anticipation must have grown in Maya’s heart. The transformation was not limited to bricks and mortar. It extended to the blossoming smiles and rekindled hope in the eyes of Maya, her siblings, and her mother.

rebuilding a home after typhoon mawar

Returning To Their Home After Typhoon Mawar

As the final touches were put in place, Maya’s family stood in awe before their restored home. It was more than just a structure – it was a testament to the incredible kindness of Operation Blessing partners. Maya looked around, her heart brimming with gratitude. The house that had once been reduced to rubble had now become a sanctuary of her dreams, a place where hope was nurtured and the promise of a better tomorrow thrived.

In a house on the Pacific Island of Guam, Maya’s family’s story has been rewritten. Amid the wreckage and despair, a wave of compassion arose. Ultimately, this proved that even in the darkest of times, the light of your generosity could make a real difference. And as Maya and her family stepped into their new beginning, they carried with them not only the keys to their restored home but also the unwavering belief that, together, we can weather any storm and rebuild, stronger than before.

new home after typhoon mawar.

The Reward Of Faith

When you have lost everything, you can plunge into despair. Many abandon hope. Many would accept defeat. Maya didn’t. Neither did YOU! You know God can use your generosity to restore hope. You helped provide the resources for Maya and her family to have a home again. Your partnership with Operation Blessing made this possible. Please continue to support families like Maya’s!

new housing after typhoon

Providing Critical Supplies for Hawaiians

MAUI – Beyond the pictures of the Lahaina wildfires, there is more to the story. Hidden behind the images of burned buildings and heaps of ash are wildfire survivors. Men, women, and children in the town of Lahaina find themselves struggling to restart their lives. The critical supplies you’ve sent Hawaiians have been essential to their well-being. The kindness of our partners is helping people get clean water and food—things they desperately need! But they have other, less obvious needs as well. As we watch in sadness the plight of Maui wildfire survivors, we are all wondering, how can we help them get back on their feet?

Supplies for Hawaiians Help Residents Regain Their Livelihood

As if losing your home, your clothes, and your car were not enough, imagine losing your job. For many in the Lahaina community, fishing and diving were a part of their livelihoods. The wildfire destroyed all the gear they used. Now they find themselves without this opportunity to provide for their families or make a living. A whole way of island life, passed down for generations, was threatened. 

So much of the community has been decimated. So many friends and family are gone. Historic landmarks and homes are nothing more than memories. Scorched shells that once resembled automobiles line the roads.

But there is always hope. While providing food and water, we learned that one important step to recovery is getting them equipment to fish and dive. This can help people provide. It can also help them return to some sense of normalcy—all because you cared. Your generosity allowed us to buy this equipment. The impact is so profound that it’s hard to capture in words. To Hawaiian people it means not only food and income, but also priceless cultural preservation and the sheer joy of fishing out in the water.

Your Kindness Is Helping People Put Their Lives Back Together

The past few weeks have been nothing but terror, fear, and disruption. Many have lost everything, but getting this livelihood opportunity back is a big step toward stability. It’s a chance to start returning to normal in a community crushed by tragedy and natural disaster. 

It may only be a rod and reel. It may just be some simple diving gear. But you might never know the impact a pair of flippers and a fishing rod could have. To people who have lost everything, it is tangible hope! Your generosity is helping people in Maui and Lahaina put their daily lives back together. 

Continue to Touch the Lives of People in Lahaina!

You have probably heard the old saying about how you can fish for a day or teach a man to fish. You are helping fishermen and divers provide for their families beyond just the short term provision of basic supplies. You are helping them fish. But you are also showing the love of Christ. YOU are fishing for men by showing them you care…even thousands of miles away!


Helping the Hurting Through Hawaii Wildfire Recovery

HAWAII – Hawaii is hurting. When disaster strikes, life falls apart for those affected. But friends like you are there in Maui embracing the families of wildfire-devastated Lahaina. Your kindness is helping Hawaii heal, one life at a time. Your support through this natural disaster has helped us in our Hawaii wildfire recovery efforts.

Today, you can join us in offering hope and a glimpse of restoration. By partnering with Operation Blessing, you are helping reach individuals and families who desperately need your help. One of the most difficult parts of recovery for disaster victims is the lack of normalcy. When you wake up after a wildfire has taken your home, what do you do? Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the statistics. Of course, every number we hear represents a life that has now been turned upside down.

Meet Warner—A Lahaina Wildfire Survivor Who Needed YOUR Help

Lahaina resident Warner shared his experience of returning to his neighborhood—or what was left of it. He told us 95% of the houses were completely gone, including his own. He recalled, “Whatever I left behind in my house is ash; everything that was left behind was not even salvageable.”

Perhaps one of the hardest things for Warner and others in Hawaii was the loss of their livelihood and ability to feed their families. Warner said, “For those true fishermen who lost everything, we’re like fish out of water. That’s how we know how to eat. If we can’t get to our kitchen, what do we do? Yes, we can go barter, but then we’re depending on somebody else.”

But YOU Helped Provide the Gear to Help This Lahaina Wildfire Survivor

Thankfully, our Operation Blessing family is always looking for needs to meet in situations like this. When our relief team heard about the needs of Hawaiian fishing families, we jumped at the opportunity to provide fishing gear. Compassionate givers made it possible for us to provide dive-fishing equipment right away.

The change in Warner was visible. He couldn’t contain his tears as he shared what the gear would do for his family. “It would mean that we could start life again—we could start getting back to normality.” He continued, “Just to have people donate things is such a blessing. To have dive gear donated so I can feed my family and do the things that I still love means so much!”

We’re on the ground in Hawaii continuing to provide critical relief supplies to those in desperate need. You can help us make a real difference in the lives of suffering disaster victims. It means so much to the people of Maui that caring supporters continue to stand with them. Your support would be truly life-changing. Will you help hurting disaster victims and support our Hawaii wildfire recovery efforts?

helping lahaina victims

Ukraine Independence Day: Praying for Freedom

Ukraine Independence Day – 24 August 2023

UKRAINE – Today, the Ukrainian flag waves around the world in honor of Ukraine Independence Day. On August 24, 1991, that blue and yellow flag was raised for the first time above the nation’s parliament building, declaring their freedom from Soviet rule.

Typically, this day would be filled with celebration. Parades and other festivities would fill the streets as Ukrainians celebrated their beloved country. But this is not a typical year. Instead of parades bringing towns to life, war has left death and destruction in its wake. Ukraine’s precious people have fled to find a safe place. Many are now living as strangers in other countries far from their homes. Some are missing their families—fathers, husbands, and sons who stayed behind to fight, once again, for their freedom.

So today, we are standing together with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, joining them in prayer for the nation’s continued freedom.

Offering Hope on Ukraine Independence Day

Since the war began, our Operation Blessing family has been there for the Ukrainian people. Your compassion has not left them alone. Many fled for their lives with whatever they could carry, fearing for their safety and the safety of their children if they hesitated. As waves of refugees crossed the border into Poland, they were met with open arms by our ministry partners. They received a hot meal, critical supplies, and a safe, warm place to sleep. And most importantly, you gave them hope!

In partnership with volunteers and local churches we also set up an effective distribution network to bless thousands of people in need in both Ukraine and Poland. Today, we continue to reach out to meet as many needs as we can—thanks to your help and support.

hope for ukraine

Relief for Terrible Circumstances

Ukrainians who have stayed in the country are facing incredibly severe conditions. No one can be sure if they will survive the day. Anyone could be buried in their house, school, or hospital if one shell falls. It’s the worst for those in Russian-occupied territories. There, families strive to survive without enough food, water, and light. With no income or way to care for their families, they’ve had nothing to feed their children. And attempts to escape are met with potential imprisonment and torture. There is much to pray for on this Ukraine Independence Day.

But friends like you are in Ukraine with God’s grace and real, tangible relief. Operation Blessing has helped parents whose livelihoods were destroyed by providing them with the tools to start businesses. Our relief teams have connected with orphan care facilities to make sure that kids are warm and well-fed. And much-needed food is also making its way across liberated territories into the hands of hungry Ukrainian families and individuals.

Giving Bread to Hungry Ukrainians

In the southern villages of Ukraine, a welcome sight often brightens up an otherwise dismal landscape as Operation Blessing volunteers drive down the street providing relief. With cars practically bursting with bread, they dole out daily provision and joy to those who once wondered if there would ever be hope on the horizon.

As this scene played out in the village of Lepetykha, the streets were empty as everyone in the area lined up to receive the bread that keeps them going. In a village council building co-opted for food distribution, thankful Ukrainians patiently waited in line, contemplating how to recover when the war is over. Outside, children’s laughter echoed across the nearby playground.

A local resident named Larisa shared her heart with us, “The war had a very cruel impact on our lives. We were bombed every day, so we had to sleep in a cold basement. But a cold basement is only half the trouble. The worst part was when rockets came at us right after my father’s surgery. He was immobile and couldn’t move. Quite literally, I carried him up and down the stairs to the basement. That, to me, was like living through hell. Bomb fragments rattle on the roof, and you feel them falling. I wanted to quickly run to the bomb shelter, but I couldn’t because I had to carry my father. I find it very frightening to remember that nightmare.”

She continued, tearfully, “We didn’t believe we could survive this. But as you can see, God showed mercy. And then we managed to survive thanks to you. The partners from Operation Blessing have incredibly big hearts and unbelievably kind souls. I’m certain of it! When you brought us the first bread, a light of hope ignited in my soul. And when you continued to bring it regularly, that light never fades. It becomes brighter. And it brings joy and peace to the soul. And also the certainty that everything will be alright.”

Pray for Ukraine!

Today we celebrate Ukraine as we continue to pray for freedom to return and families to reunite. Today we celebrate God’s provision, protection, and faithfulness as we continue to pray and expect Him to help us meet every need. Today, we celebrate you—our Operation Blessing partners—who enable us to go on your behalf. Thank you for standing with us and for standing with Ukraine!

hope for ukraine independence

Saving Consuelo from an Inguinal Hernia

MEXICO – Ten-year-old Consuelo’s smile could light up a room, but behind it lay a struggle she faced every day—an inguinal hernia that caused her immense pain and discomfort. As time passed, the hernia worsened, affecting her mobility and limiting her ability to enjoy her childhood to the fullest. However, Consuelo’s journey toward healing was about to begin thanks to the intervention of Operation Blessing partners.

Her journey with an inguinal hernia was not an easy one. As the lump grew, she endured intense pain that brought her to tears. The young girl’s pain not only affected her physically but also emotionally, leaving her uncertain about her future.

Painful Inguinal Hernia

Consuelo’s mother, Maria, shared the same concerns. But sadly, the lack of resources to pay for corrective surgery kept her from helping her daughter. To add to their difficulties, Hetzai, Consuelo’s father, suffered an injury to his right hand and wrist when a truck fell on him. After the accident Hetzai was unable to use his hand for work and lived with terrible pain. The financial burden of a loss of income and the need for two surgeries weighed heavily on the family’s shoulders.

Operation Blessing Helps Provide Hernia and Hand Surgery

During one of their most trying times, Operation Blessing stepped in thanks to friends like you. The organization’s medical outreach in their community proved to be a life-changing encounter for Consuelo and her family. Recognizing the urgency of their situation, Operation Blessing arranged for Consuelo and Hetzai to receive the help they really needed.

Operation Blessing Medical Outreach

On the day of the surgeries, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of anxiety and hope. Surgeons skillfully repaired Hetzai’s damaged bones and ligaments in his wrist and hand. Simultaneously, Consuelo had her inguinal hernia removed. Both surgeries were successful!

The transformation after the surgeries was nothing short of remarkable. Hetzai’s wrist and hand began to heal, and he underwent therapy to strengthen his arm. Eventually he regained his ability to work. For Consuelo, the joy of newfound freedom was evident as she could now run and play, doing many of the physical activities that were not possible before. Without the constant burden of hernia pain, her daily outlook is very different. Now she can experience life to the full because of your kindness!

Consuelo’s Family Has Hope

Consuelo expressed her thanks with heartfelt appreciation. Her family, too, extended their gratitude, recognizing the impact of the support and care they received. Their story is one of transformation and hope, made possible through the love and support of our caring partners. 

Need For Hernia Surgery

The journey to healing is never easy. It requires a community of caring individuals like you who extend a helping hand and a heart of compassion. As a family of Operation Blessing partners, you show the love of Christ with your faithful support. By supporting organizations like Operation Blessing, you ARE part of this life-changing mission. Your donations make miracles possible for children like Consuelo, offering them the gift of a brighter future filled with joy, health, and hope.

Continue to support us in this meaningful journey of love and healing. Let’s make a difference together. Donate to Operation Blessing at today and be a catalyst for change in the lives of people in need.

Providing Critical Supplies to Lahaina after Wildfires

HAWAII – Wildfires can be incredibly devastating, causing destruction to homes, communities, and the environment. In the midst of such crises, it’s important for people to come together and provide help to those affected. With the help of friends like you, Operation Blessing is stepping up to make a difference in Maui, particularly in the town of Lahaina, which has been hit hard by a recent wildfire.

Operation Blessing Is in Maui

Since shortly after disaster struck, our relief team has been helping in Hawaii, and today we’re in Maui working tirelessly to assist families in Lahaina who are grappling with the aftermath of the wildfires. One crucial aspect of this effort is getting critical supplies to the people who need them the most. These supplies are a lifeline for families who have lost so much.

Supply Management of Critical Supplies to Lahaina

Getting supplies where they are needed requires careful planning and coordination. Operation Blessing has decades of experience doing this. We have teamed up with YWAM, another group dedicated to making a positive impact, to ensure that critical supplies are brought to Lahaina from the Hawaiian mainland. These supplies are crucial for helping families after the Lahaina wildfire.

Managing these supplies is no small task. Operation Blessing has made sure that the supplies provided to YWAM are received safely and stored at a temporary holding facility where they’re being protected and made available for distribution to families affected by the wildfire. This strategy ensures that these essential items reach those who need them the most.

wildfire aid for lahaina

Clean Water Issues

Natural disasters like wildfires can cause additional problems beyond the immediate destruction. One such problem is the scarcity of clean water. The Lahaina wildfire caused significant water source contamination, making it difficult for families to access safe and clean drinking water. This is a major concern for the community’s health and well-being.

Using Water Filtration Units to Help Lahaina

Operation Blessing has taken a proactive approach to address the clean water issue in Lahaina. The organization has brought water filtration units to a community center that is a lifeline for many families. These water filtration units are essential to help people get drinkable water.

The community center staff have taken on the responsibility of distributing clean water through these filtered water points. The goal is simple but crucial: to provide consistent access to clean and safe drinking water. This is a critical step toward helping families recover from the Lahaina wildfire and get back on their feet.

A Special Thanks to Operation Blessing Partners

In times of crisis, every helping hand counts. Operation Blessing is grateful for our partners who have joined forces to make a difference in the lives of families affected by the Lahaina wildfire. The organization acknowledges the support it has received and sees it as a result of God’s divine guidance. It’s a reminder that even in challenging times, there are opportunities to do good and help those in need.

Partner with Operation Blessing to Help Lahaina

The work of Operation Blessing is far from over. While progress is being made, there is still much to be done to help Lahaina families recover from the wildfire. If you’re looking for ways to contribute, you can partner with Operation Blessing by visiting Your support can help more families and show the people of Lahaina and Maui that you care.

Lahaina wildfire damage

Helping Maui Fire Victims in Lahaina

HAWAII – Since raging wildfires decimated Lahaina, Hawaii last week, tensions are high as Maui fire victims look for a reason for the disaster and as search crews continue combing the area in search of missing persons. Sadly, the death doll continues to rise, and more than 1,000 people are still missing. Governor Josh Green says the search has only covered about 45% of the massive burn zone so far.

Providing Supplies for Grieving Families in Lahaina

As families grapple with grief over lost and missing loved ones, their suffering is made worse by the struggle for survival. With more than 11,000 people displaced when their homes were destroyed, there is a desperate need for basic necessities. Thankfully, friends like you are there for them through Operation Blessing.

Our disaster relief team is on the ground in Lahaina searching out and responding to those in greatest need. In partnership with a well-connected network of local churches and other organizations, we’re supplying the relief efforts with critical items for more long-term relief, including water filtration systems, tents, clothing, hygiene supplies, tarps, lanterns, generators, grills and propane for cooking, and more.

supplies for maui fire victims

Clean Water is Critical for Maui Fire Victims

As soon as team members arrived in the city, we immediately encountered a group of people struggling without clean water, and our staff quickly secured a set of water filtration units from Air Mobile Ministries and provided them to families.

“These machines will take the dirty water and make it extremely clean; it gives people the ability to make their own clean water,” said Air Mobile Ministries Rescuer Joe Hurston. “They can take their water, whatever the source, and make it clean.” Joe continued, “Most importantly, they can get that water when they need it, and they can get it for their neighbors. It empowers people to be able to give clean water.”

Wildfire survivors are facing contaminated water because the city was essentially incinerated, including major infrastructure such as water systems. Maui resident Edward shared, “It’s so contaminated, we have to fight for bottled water and clean air.” But with the help of filtration systems provided by compassionate supporters, families can drink water and cook in safety without fear of getting sick.

“Just to have a machine like this, to know that everybody is drinking healthy water, is going to mean a lot to these families…” said Edward. “It means a lot to us that people like you reach out to us in our time of need. We’re so thankful! Thank you!”

water for maui fire victims

More Help is Coming

Soon, Operation Blessing will be able to give even greater news to wildfire victims by distributing a massive shipment of supplies covering a wide variety of needs. With resources in pitifully short supply on the island of Maui, we procured the items on Hawaii and shipped them to Maui in partnership with YWAM. Thankfully, they’ll be in the hands of the people very soon.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Hawaii response. Friends like you are making a difference! Please continue to pray and give as you are able. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

Wildfire Relief Efforts in Hawaii

HAWAII – Operation Blessing is in Kona, Hawaii near fire-stricken Maui. As part of our wildfire relief efforts in Hawaii, we have been gathering critical supplies to take to families who have lost everything. This has required us to traverse the island to procure what is needed. Sadly, the impact area in Lahaina is devoid of most resources due to the widespread destruction of the wildfire.

Working with YWAM Accelerates Wildfire Relief

Our wildfire relief efforts in Hawaii are being done with the partnership of Youth with a Mission (YWAM). YWAM is helping us deliver the supplies to people in need on the island of Maui. Partnerships with organizations like YWAM help us get supplies into the hands of the community faster.

Christophe Ulysse is part of the leadership team at YWAM. He shared with us accounts of how destructive the wildfire was. “It was just absolutely devastating to see a town [be destroyed] that’s been such a historic town, such a beautiful place that many of us know and love.” He continued, “it’s just incinerated in many parts, just completely burned down to ash.'”

Partnerships Make the Difference for Wildfire Relief Efforts in Hawaii

Operation Blessing is working with a network of churches and other partners in Maui who have direct connections to wildfire victims in need. We are securing critical supplies from other locations and sending them directly to Maui by means of a partnership with YWAM who have secured a boat to transport the supplies.

Once on Maui, the supplies will be distributed to suffering wildfire survivors by our network of on-the-ground partners. Christophe sends his thanks, “Thanks so much to Operation Blessing and all the donors, because they were able to get us the resources, and we were able to get it to our friends at ground zero.”

We also send a special thanks to our generous Operation Blessing donors. Your love and support are making it possible for us to help people who have lost everything. Because of you, we are able to send over much-needed supply items like:

  • generators
  • gas grills
  • tents
  • tarps
  • rope
  • clothing
  • diapers
  • flashlights
  • batteries

As you can imagine, these items mean the world to Hawaii wildfire victims who have lost everything from their homes. Many only have the clothes on their backs and lack access to even the most basic necessities. Food and clean water are now things families desperately need, as even the water is contaminated due to the breadth of the destruction.

supplies for maui fire victims

Clean Water Is an Essential Part of Relief Efforts

Christophe helped us understand how serious the situation is for disaster victims. “The water is being contaminated because everything was incinerated. So getting water, food, and the basic necessities for life for the people that have been affected [is paramount].” Along with basic supplies, we are also sending water filters for residents to have clean water.

Christophe said, “This is going to be a major blessing for the people that have been affected with now having water that is unclean to drink, unclean to bathe in.” He continued, “I just want to, from the bottom of my heart, say thank you so much for all of the partners in Operation Blessing. You’re getting it [relief] to the people that live here, the people that are here for the long haul.”

Friends like you are making sure Operation Blessing is on the ground during a crisis sending aid to those in need. You can join us in helping the suffering when you visit today.

Providing Critical Supplies to Hawaii Wildfire Survivors

HAWAII – Operation Blessing is on the ground in wildfire-stricken Hawaii offering tangible aid to disaster victims who have just experienced what some are calling the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history and the most devastating disaster to ever hit the island.

A local from Lahaina recalled the traumatic experience, “I ran out of the car and ran for my life down to the ocean. I was only a quarter mile from the ocean, and they stayed in their car. They died with their dogs and everything. Three of my friends in one car and two dogs died.”

“We always want to be praying for the people who lost loved ones and who lost everything they know,” said Drew Friedrich, Chief Operating Officer of Operation Blessing. “Homes are destroyed, water systems are damaged, entire neighborhoods are gone.” To help provide some comfort to desperate residents, Operation Blessing has connected with local partner organizations and churches all over the island and is actively working to meet the most pressing needs.  

hawaii survivors of wildfire

Emergency Supplies for Hawaii Wildfire Survivors

One of the most critical needs at this time is for emergency supplies for Hawaii wildfire survivors, and Operation Blessing is uniquely equipped to get those supplies to the front lines thanks to friends like you. Our disaster relief team is stationed on a nearby island in the town of Kona since devastated Maui has limited resources that don’t need to be drained by relief workers.

“While a traditional deployment of the U.S. Disaster Team and its caravan of heavy equipment is not possible due to the remote island location, Operation Blessing is committed to helping the people of Hawaii through our partner organizations who are on the ground,” said Jeffrey Westling, Chief of Staff for Operation Blessing.  

Partnership to Help Hawaii Wildfire Victims

We are working in close partnership with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) who have a specialized capacity to reach remote areas with relief. Operation Blessing is serving as the supply arm providing all the necessities, while YWAM provides the direct connections and transports the supplies to needy families in the area.  

YWAM Flotilla Ministry Director Julie Mclaughlin shared, “It’s been such a good partnership with Operation Blessing. For us as YWAM, we have volunteers, we have a drive to get there, we have connections on the ground, but we really don’t have the means to purchase these items and to supply them, and so having Operation Blessing here is amazing. The partnership allows us to really move forward.”

Reports are saying that a main reason the wildfires were so destructive was the extreme wind from a recent hurricane spreading the fire—at times making it leap ahead of victims as they tried to escape—and people are most concerned with preparing for the next storm.

“It looks like there is another hurricane brewing in the area, and we were able to respond to some of those needs very quickly to prepare for the bad weather with tarps, ropes, flashlights, and ways to secure the few belongings that they have left,” said Julie.

hawaii wildfire victim supplies

Your Kindness Is Helping Hawaii Wildfire Survivors

Compassionate givers are a lifeline to people who have lost so much, and we’re thankful for supporters like you who have already provided potentially life-saving relief. There is still much to do, and we appreciate your continued support for the suffering. Please join us in praying for God’s comfort and provision for their spiritual and physical needs.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Hawaii response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

The Struggle for Clean Water in Honduras

HONDURAS – Tucked in mountain jungles, village families like Myra’s daily face the struggle for clean water in Honduras. With limited income, they have no choice but to drink from contaminated sources filled with bacteria. They often got sick. Then you answered their cries and provided clean water solutions that changed Myra’s family and their entire community.

You are bringing hope to communities all over the world through the power of clean water. Providing basic necessities like access to clean water can transform families like Myra’s who are hurting and give them the power to break the cycle of poverty.

A Water Crisis in Honduran Mountain Villages 

Like many families in rural villages throughout Honduras, Myra struggles to support her family. A widow with three children, she cannot afford bottled water and must drink from small open pools on the side of the mountain that are filled with bacteria.

“The water is yellow,” said Myra. “It has garbage in it and a lot of dirt.” Sometimes the water smells so bad that her son Emmanuel won’t drink it, even though he is thirsty.

But Myra and her children have no other choice. It is their only source of water.

The Daily Clean Water Struggles in Honduras and the Health Risks 

Many families in Myra’s village face the same challenges. With no access to drinkable water, they often suffer from painful stomach cramps and waterborne diseases.

“I remember those moments when my children suffered with that pain,” said Myra. “It was if the pain was killing them. I asked myself, what am I going to do?”

Myra and other families desperately needed to find a solution to the water crisis in Honduras.

Operation Blessing’s Arrival and a Healthy Water Solution 

Thanks to friends like you, Operation Blessing was able to bring hope to Honduran families through clean water solutions. Our team discovered a new water source higher up the mountain. With help from the community, they ran pipes down to a 5,000-gallon tank near Emmanuel’s home and installed a chlorination system to purify the water and make sure it was clean for the entire village.

The Joy of Clean Water 

Emmanuel was overjoyed when he tasted the clean water for the first time. “The water is refreshing. It doesn’t taste bad,” he said. “Now, even if I drink 5 glasses of water, it does not give me a stomachache.”

The entire community is grateful to those who gave them the gift of clean water. Access to clean, safe water has drastically improved their health and quality of life. They no longer experience stomachaches or suffer from waterborne diseases. The villagers now have hope for a healthier future.

Honduras clean drinking water

Myra’s Gratitude from YOUR Impact

Myra expresses her heartfelt gratitude to Operation Blessing and our generous donors who helped provide them a source of refreshing and drinkable water. Your support has brought transformation and relief to her family and the entire village.

Myra thanks God for touching your heart to bless them in their time of need. “I will always be grateful for everything you did for us!”

clean water system for families

Empowering Communities through Potable Water 

Operation Blessing’s safe water projects provided a lifeline for Myra’s family and empowered her entire community. Access to clean water frees women and children from the burden of collecting water so they can focus on education and developing economic opportunities.

Your help enables us to provide that impact to communities in need around the world. You can bring the life-changing power of clean water to change lives and communities by making a donation at

Honduras water charity