TURKEY – Our team is still working hard in Hatay, Turkey, in an area where about 2,000 people have stayed behind since the earthquake and are currently living in tents. Many of these tents don’t have kitchens, so families must rely on mobile kitchens to provide food so they don’t starve. Staff in the area are forming partnerships to feed more quake survivors.
Teams Feed Quake Survivors Hot Meals
A local Turkish organization is working to help with hot meals in the area, and our teams are empowering them so they are able to help more suffering people. As soon as the earthquake happened, they jumped into action and came here to help.
With the large number of people they serve, there is always a need for food and water, so Operation Blessing dropped off a load of supplies, many of which are already in use.
The people here receiving food are very grateful for it. In addition to the lack of kitchen preparation facilities, many residents have had their livelihoods essentially destroyed with the countless buildings that collapsed in the initial catastrophic quakes.

Saying Thank You is Not Enough
One beneficiary told us, “Saying thank you is simply not enough. I don’t have words for my gratitude. Your help is extremely valuable to us, and we are grateful for every hand that reached out to us.”
Right now, the immediate need for people living here is food and water. And that is what Operation Blessing is here providing. We are committed to serving the suffering in Hatay and beyond for the long term, expecting to keep providing aid long after the news media have left.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit: https://www.ob.org/disasterrelief/