Sharing God’s Love Despite Danger

TURKEY – Three sizeable earthquakes and numerous aftershocks have rocked ten historic cities in Turkey. The destruction is overwhelming, and the people still aren’t out of danger yet. But we are there sharing God’s love in partnership with friends like you.

Supplies Are Slow, But We’re Meeting Needs

Operation Blessing volunteer Amanda said, “There’s been multiple earthquakes since we’ve been on the ground. So it got determined that it’s not safe to stay inside.”

Where we are on the ground in the city of Hatay—the most devastated city—residents are at risk of being struck by yet another earthquake. Right now, there is only one open road into the city. That means the journey for incoming supplies is slow and treacherous. Because the level of need in the city is so great, Operation Blessing turned our warehouse into a distribution center. As word gets around that help is available, people have been flocking here. 

Amanda said, “The need is everything. These people have nothing. Most of them are living in tents or their cars. They have no hygiene products. Most of them left their house in the middle of the night because it happened while they were sleeping. They have no shoes on their feet; they have no socks; they have nothing.”

Our Director of International Disaster Relief, Diego Traverso, updated us about the severity of the situation.

“IDP is Internally Displaced Person. Turkish people are IDPs in this moment.”

Teams Sharing God’s Love Through Tangible Aid

Estimates vary between 1 and 2 million displaced people—people left homeless by this disaster like Hakan Hamurcu. He and his family now live in tents and temporary structures outside his dilapidated home. He’s forced to stare at the unwanted yet familiar scene of destruction that has overtaken Turkey’s beautiful landscape.

Even in the chaos, Operation Blessing remains steadfast because of generous friends like you. We’re committed to our mission to relieve those who are suffering and share God’s love.

Diego said, “We’re here to help people first. Water, shelter, food, medicines. But there are some people that have been asking [for prayer]. Like, ‘oh, you guys are Christian, can you pray for me?'” And our teams are happy to pray for and encourage those whose spirits are weak and point them towards the eternal hope found in Jesus Christ.

It has been weeks since the initial earthquake devastated the region. Thankfully, Operation Blessing has been on the ground since then and will continue to be for weeks to come. We’re hopeful that we’ll leave behind in Turkey the necessary tools for people who are suffering to one day be able to rebuild their lives.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

One Year Anniversary of the Ukraine Invasion

UKRAINE – As the one year anniversary of the Ukraine invasion by Russian forces arrives, we remember somberly the struggles and resilience of the Ukrainian people who pray and hope for an end to the conflict. It is painful to think back to the early days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine a year ago. Many, still trapped in Ukraine, or living as refugees elsewhere, will never forget the sounds, images, and horrors of those early days.

While bombs exploded and gunfire echoed across cities in Ukraine, many women and children fled for their lives. Those who remained in or near the war zone faced the unimaginable. With businesses, shops, and homes destroyed, these precious people had no jobs and no place to find food. But Operation Blessing was there, from the earliest days, supplying food and vital necessities in the hard-hit zones, as well as supporting refugees in Eastern Ukraine and Poland.

Many months later, as winter once again approached, they faced another threat: the cold. Oksana and her two children, Alexandra (10) and Alena (3), huddled in the basement of their home as bombs exploded in their hometown of Lyman, a mere 12 miles from the front line. They survived by eating the only supplies they had available: canned food and potatoes.

Frigid Temperatures And Hunger In Ukraine

After the fighting moved on, humanitarian organizations like Operation Blessing reached them with more food and other supplies. But food alone would not be enough for them to make it through the harsh winter ahead, when temperatures can dip down to minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

“There are no heating facilities left here,” said Oksana. “I was worried because the house is cold.” In the hope of staying warm, she moved her children into another house with a boiler, but they had no electricity or firewood to power it in the months ahead. When the Operation Blessing family heard about their situation, friends like you stepped in to help.

Help Us Keep Providing For These War Victims

Together, we provided stoves and firewood to heat homes and keep families like Oksana and her children warm for the winter. The supplies arrived at just the right time. “If Operation Blessing had not brought us heating, we would have frozen here,” said Oksana. “I don’t know how my children and I would have lived.”

Your kindness touched Oksana’s heart. “Thank you so much for caring for people like us,” she said. “I would like to wish you health. And I wish there were more people like you.” You have surrounded so many Ukrainians in crisis with warmth, food, and love during their most difficult days this winter. Thank you!

So on this anniversary of the Ukraine invasion, we remember not only a year of tragedy and aggression, but also a year of love poured out by friends like you.

To help more victims of crisis, please visit And to read more stories about our outreach to Ukrainian victims of war visit

one year anniversary of ukraine invasion

Providing Clean Water in Turkey

TURKEY – Operation Blessing is hard at work in Turkey attempting to help residents with emergency needs while empowering them to move towards recovery. One of the most pressing needs at the moment is for clean water to drink, as that is among the very first things affected by a natural disaster like this. Thankfully, we have people on the ground actively working to provide clean water to those in need.

OB Engineer Working to Provide Clean Water

Jose Esquer is Operation Blessing’s onsite water engineer in Turkey, where the nearly 300-mile disaster has wreaked havoc on local infrastructure. Without water, earthquake survivors will die. There are solutions, but unfortunately, much more needs to be done.

Jose said, “Right now, the solution is bottled water, but there’s not enough bottled water. So we are looking for solutions based on the local [sources], just to purify water.”

With this in mind, Operation Blessing has implemented a reverse osmosis system to take undrinkable water and make it safe. This is critical, as the existing water supply in Hatay has alarmingly-high levels of contamination.

Major Effort is Required to Restore Clean Water Access

Contaminated water like this can have long-term consequences that will harm residents in the area if drastic measures aren’t taken to change the situation. Esquer says major help is needed after a disaster of this scale.

He said, “This is huge, and it will need several years to restore. And I ask for all the people to continue to support this major-scale disaster.”

No one organization is going to be able to handle the massive level of need across the vast disaster zone, but we can do our part with the help of friends like you. We can make a difference and display God’s love to many suffering people.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

Another Quake Rocks Turkey Relief Efforts

TURKEY – Days after a catastrophic earthquake devastated southeastern Turkey, another 6.3-magnitude quake rocked Turkey relief efforts in the province of Hatay. It was already one of Turkey’s hardest hit areas. Many buildings weakened by the previous earthquakes and aftershocks crumbled.

On the Ground as Another Quake Rocks Relief Efforts

earthquake damage antioch

Diego Traverso is directing relief efforts on the ground where he made this report moments after the latest quake struck:

“We felt it really strong, and everything collapsed again. The electricity—everything—just went out. We’re right here on the street serving the people that are coming here. We’re distributing solar lamps. We’re starting a medical clinic right on the spot so we can serve the people here that are under so much distress. Also, we’re making some hot soup right now and distributing blankets as it got really cold again.”

Hope in the Midst of Another Quake

Like many areas throughout the Hatay region, the city of Antioch took an especially hard hit. There, we encountered a local church whose facilities had been completely destroyed. They’d faithfully served their neighborhood for 23 years, and this event came as a shock. Pastor Elmas shared her memory of that terrifying night when the first quake struck.

“I just can’t find the words to describe it. And I don’t think you can really understand what happened at that time. There was a deep noise from the ground, and it wasn’t ending, and it was a long time. Both my husband and I just looked at each other and hugged each other, and we started praying.”

She continued, “And then we came out, and I looked, and I realized that all these buildings were collapsed. And that was so painful because this has been our ministry to our neighbors for years. All those years of loving and caring for everyone—everything is gone completely.”

Still, Pastor Elmas has a positive outlook. She said, “There’s no more Antioch left, but there will be a new Antioch. There will be a new church.”

This church has hope because they know the God of hope, and Operation Blessing is there on the ground displaying God’s love to those in need and offering hope through tangible assistance all across Hatay. You can be part of the effort!

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

Road to Recovery in Turkey

For the hundreds of thousands of people displaced by recent earthquakes in Turkey, the road to recovery has begun. But it’s a hard road.

The earthquakes have left behind a nearly 300-mile trail of ruined buildings and upset lives. Families like the Dudaklis in Hatay had their lives turned upside down, and they’re now living in a tent wondering when the aftershocks will stop so they can try to return to some semblance of normal.

The Road to Recovery Is Long

We sat down with Felis Dudakli and her family to hear their story. She told us, “Well before the earthquake, I had my own business. I was making bread and pastries. But now, unfortunately, after the earthquake, I have no job, and my workplace was destroyed.”

Felis made all sorts of Turkish baked goods, but the earthquake and its aftermath took its toll on her livelihood, her family, and the children.

She continued, “Our fear was too great. I don’t know when my children’s psychology will improve because, unfortunately, we even had to remove the corpses. Even my uncle’s markets were destroyed. We had to remove the bodies ourselves. Things are very bad.”

You Can Help Families on the Road to Recovery

After the earthquake, Operation Blessing came to help. We visited the family, provided food, and conducted a medical examination of the grandfather suffering from post-traumatic shock.

She said, “Blessing upon blessing comes to us. We’re always waiting for you. You supported us. Thank you very much. Many thanks to those who did this. We’re so proud. We got emotional. It made us even more happy.”

For Felis, her goal is to bake again. She said, “I hope to continue my work elsewhere. And I will invite you there. There will be treats from me. I make tandoori bread. If we get a chance, we are proud to present it to you.”

With the support of friends like you, the Operation Blessing team came as friends and left as family.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

Providing Hunger Relief When All Hope Seems Lost

VIRGINIA – “We were drained in pretty much every aspect you can look at: financially, emotionally, spiritually.” During the COVID pandemic, Tyler and Roxanne’s family experienced hardship in a way they never thought they would encounter.

After the loss of three parents in quick succession, they found themselves financially drained. They needed help just to make ends meet. Facing food insecurity, they turned to Heritage Church, a distribution partner of Operation Blessing.

In addition to providing hunger relief, the partner church offers a lot more to families in need. Not only did Tyler and Roxanne find the food they needed, they found love, community and a restoration of hope.

“Receiving the food really helped to restore a lot of hope. Like a reminder from God like it’s going to be okay. And if He can supply food, you know, He’ll supply the rest,” said Roxanne. Thanks to the support of our partners and donors, Tyler and Roxanne’s family were able to receive the help they needed when they needed it the most. Now their family is on their way to recovery and are hopeful for the future.

hunger relief in virginia

Providing Hunger Relief for a Family in Need

There are so many families just like Tyler and Roxanne’s who are thankful for the food they receive in times of tragedy and need. Without this food, many people, including children and the elderly, would not have the food they need to thrive. Thankfully, there is hope. Our partnering ministries all over the US are equipped to be that helping hand if you or your loved ones are in need of food.

No one should go to bed hungry. We at Operation Blessing are dedicated to being the hands and feet of Christ. It is our hope that we not only help those in need but also convey the hope found in God’s love.

By providing hunger relief to families like Tyler and Roxanne’s, you show them that all is not lost. To learn more about how you can be a part of the fight to end hunger, you can visit our website at:

hunger relief volunteers

Assessing Medical Needs in Turkey

TURKEY (February 17, 2023) – Since day one, Operation Blessing has been on the ground in Turkey working to help those in greatest need by distributing truckloads of vital disaster relief supplies. Our team has also been looking for a way to help with health care as soon as possible, and we’re actively assessing medical needs in Turkey.

Medical Relief is Key

With tens of thousands of people injured from the earthquake, one of the main needs is medical assistance. The local hospital in the impact area was destroyed, and many people lost their prescriptions and medicine during the quake when their homes were destroyed.

That’s where the Operation Blessing medical team comes in. We have the unique opportunity to show the people of Turkey that someone cares, offering tangible help and hope in the way they need it most.

Operation Blessing Assessing Medical Needs in Turkey

Already, we have people on the ground in hard-hit Hatay assessing the level of need as we seek to build an appropriate response that will best serve the hurting. We have also begun to help some of the people we encounter during our assessment process. Dr. Gustavo Angel, our medical professional on the ground, has shared with us some of the difficulties early patients are facing.

The doctor assisted one 70-year-old man whose body was simply overwhelmed by shock. He described it this way: “They have lost everything right now. So they are living on the street in a tent camp. So, the weather and the fear is generating spasms in his muscles. He has like an aftershock anxiety. He’s been traumatized and shocked with pain.”

support for turkey earthquake survivors

Doctor Gustavo also shared his hope that we will very shortly expand our medical efforts in the country.

For now, most of the people need help with chronic disease treatment because there are no working clinics or hospitals nearby, meaning they have to travel at least an hour and a half to get any sort of medical assistance. We’re encountering elderly people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease complications. And they need immediate assistance.

With the help of committed and compassionate friends like you, we can be the difference for the suffering in this critical hour.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

A Turkey Earthquake Survivor Story

TURKEY – Fearful cries split the stillness of the night as the concrete walls of Grace’s home groaned. She was awakened by the terrified shouts of her family members and the sight of their walls shaking. They had to get out!

Grace recalls, “We were crying and shouting. My mother-in-law was screaming, ‘Go down! Go down! Earthquake! Earthquake!’”

Earthquake Survivors are Struggling

When the dust settled, the family was afraid to return to their damaged home for fear of further disaster. Earthquake survivors like Grace and her three children have been left to roam the streets of Turkey. Many families escaped the danger with little in their hands, and the damage to their homes was too great to attempt to salvage anything. “We didn’t have anything—clothes or shoes or jackets—and it’s very cold,” Grace said.

Now, they sleep in tents or in cars. Grace’s words capture the heart of so many: “I’m very scared for my kids. Where will we go? How will we live? It’s very difficult. Help us! We need food, water, shoes—everything!” People are practically drowning in fear. And they need hope.

Operation Blessing Extends Your Love to Grace and Others

Thankfully, compassionate friends like you sent an Operation Blessing response team to Turkey the day disaster struck. We’ve been there ever since, offering a helping hand to traumatized people. Together with you, we’re demonstrating God’s love in their hour of need.

As our teams canvas the devastated region of Hatay in search of where we can best serve the suffering, we’re blessing people with much-needed supplies. Thanks to the generous gifts of friends like you, Grace’s family and others have received critical items like blankets and solar lamps to keep them warm and provide light in the darkness. Kids receive juice boxes and snacks to brighten up their day. For those who are hungry and cold, we’re providing hot meals. And hygiene supplies are a help to those who couldn’t take basic necessities as they fled for their lives.

Grace shared her gratitude, “Thank you for the help. We have pillows; we have blankets to cover ourselves because it’s very cold. Thank you for the food they are sending and water.” She went on, “We need your help for our situation, not just for my family but for our neighbors and everyone.”

As the response continues, our team has plans to increase our involvement in the region and ramp up our aid to bless far more hurting people. And you can be part of it! The need is great, but with your support, we can stand with the families of Turkey in this dark time.

Stay tuned for more information about Operation Blessing’s Turkey response. To donate to disaster relief efforts, visit:

Your Love Offered Healing to the Hurting

GUATEMALA – It felt good to run. Ehimy’s hair streamed behind her like a banner as she chased a ball across the field, laughing as she evaded her brothers. Oh, how she loved to play. Then she felt it—a twinge of pain, the telltale sign that the cyst was pushing on her airway. “Mama!” she called out in alarm. 

For months, 9-year-old Ehimy had been struggling to do nearly anything that took physical effort. When her family first discovered the lump in her throat, it didn’t hurt. But the pain soon became almost commonplace, something Ehimy could expect when she did certain things—like eat. And it only grew worse. 

cyst surgery guatemala

For months, 9-year-old Ehimy had been struggling to do nearly anything that took physical effort. When her family first discovered the lump in her throat, it didn’t hurt. But the pain soon became almost commonplace, something Ehimy could expect when she did certain things—like eat. And it only grew worse. 

“Many times I have a lot of pain, but then it goes away on its own,” Ehimy shared. “One night I realized that the lump was bigger, and I told my mom. I got really scared and cried.”

She also told us how she looked to God in her desperation. “Every day I ask God to remove the lump. I get sad because I don’t like having it.”

Her mother, Maria, was worried. She wanted to make sure Ehimy was safe, but they didn’t have sufficient income to handle unexpected medical expenses. Maria and her husband were field laborers in a small rural community and earned barely $8 per day. Maria said, “I cried before God, because we didn’t have the money to do a surgery for my daughter.”

medical help for cyst in guatemala

Surgery In Guatemala For A Cyst

Still, they persevered until they could pay for an exam. The doctor told them Ehimy had a cyst and confirmed that she needed surgery in Guatemala. That was far, far out of reach for them—but it wasn’t for friends like you! Thankfully, Operation Blessing saw their situation and reached out to them quickly with love and support from caring partners like you. 

The Life-Changing Surgeries team in Guatemala offered Ehimy the chance of a lifetime. We would provide her surgery for free, and her family would even have their travel expenses paid. It seemed like a miracle to this family. 

And her surgery was a tremendous success! Because of the compassion of our Operation Blessing family members like you, Ehimy can envision a future without throat pain. She can play freely without fear. And eating can be a joy again! She doesn’t have to fight to swallow anymore. 

Ehimy was so grateful. “After they operated on me, I thanked God because that cyst was no longer there.” She appreciates all of you whose support made this possible. “Thank you for helping me, I am very happy!”

Helping in the Devastation of the Türkiye Earthquake

The devastation of the Türkiye earthquake is tremendous.* This Turkey quake has destroyed buildings, homes and businesses stretching a staggering span of nearly 300 miles.

The graphic in this video shows the destruction zone in Turkey after those two massive earthquakes and dozens of aftershocks. As a comparison, it’s similar to the area stretching from New York City to Washington, D.C., including New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and part of Pennsylvania. The country faces a massive rebuilding program.

Additionally, millions of Turkish citizens are suffering from post-traumatic stress from their harrowing and traumatic experiences, like Abdulkerim Arserim. He shared his story. “The ground floor of our building was gone. They threw a rope. I tied my children and they went down, then my wife, then me.” He continued, “Of course, we had no socks, no shoes. Then the building collapsed. We didn’t believe we would be rescued. We thought death had come at that moment.”

Devastation of Turkey Earthquake Has Cost at least 37,000 Lives

death toll turkiye earthquake
Death toll as of 2/14/2023 – and it continues to rise

The devastation of the Türkiye Earthquake has spawned grim statistics. The combined death toll between Turkey and Syria currently stands at about 37,000, with tens of thousands more injured and hundreds of thousands left homeless. Furthermore, that death toll is expected to rise over coming days and weeks, perhaps even to double.

Humanitarian Support for Earthquake Victims

In order to provide material support and hope to the Turkish people, Operation Blessing mobilized within hours of the earthquake. They recruited volunteers like Carin Cochrane. She shared, “As soon as the earthquake happened I was like, ‘I’ve got to get on the ground and help in any way I can.’ So I got connected with Operation Blessing, and here we are…. It’s amazing to be able to be a part of bringing any aid and relief to the Turkish people in this time.”

In addition, Diego Traverso, Operation Blessing’s International Director of Disaster Relief said Turkey is a critical place to be. “Because we want to be in the center of the action where the people need it. Keep praying for us. And keep praying for the victims. Keep praying for our volunteers, for our additional teams who are deploying right now. The help is so needed.”

Click here for the latest on Operation Blessing reaching out in Turkey.

volunteers turkiye earthquake

*New official spelling of Turkey