A Chance To See The World

PHILIPPINES – The joys of having a healthy baby are beyond compare. But what happens when the child has a health problem?

Rachel knows. Just days after her son’s birth in 2020, Rachel was feeding Jevon when she noticed something odd. His eyes appeared to have white spots on them. She said, “He didn’t respond when we waved our hands in front of his eyes.” But there was no way to do anything about it during the pandemic.

Eventually, when the Philippines eased travel restrictions, the family had Jevon’s eyes checked. The ophthalmologist knew right away that their precious boy had cataracts in both eyes. “I was worried when I found out about his condition— we did not know if there was a cure or if his eyes could still have a chance to see,” Rachel said. “I felt fear for my son.

How could he live a normal life without seeing?”

cataract surgery for a child in the philippines

Cataract Surgery In The Philippines

Jevon’s father lost his job around the same time they got the news, and though he found some work in construction, it barely covered their daily needs. Then they were told how much the cataract surgery in the Philippines to help Jevon was going to cost—around five years of wages. What could they do?

Then YOU saved them from their painful situation. You sent your love across the world, and your generosity paid for Jevon’s cataract surgery. Only a week after the successful operation, Rachel reported to us that Jevon was trying to walk!

Now, when Jevon’s parents hold out their hands to their baby, he reaches back for them— all because you cared! Can you imagine how their hearts soared the first time that happened? Rachel said, “I appreciate your great help to my child, Jevon.

He was given the chance to see the world, to see us and have a chance to live a normal life. It’s OK if he needs to wear glasses.”

She is grateful. “Thank you to everyone who helped us. If not for them, my son would not be able to see. I pray that God will give them long lives to be able to help more children like my son, to give light to other people’s lives, too.”

child cataract surgery

Struggling To Thrive

HONDURAS – Amanda worked hard to support her three growing boys, Jonathan, Milton, and Arnold. Because of her threatening husband, their family situation became unsafe for her and the boys. So Amanda took action. She gathered her children and fled. For the next several months, she used what little she could learn to put food on the table for her family. But as a single mother in Honduras, she was barely able to keep up with their most basic expenses. She didn’t know how she would manage.

microenterprise in honduras

Helping A Single Mother In Honduras

Your love and generosity reached out to Amanda not just once but twice during her time of need. Amanda had long dreamed of becoming a professional stylist. Because of her situation, she could not afford the cost of training. But you paved the way for her to attend Canela y Miel, our free cosmetology academy for women like Amanda who were at risk for various reasons.

help for a honduras single mother

At the academy, she learned how to give manicures and pedicures, cut and dye hair, and apply makeup professionally. Amanda was determined enough to make it! Even in the midst of difficulties at home, she graduated as a professional stylist. Amanda began setting up her new business—but she still needed proper tools and more supplies to support her family properly.

That’s when you came alongside Amanda for the second time and showed her how much you cared! When Operation Blessing learned about her struggles, you provided professional beauty equipment—along with all the supplies she needed to give manicures and pedicures, as well as to cut hair. Thanks to you, Amanda now has the opportunity to build a hairstyling business that can support her lovely family for a long time to come!

new business for mother in honduras

Friends Like You Gave Fresh Opportunities to a Family in Need

KENYA – A small, one-room mud hut—that’s all Dorcas could provide for her children. They cooked over an open fire, then slept on a blanket on the floor beside it. Smoke often burned their eyes. Dorcas’ back and ribs ached from sleeping on the hard, uneven ground. “We could not afford a good house, because we had no money,” said Dorcas. “I am all by myself, and no one is helping me.”

Then the walls of the mud hut began to crumble. Rain seeped through leaks in the roof, and the cold wind blew through cracks in the walls. Covering the cracks with cloth or patching them with more mud proved only temporary solutions. Dorcas felt helpless, but what else could she do?

“It makes me sad when I see my children coughing because of the cold,” she said. “Because I cannot afford to take them to the hospital for treatment.” Dorcas wanted to give so much more to her three children still living at home—William, 16, Beatrice, 8, and Kitonga, 6. But as a single mother, there was no way. 

She often walked for hours, searching for work, and she used what little she earned to buy food. Nothing remained to repair the walls or save up to buy a better house. So every day she sent her children to school, hoping that eventually they would grow up and find enough work to better their lives.“My prayer every day is that God may give me a good house for me and my children,” said Dorcas. “Then I can work and provide food, school fees, and other needs for my children.” 

Lack Of Access To Clean Water In Kenya

Another problem they faced was access to clean water in Kenya. Some days Dorcas left early in the morning with a five-gallon can to draw water from a dam a few miles away. The journey took her five hours by foot and left her exhausted. She couldn’t look for work on days she gathered water. Then, on top of everything else, her daughter Beatrice got sick from the water. “It was greenish in color, but it’s all we had,” said Dorcas. “When I took her to the clinic, I was told she had an amoeba because of drinking dirty water.”

Then we heard about Dorcas’ struggles—and friends like you responded and began building her a new home. But that generosity didn’t stop there. Operation Blessing partners gave her a new kitchen, a bathroom, and beds. “The house is warm, and there’s no dust either,” said Dorcas. “It feels great to sleep on a mattress in a bed. I no longer have backaches. No part of my body is aching.”

Supported by our caring partners, we also installed a rainwater harvesting system with a large tank and a filter so that Dorcas would no longer have to walk such a long distance to fetch dirty water. She and her children now have access to safe, clean water at home to drink without getting sick.

Dorcas is grateful for everything that the love and generosity of friends like you provided. “I prayed to God, and indeed, God hears and answers prayers. He answered my prayers, and I love Him so much!” she said. “May God bless you! Thank you for your help. It’s God who made this happen through you!”

Food, Friends, And Hope

POLAND – “The war has begun.” Imagine waking up early one morning to see this message on your phone, knowing everything in your world is about to change in ways you can’t even imagine. You would quickly realize you were not safe in Ukraine. That’s what happened to Olena and her family on February 24, 2022.

The days following the reports of a Russian invasion were peppered with a dizzying barrage of gunfire, explosions, and tough decisions. Olena and her twin 3-year-old daughters slept in their basement for safety the whole week after she got the news, knowing their sleep would be interrupted again and again by air raid sirens.

During the day, they would wait for sirens to cease and then rush to do simple activities like take baths and cook. Olena recalls, “The sounds were very scary and really frightened us.” It wasn’t long before friends and family urged them to leave the country.

Safety For Child Ukrainian Refugees

Olena knew her girls were not safe in Ukraine, so she yielded, taking a journey into the fearful unknown. They boarded a bus to Poland and headed off into the darkness. Olena, Mira, and Margarita endured the harrowing 15-hour trip in cramped quarters without light to avoid Russian detection.

Love For Ukrainians in Poland

But when the bus finally stopped, they found hope. Thanks in part to your support, Olena and her girls were welcomed with open arms by Operation Blessing partners offering shelter. Because of you, they knew they’d found a safe place to lay their heads. Olena shared, “Everyone took care of us, making sure we had everything we needed—for the children and for me—making sure we were comfortable.”

You reached out in compassion to provide for the needs of many suffering Ukrainian families during this time. When Olena and her girls were hungry, Operation Blessing met their need, holding a food distribution event for the whole refugee community. Having full bellies made the future look brighter.

Mothers like Olena struggled with more than basic necessities, though. They knew their children were suffering emotionally and needed something constructive to do. Olena described the difficulty: “Right now, we as moms are very busy with work and different issues, and for kids there are not so many activities.”

So Operation Blessing family members like you took care of that, as well. Our teams held birthday celebrations along with other fun, encouraging activities that lifted the little ones’ spirits. As you can see by their faces, Mira and Margarita have experienced joy thanks to your kindness. Olena offers her gratitude. “We are very, very thankful to you for such support—for your love and care for us and our children.” 

safety for Ukrainian refugees

Celebrating 100 Supply Trucks to Ukraine

Ukraine – Today we’re celebrating 100 supply trucks to Ukraine! Because of your generosity, we have reached this very special milestone in blessing the people of this war-torn nation.

Since the war started, friends like you have enabled us to bring thousands of tons of food and hygiene supplies to needy communities inside Ukraine. You’ve also helped us provide fuel to heat homes in the frigid winter and love and care to Ukrainian refugees in Poland as well.

Celebrating Your Love!

As we celebrate sending 100 supply trucks into Ukraine, we would like to thank you on behalf of every person and family who received the food and relief that you so kindly provided.

Thank you for your love and your ongoing support of the work of Operation Blessing, particularly during the winter months.

Your gifts are helping families prepare hot meals during the cold Ukrainian winter. Merry Christmas! To make a gift and help more families, visit www.ob.org/crisis today!

Refreshed And Full Of Hope

HONDURAS – When Antoni’s stomach started to burn, he knew something was wrong. Only moments after he drank a little water, waves of nausea and pain struck him. He grew so sick his family had to rush him to the only clinic available—more than an hour’s drive from their home.

The worst part was, the emergency visit cost nearly half of Antoni’s father’s wages for an entire month. Antoni survived, but he wasn’t unharmed. His father said, “The doctor told me that Antoni had developed parasites because of the type of water that he has been drinking.” 

Honduras Dirty Water

And there was no guarantee this wouldn’t happen again, because Antoni’s family didn’t have another source of clean water in Honduras. You see, little 9-year-old Antoni lives with his family in a remote mountain village in Honduras where water access had always been scarce, and what they could find wasn’t safe. His father explained, “The water we have consumed has never been clean. The hoses don’t have any filters. We see insects and dirt in the cloudy water.” He and others in his village knew this was a problem, but they didn’t have the means to solve it on their own.

So somehow, they kept on going, even though they had to continue using the same contaminated water for drinking, cooking, and washing. Antoni shared one particularly frightening moment: “One day we went with my dad to check the spring where the hoses come from. When we arrived, there was a dead animal in it. We removed it with some sticks. It really smelled bad. Dad said we had to wait for a while before we drank the water.” On days like that one, it was hard for Antoni’s family to hope circumstances would improve. 

Operation Blessing Helps Provide A Source Of Clean Water In Honduras

spring water catchment system

Then they met Operation Blessing, and friends like you changed everything! Young Antoni said, “When Operation Blessing came, I felt relieved, because they were going to fix this water problem.” The clean water team immediately set to work evaluating the problem and potential solutions with the help of the locals.

First, they identified a new freshwater spring higher in the mountains for a spring water catchment system that would replace the dirty, exposed pools the community had been using. Then, together with community members, the team laid a pipe system, built a 5,000-gallon storage tank, and added purification. Water ran free and clean for the first time—right to residents’ homes.

Antoni was ecstatic. “The water that Operation Blessing gave us is very refreshing. There is a strong stream of water right in the house faucets! It feels as cold as if they had put ice in it,” he exclaimed. “Now my family and everyone in the community are happy because of the water that God sent us. Now everyone who drinks this water will not suffer!”

His father’s words perhaps express it best. “First of all, I want to thank God, and then thank the donors of the Operation Blessing project. For us this has been excellent; it is a blessing for this community and for each family. Thank you!”

Warming Homes and Hearts in Ukraine

UKRAINE – After months of living in constant fear for their lives, Ukrainian families like Oksana’s suddenly faced a new challenge—winter without heat.

Oksana shared, “The winters here are different…The temperature can be -4 degrees Fahrenheit or sometimes even -13. You can simply freeze. Our house was heated with a boiler, but it was destroyed when the war started.”

Since Russia began targeting power supply across Ukraine, civilians haven’t known from one day to the next whether they will have a source of heat the next day. They could wake up freezing because of shelling in the middle of the night. And many, like Oksana, had their heat sources destroyed by the war long before the current power supply issues.

But thanks to the generosity of friends like you warming homes and hearts in Ukraine, many of these families have hope. Thanks to our compassionate Operation Blessing partners, our teams in the Ukraine are installing wood-burning stoves to bring comfort and joy to those in great need.

“As the war continues, the needs are going to increase as the weather gets colder,” said Jeff Westling, Operation Blessing’s chief of staff in an interview with WTKR news network. “The need for heat is of primary concern for us right now. So we are providing wood-burning stoves, or wood-fueled stoves, to residences, especially in the areas that have been heavily attacked.”

From Ukraine to You: Thank You

warming homes and hearts in ukraine

This life-saving work is warming homes and hearts in Ukraine, providing the Ukrainian people with a reliable source of heat no matter what happens to the electrical grid. Together with our faithful supporters, Operation Blessing is upholding those who are suffering so they can endure the worst of the war.

And Ukrainians feel the love! Oksana shares, “If Operation Blessing had not brought us heating, we would have frozen here. If Operation Blessing had not brought us a stove and firewood, then I do not know how my children and I would have survived.”

She is beyond grateful. “Operation Blessing is doing a great thing by providing stoves and firewood for people. It is a big help. Thank you very much.”

Please consider getting involved in reaching out to hurting people in Ukraine and around the world.

Your Love Traveled the World This Year!

WORLDWIDE – This year at Operation Blessing, we had the privilege of witnessing the amazing things you accomplished for families around the world. Your love traveled across the globe providing gifts of hope and help for families in need.

In the United States, you provided families in need with food for their tables and helped victims of hurricanes and tornadoes get back on their feet. You gave clean water to Osocco, Peru, food to families in Kenya, disaster relief to Filipino families, life-giving medical care to Princika in India, and much, much more.

Your incredible outpouring of support also made it possible for Operation Blessing to respond to the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Ukraine this year. Countless bags of food, supply kits, warm meals, hugs, and words of encouragement were poured out on Ukrainian families, thanks to you!

Thank you so much for your amazing generosity. Because of your partnership with Operation Blessing, your love traveled the world and families have been given gifts of hope. Visit ob.org/hope to help even more families in need!

You Help Bring Joy To The World!

PERU – Gladys lived with her family in Mañazo, a rural community nestled in the highlands of southern Peru. Her parents raised livestock while Gladys took care of the household chores.

At one time, expectant mothers in Mañazo had no access to prenatal care in Peru. Most women could not travel the 27 miles to the city of Puno or even afford the cost of an ultrasound. Often, complications were left undetected and untreated leaving women in terrible pain during pregnancy. Many even died during childbirth.

“I was afraid I would lose my baby because of my health,” said Gladys. “I couldn’t pay 70 soles to have an ultrasound performed.” But thanks to your compassion, Gladys didn’t have to face this pregnancy alone. Since Operation Blessing launched the prenatal counseling program in Mañazo earlier that year, our staff was able to be by her side from the first stages of her pregnancy.

This program in Mañazo is just one of several prenatal programs in Peru you provided to serve the rural communities surrounding Puno. Gladys would need all the love and support she could get in order to face the journey ahead.

Prenatal Care In Peru

During her pregnancy Gladys faced two separate health challenges. First she developed a female infection. Later, she suffered intense pain and discovered she had gallstones. The obstetrician and staff at the prenatal counseling program were by her side every step of the way throughout her challenging pregnancy. They monitored the baby’s health during both treatments through several ultrasounds. To Gladys’s relief, her baby remained healthy.

“I couldn’t see how my baby was,” said Gladys. “Operation Blessing helped me. After seeing that my baby was okay, I felt relieved.” Through the new prenatal counseling program, you also provided a safe place for Gladys and other women to receive the prenatal care in Peru they needed.

Staff offered workshops to equip expectant mothers with techniques on how to carry their babies safely to term. Women like Gladys learned about childbirth and the warning signs to look for throughout their pregnancies. “I didn’t know how to control my contractions, but after these workshops I learned how to breathe,” said Gladys.

“Thanks to the workshops that were given to us, I knew how to act when I had pain during my pregnancy. That’s what helped me the most.” Today, Gladys is overjoyed to hold her precious healthy baby girl, Yuletzi, thanks in large part to the prenatal counseling program and to you.

peru medical care for pregnant women

Will You Be Someone’s Miracle This Holiday Season?

Join Operation Blessing and become someone’s miracle this holiday season! You can come alongside Operation Blessing as we seek to break the cycle of suffering all over the world. Your support provides miracles to countless families through initiatives including: aiding displaced Ukrainian families, installing water systems in Mexico, providing life-changing surgeries in India, helping victims of Hurricane Ian in Florida, and much more. 

One of the hardest realities of 2022 has been the tragedy of the Ukraine Crisis. The invasion by the Russian military under the orders of Vladimir Putin have plunged this once peaceful Eastern European nation into chaos.

The scars of the war are everywhere. Decimated buildings, smashed roads, as well as damaged vehicles line roads and villages. Homes are abandoned as explosions and the threat of deadly violence make them uninhabitable.

Millions of Ukrainians have been forced to flee into neighboring countries. Many find themselves in Poland. Their lives are now at a complete stand still and their futures remain unclear. They do not know when they can return home. And even when they can, they have no idea what they will face in Ukraine. While they have lost homes and possessions there is still one thing they cannot afford to lose, which is hope.

Be Someone’s Miracle This Holiday In Ukraine

You can help be their hope. Your support can provide displaced Ukrainian refugees with the supplies they need to survive. More than just provisions, you are giving them something else. You are showing them that people care. You are living the gospel message through your actions. You are helping them to keep holding on to hope! Please continue to be a light for so many people living in sadness this holiday season. Visit https://www.ob.org/mc/holidaygiving/ to make your holiday gift today!