Calm After The Storm

new house after storm damage in indonesia

INDONESIA – When the strong winds came, the house fell down,”said Tise, recalling a tragic day not long ago. This hardworking wife and mother supports her disabled husband and three children by cleaning houses in their neighborhood in Indonesia. The amount of money she earns—about $10 a week—isn’t much, but it keeps food on the table. There’s nothing left over for emergencies, though, and they faced a major one recently when disaster struck.

Rebuilding after Disaster Strikes, Thanks to Friends Like You

Powerful winds kept buffeting their home. “The wind blew so hard that day,” Tise recalled. “I looked up and heard a cracking sound from the rotting wooden beam that held the roof up.” Then, terrifyingly, the roof was gone—and suddenly there was nothing to keep out the wind and rain. Angel, her 10-year-old daughter, shared her memories of the event. “That day I heard rain that sounded like stones hitting the roof.” She continued, “When I got out, I saw that our house was destroyed. I was sad to see my house like that.”

A New Home in Indonesia

Angel takes part in an after-school program supported by a partner organization. She knew that there were people out there who could assist her family. There was no way Tise could rebuild the house on her own, so she was overjoyed when Operation Blessing offered to help. Thanks to friends like you, we built Tise and her family a brand-new home in Indonesia. After the work was completed, the family moved in and life returned to normal—now with the added safety and security their sturdy new home provides.

Tise has nothing but gratitude for Operation Blessing. With tears in her eyes, she said, “When Operation Blessing told me that they would build my house, it was like a dream come true for me!” She went on, “I knew that my kids would not have to worry about rain and storms anymore. I was so grateful to God.”Thank you for your heart to make this blessing possible!

Hot Meals Prepped and Delivered to KY Flood Victims

KENTUCKY – Operation Blessing prepared and delivered thousands of meals to the communities devastated by unprecedented flooding in eastern Kentucky this summer. Providing food to flood victims is essential for those who now find their homes and communities in total disarray. The worst part is there is no set timeline for when things will return to normal. This only adds to the strain for Kentucky flood victims.

Many flood victims have lost not only personal items, but also kitchen appliances, refrigerators, and food. Because many people already suffer from food insecurity due to economic reasons, it can often be a major negative factor after a natural disaster. Many people no longer have access to supplies due to the complications that follow a natural disaster.

Lack of transportation or access to groceries and even impassable roads are just a few of the things that can start the spiral of hunger. Tragically, families are going without meals and relying on outside help to feed their children. Since so much has been taken from them due to this natural disaster, they must struggle daily for things many of us take for granted—like food.

The Importance Of Providing Food To Flood Victims

 One person dedicated to helping eastern Kentucky flood victims is chef Ben Bennett. Chef Bennett and Operation Blessing volunteers say that even in the worst of conditions, a hot meal made with love is one way to offer hope to those who are struggling. The chef knows how the simple comfort of warm food can mean so much to people who have so little. 

With the help of our partners, Operation Blessing is showing love through tangible assistance and shining as lights in a dark place.

east kentucky flood assistance

Surviving a Flood of Despair

Flood disaster relief

You Reached Out to a Hurting Mountain Community in Virginia

VIRGINIA – Nestled in the mountains of western Virginia, the community of Buchanan County has seen its share of heartache. High unemployment and gas prices had already left many to struggle with putting food on the table. Then the unthinkable happened. A flood disaster did incalculable damage to this community in Virginia.

One night in mid-July, a severe storm pounded the valley with heavy rain. The waters roared as the river overflowed its banks in the darkness. Elderly residents like Beulah were taken by surprise. Thankfully, her daughter Julie lived right next door and sent her husband to help. Beulah and her son-in-law clung to each other as they pushed through waist-deep water against the raging current until he was able to pull her to safety.

But the next morning, things didn’t look promising. The river had torn through Beulah’s trailer, ripping away her AC unit and leaving her home clogged with mud, sticks and debris. “It was just the mercies of God that the flood didn’t push it off its foundation and it didn’t go floating down the river,” Julie shared.

More than 400 homes like Beulah’s had been affected—some nearly or completely destroyed by the flood. Across the county, trees had fallen. Roads had crumbled into the river. Bridges were damaged or completely wiped out. Long-term resident and social services director, Marcella Watson, had never seen anything like it. “It’s going to take a good year or two for them to just restore and get back to where they were.”

All seemed hopeless, but help was already on the way.

Hope for the Community Following the Flood

“Operation Blessing just showed up out of nowhere,” said Julie. Thanks to your support, a team of volunteers got to work and dug the debris out from under her mother’s home after the flood disaster. With the space cleared, Julie could focus on getting the electricity turned back on and ensuring the foundation was steady so her mother would be safe.

But we didn’t stop there. Faithful friends and partners like you helped supply emergency meal kits to families in Buchanan County who had no electricity or running water to prepare what little food they had.

“I just don’t even have the words, because it means that they get to eat,” said Marcella, who’d worked tirelessly at a local shelter since the storm.

For families like Beulah and her daughter, it was an answered prayer. “God completes the work that He starts,” said Julie. “He is using you guys to do that.”

Fresh Start for Local Artisans in Peru

PERU- Indigenous communities such as Manacamiri and Padre Cocha are home to dozens of artisans with great potential for entrepreneurship in handicrafts. For generations, they have survived by dedicating their lives to agriculture, fishing, and handicraft creation.

Sadly, however, many do not have all the materials they need to create their handicrafts. These handicrafts are important because their sale helps provide extra income for impoverished Peruvian families. When local artisans can’t produce or sell these wares, it negatively impacts them. Some face food insecurity and even go hungry since they can’t provide enough. 

Income for Peruvian Families

For years, these communities wished to be part of a project that promotes new crafting techniques for their products, in addition to being recognized as a formal association. Thanks to generous friends like you, Operation Blessing started a community project for the artisans of Manacamiri and Padre Cocha in Peru.

Technical workshops were developed to improve the skill level and knowledge base of local artists. In the workshops, artists learned how to make products using new techniques. The added income from these improved products brings more income for Peruvian families and makes all the difference to their well being. 

Each artisan also received tools and materials to continue working. And they were registered to be able to sell as vendors and compete in competitions. These blessings have made all the difference in providing income for Peruvian families. It’s not just extra income, but essentially provides hunger relief and prevents food insecurity.

A New Start For Baby Jordano

You Sent Life-Changing Surgery To A Child In Need

child in peru able to play and walk again after surgery for clubfoot

PERU – The nurses looked frightened. Why won’t they let me see my baby? Belzabeth will never forget the day Jordano was born. He entered the world with deformed feet in Peru.The doctors said the umbilical cord was wrapped around his leg and called it “equine foot.” The diagnosis left Belzabeth feeling shocked and helpless.

Jordano, a lovable, playful little boy, brimmed with energy despite his condition. While he gave his parents so much joy, they constantly worried that he might never be able to walk. Can you imagine how they must have felt, wondering if their child would be able to run and play with other children, thrive in school, or even hold down a job someday with deformed feet in Peru?

They did their best to find help for their son and met with an orthopedist who informed them that Jordano’s condition could be corrected by surgery. However, they would have to wait until he turned 7 months old. They counted down the months, the weeks, the days.

But then, the pandemic quarantine hit Peru, and sadly, Jordano’s surgery was postponed indefinitely. Meanwhile his parents’ meager funds dwindled as the lockdown continued. All hope began to fade. After what felt like an unbearably long time, life began to get back to normal, but Belzabeth had no idea how to help Jordano. “I could not possibly pay for our baby’s surgery!” she said.

Then Jordano’s doctor recommended that Belzabeth reach out to Operation Blessing. Thanks to you, we were able to offer Jordano the surgery he had waited so long for. And the best part was that all of his medical expenses would be covered as well. Belzabeth could not believe the good news. “I felt so happy, I almost cried.” Because of your kindness, Jordano was able to have the surgery that would change his life.”

surgery in peru for deformed feet

After the successful operation, Jordano’s hard-working parents faithfully supported him as he wore corrective shoes, attended therapy, and went to doctor visits. Months after the surgery, little Jordano began taking his first steps with the help of your love and support.

He is now more playful than ever. He can even wear normal sneakers to run outside and have fun. “I couldn’t be more thankful for Operation Blessing.” Belzabeth couldn’t contain her joy. “My son is going to grow up like other kids. He doesn’t have to worry about his foot. He won’t be in pain. He will be happy. Thank you for everything”

Feeding Ukraine Refugees in Poland Shelters

UKRAINE- For families in Ukraine, the war came as a shock. Overnight, peaceful neighborhoods were turned into hubs of violence. The once quiet landscape became enormously dangerous with no warning to the inhabitants. The sky was filled with the sound of deadly weapons and ordinance. Tetyana and Valentyna saw rockets, missiles, and shells exploding in the area around them.

For Tetyana and Valentyna, this kind of devastation made living in their hometown unbearable. In the wake of the destructive violence, basic necessities were taken away. Utilities like electricity and running water were no longer available due to the fighting. Life as they knew it was shattered.

Valentyna said she was not a believer before the invasion. As the intensity of the violence unfurled around her, she prayed for GOD to save her. Her prayers were answered. They fled to safety where Operation Blessing and other humanitarian groups in Poland were waiting to help them.

humanitarian groups for ukrainians

Humanitarian Groups In Poland

When they left their homes to escape the violence, they connected with local humanitarian groups in Poland that partner with Operation Blessing and Orphan’s Promise. They also were united with other Ukrainian refugees who were forced to leave their homes.

Thanks to the love and support of our partners, there is plenty of fresh, healthy food, and critical supplies for these families. Thank your for heart to help Ukrainian refugees as they adjust to their new lives in Poland.

Flood Relief: Helping Kentucky Homeowners

KENTUCKY – Brenda, her daughter Deborah, and her granddaughter Kara in Shelby Gap, Kentucky, all suffered during the recent floods. All three of their homes sit on the same property where four generations live together. Thanks to you, we’re on the ground helping Kentucky homeowners like this precious family.

During historic flooding across eastern Kentucky in July, their property was devastated. Brenda, an 89-year-old widow, shared how around 3:30 a.m. she was awakened by her grandson. He told her to leave immediately due to the flood waters that had risen to her windows.

They quickly hopped in their cars and drove across the street to higher elevation. From there they watched in horror as their homes were ravaged by the raging waters. At first glance, Brenda and Kara’s homes looked completely unsalvageable. Brenda felt overwhelmed. Since then, the family has been forced to split up and live in separate temporary homes. It’s been incredibly difficult for the children to be separated from their siblings.

Blessing for Flood Victims

Operation Blessing volunteer teams are helping these homeowners remove damaged furniture and take apart their ruined deck. They’re working to salvage these homes after all. With your help, we’re also giving them essential cleaning supplies, emergency meal kits, and water. The Kelly family expressed their gratitude to Operation Blessing partners and volunteers for showing up in their time of need. Together, we can continue helping Kentucky homeowners throughout their journey to recovery.

Please keep them in your prayers. And consider giving a special gift to disaster victims today at

Water for Enrique’s Village

mexico clean water

MEXICO – Seven-year-old Enrique loves to splash in the pila—the small basin behind his house in Galilea, Chiapas, a small community in southern Mexico. On hot days, it’s a refreshing way to cool off after playing basketball with friends. But it wasn’t always this way until a new water system in Mexico changed their lives.

You see, one of the main challenges in this community was access to safe water in residents’ homes. There was a system of pipes in place in the area, but it didn’t support all the families equally, and it didn’t effectively treat the water. So Enrique and his three siblings used to help their father, Javier, fetch water to store it in different containers and tanks around the house. But it was never quite enough for the family of six. And it wasn’t always clean water, which led to stomach pains, diarrhea, and fever.

Bringing Fresh Water To A Community In Mexico

That’s when compassionate friends like you stepped in to improve circumstances for this family and their whole community. When Operation Blessing learned of Galilea’s unequal and unreliable water distribution system—as well as the lack of important water quality standards in the area—we set about to change that. A new water system in Mexico was installed, including the needed pipes and chlorination to make the water safe. Then all 42 families—including the kids, like Enrique—were invited to attend workshops where our staff offered training on hand washing and other good hygiene habits. The staff even provided a puppet show to reinforce the lessons.

Now Enrique and his entire family can enjoy a safe, reliable water supply. No more hauling water from far-off places. No more worries about safety. They are so grateful to have easy access to clean water that comes out of the faucets right at home. “Understanding hygiene habits helped us to wash our hands better and know the importance of having correct cleaning practices in our lives,” his father said. “Thanks to Operation Blessing, we have better health!”

Water and Cleaning Supplies for Victims Impacted by Kentucky Flood

KENTUCKY – In Hi-Hat Township, KY, Operation Blessing had the privilege of delivering a case of water bottles and a bucket of cleaning supplies to residents impacted by the recent disaster like Ralph Johnson. The Kentucky flooding did immeasurable damage to the community, catching many people off guard. Many found themselves facing the flood waters without warning as they encroached on their homes and families. Some lost their lives in the wake of the destruction. Many others have lost their homes, possessions and now lack basic necessities to survive.

Flood Relief And Support

Ralph Johnson lives with his wife in an area that was heavily struck by the flooding. Compounding the difficulty, the 71-year-old is retired due to disabilities. He and his wife lost much in the East Kentucky flood, including their food, essential appliances like their washer and dryer, and other valuables. They now find themselves left with the difficult task of putting their lives back together after this natural disaster.

 kentucky flood relief

Help For Flood Victims

Operation Blessing spoke with Ralph. He shared that he is thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness and for Operation Blessing volunteers stopping by his and his neighbor’s houses. These visits showed them much-needed love and care — care made possible by your kindness and generosity.

Please keep these victims impacted by East Kentucky flood in your prayers. Also continue to partner with us to help people like Ralph who have lost so much to the flood. To give a special gift for disaster relief today visit

You Are There In Their Toughest Times

catastrophic drought relief in Kenya

KENYA – Life was already hard. Najire and her six children live as pastoral nomads, roaming to feed their livestock. Then a catastrophic drought swept across their region. Without rain to bring life to the land, most of Najire’s livestock starved to death, and her children appeared to be next. Help from friends like you was one of the few things that kept them going.

How A Community Survived A Catastrophic Drought With Your Help

Najire shared what it has been like weathering this trial, as a few weeks without rain have turned into many months of hopelessness. “This drought has been very long and very hard for us,” she said. “I am a single mother and I have to take care of my children all by myself. It is really hard to find food.”

She also shared that her family makes a living caring for a herd of goats, but since the drought struck, more than 90 percent of their animals have died. Najire said, “The remaining goats are so weak, it’s impossible to sell them. So now I can’t buy food for my family because I can’t get the money.”

It’s not just Najire and her family facing these terrible circumstances, either. Times are tough for everyone in Tubcha village and for most communities across their county. In the best of times, community residents live hard lives in small thatched huts that they must deconstruct and move for their nomadic lifestyle.

Lately, life has been all but impossible. “We are barely surviving,” Najire said. “On so many occasions, we sleep hungry because we have no food. The situation is getting worse. There were times you could beg some food from a neighbor, but now no one has any food around this village. Sometimes we just take some water and sleep. It is very hard on the children especially.”

You can imagine how these mothers and fathers must feel as they watch their families suffer. “It breaks my heart when I see my children crying because they are hungry, and yet there is nothing I can do to get them food. It’s very sad to see them lying down weak because they are too hungry to get out and play.”

But she is not alone. Your compassion has reached out to her in her worst moments, and to the whole community!

Najire’s fervent prayers to God were answered when your support sent Operation Blessing to her village with enough food to feed 150 families for more than three months. Since that time we’ve returned to provide holistic care to this village, including a medical brigade and a sack garden project to grow spinach and kale with minimal water. Now, they all have hope for tomorrow.

On their behalf, Najire offered her heartfelt thanks. “I knew God would not abandon us! He heard my prayers and has sent you to rescue us.” She said joyfully, “I can’t thank you enough! My children have enough food now and I don’t have to worry about what they will eat tonight or tomorrow. May God bless you indeed! Thank you!”