Compassion Changes Everything

INDIA – As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him (Psalm 103:13). When your child hurts, you hurt. And God’s heart goes out to every suffering child around the world—including a precious 5-year-old girl in India named Sakshi. Sakshi’s parents discovered the deformity in her left shoulder and spine when she was just a year old, and she’s struggled with it ever since. Doctors said if Sakshi wasn’t operated on at this young age, she’d be partially disabled for life. Her parents desperately needed help in India for their little girl.

Her condition made it impossible for Sakshi to lift her arms above her head or move her left arm without pain. It broke her parents’ hearts to see her cry, but they couldn’t afford the costly surgery needed to heal her condition.

Help In India For Sakshi

Because of her shoulder, she was bullied at school so badly that her parents let her stay home. Mostly, Sakshi spent her days inside with her mother. Although she was now 5 years old, her mother still had to help with basic activities like bathing and putting on clothes. She would say, “Mommy, please make my arm better.” Her mother said, “Our hearts break for her, but we don’t know what to do.” Her family wanted so much more for her! They just needed a miracle.

And by God’s grace, friends like you delivered. Just look at her now! Little Sakshi stands straight and tall and pain-free. She’ll continue growing stronger with physical therapy, and she can look forward to even better days ahead. Her father is overwhelmed with gratitude. “Sakshi has relief! Her posture is also corrected. We are very thankful for all the services we received from the generous support of Operation Blessing. My daughter’s life is better!”

Aiding Remote Typhoon Noru Victims

PHILIPPINES – Super Typhoon Noru, the strongest storm to strike the Philippines this year, has left a path of destruction in its wake. Many residents of remote areas have lost their homes and livelihoods. These areas do not often receive aid in times of disaster. In the central Philippines, the remote island communities have reportedly lost 70% of their homes. Now the residents look to Operation Blessing to provide urgent supplies following the devastating storm.

Typhoon Noru Victims Receive Critical Support

One victim, a woman named Josephina, recalled watching her house collapse before her eyes. “Our house was slowly leaning on one side,” she said. “The wind lifted it, and then it dropped until our house collapsed.” But thanks to your support, a team of brave Operation Blessing staff traveled 3 hours in stormy conditions to reach these remote areas! Josephina and her neighbors received critical aid in their time of need. Operation Blessing staff arrived to distribute desperately-needed food, supplies, and solar lamps to light up the dark night. Josephina said, “Thank you so much! You gave us plenty of food that will last for several days.”

To help Typhoon Noru victims of disaster like Josephina in the Philippines, visit

Ian Volunteers Flock to Florida After Hurricane

FLORIDA – Volunteers have joined Operation Blessing’s disaster relief efforts after catastrophic category 4 Hurricane Ian swept through coastal Florida. Calvary Assembly of God Church in Port Charlotte, Florida serves as a base of operations, housing equipment and supplies volunteers will need. We sent out one team of Ian volunteers to do chainsaw work and another to do roof tarping.

Ian Volunteers Are Making a Difference in Port Charlotte

Ian volunteers are coming back with amazing stories of how God has used them in this volunteer experience to help struggling communities. Team Leader Brianna Shpak shared how much of a blessing it was to serve with Operation Blessing in this capacity. “I mean, seeing it on TV is one thing, but when you’re here in person and you see the houses that are ruined and the gates that are ruined in front of people’s houses, and you can feel that everyone’s spirit is kind of down [it’s a world of difference],” she said.

Though it was her first time serving in disaster relief, Brianna said she would gladly serve with Operation Blessing again, and she encouraged others to do the same. She said, “It’s so amazing just to see how the neighbors reacted to us even coming out here. I’ve just loved being a part of this whole thing that we’re doing right now.”

We hope that you’ll join us too, because the need is still great, and we need volunteers like you. The support of partners and volunteers fuels the Operation Blessing mission to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.

To volunteer with Operation Blessing as a disaster relief worker in Florida, visit You could be the difference for someone who is hurting and in need of a helping hand.

Visit to help victims of disaster now.

Support Continues for Ukrainian Refugees

UKRAINE – Civilians are bearing the brunt of Russia’s assault on Ukraine. Millions have fled to neighboring nations for safety. In Poland, Operation Blessing is helping care for these refugees. Despite the length of the conflict and the reality of constant danger in this unstable region, support continues for Ukrainian refugees.

“It’s really depressing being separated from loved ones and leaving my house and all our livelihoods in Ukraine. That is where I spent all my life until now. I never imagined that this war with Russia could happen,” said Ukraine refugee, Sergei.

Sergei is among 3,000 refugees staying at the PTAK Center, one of the largest refugee shelters in Poland. The needs there are enormous, so they reached out to us for help.


As War Still Rages Support Continues for Ukrainian Refugees

Operation Blessing quickly responded to the request, sending truckloads of food, hygiene kits, and cleaning materials to the shelter. We also help other refugee centers in Poland where supplies are running low.

Thanks to the generous gifts of friends like you, Operation Blessing has come here just in time to replenish empty shelves with food, cleaning materials, and hygiene supplies to be distributed to hundreds of families who come there every day to get whatever they need.

Ben Edwards, Vice President of CBN International said, “This war is still happening. People are still suffering every day, and it’s just a blessing for us to be the hands and feet of Christ in a situation like this.”


Disaster Relief Arrives after Hurricane Ian

FLORIDA – Disaster relief arrives after Hurricane Ian as Operation Blessing goes to Linda Piper’s house in Port Charlotte, Florida. Thanks to the love of friends like you, they arrived to remove debris from fallen trees as well as destroyed furniture. With your support, volunteers also helped lay down tarp where the roof was blown off by the hurricane.

Linda recounted her harrowing experience in the storm. “This hurricane is different from other hurricanes. It just wasn’t going to stop. I have a tiny bathroom, and I had to prep the bathroom with comforters, pillows, the dog bed, anything I can think of for comfort and protection.” She continued, “I could hear rain and wind and everything inside my house. I’ve been praying, ‘Lord God, you said that you will never leave me nor forsake me.'”

Upon the dangerous storm’s departure, she assessed the damage to her home. Water drenched her carpets, damaging her walls and ceiling fans. The majority of her roof was gone, her trees were flattened, and her fencing was ripped apart. That’s where your compassion stepped in to make a difference.

Disaster Relief Arrives After Hurricane Ian Damages Her Home

Following the devastating impact of the category 4 hurricane, she is solely putting her trust in the Lord to provide for her in this difficult season. Thanks to Operation Blessing’s generous partners and volunteers, helped arrived at Linda’s property.

She detailed the work of the disaster relief team. “Operation Blessing showed up today. They worked super hard; they cleaned my yard; they tarped my roof; they took saturated, rotten furniture out for me. They moved stuff for me so that it’s in a more protective area.”

Linda is extremely grateful to Operation Blessing and to friends like you for sending the resources and volunteers to her home in her time of need.

Visit to help victims of disaster now.

To volunteer with Operation Blessing as a disaster relief worker in Florida, visit

A Mother’s Cry For Help

MEXICO – A loving mother, Teresa wanted her three young boys to be healthy and happy. But after they moved into their new home in southern Mexico, there were problems. Little did they know they were being exposed to unclean water in Mexico.

In fact, Teresa’s family struggled to get water for their most basic needs. The local distribution system was sporadic—the community only received water every 15 days. Even then, it barely trickled. So every day, her three boys lugged buckets down to a nearby river to gather water for their family. Everyone in the community relied on that river for all the water they needed to survive. They washed their clothes, cleaned dishes, bathed in it, and drank it—without any way to ensure it was safe. Even worse, the boys got sick.

Their stomachs ached from severe diarrhea, and they began losing weight. They didn’t want to eat or even play—and often missed school because they had to stay home in bed. At first, Teresa thought their illness was due to the food, or even the weather. The community was isolated, and she couldn’t afford to take them to the hospital to get them the help she suspected they needed. So she watched helplessly as her children clutched their stomachs in pain. “We didn’t know it was the water,” Teresa said.


Solutions For Unclean Water In Mexico

When Teresa realized that the water might be what was making her children sick, she immediately began boiling it. The boys got better, yet that wasn’t enough—the community needed a healthier water system, but getting one would take a miracle. Then, generous and caring friends like you gave them that miracle. When Operation Blessing first visited, we found harmful bacteria in their water supply—bacteria that caused children like Teresa’s to become terribly sick.

But we also had a plan, and our supporters stepped up to provide the supplies to make it happen. Over the next few months, we worked with the residents to build a new community water system that would provide clean, safe water to the 338 people in that community. Our faithful donors provided the pipes to draw water from an underground spring and a large water storage tank with a chlorinated filter system to kill any harmful bacteria. And today, water that is healthy to drink runs freely to a faucet outside of each home in the community, thanks to the kindness and generosity of friends like you! 

Training In Hygiene And Sanitation Skills

Our team also trained more than 100 men, women and children in hygiene and sanitation skills. These community residents learned basic hand washing practices and how to maintain proper sanitation so they could continue providing clean water to the community long into the future. And parents like Teresa won’t have to worry about the water making their little children sick again.

Because of partners like you, Teresa’s children no longer have to haul dirty water from the river. They have enough clean water to drink right at home, and they are growing healthy and strong.“ Nothing stops my kids now. They’re always healthy and playing!” Teresa told us with a smile. “Thank you, Operation Blessing, because now the water is clean and safe.”

“God Blesses People Who Bless Others”

FLORIDA – Operation Blessing visited Mrs. Claire Beauliere to remove debris, fallen trees, and waterlogged furniture from her Port Charlotte home after it was ravished by Hurricane Ian.

She said, “It’s so scary. Especially when you’re elderly, and they tell you to evacuate and do this and that, and you’ve got some limitations.”

The 77-year-old retired seamstress and Certified Nursing Assistant hails originally from Haiti, so she is no stranger to coastal weather.

But Hurricane Ian surprised her, causing wind damage to her roof and the windows of her master bedroom. She didn’t know how she would be able to pay for the damages. And that’s when Operation Blessing showed up.

“[There were] broken windows on the first floor and a lot of water inside. So I lost a lot of things like furniture and everything,” explained Claire.

God Blesses People Who Bless Others

Claire believes God answered her prayers when Operation Blessing showed up at her house ready to remove any debris and furniture damaged by the historic storm. She is seeing first-hand how God blesses people who bless others.

God blesses people who bless others

“Operation Blessing came inside with a lot of love. And they did really help me. The cleaning that they did—I would never be able to have it done otherwise,” she said.

Claire emphasized how grateful she is to Operation Blessing partners for enabling volunteers and staff members to come to her home in her time of need.

“It’s a big help, because these people are really on the job helping people like me,” she said.

Visit to help victims of disaster now.

To volunteer with Operation Blessing as a disaster relief worker in Florida, visit

Rebuilding Grandma’s House

KENYA – Picture your grandchildren coming to live with you. You just can’t wait to see their sweet, smiling faces. But when they arrive, you welcome them from the doorstep of a tiny mud hut your neighbors built for you in their spare time. That’s home. And it will be your house in Kenya for the foreseeable future. How would you feel about that? Would you be grateful? 

Amazingly, Magdalina was— but as it turned out, God had bigger things in store for her. She had no idea that a new house in Kenya would be a blessing coming to her and her family. Magdalina lives in Miorre, Kenya. At 82 years young, she devotes herself to her five grandchildren— whose parents, sadly, had died—but they often had to stay with other family members because of the incredibly poor condition of Magdalina’s house.

Her Original House In Kenya Collapsed

You see, on one fateful day eight years ago, Magdalina’s house collapsed. Thankfully, kind neighbors went to work and built her a temporary one-room shack. She truly was grateful for the makeshift shelter. But for eight years, she and her grandkids piled into a single cramped room—about 100 square feet in size—and tried to live without adequate personal space, a water system, or proper ventilation.

Before long, however, heavy rains and storm winds damaged this “house,” too. Without warning, the mud walls began to crack. Magdalina lived in constant fear for her family’s safety. She recalled, “We were cold, and the rain would rain on us. There was a day I prayed for a house until I cried!”

Though she dreamed of doing more for her grandkids, she only earned a small income from a few farm animals, and it all went to providing their most basic needs like food and water. There was nothing left over for a house.

A Brand New Family Home In Kenya For Grandma

But hope was waiting around the corner, and it looked a lot like YOU. Seeing Magdalina’s need, generous Operation Blessing supporters stepped in and built her and her grandchildren a brand-new home—one where they can safely and comfortably be a family together.

Instead of cracked and crumbling dirt walls, there are now sturdy brick walls capped by a galvanized iron roof that will protect the family from the rain for a good long time. In place of the damp, suffocating single room, there is now a full home complete with new bedrooms, a living area, and a separate kitchen featuring a fuel-efficient wood stove.

A New Water System In Kenya For Her Home

When the house was done, however, the blessings still weren’t finished. Operation Blessing was also able to provide Magdalina with a hygiene-friendly latrine separate from the house and a rainwater harvesting system that lets her access water right outside the door.

Before the compassion of friends like you came to the rescue, this elderly woman used to carry heavy containers of water from a nearby river to provide for her family’s needs. But her new water system in Kenya features collection gutters, piping, and a filter for a new 3,000-liter water storage tank. Now, Magdalina and her grandchildren can easily get water from a faucet right at the bottom of the tank.

This generous help has blessed Magdalina and her family in ways they never could have imagined were possible. “I am so happy and consider it a blessing that people can come from far away to assist me and my family,” she shares. “I am grateful to everyone that has made it possible for me to get this house. May God richly bless you.”

With God’s grace and love from friends around the world, this family has a hope and a future.


Volunteers Needed for Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts

FLORIDA- Hurricane Ian tore through southwest Florida, leaving life-altering devastation in its wake. As people return to the lives they left before the storm, it is clear that volunteers needed for Hurricane Ian Relief efforts will play a large role in helping people get back on their feet.

Michael Barrett evacuated from his home in Port Charlotte. When he returned, what he saw was shocking.

“You think about it for a second, and then you jump into action. You start trying to figure things out. What do I do first? What do I do next? Because devastation is all around us,” he said.

Operation Blessing is on the ground in Port Charlotte, Florida and working to help the community in its first steps towards recovery.

Anthony Lloyd, Operation Blessing’s Senior Director of U.S. Disaster Relief said, “They might have had trees fall in their yard. Some of them have had massive flooding.”

It’s only with the tremendous support of partners like you that Operation Blessing Disaster Relief teams were at the ready in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

“We cannot do what we do without the support of our volunteers and our partners,” said Anthony.

Hurricane Ian Volunteers Make a Difference

Paul Cross is one of Michael’s neighbors, and when he heard Operation Blessing’s call for volunteers, he was the first to show up.

He said, “I didn’t have a whole lot of damage. Once I cleaned up what was there, I was sort of looking for a way to volunteer to help people out. And somebody came by with a flyer for Operation Blessing. And I saw that was a perfect way to help other people out.”

So Paul joined volunteers doing debris removal and clearing items damaged by flood waters. But he can’t do it alone. Operation Blessing needs volunteers to help restore the lives of those impacted by this deadly natural disaster.

Michael sends his gratitude to partners and volunteers. “Operation Blessing, you guys are spiritually on time. We are so ready for you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Visit to help victims of disaster now.

To volunteer with Operation Blessing as a disaster relief worker in Florida, visit

Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts Begin in Florida

FLORIDA – Hurricane relief efforts are underway across Florida after the devastation of Hurricane Ian. Operation Blessing teams are on the ground partnering with local churches and humanitarian groups to reach residents in greatest need.

Operation Blessing went to Calvary Assembly of God in Port Charlotte, Florida to meet with Senior Pastor Daniel Kolenda. “I understand that the storm hovered over the area for several hours, which I think traumatized people. And so now the infrastructure’s been compromised. People are not able to get fuel and food and things like that, and there’s no electricity. I know there’s a lot of physical needs. Homes are damaged,” he said.

This Port Charlotte church has been serving their community since 1960. Pastor Daniel says the majority of his neighbors are retirees who can’t physically begin the road to recovery alone. He said, “I think what we need to do now, as a body of Christ, is focus on helping people.”

Operation Blessing and Calvary Assembly of God are teaming up to meet the needs of the people in the community.

“I got a call from Operation Blessing, and I thought, my goodness, this is a divine appointment, because you guys have the the resources and the expertise, and we have the need,” said Pastor Daniel. He continued, “We’re looking forward to these next few weeks when we can really make an impact on this community.”

Partnering for Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts

With the help of friends like you, our teams set up their base of operations at Calvary Assembly of God’s church facilities. Pastor Daniel said, “Well, Operation Blessing is going to come in here with supplies, and with tarps and people that will go out into the neighborhoods and actually put that on the people’s roofs for them.”

He continued, “If they’ve got nasty debris in the house that needs to be hauled out to the street, they’ll go in there and pull it out and put it on the street for them. Or let’s say they don’t necessarily have a problem at their house, but they need some supplies.”

Pastor Daniel strongly believes that with the support of the Operation Blessing family, we can greatly impact his community for the Lord. He said, “I would like to thank the Operation Blessing partners for the sowing that they’ve done, because you’ve sowed into good ground, and now there are people in need who are reaping the harvest of what you sowed.”

Operation Blessing has already begun volunteer relief work in the most devastated communities. To volunteer with Operation Blessing as a disaster relief worker in Florida, visit

Visit to help victims of disaster now.