CAMBODIA – As parents, you will do anything for your children. If they are sad, you’ll comfort them with hugs and love. If they’re in need, you’ll give them your last dollar. But what do you do when what they need is out of your reach to provide?
When Baby Dey was born with a severe cleft palate and lip, his parents were plagued with how they would get their son the medical attention he needed. Oral clefts are birth defects that make it difficult for children to eat and drink. Since these babies often struggle to take in the nutrients they need to thrive, they can be at risk of malnutrition and a weakened immune system.

Although Dey’s father worked hard, he knew his income wouldn’t be enough to care for his family and save for his son’s much-needed surgery. Dey’s health deteriorated as he battled frequent colds and weight loss.
The children in his community began to make fun of him, taunting him as “cleft lip boy.” His sister stood as his champion, defending him against anyone who spoke negatively of him, while his parents continued to hold onto hope that their little one would receive a miracle.

Thanks to you, their prayers were answered. Dey’s parents learned about Operation Blessing and found out that their son could not only receive oral cleft surgery, but that it would be free! And through the generosity of supporters like you, Dey received surgery as promised.
The surgery was a success. Dey gained weight, his health improved, and his family was filled with joy. His mother smiled as she said that now he looks like any other handsome boy.

Dey’s new beginning is a testament to the power of compassionate care and the importance of supporting life-changing surgeries. Your kindness helped give Dey’s family so much peace. Baby Dey can live a healthy life without derision due to the complications from an oral cleft. His sister does not have to worry about children bullying or picking on him. His parents know that their child is healed. And this profound impact is all because of you!