You Answer Texans’ Prayers After Dangerous Floodwaters Strike

TEXAS – When dangerous floodwaters suddenly surged through Cleveland, Texas, they swept away more than homes and possessions. For many—especially those already experiencing homelessness—the floods threatened to wash away their last shred of hope. But because of friends like you, hope didn’t disappear. It arrived in Operation Blessing trucks, loaded with the lifesaving supplies you provided.

disaster relief after the flooding and hurricane

“We prayed this morning. We didn’t have the provisions,” shared Tammy, a local volunteer who serves Cleveland’s homeless community. “And I pulled up to the shelter, and Operation Blessing was there.”

helping Texans

Providing Disaster Relief after the Flooding

After dangerous floodwaters struck, your generosity rushed our disaster relief team to the scene with emergency meal kits, clean water, tarps, and other essential supplies for families along the river and those living in homeless camps.

For people like Shawn—who lived in a homeless camp before he was forced to evacuate—your kindness made all the difference. “We’re glad to have you folks, and we’re very grateful to receive these blessings.” Your support provided not just material aid, but also a powerful reminder that these people matter, that God loves them dearly, that He sees them and sent them help at a critical time.

praying with storm victims

Battered by Hurricane Beryl

Just a few months later, Hurricane Beryl pummeled the same general region of Texas. This time the small town of Brazoria was one of the hardest-hit locations, and again, you answered prayers by reaching out with hope, comfort, and tangible relief.

flood damage

Residents struggled in the brutal heat of summer without power, and many lost their food supplies. But you sent water, ice, and food. Thanks to you we were also able to provide hot meals and volunteer help to clean up downed trees that littered yards and even blocked some people from their homes.One senior resident named Paula said, “I believe in angels, and y’all are earth angels.”

Thank you so much for answering prayers and reaching out with the love of God during these challenging times in Texas.

helping in Texas after disaster

Protecting Vulnerable Kids from Predators in Peru

PERU – For the past 15 years, Martha has been a schoolteacher in Iquitos, Peru. Passionate about education and the well-being of her children, she works tirelessly as both a mom and an instructor. And if you could see the happy faces of the kids in her classroom, you’d understand the special rapport that exists between this teacher and her students. But Martha must also look out for vulnerable kids in her community and protect them from predators in Peru.

Tragically, this is one area where even experienced teachers like Martha often need help: teaching their kids about the perils of sexual abuse. The numbers are staggering. Every year in Latin America, some 2 million children and adolescents are sexually exploited. The vast majority of the time, abused kids say the predator was someone they knew and trusted. But thanks to you, Operation Blessing has responded by implementing Yo Digo No (I Say No), an original program created to train elementary school children to protect themselves. Since 2017, in four Latin American countries, we have helped train over 20,000 children and 5,000 adults through the program.

helping vulnerable populations

“We are delighted and thankful that Operation Blessing has selected us to bring these important programs for our kids,” Martha said. Teachers at schools like hers undergo training to help them spot and intervene in potential abuse situations where vulnerable kids could be exploited.

Helping Vulnerable Children Through Education

Using songs, coloring books, puppets, games, Superbook characters, and other materials, instructors teach children—in ways kids can understand—how to identify, say no to, and report sexual abuse.

The classes meet over a course of four to five weeks. During that time, children learn vital lessons like identifying untrustworthy people, not keeping secrets, and running from danger. They also have opportunities to speak with psychologists as needed. Parents receive an overview of the training, as well.

vulnerable kids receive education

As director of the program for her school, Martha gives Yo Digo No high marks, including the special march held at the end. “The march against child abuse … promotes parents’ vigilance and ensures that children remain alert to any instances of harassment or abuse directed toward them.”

Martha is in a unique position to understand and appreciate the program. “As a teacher and mother, I am overjoyed by the positive experience and blessing that Operation Blessing brought to our school,” she said. “I want to express my thanks to each one involved in this wonderful organization. This kind of initiative is a great blessing for our children.” Thank you for helping us protect vulnerable kids in Peru!

protecting children

Severe Cleft Palate in Cambodia: Baby Dey’s Story

CAMBODIA – In the heart of Cambodia, a young family faced a daunting challenge. Baby Dey was born with a severe cleft palate and lip, a condition that brought with it not just medical complications but also a financial burden too heavy for his family to bear. Dey’s father earned less than $10 a day, an amount insufficient to meet even their basic needs, let alone afford the vital surgery for his son.

Severe cleft in Cambodia

A Constant Struggle

With limited resources, Dey’s parents could not afford formula, and the risk of malnourishment loomed large. His health deteriorated as he battled frequent colds and weight loss. Meanwhile, Dey’s sister stood as his champion, confronting those who referred to him unkindly as ‘cleft boy’ and insisting he be called by his real name.

A Ray of Hope: Operation Blessing Steps In

The turning point for Dey and his family came when they learned about Operation Blessing. Through the generosity donors like you, Dey was given the chance to undergo free severe cleft palate surgery in Cambodia. This gesture of kindness was more than a medical intervention—it was a beacon of hope restoring dignity and health to a young child.

The Transformation After Severe Cleft Palate and Lip Surgery

The surgery was a success. For the first time, Dey’s parents saw their child not only as their beloved son but as a boy with the potential to live a life free from the stigma associated with his condition. He gained weight, his health improved, and the joy in his family’s life returned.

Gratitude and the Journey Ahead

As Dey’s mother beheld her son post-surgery, her joy was mirrored in the faces of those who had supported them. Now looking just like any other handsome boy, Dey’s new beginning is a testament to the power of compassionate care and the importance of supporting cleft surgery initiatives in Cambodia.

Your kindness helped give Dey’s family so much peace. Baby Dey can live a healthy life without derision. His sister does not have to worry about children bullying or picking on him because of cleft. His parents know that their child is healed. This profound impact is all because of you.

Please continue to partner with Operation Blessing. Continue to help us bring hope to people in dire need. Leave a lasting legacy of kindness and show people the love of Christ!

severe cleft palate in Cambodia

Fulfilling Dreams in Costa Rica

COSTA RICA – Yuleisi, a 24-year-old single mother from Costa Rica, faced a daily struggle that impacted every aspect of her life. Diagnosed with Pterygium, an eye condition that caused blurred vision, burning, and irritation, Yuleisi’s ability to work and care for her children was severely compromised. Headaches, dizziness, and constant discomfort made it difficult for her to perform simple tasks and provide for her family.

unable to see without blurry vision due to Pterygium

As the sole breadwinner, she worried every day about how she could continue working with her part-time job. Meanwhile, affording the surgery she desperately needed seemed impossible. “I get a lot of headaches. I get dizzy, especially when I’m exerting myself or when sweat gets in my eyes,” Yuleisi said. She knew that without the surgery, her future—and the future of her children—remained uncertain. “I don’t have enough money. It is a very expensive surgery. I work very few days. Sometimes I buy less food, thinking of saving it for the surgery.”

But thanks to the incredible generosity of Operation Blessing and partners like you, Yuleisi’s life was changed forever. Through your support, Operation Blessing, in collaboration with a medical partner, was able to donate the surgery Yuleisi needed. The surgery not only restored her vision but also restored her hope for the future. “Now I feel more peaceful and stronger. My vision is no longer blurry. I see well, and my eyes are clear. I don’t have red eyes like before,” Yuleisi said gratefully.

treatment for Pterygium

She now looks ahead with confidence, believing that better opportunities are within reach. “At some point, I can find something better, something stable, so I can continue studying. I want my children to continue studying. I feel more self-confident, and that I can achieve great things.”

To all our Operation Blessing partners who made this possible, we thank you. Your generosity has brought light into Yuleisi’s life and given her the chance to create a better future for herself and her children. Watch Yuleisi’s inspiring story and see firsthand how partners like you are making a profound difference in the lives of families in need. Together, we can continue to bring hope, healing, and new opportunities to those who need it most.

Yulesi is healed

Brightening Tomorrows in Chiapas

MEXICO – Extreme poverty has long marked many of the rural villages throughout the Chiapas region in southern Mexico. Families have struggled to meet their most basic needs—like access to healthcare, finding water to drink, and earning a livable income. They had little hope until you came along and gave them a brighter future in so many ways. Your love has provided holistic care that is transforming their lives and communities.

overcoming poverty in Mexico

Making a Difference Through Mobile Medical Clinics

Guadalupe worried about the health of her unborn baby. Health care in her area was extremely limited, and the nearest hospital was nearly two hours away. She longed for reassurance that her baby was developing properly, but she was struggling to find access to an ultrasound.

Many of the residents in this area are poor farmers, totally dependent on nature to support their families. Even if they could leave their land to get needed medical care, they often couldn’t afford it.

Chiapas-Medical Brigade

You sent a mobile medical clinic with doctors, dentists, pediatricians, and community health volunteers to treat more than 100 people in Guadelupe’s area. When she heard the strong beating heart and watched her little one on the ultrasound machine we had brought, Guadalupe could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Her baby was doing well. She said, “Knowing that we have good health helps us feel at ease.” And your love didn’t stop there. It continued to work in the lives of families across the region.

Surgeries That Are Truly Life-Changing

For months, Mili (age 12) was often doubled over in severe pain from gallstones. She missed school and couldn’t even care for her cat. The surgery Mili needed cost thousands of dollars—more than her mother, as a single parent, could ever afford.

Another child, 6-year-old Lia, couldn’t run, play, or even cry because it caused her hernia to swell. She dreamed of being free from pain so she could roller skate, but her mother was not able to cover the cost of an operation.

Life changing surgeries in Mexico

Surgery for these young girls was not obtainable in Chiapas until the love of strangers like you intervened. Our compassionate Operation Blessing family provided a surgery marathon so that Mili and Lia, along with 13 other patients, could get the care they needed to live better lives. And their parents didn’t have to bear the crippling cost.

In addition to providing life-changing medical care, you also freed entire families from the burden of poverty in other ways.

Medical Brigades in Mexico

The Miracle of Clean Water in Chiapas

People living in many communities throughout Chiapas had no running water or bathrooms. Women and children spent hours navigating dangerous paths to streams or old wells. And the water they brought home was contaminated with bacteria. This, combined with poor sanitation, meant disease spread easily and children often got sick.

clean water system in rural Mexico

Thanks to our generous partners, hope finally arrived in several of these small, isolated communities. Residents received rainwater harvesting systems and hygiene stations with toilets, showers, and faucets. They learned about waterborne diseases, water conservation, and proper hygiene techniques to help them safeguard their health for years to come.

clean water solution in Chiapas, Mexico

A mother named Juana and her five children (ages 2 to 17) no longer have to walk an hour every day to fetch water. Your generous care changed their lives. “My water tank looks beautiful,” Juana told us. “My children will no longer have to go with the donkey for water. Now, we will have it right here at home.”

Empowering Women Through Microenterprise

You also helped women in several communities launch their own businesses and earn additional income to support their families.


Eight women in Nachig improved their sewing skills and learned to create products like bags and garments. You provided them with the materials they needed—sewing machines, thread, scissors, needles, and irons—to start and maintain a thriving business.

Determined women in San Isidro make the long journey each week to the market in Berriozábal with high-quality eggs from chickens they are raising—thanks to the training friends like you provided. For participants like Karen and Alejandra, the training opened up doors of opportunity they’d never had before. “We feel very grateful for the support that Operation Blessing provides us, so we have more opportunities to sell and learn.”

When Disaster Strikes, You Strike Back with Love, Compassion, and Tangible Aid

WORLDWIDE – This year we’ve already seen countless tragedies around the globe. The U.S. has faced hundreds of tornadoes and powerful storms. Flooding has ravaged Kenya and Brazil. War and political upheaval continue to wreak havoc in Ukraine and Israel. And vulnerable people still face the disasters of poverty and disease. That’s why we’re happy to report that when disaster strikes, we strike back together with love, compassion, and tangible relief.

You are a critical part of providing aid to survivors in dire circumstances around the world. At times like this, your support is more needed—and more appreciated—than ever before.

Thanks to you, we have multiple disaster teams prepared to reach out at a moment’s notice both in the U.S. and abroad.

impact of disasters worldwide


Over the past few months we’ve responded to tornadoes in Alabama, Ohio, Louisiana, and Nebraska. In Louisiana, we met Linda and her husband after a sudden twister tore through their town. Overwhelmed, Linda told us, “I would just love to walk away and not look back.” They needed friends like you to offer help and hope in their time of trouble.

Although the couple was unharmed by the storm, their property took a beating. Large fallen trees and debris littered their yard. These retirees didn’t know what to do next.

But Operation Blessing supporters like you didn’t let Linda and her husband deal with this burden alone! You showed them that when disaster strikes you are there to help. You sent a team of hardworking staff and volunteers to help. The team cleared heavy debris from their yard, restoring hope for the couple. “I bawled,” said Linda with tears in her eyes. “They have a good name, Operation Blessing, because that’s what they are. They are our heroes!”


helping in Brazil after the flood

“Do you know what it’s like to wake up into a nightmare?” Rosangela, a flood survivor in Brazil, recounted her harrowing experience to us through tears. As the floodwaters rapidly rose, she fled by rescue boat. “I cannot swim, and the boat was so small. I was afraid I would die,” she said. In fact, over 170 people died during this flooding that lasted for weeks. And hundreds of thousands were displaced.

Once Rosangela reached safety, she was faced with the shocking reality that the streets of her neighborhood now looked like rivers, and her home lay submerged beneath the murky water. As the rain continued, she had no idea when she might be able to return to her house, or what state she would find it in.

Amid the chaos and despair, you emerged as a beacon of hope for Rosangela and countless other flood survivors. Our Operation Blessing team braved the flooded areas to help with rescues and provide desperately needed relief.

Thanks to the generosity of caring friends like you, survivors received water filtration systems, food boxes, solar lights, hygiene kits, medical care, and over 70,000 hot meals! Once the flood waters receded, you also helped by providing cleaning supplies and chlorine to fight contamination. Rosangela said, “I feel blessed by God to have these things.”


helping people in need

Karina explained to us that escaping a warzone doesn’t always mean feeling safe. Ukrainians not only lost their homes but also their sense of peace.

Although she, along with her husband and young son Danylo (8), managed to survive the nerve-wracking airstrikes and fled the area, they were later cast out of the hostel where they’d found respite. “It’s hard to be confident about tomorrow when at any moment we could find ourselves on the street again,” said Karina.

“My psychological state has suffered from the war,” she told us. “As refugees we constantly worry: Where to live? How to make ends meet? Where to find a better-paying job? How will the children study? The ground was pulled out from under us, and we were deprived of our home and native land.”

She shared that the help she received, thanks to your compassion, saved her from complete despair during this time of crisis. “Your monthly food package truly saved us from hunger! Oil, cereals, sugar, flour, canned food—all of this helped,” Karina said. “I am very grateful to Operation Blessing for the two-year support of our family. For giving us a sense of security in this dangerous world. For not forgetting our plight, despite being so far away!” Thank you for your constant support when disaster strikes throughout the world.

helping disaster victims

Overcoming an Umbilical Hernia in Mexico

MEXICO – Iker, a spirited five-year-old from Mexico, was born with an umbilical hernia. As he grew, so did his discomfort. What started as a minor inconvenience soon became an unbearable pain, especially after playing or running. “My tummy hurt a lot,” Iker would tell his mother, Ana.

The Growing Pain of an Umbilical Hernia

As the hernia continued to expand, Ana’s worry intensified. “I was afraid it might burst, and he would get a major infection,” she recalled. The urgency for medical intervention was clear, but as a single mother in Mexico, Ana faced a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the cost of surgery.

“I was afraid it (the hernia) might burst, and he would get a major infection.”

-Iker’s Mother Ana
pain from a hernia

Unable to Afford Surgery

In Mexico, where healthcare costs can be prohibitive for many families, Ana found herself in a desperate situation. “To pay for it, I would have to leave the country to work,” she explained. The thought of leaving her son alone for an extended period was heart-wrenching, especially when Iker begged, “Mom, please don’t leave me alone for a long time.”

Just when the situation seemed bleakest, Ana discovered Operation Blessing’s Life-Changing Surgeries program. This organization offered a lifeline: free operations for those in need. “I learned that people who don’t even know us help others to receive free operations,” Ana said, her voice filled with newfound hope.

Overcoming a Hernia

Thanks to the generosity of Operation Blessing’s donors and partners, Iker received the life-changing surgery he desperately needed. The umbilical hernia that had caused him so much pain was finally repaired. Post-operation, Iker’s life transformed dramatically. He could now run and play without the constant reminder of his condition.

healed from a hernia

The success of the surgery brought immeasurable relief and happiness to both Iker and Ana. “Thank you very much for my operation,” Iker expressed, his joy evident. Ana, overwhelmed with gratitude, added, “Thanks to you, we received the surgery we prayed about for many years.”

healed from an umbilical hernia in Mexico

A Journey from Tragedy to a Brighter Future through a Microenterprise Program

SENEGAL – Focusing on school can be difficult enough on its own. Studying for tests, keeping up with the coursework, plus balancing the rest of life can prove to be challenging. Now compound this with the stress of dealing with a personal tragedy. Astou, a young adult in Senegal, knows all too well exactly how this scenario feels. And yet she persevered, in large part, thanks to you for giving her a brighter future through a microenterprise program.

hardship in senegal

Astou’s mother suffered for some time from kidney disease. After a two-month stay in the hospital, her mother succumbed to her illness and passed away. As though this wasn’t enough tragedy for a young woman, Astou’s father died from a fatal stroke shortly after.

Astou was left as a grieving orphan. Although barely an adult, she now took on the responsibility as head of household and became the sole provider for her two younger sisters. This new responsibility left no room for continuing their educations. Each day Astou and her sisters faced hunger and poverty. They attempted to sell baobab leaves, ice cream, and juice in their community. While they made a little money here and there, it was nowhere near enough to meet their needs, let alone help finance their educations.

praying for help

Transformation to a Brighter Future through a Microenterprise Program

Thankfully, Astou’s pastor told her about Operation Blessing’s microenterprise program. Because you care so very much, she and her siblings were trained on how to raise chickens so they could sell them. This program turned the tide in their favor and allowed the young ladies to earn sustainable wages.

chicken business in Senegal

“We earned a lot of money from this project,” said Astou. “Now we can buy food and we don’t go hungry anymore. We have everything we need!”

Although the pain and grief from losing both parents remain, Astou and her siblings are abundantly thankful for the blessings you gave them.

“Thanks to God and this program we are all back in school,” exclaimed Astou. “A very big thank you to Operation Blessing and to everyone who helped us. May God bless you a hundredfold in return. May He enable you to reach other places to do what you have done for us!”

Astou went on to pass her university entrance exams and is hoping to become a doctor so that she can help those in need like her parents. Because of YOU, Astou and her sisters now have a bright future.


Comfort in the Midst of Hardship Due to Hunger

UNITED STATES – Delbert and Belinda were used to living a stable life until illness swept in and changed everything. Delbert became sick while at work and was admitted to the hospital. Diagnosed with MRSA and double pneumonia, he faced a long hospital stay and slow recovery. In addition to the stress of recovery, Delbert and Belinda would also face hardship due to hunger.

food insecurity and food scarcity

Even after returning home, Delbert remained very ill. Belinda spent her days caring for her husband while watching their finances fall into shambles. With both of them unable to work, their income plummeted, making it difficult to afford even the most basic necessities. Bills piled up, and the stress took a toll on their mental and physical well-being.

Overcoming Hardship Due to Hunger Because of Your Generosity

Your generosity shone brightly in Delbert and Belinda’s darkest hour. Amid these challenges, your love stepped in to provide the crucial support they needed to begin regaining control of their lives. Friends like you ensured that a partner ministry of Operation Blessing had their shelves stocked with high-quality food products.

food pantry

The couple turned to this ministry for support and were grateful for the food and friendly smiles they found waiting for them.

“We needed food. We were in, I guess you could say, dire straits,” Delbert began. “It’s like that breath of fresh air. We thought that all was lost, and everything was bleak.” Belinda gratefully added, “We were truly blessed by everything that we got there. I would come in the door and say, ‘Look at what God did!’”

overcoming hunger

Thanks to partners like you, Delbert and Belinda didn’t have to worry about where their next meal would come from, and they could focus on bills and medical expenses. The support they received was more than just financial aid; it also gave them the emotional strength to persevere.

Now, Delbert is healthy once again, and the couple is looking forward to whatever God is calling them toward next.

food scarcity

Belinda and Delbert’s journey is a beautiful example of how, even in the toughest times, the support of compassionate individuals like you can shine light and share hope. Your kindness shows that every act of giving can make a world of difference to those in need.

Belinda expressed her gratitude, saying, “Thank you for your donations … and thank you for loving God and loving people enough to help somebody else.”

providing food for the hungry

You Helped Restore Health to a Child in Honduras

HONDURAS – Five-year-old Josue loves to play soccer and dreams of becoming a police officer someday. But Josue was born with a hernia that only got larger and more painful as he grew. Your generosity would be the catalyst that would help restore health to this child.

This condition, where internal organs bulge through weakened muscle or tissue, can cause excruciating pain and complications if left untreated. Tragically, in impoverished nations like Honduras, children are too often forced to endure this debilitating issue without access to the medical care they desperately need.

medical care for a child in Honduras

His father told us, “Some days he was in constant pain. We took him to the E.R., but they said they couldn’t do anything because it was not an emergency.” And, unfortunately, the public hospital they had access to would only operate in an emergency situation.

Josue’s parents were desperate to help their son, especially when the pain medicine stopped working. His father said, “I felt a pain in my heart because I wanted to fix him or pay for surgery. But for us, it was impossible.”

And his mother added, “We will never be able to afford the cost of an operation, since we don’t have the money.” No matter how desperately these caring parents tried to help their son, the surgery remained out of reach for them.

The Generosity of Our Partners Helped Restore Health to Josue

Fortunately, thanks to the generosity of faithful partners like you, Operation Blessing was able to step in and provide Josue with life-changing hernia surgery at no cost to his family. After the successful procedure, he is happy all the time and able to run and play without pain. His family rejoiced and his father said, “I am very grateful to Operation Blessing. I hope that you can help many more families like ours.”

healed from a hernia

You are the reason families like Josue’s can access this critical care, restoring their health and quality of life. Through our life-changing surgeries program, you help bring healing to patients with heart defects, burn scars, tumors, cataracts, and many other dangerous and debilitating conditions. And you not only bless the patients, but you bless heartbroken families as well!

With your support, we can continue reaching more people and transforming lives. If you’d like to get more involved with our life-changing surgeries program, please visit There you can choose a specific patient to help and to follow along their journey

healing a child in Honduras