You Sent Life-Changing Surgery To A Child In Need

PERU – The nurses looked frightened. Why won’t they let me see my baby? Belzabeth will never forget the day Jordano was born. He entered the world with deformed feet in Peru.The doctors said the umbilical cord was wrapped around his leg and called it “equine foot.” The diagnosis left Belzabeth feeling shocked and helpless.
Jordano, a lovable, playful little boy, brimmed with energy despite his condition. While he gave his parents so much joy, they constantly worried that he might never be able to walk. Can you imagine how they must have felt, wondering if their child would be able to run and play with other children, thrive in school, or even hold down a job someday with deformed feet in Peru?

They did their best to find help for their son and met with an orthopedist who informed them that Jordano’s condition could be corrected by surgery. However, they would have to wait until he turned 7 months old. They counted down the months, the weeks, the days.
But then, the pandemic quarantine hit Peru, and sadly, Jordano’s surgery was postponed indefinitely. Meanwhile his parents’ meager funds dwindled as the lockdown continued. All hope began to fade. After what felt like an unbearably long time, life began to get back to normal, but Belzabeth had no idea how to help Jordano. “I could not possibly pay for our baby’s surgery!” she said.
Then Jordano’s doctor recommended that Belzabeth reach out to Operation Blessing. Thanks to you, we were able to offer Jordano the surgery he had waited so long for. And the best part was that all of his medical expenses would be covered as well. Belzabeth could not believe the good news. “I felt so happy, I almost cried.” Because of your kindness, Jordano was able to have the surgery that would change his life.”

After the successful operation, Jordano’s hard-working parents faithfully supported him as he wore corrective shoes, attended therapy, and went to doctor visits. Months after the surgery, little Jordano began taking his first steps with the help of your love and support.
He is now more playful than ever. He can even wear normal sneakers to run outside and have fun. “I couldn’t be more thankful for Operation Blessing.” Belzabeth couldn’t contain her joy. “My son is going to grow up like other kids. He doesn’t have to worry about his foot. He won’t be in pain. He will be happy. Thank you for everything”