WORLDWIDE – Conflict in Ukraine, droughts in Africa, COVID-19 lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, inflation, political crises—all of these have led to increasing numbers of hungry people! Even before these calamities, the United Nations reported that one in nine people in the world lacked sufficient food and face food insecurity. And now, the hunger situation in our world has reached a new crisis point. Children like Grace from Latin America too often go to bed hungry.

Thankfully, as a supporter of Operation Blessing, you can feel confident that you’re fighting hunger worldwide and all throughout the year. For Grace, you provided her mother with a poultry business that helped feed her family during a difficult time. In each region and situation, you make it possible for Operation Blessing to bring the solution that will provide the greatest impact.
Because of this, not only are you helping hungry children, families, and communities with their urgent needs for food and nutrition, you are also assisting them in lasting ways—like you did for Grace’s family! She’s thankful that you helped sustain them during the COVID-19 crisis.
Here Are A Few Of The Ways You Are Fighting Hunger Worldwide
U.S. Hunger Strike Force
In the U.S., many working families are having a difficult time making ends meet, especially during these days of soaring prices. You bless them by making possible the distribution of millions of pounds of food to local food pantries and other partner organizations. Large corporations donate food, and with your help we send out our fleet of Hunger Strike Force semi-trucks to get that food into the hands of those who need it most.
Famine Relief
When famine and drought
strike vulnerable areas like Kenya, many people are robbed not only of food for their tables but also of their income opportunities. But you are rushing immediate relief to the suffering and malnourished, ensuring that so many more children and families go to bed with full bellies.
Nutritional Feeding
Many children around the world lack the nutritious meals they need to grow and thrive. Through our nutritional feeding programs, you give school children in places like Kenya, Peru and Haiti the extra support they need. Not only do you supply supplements and nourishing school meals, but in parts of Latin America you also offer cooking classes to teach mothers how to prepare healthier meals for years to come.

Agricultural & Farming Programs
In parts of Latin America and Africa, Operation Blessing supporters supply villages and schools with agricultural training, irrigation systems, greenhouses, chicken coops, and small farm animals. These solutions offer struggling families and individuals a chance to grow food for their families long into the future—and even sell the surplus to better provide for necessities like medical expenses and education.
Business & Livelihood Support
One of the best ways to provide hunger relief long into the future
is by offering a hand up rather than a hand out. Through skills training and small business support, you are changing lives for
generations to come. Whether it’s a handicraft business in Latin America, a small store in Africa, cosmetology training in Honduras, sewing classes in India, or one of the many other opportunities available, you are helping families earn more income to consistently feed their children and send them to school.
Disaster & Crisis Relief
When crisis and natural disaster strike, basic needs like food, hygiene supplies, and clean water often go unmet. But you send support to disaster victims in dire need. In the U.S., our volunteer teams have been packing boxes of supplies to prepare for upcoming disasters. We’ve recently distributed hunger relief after earthquakes in Indonesia and typhoons in the Philippines. Meanwhile, we’ve been sending truckloads of food into war-torn Ukraine.