Ukraine Refugees Escape to Poland

POLAND – Can you imagine what it must feel like to flee a war-zone with your 3 small children? What if you had to do that while being 8 months pregnant? For Olena and her 3 kids, this nightmare was a reality.

Olena was forced to flee her home in Ukraine. When she looked out her window one morning and saw bombs flying through the sky, she couldn’t believe her eyes. “It’s one thing to hear about this,” Olena said, “another thing when you see it with your own eyes.” As a protective mother, she decided the only way to keep her children safe was to leave the country.

“It’s one thing to hear about this, another thing when you see it with your own eyes.”

Ukraine Refugees Escape To Poland

As soon as Olena was able, she boarded a train and arrived safely in Poland. Once there, she was greeted by local churches and a team from Operation Blessing.

Thanks to the support of friends like you, Operation Blessing is partnering with local churches to help families seeking shelter in Poland. With your support, Operation Blessing is providing critical supplies like hygiene kits, water filtration devices, and solar lamps to refugees. Thanks to your support, these families will have the comfort they need during those critical moments after arriving in Poland.

To come alongside Operation Blessing as we continue to provide aid and comfort to Ukrainian families, go to

You Gave the Gift of New Sight in Indonesia

INDONESIA – For seven years, Solihati suffered with a cataract in her right eye that made it hard for the 13-year-old to see the world clearly. As time passed, she was only able to recognize light and small movements in her right eye. 

Because of her appearance, Solihati was mocked by the people around her. The unhappy child would cry every night because of her “white eye” and because people said she was cursed. 

Solihati lives with her parents and siblings in a poor area of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. With her poor vision, she would need surgery to remove the cataract and regain her sight, but her parents work by finding items to sell from the city dump— earning very little money. They were unable to afford the cost of the surgery needed to restore Solihati’s eye. 

As the family had no means to help young Solihati, Operation Blessing partners stepped in to bring hope when it was needed most. Through the use of a crowdfunding campaign as part of Operation Blessing’s Life-Changing Surgeries program, over 20 friends just like you answered the heartfelt prayer of this young girl. In just under two weeks, donors raised the $2,009 needed for Solihati to have this healing procedure. 


New Sight In Indonesia for Solihati

Because of friends like you, doctors successfully completed the surgery to remove the cataract from Solihati’s right eye, and she is now on her way to growing healthy and strong! Thank you for giving her the priceless gift of new sight in Indonesia.

For over 40 years, your love shown through Operation Blessing has touched countless lives in the U.S. and around the world. You make it possible to share the love of God with the poor and hurting. Thank you for the kindness and compassion you’ve shown to people like Solihati and her family!  

You can check out our current crowdfunding surgery catalog at 


Operation Blessing Friends Reach Out With Tremendous Help for Ukraine

UKRAINE – The entire world watched in shock as the lives of innocent Ukrainian families were thrown into turmoil. Women and children were forced to flee the country for their own safety when Ukraine was violently and aggressively invaded by Russia. In the face of such tragedy, you met this onslaught of violence with a powerful response of compassion and relief! And you are providing tremendous help to Ukraine.

Handing out disaster relief supplies for Ukraine

Operation Blessing on the Ground in Ukraine

Operation Blessing and several of our sister organizations were already strategically located on the ground in Ukraine and able to be among the first reaching out to victims of war with life-saving food, water, fuel, and generator power inside hard-hit communities.

Operation Blessing tent helping Ukrainian refugees

Shortly after, thanks to your support, we positioned a team on the border with Poland to give Ukrainians warmth, comfort, encouragement, and vital supplies as they suddenly found themselves refugees in a foreign land. We pitched tents, organized packages, distributed aid and helped equip shelters in partnership with churches and other organizations.

As Ukrainian refugees reached an unfamiliar country in search of safety—often in the middle of the night—our team greeted them with literally thousands of blankets, hot beverages, hygiene items, and other little pieces of comfort. Most of the refugees were women, children, and the elderly, as men remained in Ukraine to fight for their country.

Blankets and relief items

We have plans in place to continue increasing our support to meet this growing tragedy. And our wonderful, generous friends like you have been truly stepping up with the love and support needed to keep this effort going. Today we’d like to introduce you to a few of the people your love has reached.

Help for Ukrainian refugee mother and kids

Meet a Ukrainian Refugee Family You’re Helping

Olena, a pregnant mother with three children in tow, made the harrowing journey to safety in Poland. She had been getting her kids ready for school on that fateful day in February when she saw something streak pass her window. They quickly learned it was a Russian rocket, and fear and panic set in. She told us that she was horrified by the way the Russian military attacked civilian targets. The family could hear bombing at a distance and her children cried. The whole family was in a constant state of fear and turmoil.

She said, “Of course it’s terrifying. It’s one thing to hear about this, another thing when you see it with your own eyes. We could not sleep during nights.” Olena also told us, “Over there only ruins are left. Hospitals, maternity hospitals, they shoot everywhere. In the villages also everything was destroyed.”

Eventually unable to take it anymore, they risked fleeing to Poland. There, your love met them with open arms. They were so thankful for the warmth, food, refreshment, and encouragement. Despite her fears, Olena stands in faith. She said, “I hope in the Lord and only rely on God because God can protect. Many Christian people pray, and we pray.” 

Ukrainian refugee in need of help

Report from War-torn Ukraine

Hasmik, a woman from the Kyiv area, fled Ukraine after hiding from the bombs for 10 days. She and her family had taken shelter in the basement of their apartment building, only leaving for food. But after the apartment’s administrative building was hit, they decided they must leave.

“I thought, at this moment, we would die. Really,” she said. “People need peace. They can’t sleep. They have small kids. It’s awful. War is awful.”

Refugees in Search of Hope and Peace

Nadiezhda, which means “hope”, is a young mother of two children, Ilia, 9, and Mariana, 5. She and her children also fled Ukraine. Nadiezhda’s husband stayed behind to fight in the war, so she is alone with her kids. They also received aid and assistance at the Polish border thanks to you.

“I put my hope in God, that He will give peace and protect our country,” Nadiezhda told Operation Blessing staff. “Thank you for your help, for prayers. Thank you that you are welcoming us, this is very precious and important at a time like this.”

We send you our heartfelt thanks as well. Please continue to keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

You can give a special gift to help crisis victims today.

Learn more about Operation Blessing’s outreach to Ukraine.

Bring Clean Water to Osocco This World Water Day!

OSOCCO, PERU – The people of Osocco, Peru need your help! For years, this small community in the highlands of Peru has struggled with access to clean water.

The community consists of 28 families who all bear the burden of dirty water. An old manual-pump well exists, but the water is yellow and contaminated. They need to walk 40 minutes to the nearest town for better water. But even then the water is scarce and unreliable.

Balvina, a resident of Osocco, told Operation Blessing staff of how her daughter, Yareli, fell ill when she accidentally drank the dirty water. “It affected my daughter when she drank the water,” said Balvina, “she got a stomach infection and she had a fever and diarrhea.”

Balvina and her neighbors desperately need a miracle. And this World Water Day, you have the power to provide one! Operation Blessing’s clean water team worked to develop a comprehensive water solution that will provide Osocco with a reliable source of clean water for years to come. With your help, we can make this water system a reality and radically change the lives of these precious families.

Visit to bring clean water to Balvina, Yareli, and the residents of Osocco!

“It’s Awful.” Stories from War-Torn Ukraine

POLAND – Operation Blessing teams are on the ground in Poland near the Ukraine border, ready to receive Ukrainian families with open arms. Thanks to your generosity, Operation Blessing staff members are working to distribute critical supplies like bottled water, food, and hygiene kits to desperate families. Our staff was able to talk with some families who are fleeing war-torn Ukraine.

Nadiezhda, which means “hope”, is a young mother of two children, Ilia, 9, and Mariana, 5. She and her children are fleeing Ukraine. Nadiezhda’s husband stayed behind to fight in the war, so she is alone with her kids.

“I put my hope in God that he will give peace and protect our country,” she told Operation Blessing staff. “Thank you for your help, for prayers. Thank you that you are welcoming us, this is very precious and important at a time like this.”

Victims Of War-Torn Ukraine

Hasmik, a woman from the Kyiv area, is fleeing Ukraine after hiding from the bombs for 10 days. She and her family took shelter in the basement of their apartment building, only leaving for food. But after the apartment’s administrative building was hit, they decided to leave. “I thought, at this moment, we died. Really,” she said. “People need peace. They can’t sleep. They have small kids. It’s awful. War is awful.”

Because of your support, Operation Blessing is actively working to bring aid and relief to crisis victims affected by the war in Ukraine. Visit to learn how you can come alongside Operation Blessing to help victims in need. And as always, please continue to keep Ukraine in your prayers.

In the words of Nadiezhda, “At this moment we need prayer for peace in Ukraine.” Thank you and God Bless.

Again, to help crisis victims visit

Learn more about Operation Blessing’s outreach to Ukraine.

Love That Heals  –  Health Facility Brings Relief

PERU – In a remote area of Peru called San Jeronimo de Ullagachi, Milagros lives with her parents and three older siblings. Her family, like many in the community, earns a living through agriculture. Her father, Diomedes, works hard to raise cattle to sell and provide for his children.

Milagros loves to help take care of the livestock after she has completed her schoolwork for the day. However, anytime she falls ill, it has been difficult for her to get the care she needs to continue helping her family and keep up with her studies. Her community was in serious need of a health facility!

medical care help in peru

The nearest city is almost 30 minutes away by car and over an hour away by foot. Sadly, when community members like Milagros became sick and needed medical attention, they were forced to make the hard trek to Puno to get help. 

“When I got sick, I had to go by motorcycle to the health center. Sometimes my dad took me or my brothers, but it was far away,” Milagros explained to Operation Blessing staff. And while they had a motorcycle, many had to walk, even when ill or injured.  

medical care village peru 2022

A New Health Facility Brings Relief In Peru

Although having no local access to proper medical care was an ongoing issue for the people of San Jeronimo, help was on the way—thanks to your loving heart. Operation Blessing staff members heard of the hardship residents endured and knew you would want to make a difference. Soon, a nearby building was renovated and turned into a health center for poor and hurting families to receive free medical care and access to medicine on a monthly basis. Recently, Milagros was able to receive treatment at the new facility.  

“I got sick—I had phlegm, sore throat, cough, my head hurt,” Milagros said. “I had a stomachache. For two days I was in bed.”  

new health facility peru

After a medical examination, health personnel diagnosed Milagros with acute bronchitis. Fortunately, she was given medication for her treatment. “When I got sick, I just had to walk to go to the nearby health center. They gave me syrups and pills.”  

peru health facility

Because of the kindness of Operation Blessing donors, Milagros and her entire community no longer have to travel great distances to receive care when they are sick.  The new health facility brings relief for them through easier access to medical care.

Milagros’ father, Diomedes, is grateful for the love you have shown to his family and community. “I thank you very much. Thank you for supporting us all. You are supporting people in need.”  

Thank you for your heart to share God’s love  by bringing hope and healing to those that need it most.  

peru health center 2022

Operation Blessing Ready to Bring Relief to Ukraine

POLAND – Operation Blessing teams have arrived near the Poland border to help Ukrainian families affected by the crisis.

In response to the families fleeing the war in Poland, Operation Blessing stands ready to distribute critical supplies. These supplies include portable solar-powered chargers for mobile phones, which will allow Ukrainian families to contact their loved ones. Operation Blessing will also distribute hygiene kits to provide a measure of comfort and normalcy to victims in desperate need.

To come alongside Operation Blessing as we seek to provide aid and support to Ukrainian families, visit

Help Ukraine Refugees



Virginia Beach, VA (March 1, 2022) – On Wednesday, March 2, Operation Blessing’s International Disaster Relief team will depart from Norfolk and travel to Poland to help with the massive wave of refugees near the border with Ukraine. 

As of today, the United Nations has reported 377,000 refugees have entered Poland, with 50,000 more arriving daily.

Once they arrive on Thursday, the Operation Blessing team will set up a hub for emergency relief efforts to help the wave of refugees that are fleeing from the violence in Ukraine. Led by Diego Traverso, director of International Disaster Relief, the team also includes a medical doctor and a logistics expert. They will be bringing relief supplies from Operation Blessing’s Chesapeake warehouse, including water filtration devices, solar lamps, and hygiene kits which will be distributed to refugees who are staying in camps near the Polish-Ukraine border.

Efforts To Help Ukraine Refugees

Operation Blessing also plans to set up medical clinics near the border, and coordinate the distribution of food, hygiene kits, and water to those in tent camps. 

Operation Blessing continues its efforts inside Ukraine, with teams on the ground in the cities of Kiev and Krasnohorivka. Since the violence began last week, Operation Blessing has distributed emergency supplies including food kits, bottled water, and electric generators. 

Operation Blessing and its parent organization, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), have been working in the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine, including the city of Donetsk and the village of Chasiv Yar, since 2014 (note – CBN began the operations there, then the work was assigned to Operation Blessing in 2018). Operations have since broadened to include Kiev and other cities throughout Ukraine.

To donate to the relief efforts, go to

Conflict in Ukraine – A Horrifying New Reality

UKRAINE – On February 24, at approximately 5:00am Kyiv time, President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation to “demilitarize and denationalize Ukraine.” A few minutes later, missile strikes began in major cities throughout Ukraine, including near the capital of Kyiv.* Can you imagine the struggle and heartbreak victims of the conflict in Ukraine must be facing right now?

Artillery shells in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the conflict with Russia eight years ago, Operation Blessing friends like you have been sending critical aid and life-changing surgeries to the besieged areas of Ukraine. Along with our partners on the ground, we’ve continued serving in the line of fire and dreaming of a long-awaited peace.

Crisis in Ukraine Turns to Full Scale War

Instead, last week the lives of Ukrainians like elderly Vira from the Donetsk region changed in the worst way imaginable! They now face a horrifying new reality. The regular artillery fire they had grown accustomed to enduring exploded into intensive shelling and missile strikes.

Suddenly they found themselves on the frontlines of a full scale Russian invasion, caught in the throes of war. As you might have sadly guessed, by now many are wounded or dead. Many others have lost cherished loved ones, their homes, their livelihoods, and more.

praying for peace in Ukraine

Although hundreds of thousands of people have fled the conflict, some residents can’t. Some have ill parents who can’t be re-located. Others are tired of wandering and have chosen to settle in their basements. And many simply do not have the money to leave the war-affected zone.

That’s why we’re so grateful that thanks to the ongoing donations of faithful donors like you, we were able to immediately begin reaching out to embattled souls like Vira. Through our team on the ground in Ukraine and our partner organizations in the warzone, compassionate Operation Blessing donors are already making a huge difference.

Bread for children suffering from war in Ukraine.

Help for Ukraine During Russian Invasion

Our supporters are making it possible for us to supply food, hot meals, water, generators and fuel. In addition to the other life-saving supplies, these generators provide a priceless lifeline for families with no power to charge their phones. Without them, they would have no way to contact loved ones.

Generators for victims of war in Ukraine

Together with our partners, we’re also supporting evacuees as they face untold challenges traveling to and surviving in new areas. As the situation continues to unfold, Operation Blessing commits to standing with victims of the conflict in Ukraine. We’re ready to help survivors and refugees any way we can.

Shelter for Ukrainians fleeing war

As our OB President Gordon Robertson said, “Operation Blessing is committed to staying in Ukraine and helping the Ukrainian people for as long as possible. We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine.”

food distribution in Ukraine

With your support we can continue this life-saving aid and do much more! No one knows when the war and its terrors will end, but you can provide a glimmer of hope in these dark times.

Please donate to help crisis victims here!

And visit for all the latest updates.

*Kyiv was also spelled as Kiev for many years

War in Ukraine – Please Send Prayer and Help!



VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (February 24, 2022) – Operation Blessing is on the ground in Ukraine providing emergency relief and supplies to families and individuals in the cities of Kiev and Krasnohorivka.

Operation Blessing staff in multiple locations first reported sounds of explosions early this morning. The humanitarian organization deployed its teams and started the distribution of hundreds of food kits and thousands of bottles of water. Over 600 food kits, each containing enough food to last an average-sized family roughly 7-10 days, have already been distributed.

Delivering supplies to victims of Russian invasion on Ukraine

Helping Victims of War in Ukraine

This week, Operation Blessing purchased 20 electrical generators and fuel to help communities where electricity has been (or will be) disconnected. One of the generators has already been placed in a church, allowing the community to charge mobile phones and enabling people to communicate.

In one location close to the eastern frontline, Operation Blessing runs a longstanding food program that typically provides thousands of meals for over 60 children and adults each month. In anticipation of the invasion, Operation Blessing provided a generator and fuel, so as to keep the food program running for as long as possible.

“There is great need for food, water, fuel and medications throughout Ukraine, as supplies were already running short in anticipation of the invasion,” said Gordon Robertson, president of Operation Blessing. “There’s no doubt that the military operations that began today will cripple supply chains, so the situation is dire. Thanks to the generous support from Operation Blessing’s donors, we have been able to stockpile emergency supplies for the short term, but more help will be greatly needed in the weeks and months to come,” added Robertson.

Operation Blessing and its parent organization, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), have been working in the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine, including the city of Donetsk and the village of Chasiv Yar, since 2014 (note – CBN began the operations there, then the work was assigned to Operation Blessing in 2018). Operations have since broadened to include Kiev and other cities throughout Ukraine.

“Operation Blessing is committed to staying in Ukraine and helping the Ukrainian people for as long as possible. We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine,” added Robertson.

Please pray for the people of Ukraine. You can give a special gift to help victims of crisis and conflict today here.