Clean Water Gives New Hope for Father and Sons in Mexico

MEXICO – Humberto lives in Chiapas, Mexico, with his five young sons. For many years, each day he and his family would journey over an hour by foot to find water, desperate for a clean water solution in Mexico.

They undertook a tiresome trip along a dangerous road. Plants, dirt and rocks covered the path, making the trek a difficult one. But without a water source nearby, Humberto and his beloved sons had no other options. They had to find the water essential to their survival. 

mexico water problems

The family’s struggle began again every morning. Humberto and his sons each carried containers along the trail to their only water source. They filled their containers before beginning the grueling journey home. Humberto carried up to 10 gallons. Meanwhile, the boys would carry from one to five gallons each, depending on their size and strength.  

The Need For Clean Water In Mexico

When they finally arrived home, Humberto and his family had to boil the water they found. Only then could they use it for everyday tasks like cleaning, cooking, washing and drinking. Clean water provided an essential resource that this family could not function without. The lack of a local water source and basic systems such as a pipeline or indoor plumbing made their daily trek to find water a continuous, backbreaking cycle. 

rain catchment system

Operation Blessing is dedicated to providing life-changing solutions to poor communities around the world in need of clean water. Because of YOUR faithful support, Operation Blessing was able to provide Humberto and his sons with a rainwater catchment system right in their backyard. This would offer the clean water solution in Mexico they so desperately needed. The device harvests, cleans and filters rainwater. This gives the family a sustainable water source that is readily accessible and safe to drink! 

The new system has been a true blessing to Humberto’s family. His son, Mario, shared his gratitude that he and his family no longer have to worry about having enough water to survive. “I’m very happy now that I don’t have to go for water,” he said with a smile on his face. “We don’t have to go far away now because we now have it here. Thank you, Operation Blessing!” 

family needing water mexico

Your Love Continues To Support Flood Victims

LOUISIANA – James has been a Lake Charles resident his entire life. In the past year he has lived through several bad hurricanes, including Laura and Rita. Storms are nothing new to this Louisiana native. But James has never experienced anything like the recent flood that swept through his area. Now he is a reminder of the need to support flood victims recovering from disaster.

The storm seemed to come out of nowhere. James didn’t realize the severity of the storm before the flood waters started to reach his knees in his home. He and his wife were sitting on the back of their couch when they realized their need for serious help. It was hours later when a boat arrived to rescue James and his wife.

His home was completely flooded on the inside. Walls, floors, and personal belongings were left soaked, stained, and molded by the time the waters subsided. The huge project of cleaning up loomed in front of James, seeming like an insurmountable task.

But thanks to YOU, Operation Blessing teams were poised to help! Your kindness supports volunteers like the ones who helped James in Louisiana. They assisted James and his neighbors in mucking out their homes, clearing debris, and with other tasks as they began to repair the damage. Thank you for your commitment to support flood victims! To learn how you can continue supporting disaster victims, visit

You Are Breaking Poverty for Generations

KENYA – Dora, a hardworking single mother and grandmother, lives in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro. While five of Dora’s children are grown, two remain in school. And she now cares for several grandchildren as well. Her whole family depends on Dora. 

Unfortunately, Dora has no education. This makes it impossible for her to get a formal job. “I did not have the opportunity to go to school,” Dora recalls. “During our time, girls were not allowed to go to school.” With few opportunities, Dora has struggled to provide for her family. It looked like this cycle would continue and there would be no hope of breaking poverty for generations to come. 


First Steps to Breaking Poverty

But then, Operation Blessing partners like you intervened! Years ago, Operation Blessing donors made it possible to provide Dora with a plot of land to farm along with seeds and supplies. Not only that, you helped build and support a school in Dora’s village that her younger children attended. 

However, you didn’t stop there. You continued to extend blessings to Dora and her children and grandchildren.  


A New Home and Water for Dora

Dora and her family lived in a small traditional Kenyan hut made of sticks, cow dung, and thatch grass. The hut had poor ventilation and the smoke from their cooking fire filled the interior. “It was very tough, especially for the children because they couldn’t study or do their homework well because of the smoke,” Dora said. 

When it rained the hut’s thatched roof would leak, sometimes drenching Dora and her family in the night. “I was always worried whenever rain clouds gathered,” Dora remembers. “When it rained, we couldn’t sleep… We had to stay awake and cover ourselves with an old cow hide to keep us from the dripping rain.” 


Despite these challenges, Dora stayed strong in her faith, and she would often pray for God to make a way. When Operation Blessing learned about Dora’s living situation, there was no question what had to be done: Dora needed a new home, and Operation Blessing friends like you made it possible. Your generosity makes it possible to give families the necessary tools for breaking poverty for generations to come. 

OB Kenya built Dora a brand-new brick home and even installed a rainwater harvesting system to provide water for the family. “I am so happy because of what you’ve done for us,” Dora exclaimed. “The house is warm and roomy; the children have space to study and play, and nice beds to sleep in. And water just by our doorstep!”  

It’s only the generosity and kindness of people like you that make these blessings possible. Thank you for your heart to bless Dora and the generations after her. “Thank you so much,” Dora rejoiced. “We are always praying for you. May God bless you for the house and the water tank!” 


Single Woman Recovering From LA Floods

Rita has lived in Lake Charles for most of her life. She is used to the turbulent and unpredictable weather that passes through Louisiana on a regular basis. But what she had never experienced before was a serious Louisiana flood. That all changed when a devastating flood hit Lake Charles.

Rita barely had time to process the news from a text message alert that a flood was coming before it was right at her door step. She lost power and the ability to flee from her home. Rita had to trek almost an hour to reach passable ground, where her son picked her up.

When the Louisiana flood waters subsided, Rita’s home was destroyed. Furniture, treasured belongings, and personal items were left soaked and strewn throughout her home. Walls were ruined and the floor was still sitting in a few inches of water. All of Rita’s neighbors were living the same nightmare, so there was no one around to help.

That is when your love arrived! Generous partners like you are supporting Operation Blessing teams and volunteers who deploy to disaster zones like Lake Charles. Our staff met Rita and immediately took action to assist her in mucking out her home, discarding debris, and drying her floors. Your kindness is galvanizing volunteers all across the country, supporting men and women as they help disaster victims. Thank you! To learn how you can get involved, visit

There In Dark Times for Lake Charles Flood Victims

LAKE CHARLES, La. – Less than a year after being devastated by back-to-back hurricanes, the community of Lake Charles, Louisiana, was hit once again—this time by historic flooding.

Mickey, a long-time Lake Charles resident, told Operation Blessing staff, “We saw something this past week we’ve never seen before.”

Extensive Flood Damage

Sadly, since the waters invaded areas that hadn’t flooded in decades, if ever, many residents did not have flood insurance. “We are not in a flood zone,” Another resident, Cheri, told Operation Blessing. “There has never been any flooding at this house in the whole time, and I’m 62 years old.”

flood damage in Louisiana

Tony, another Lake Charles resident, moved to the area to take care of his aging father four years ago. “I got 17 inches of water in my house within one hour,” Tony said. “The electricity stayed on for two hours while I sat on my couch with my house filled with water. I wondered if I could walk through the water to turn the breaker off.” Like Cheri, Tony’s house sustained severe damage.

Alex and Andreann have lived in Lake Charles for 10 years and have two boys, Ace (2) and Ethan (8). After living through multiple hurricanes, they were surprised when their area began to flood for the first time.

“The water just came up pretty quickly, we had to think fast,” Andreann said. “I had my little one with me. He’s 2 years old, so we had to make sure that we go to higher ground.” The water inside their home eventually reached 18-24 inches deep. Unfortunately, the family did not have flood insurance.

Operation Blessing volunteers help flood victims.

Hope Arrives to Lake Charles

The people of Lake Charles were in serious need, and you responded by sending Operation Blessing to help. Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief team quickly arrived on the scene. As soon as possible, they began sending out volunteer teams to help victims reeling from the floods. At Cheri’s house, volunteers helped tear out rotten panels, soggy insulation, and waterlogged furniture. “I could never do what they’re doing!” she exclaimed. “And I just want to say, from my heart, thank you!”

“It’s like a weight lifted off of our shoulders,” Andreann said. “We are so grateful for Operation Blessing coming in and helping assist with trying to repair the house.”

family of flood victims get help in Lake Charles

“In a heartbeat,” Mickey told us, “hopelessness can turn to hope!” And that is all because of you.

Thank you for making it possible for Operation Blessing to respond in times of disaster. It’s only through your faithful support that we’re able to show the love of God to those facing so much destruction.

A Breath of Fresh Air for Flood Victims in Louisiana

LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA — Andreann Slobodyannyk and her husband Alex have lived in Lake Charles, Louisiana for the past 10 years, and have 2 young sons. No strangers to the destruction of hurricanes, they are now flood victims in Louisiana. The family was back on their feet after Hurricanes Delta and Laura, and everything was going smoothly. That is, until the historic flooding caused by massive rainfall in Louisiana last week. The family’s home accumulated between 18-24 inches of floodwater. Thankfully, everyone escaped safely, but the family home was left in ruins.

Because the floodwaters rose so quickly, Andreann and Alex were unable to rescue all of their belongings. In addition, much of the home is damaged due to the floodwaters. But thankfully, your love was on the move. Because of you, Operation Blessing’s United States Disaster Relief team met with Andreann and Alex, and helped the young couple get back to a sense of normalcy. Operation Blessing staff and volunteers helped dry out the Slobodyannyk’s home, clean up the yard, and provided them with critical disaster relief supplies.

None of this would be possible without your ongoing support to help flood victims in Louisiana. Thank you for the love you show to disaster victims time and time again! To learn more, please visit

OB’s Light & Lean Summer Cookbook!

It’s Tuesday night—dinnertime again. Time to feed the family between finishing up work reports, picking up the kids from practice, and remembering to walk the dog. Do you really want the same old recipes that you’ve made dozens of times? Wouldn’t a summer cookbook with incredible international recipes liven up a sometimes boring mealtime?

Forget the predictable meatloaf or pot pie dish! Your family wants something fresh and new! How about a summer cookbook with scrumptious authentic international recipes. Presenting Operation Blessing’s “Light & Lean” summer recipe booklet!

Delve into a world of taste and culture, hand-selected from countries around the world. Impress your friends, family, or colleagues with these authentic dishes, as you cook recipes directly from the kitchens of locals around the world! Whatever your taste or occasion calls for, turn to the pages of flavor-filled recipes passed down to families like the ones that our generous partners continue to bless. Get your to Operation Blessing “Light & Lean” International Recipes Booklet today to spice up your summer!

2021 Indonesia Earthquake – Operation Blessing Friends Respond

INDONESIA – Not long ago, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in the early morning hours, sending thousands fleeing from their beds. Over the next days as the dust cleared, 84 people were found dead, over 300 seriously injured, and approximately 30,000 residents were displaced from their homes. 

In addition, the quake and over 39 aftershocks caused significant damage to homes, businesses, roads, and other infrastructures in the area. This left the people of Sulawesi in desperate need of help, and Operation Blessing friends like you responded to their cries.  

Thanks to your support, we quickly sprang to action, preparing for a massive effort to offer relief to those affected by the earthquake. Fortunately, our Indonesian branch, Obor Berkat, was already on the ground and able to respond. We reached out to the Indonesia earthquake victims with food, hygiene kits, and medical care.  

indonesia earthquake victims

Disaster Relief For Earthquake Victims 

Remy was one of the many Indonesia earthquake victims to receive aid thanks to your compassion. This 56-year-old worked as a cookie seller. She told us that she was sleeping when the earthquake suddenly struck and shook her awake. Next, everything went black as the electricity died. She tried to run from her house but struggled to find her way in the dark. When she finally found the door, it wouldn’t open due to the damage from the quake. She screamed for help for a long time, afraid she would die trapped her home. Finally, someone heard her cries and helped her escape.  

She shared with us that the earthquake badly damaged her house, and she’d had nothing to eat for days. Then, thanks to your generous support, Operation Blessing workers handed out food packets and hygiene kits to Remy and her neighbors. She was so happy to receive the help! You also provided medical exams and care to victims of the quake. 

Remy gives glory to God for her escape from death. She’s thankful to God and to you for helping her through this difficult time. 


Answered Prayers for Desperate Flood Victim in Louisiana

LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA — “You’re not going to believe this” Cheri Levine said to her sister over the phone. “They’re coming to help me today!”

Cheri Levine is a long-time resident of Lake Charles, Louisiana. A TSA agent, Cheri lives alone in her home along with her dogs and cats. Because of Hurricanes Laura and Delta, her home had already suffered from structural damage from the roof down. And now, the floods damaged her home from the ground up. Faced by months-long waitlists for contractors, Cheri had no idea what she was going to do. “I was just sitting there praying.” she said. “And that’s when you walked up.”

Thanks to your incredible generosity, Operation Blessing showed up just when Cheri needed help the most. Your love provided a desperate flood victim like Cheri with the relief she needed at her most vulnerable hour. Because of you, Operation Blessing staff and volunteers helped Cheri tear out rotten panels, soggy insulation, and water-logged furniture. “I could never do what they’re doing.” she said. “And I just wanna say, from my heart, thank you!”

None of this would be possible without your support to help a desperate flood victim like Cheri. Thank you for your amazing generosity as we continue to bring relief to victims of the Louisiana floods. To learn more, visit

Supporting Flood Victims in Louisiana

LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA — Less than a year after the 2020 hurricane season, Operation Blessing is back on the ground in Lake Charles. Our staff is meeting with residents to understand their greatest needs at this time. Thanks to your support, we are organizing volunteers to send out into the community, blessing flood victims through prayer support and by meeting their physical needs through mucking out and gutting damaged houses and removing debris.

Right now, the community is in desperate need of aid. Operation Blessing is ready to respond to work orders and start giving hope to the community of Lake Charles. To get involved and learn more, visit