We Celebrate World Water Day This Month and All Year Long

At Operation Blessing we celebrate World Water Day all month and all year long. So how will you celebrate World Water Day? The word celebration conjures up images of a fiesta, party, balloons, and an overall party atmosphere. Surrounded by other holidays like St Patrick’s Day and Easter you would think candy and glee would be part of weekly celebrations up to the date of the holiday, which is March 22. In contrast, this is a different kind of holiday. Celebrating World Water Day 2021 is meant to garner attention to a growing problem. Moreover, it is meant to spur you to action on a cause of the highest importance. Furthermore, it is not a memorial, but an early warning sign of an issue we cannot ignore. 

Not surprisingly the core of the celebration is of course the subject of water. It is one of the most vital resources that mankind has. Fresh drinking water is essential. Consequently, life simply cannot exist if people do not have fresh water. We have to conserve it, manage it, and help make it available for people who need it. 

Lack Of Access To Clean Water

 For Operation Blessing World Water Day is an every month every day thing. What makes it so critical is that there are people in the world who do not have access to a reliable source of clean water. Put simply they are putting potentially diseased water into their bodies. The substance they need so desperately to help them is hurting them. We all need water to cook, hydrate, and for sanitation. Water Day is there to bring attention to the people who depend on a source of water that is either unreliable, unsafe, or too scarce. 

 Accordingly the need to bring attention to this problem is at the crux of water day. There are even some who believe we are in a world water crisis. This valuable resource in which we depend on so heavily is inadequate to meet the needs of all the people who need it. By celebrating we are doing a number of things to help people who are suffering without clean water or clean water solutions.  

Awareness of The World Water Crisis 

 One thing about a world water crisis to consider. We cannot hope to solve one, if we do not acknowledge there is one. Because of this every day has to be water day at Operation Blessing. Many of the other issues we face as an organization intersect with water problems. After a disaster strikes one of the many concerns is making sure people have safe water to drink. When a pandemic washes over the globe, the need for sanitation facilities is critical to stop the flow of virus. Many of these sanitation solutions require water. Thus, many issues we face boil back to water. It seems that water permeates through many of the problems we encounter.

How Your Support Makes The Clean Water Program Work 

 First and foremost we raise money and procure resources to help communities find solutions to their water problems. That is not all. We partner with communities to help them solve the problems that prohibit them from getting the water they need. Raising money is just one component. We also help communities install the hardware to physically change their situation.

Understanding Water Scarcity 

Water issues refer to a whole basket of causes that result in water scarcity. In many smaller communities around the world, including developing nations, citizens do not have access to water technology that could help them. This includes water technology in the form of things like indoor plumbing, water catchment systems, water filtration equipment, and sanitation systems. Without these technologies communities cannot solve their water scarcity issues.   

Our goal is to use financial resources, expertise, and technology to move communities in need to positions where they can get the clean water they need. This involves an organized process. Here are the stages of that process often referred to as water solutions. 

Water Solutions 

Water solutions, or clean water solutions, are stages designed to move communities out of water scarcity. It involves a thorough process to help ensure efficiency and success.  There are six steps in the process of bringing clean water solutions to a community in need. Here is a simple synopsis of those steps. 

Steps To Water Solutions 


 Every community is different. Water issues included. Even communities in the same country or region may have vastly different needs in terms of what will solve their water problems. Properly assessing what the community needs is very important at the early stages of a water solution. By assessing we can determine what logistical problems a community may be facing in terms of water scarcity. 


Following the water assessment, we move to another key planning step. This stage is where we determine the best solution for the community. Decisions here can involve a number of potential action steps to solve the problem. It can involve everything from recommending well drilling to installing rain catchment systems. In other cases, water may be available but unsafe. In this case a filtration system may be the best option. Drinking water may not even be the issue. Sanitation problems can require a water solution too. Sometimes something as simple as the installation of a hand washing station could be the right recommendation.

 Community Partnership 

 Any solution involving water requires genuine cooperation with the community involved. Installing a water solution is more than just technology. It is a partnership with the community. That partnership requires that there is a clear plan that the community supports. Without this step all the solutions in the world may not work properly. This is important since the community will be managing their system at some point.


 Once these previous stages are determined it is time to actually implement our water solution. Here is the stage where Operation Blessing will actually come work with the community. This is when the technology is installed to help the community. Implementation is not the final stage of the process. This does lead us to the next stage, called completion.


While implementation of the technology is important, you cannot overlook training. In the completion phase you give the community the access and training to properly use the system. Operation Blessing makes sure they have the tools. Tools are only part of the completion phase however. We show the community how to use the system. Additionally we teach them the principles of WASH. Wash stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene. Simply put there is no point in installing a system if the community is not trained on how to use it. Operation Blessing also has an inauguration ceremony to celebrate the incredible blessing of the new water system. It is sort of a mini water day for the community:) 


Operation Blessing is in partnership with the community. As such, we help monitor the systems we help install. Similarly we follow up to make sure that things are going smoothly in a community in which they were initiated. This is an ongoing stage.

Celebrate Clean Water Solutions 

 So now when you celebrate world water day 2021 remember you are supporting something that can potentially be life changing. Moreover, it is a joyous thing when a community can a enjoy a glass of clean safe water. So are you ready to celebrate World Water Day. Are you ready to help provide clean water solutions to those in need? 

 Partner With Operation Blessing 

 Now it is your turn to join the celebration as a partner with Operation Blessing! Accordingly, your involvement makes the difference. You can do this in a number of simple ways. First, you could choose to donate any amount to help us provide water solutions. Additionally, you could start your own peer to peer fundraiser to raise money for communities in need. Finally, you could choose to be a digital volunteer by sharing posts or information with others about water issues. Thank you for giving the priceless gift of clean water to vulnerable children, families, and whole communities around the world. 

Relief for Hurricane Laura Survivor

Cassie and her family hunkered down during Hurricane Laura in Lake Charles, Louisiana. They did not know the size of the storm or how extensive the relief effort for Hurricane Laura would eventually be. Having weathered Hurricane Rita without harm, she believed her brick home would protect them from the storm. But Hurricane Laura hit as a category 4. Tremendous damage was done to her home, roof, and yard. In the midst of the storm, Cassie and her family feared for their lives.

Thankfully the storm passed without harming Cassie and her family. The damage to her home caused by the storm was covered by insurance. Sadly the damage to her yard during the relief effort for Hurricane Laura was not. Cassie received help from some of her daughter’s friends, but the task was too much. She needed help and did not know where it would come from.

But, thanks to generous partners like YOU, Operation Blessing teams were in Lake Charles, Louisiana, right after Hurricane Laura had passed. Volunteers sought out homeowners in dire need of disaster relief and found Cassie struggling to pick up the pieces after the storm. Operation Blessing volunteers cleared all the debris from her yard, cut trees, and provided hope in Cassie’s time of need.

Thank you for your heart to see disaster victims cared for in their darkest hour! To get involved, visit https://www.ob.org/disaster-relief/.

Fundraising With Operation Blessing!

Are you passionate about helping others? Do you want to transform lives? When you see others struggling, do you long to help them? Operation Blessing wants to team up! Did you know YOU can create your own fundraiser for Operation Blessing? Peer-to-peer fundraising allows you to reach others. That’s right–we want you to take action right from where you are. Now you run the show and direct the message. Make a difference in a new and powerful way.

Learn how to access the Operation Blessing Peer-to-Peer Fundraising site. Turn your social interactions into blessings for others. Utilize social media to get the message out and get people you know involved. Leverage your network to help change lives. Unleash your passion to help people in need. Use the power of the internet to maximize your efforts. The process is very simple. Explore our homepage and find a cause you are passionate about. Choose one that speaks to your heart. Then you are in the drivers seat. Tell your own story on your fundraising home page. Keep the message fresh and persevere for what you believe in. Invite all your friends to join in the giving, as well! Visit ob.org/fundraiser to get started today.

Disaster Relief for Hurricane Laura Victims

Hurricane Laura was a category 4 storm when it struck Lake Charles, Louisiana. Georgiana and her family evacuated before the storm. But when they returned home, they found themselves in another type of storm. As part of a devastating 2020 hurricane season, Hurricane Laura had left a mark on their property. Georgiana’s home was heavily damaged, inside and out. Thankfully, insurance covered the damage to her home. But her yard was still covered in massive hurricane debris. This included downed trees and shingles.

With limited income, Georgiana and her husband worried about how they would pay for the removal of the hurricane debris. Accordingly, they were overwhelmed by the amount of debris they would have to remove. There seemed to be too much to tackle by themselves. Not surprisingly, they lacked the equipment and manpower to meet the challenge.

That’s when Operation Blessing showed up to help with hurricane relief. Your gifts and prayer support emboldened a team of volunteers. Volunteers who arrived with a truckload of tools and were eager to help. Likewise, Operation Blessing volunteers cleaned all hurricane debris from Georgiana’s yard. This included cutting down and removing trees. Additionally, limbs, and shingles on the property were also taken away. Thank you for your heart to see disaster victims cared for in their darkest hour! To get involved, go to ob.org/disaster.

Hot Meals For Children in Hampton Roads

HAMPTON ROADS, VIRGINIA – George Quesenberry serves as the Food Operations Manager for Operation Blessing Disaster Relief. George and the food operations team have provided scores of meals to help battle food insecurity and provide hunger relief after natural disasters. Usually, George spends his time in the mobile kitchen, cooking up food for staff, volunteers, and victims of disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. But thanks to you, George and his team are cooking for those in need right here at home.

Thanks to your generosity, Operation Blessing has partnered with For Kids, an after-school program for underprivileged children. George is currently focusing his efforts on helping to fight food insecurity in Hampton Roads, Virginia, and provide hunger relief through this partner organization. Some of these children can’t go home until late at night. Because of this, For Kids was in need of food supplies for the children they cared for. And you provided! Your generosity allowed George and his team to cook up delicious, healthy meals to be delivered to For Kids. Many children face food insecurity in Hampton Roads, and depend on the meals that George and his team prepare. Thanks to you, children in Hampton Roads will go home with full stomachs. Visit ob.org/hunger to learn more about Operation Blessing’s hunger relief programs. Thank you for your incredible generosity!

Relief for Texans During Unprecedented Winter Storm

DALLAS, Texas – The state of Texas continues to experience a devastating cycle of winter weather. However, Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief team is working to assist Texas winter storm victims.


Freezing rain, snow, sleet and extremely cold temperatures have created dangerous situations in many parts of the state. This has caused hazardous travel conditions and power outages for millions of residents. In fact, many have survived without power since Sunday, Feb. 14. The lack of power has led to other issues, including lack of water services and broken water lines due to frozen pipes. According to local government, 293,000 homes and businesses in Harrison County have been advised to use bottled water.

You Are Sending Comfort to Texas Winter Storm Victims

To help bring relief to those who have been affected, Operation Blessing worked with the City of Dallas Office of Emergency Management. Thanks to friends like you, we are coordinating the transportation and distribution of much-needed relief supplies. Operation Blessing will be picking up a pallet of hand sanitizer and blankets from one of our warehouses in Grand Prairie, Texas. In addition, you’re making it possible for us to deliver over 3,000 bottles of water, along with other relief items, to the Hi-Way Tabernacle Church, a fellow relief partner.

Texas winter storm relief from Operation Blessing

As needs arise, Operation Blessing U.S. Disaster Relief stands ready to help. Please keep the state of Texas in your prayers. And consider giving a special gift to help disaster victims at this time.

A New Smile for Dar in Cambodia!

Although Dar’s parents were initially overjoyed with the arrival of beautiful twin boys, they quickly became troubled when they noticed Dar’s cleft lip. The family endured severe ridicule from neighbors in Cambodia, suggesting they should throw Dar in the trash or leave him to die. His mother also watched him struggle to drink milk.

A cleft lip, in Cambodia, often carries a negative stigma, but that didn’t matter to Dar’s grandmother who was moved with compassion for him.She told his parents that even if they wanted to give him away, she would care for him. But Dar’s parents would not give away their son they loved so much. They were prepared to endure any pain for the sake of their son. They had no money and no other options to correct his lip.

One day when Dar’s parents were taking him to receive his regular vaccinations, a doctor told them about Operation Blessing’s life-changing surgery program. And thanks to you, Dar was able to receive a free surgery to correct his cleft lip in Cambodia! He is now on the road to full recovery from surgery and can drink milk without choking. Thank you for your heart to see Dar healed and his future changed! To get involved, go to ob.org/surgeries.

Putting Your Love Into Action

PERU– To see Andy’s bright smile now, you would never realize how much of life he’d missed out on during his first seven years, before he received hernia surgery. The painful medical condition kept Andy sidelined. Then you put your love into action through a procedure that changed his life!


Andy was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia at birth. But he was too small and frail to have hernia surgery. However, as years passed and Andy’s father took him to the hospital multiple times, the available healthcare system let him down again and again.

They continued sending him home with pain medicine and suggestions to keep the hernia from worsening. Meanwhile, he still badly needed surgery to correct the problem. His father, David, said “I felt sad that I was not receiving what I was looking for, but kept praying.”


David, a single father, simply couldn’t afford to pay for the surgery himself. He works as a musician and music teacher. After his wife left him and Andy, his financial situation became difficult. He currently lives with his parents at the church where they serve as pastors and David as worship leader. “I kept looking for other possibilities but there wasn’t enough money to afford them,” he said.

When David worked with kids at his church, “I saw all these children moving around. They sit for a moment but cannot stay seated for too long. They are very active.” He said, “Among the children playing, there was one boy that looked like my son. I thought to myself, how I wished to see my son as healthy as that child, and be operated on.”


Andy’s suffering brought David much sorrow. “I can see he feels frustrated and sad even though he doesn’t tell me that. He loves soccer and would like to run as much as he can, but he is limited,” David said. While Andy also enjoyed singing with his father, the extroverted child mostly wanted to be able to play with his friends.

Then things turned into a nightmare as Andy’s pain grew worse, and he struggled through each evening. Not only was he experiencing a painful childhood, his life and his future were at risk.


That’s when Operation Blessing Peru staff heard about Andy’s case—and you put your love into action to provide Andy with the hernia surgery he needed! Even better, Andy quickly recovered without any complications. Now he can enjoy his life without pain or limitations, because of friends like you.

It’s amazing to see how a simple surgery for a hernia can transform a life. David sent along his thanks to you. He said, “I wish with my heart that…Andy could one day share hope to other people with the story of how he was restored and healed. Thank you Operation Blessing for making this possible.” 


Relief for Disaster Victims in Honduras

Liscy lives with her children in Honduras in the remote community of Las Quebradas. Unfortunately, the need for relief for disaster victims in Honduras remains dire. Her community was still in the process of recovering from recent hurricanes Eta and Iota when tragedy struck again. One afternoon, Liscy’s neighbors began to stir with panic at the sound and feel of the earth shaking. A neighbor raced to a high point in the community to confirm that a nearby hill was collapsing. The man ran down to the community, shouting the news. Liscy and her neighbors immediately fled the area, racing to safety before the hill fully collapsed, burying 14 houses as it fell.

Liscy and her children cannot currently return to their home. Flood waters are still running through her community, making it unlivable. But thanks to you, hope was on its way! You were the answer to so many prayers as you sent relief for disaster victims in Honduras. Operation Blessing Honduras arrived to Liscy’s community with resources to bless those suffering from recent disaster. Bags filled with food, medicines, and first aid supplies were distributed to dozens of families in Las Quebradas. Liscy was so grateful for these supplies to sustain her children as her community begins to recover. Thank you for your heart to see disaster victims cared for around the world! To get involved, visit ob.org/disaster​.

Transforming Lives with Clean Water

HONDURAS – Ever since she was 4 years old, young Jeslin has followed a strict schedule, heavily limited by lack of clean water solutions in Honduras. She gets home from school, does her homework, plays for a bit, and then has to attend to a big chore—fetching water. Walking for miles, she searches for the stream where she gathers as much water as she can carry. But Jeslin’s stream is contaminated, and she risks being bitten by snakes. Jeslin told Operation Blessing staff about how the water she gathers makes her sick. “I drank it and I thought, ‘I hate this and I never want to drink it ever again.’ I thought my stomach was going to explode, and the pain made me cry.”

Unfortunately, this is the reality many families in Honduras face. Lack of access to clean water solutions in Honduras causes thousands of children and adults to contract waterborne illnesses each year. The task of gathering water often falls to young girls like Jeslin, who should be studying and playing with their friends. But thanks to you, this reality is changing bit by bit.

Your generosity has allowed Operation Blessing to work tirelessly to bring clean water solutions to communities like Jeslin’s. Your donations gave Jeslin and her village a state-of-the-art water purification system, which brings clean, drinkable water right into their homes. Thanks to you, Jeslin no longer has to make the daily trek for dirty water. “I am so happy we have clean water, and we aren’t forced to drink dirty water anymore!” she exclaimed. This is all thanks to your amazing generosity. Click here learn more about how you can bring clean water solutions in Honduras to children like Jeslin!