KENYA – Dora, a hardworking single mother and grandmother, lives in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro. While five of Dora’s children are grown, two remain in school. And she now cares for several grandchildren as well. Her whole family depends on Dora.
Unfortunately, Dora has no education. This makes it impossible for her to get a formal job. “I did not have the opportunity to go to school,” Dora recalls. “During our time, girls were not allowed to go to school.” With few opportunities, Dora has struggled to provide for her family. It looked like this cycle would continue and there would be no hope of breaking poverty for generations to come.

First Steps to Breaking Poverty
But then, Operation Blessing partners like you intervened! Years ago, Operation Blessing donors made it possible to provide Dora with a plot of land to farm along with seeds and supplies. Not only that, you helped build and support a school in Dora’s village that her younger children attended.
However, you didn’t stop there. You continued to extend blessings to Dora and her children and grandchildren.

A New Home and Water for Dora
Dora and her family lived in a small traditional Kenyan hut made of sticks, cow dung, and thatch grass. The hut had poor ventilation and the smoke from their cooking fire filled the interior. “It was very tough, especially for the children because they couldn’t study or do their homework well because of the smoke,” Dora said.
When it rained the hut’s thatched roof would leak, sometimes drenching Dora and her family in the night. “I was always worried whenever rain clouds gathered,” Dora remembers. “When it rained, we couldn’t sleep… We had to stay awake and cover ourselves with an old cow hide to keep us from the dripping rain.”

Despite these challenges, Dora stayed strong in her faith, and she would often pray for God to make a way. When Operation Blessing learned about Dora’s living situation, there was no question what had to be done: Dora needed a new home, and Operation Blessing friends like you made it possible. Your generosity makes it possible to give families the necessary tools for breaking poverty for generations to come.
OB Kenya built Dora a brand-new brick home and even installed a rainwater harvesting system to provide water for the family. “I am so happy because of what you’ve done for us,” Dora exclaimed. “The house is warm and roomy; the children have space to study and play, and nice beds to sleep in. And water just by our doorstep!”
It’s only the generosity and kindness of people like you that make these blessings possible. Thank you for your heart to bless Dora and the generations after her. “Thank you so much,” Dora rejoiced. “We are always praying for you. May God bless you for the house and the water tank!”