Joy for Jeslin – Clean Water in Honduras

HONDURAS – Ten-year-old Jeslin lives in the small village of Santa Elena tucked away in the mountains. Although her community is beautiful in many ways, the residents have never had a source of clean water in Honduras.

Ever since Jeslin was small, she has accompanied her mother and siblings to search for clean water. “It was hard. After school, I came home to do my homework, studied, played for a while, and then I had to go fetch water.”

Even with their grueling searches, the water contained many dangers. “Sometimes when we got to the water source the water was very dirty, but we had no choice but to take it home,” she said. “Sometimes the water was yellow. I was afraid to go back to the water source because there could be a snake there.”

Stomach ailments from the dirty water often left the villagers feeling sick, and made it hard for them to work or attend school. Despite her family’s attempts to purify the water, young Jeslin also suffered.

“One time I took a drink, but it tasted horrible. I drank it and I thought, ‘I hate this and I don’t want to drink it again,’ and then I got a strong stomachache. It felt like my stomach was going to explode, and I cried from the pain.”

Clean Water Solutions From Operation Blessing

When we learned about the troubling situation in Santa Elena, concerning the lack of clean water in Honduras, a special group of Operation Blessing friends pitched in together to bless this community. We were able to bring the help Jeslin and her community needed! Working with the local municipality and the assistance of the villagers, Operation Blessing constructed a gravity-fed system complete with a storage tank and network of pipes to make sure the people of Santa Elena would no longer suffer without clean water.

Fresh and safe water is now available right to their homes. Because of the faithful support of friends like you, Jeslin’s family, along with more than 30 other households in their village, now enjoy the blessing of clean water in Honduras every day.

Jeslin said, “I thank God because Operation Blessing gave us this project. I feel so happy. I thank the people who donated to this project because now I am drinking clean water and we are joyful!”

Clean water solutions

Providing Hope for Barb During COVID-19

BYRON CENTER, Mich. – Even before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Barb Wetherbee was dealing with a health crisis. Barb has dealt with diverticulosis for several years, and has had several surgeries. She struggles to support herself. But even after her disability check arrives, Barb cannot afford the necessities. “Finances are tight, and bills piling up. It was a struggle. I was starving, and said ‘I need help!'” Barb told OB staff. The combination of a persistent medical condition, hunger, and the impact of a pandemic could cause anyone to lose hope during COVID-19.

But thankfully, one of Barb’s neighbors told her about OB partner Buist Community Assistance Center. There, Barb receives the groceries she needs to not only survive, but thrive. And thanks to your generosity, the food bank’s shelves are fully stocked. “We were starting to run out of dry goods, and it was when the Operation Blessing truck pulled in that we were able to restock those resources that were running low,” said a Buist volunteer. And thanks to those full shelves, Barb goes home with abundant food. “They load my trunk, and that’s a huge relief for me!” Barb exclaimed.

All this is thanks to your incredible generosity through the uncertain times. Because of you, people like Barb have the food they desperately need as well as hope during COVID-19. Click here to aid with Operation Blessing’s COVID-19 response. And to support hungry families like Barb’s, click here. Thank you and God Bless.

Hope for Cambodia Flood Victims

CAMBODIA – As is so often the case these days, the people of Cambodia were already struggling with the effects of COVID-19 when another disaster came their way in the form of devastating floods.

camobodia flood destruction

In the midst of the rainy season, tropical storms struck the island hard, bringing damaging floods to 19 out of the nation’s 25 provinces. Rural areas, small towns, and the capital city of Phnom Penh all suffered the wrath of these storms, as flash flooding ripped through the country.

Flood waters in Cambodia

Cambodia’s disaster management committee estimates that 78,000 families needed to evacuate, and the government had to intervene in helping 9,000 families escape the danger. In the end, 25 lives were lost, around 79,000 homes damaged, and over 500 school buildings flooded. Businesses and farms also took heavy damage, creating long term struggles for many Cambodian citizens.

The Human Toll of Flooding

And as always, behind each number is an affected precious individual life. Young Souen Da offers us a poignant face to attach to this tragedy. His family already had a difficult life in Cambodia, and they’ve suffered an incredible toll from the floods.


His father once served in the Cambodian military, but a mine explosion cut his career short many years ago, and today he is disabled. So Souen Da’s mother, Yu Rom, worked hard growing and selling vegetables to support their family, which includes their two smallest children who still live at home. Then came the flood.

It took the family by surprise, waking them in the night. It was hard for Yu Rom to help her disabled husband and two small children evacuate to a safer location. By the morning, their home had suffered damage, and the crops they depended on were destroyed. Yu Rom was exhausted, and the whole family was in desperate need of hope.

Relief for Cambodia Flood Victims

Theirs is just one story out of many thousands, but you came to the rescue. With your help, Operation Blessing quickly responded with disaster relief for 155 families, including Souen Da’s. The OB outreach team employed boats and tractors and trekked through deep waters, determined to get relief to the victims in need. You sent the vital food packages and packets to purify water that had been contaminated by the flooding. Because of your compassionate support, OB also reached out and helped provide medical care for over 500 patients.


And this is only the beginning, as Operation Blessing intends to continue reaching out to flood victims in Cambodia as they rebuild their lives. Thank you for giving hope to the hopeless in their time of need.

How to Cook Smoked Pork with Shiitake Mushrooms and Axone

NAGALAND, INDIA – Merry Christmas from Nagaland! During Christmas in India, no Christmas is complete without smoked pork. Watch as we show you how to cook this delicious traditional Indian dish inspired by Christmas in India. This tasty dinner features shiitake mushrooms and axone. What is axone? Axone is a specialty from Nagaland with a unique, pungent flavor. Because it is made from fermented soya beans, it gives the dish a distinctly Indian flavor. This smoked pork dish can be served over freshly steamed rice, or is delicious on its own.

The full recipe is listed at the beginning of the video.

Groceries and A Garden For Cristina

Cristina lives in Mexico with her husband. The property where they live with their animals is their own piece of paradise. A paradise threatened with the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Cristina and her husband earned income by opening their own small store to the community, selling sweet and savory snacks. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Mexico, mass quarantine mandates significantly impacted their financial lives. Income was scarce and competing stores began opening up around the community as people struggled to make ends meet. Additionally there were very few buyers or sellers due to the economic impact of COVID-19 in Mexico. On top of that, Cristina’s sheep was stolen from her barn one night, a sheep she planned to breed and use for income. Cristina was feeling very frustrated and fearful of what the future held.

But thanks to generous partners like YOU, Operation Blessing heard of Cristina’s situation and swiftly responded! OB Mexico delivered bags of rice, beans, oil and more right to her front door. You provided these goods along with supplies for Cristina and her husband to begin growing their own garden, creating sustainability for the years ahead. Thank you for your kindness! Your gifts and prayer support will be multiplied as Cristina is sustained by your generosity. To learn about how you can support men and women affected by the COVID-19 crisis, visit

A New Home for Angel in the Philippines

PHILIPPINES – After a typhoon destroyed Angel’s home in the Philippines, her family had nowhere safe to stay. Angel and her siblings did their best to sleep through the storm, but they were frightened. “I am scared of the typhoon and strong winds,” she told OB staff. “It makes my chest hurt. But my little sister was scared too, so I covered her with a blanket.”

The typhoon left the family in a dangerous living situation. But due to the COVID-19 crisis, Angel’s father Roland lost his job. The single father built his family a makeshift shanty using scrap wood because he was unable to afford anything else. “I worry about my kids, ” said Roland. “I worry about how I can rebuild my house.”

But thanks to your generosity, Operation Blessing stepped in to help. When OB staff delivered a food package to Roland and his children, they saw how dire their living situation was. And thanks to your support, we were able to build the family a new home. Now, Angel has a safe new home in the Philippines. “We have a new house!” she exclaimed joyfully. “I’m happy!”

This is all thanks to your generous giving during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for the support you show to families like Angel’s at home and around the world. God bless you for your faithfulness.

Saving a Child’s Life Through Surgery in Tanzania

TANZANIA – Innocent was born with a small cyst on the back of his head that soon turned into a life-threatening health issue. The cyst grew so large, Innocent couldn’t move his head. Ultimately, this child’s life could only be helped through surgery in Tanzania.

Innocent’s mother told OB staff, “He cries a lot, and cannot move his head. At times, he tries to grab at the mass because it hurts.”

Innocent’s life was in danger due to this mass. If it were to rupture, Innocent could have died from meningitis. His mother was unable to afford the surgery her baby desperately needed. “I do my very best to care for him and make sure he does not bump into things. I’m afraid he will die,” his mother said. “I pray every day that he will get treatment somehow and that God will heal him.”

And thanks to you, Innocent did get that treatment for the cyst on his head. Innocent and his mother traveled six long hours to Operation Blessing partner Plaster House, where the baby’s surgery was provided by your generosity.

Thanks to you, Innocent has much to look forward to. The happy baby is growing up big and strong because of your incredible support. “I’m amazed that you were able to help me,” Innocent’s mother exclaimed. “He is such a happy baby now, and has grown so strong. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!”

This is all thanks to friends like you. Click here to learn more about Operation Blessing’s life-changing surgery program. You are giving the gift of life to patients like Innocent all over the world.

Providing Hope for Victims of Hurricane Delta

LAKE CHARLES, La. – Operation Blessing is providing hope for victims of Hurricane Delta. The Category 2 storm ripped through Louisiana on October 9th with devastating force. Because of Delta’s high winds and torrential rain, many victims were deeply affected by the storm. Hurricane Delta is the third major storm to hit the Gulf region of the United States, in one of the most active hurricane seasons in recorded history.

Trudy Faulk is one victim who was left without hope, her possessions and home largely damaged or destroyed. After Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta, Trudy’s home had sustained severe water and mold damage. But because Trudy’s family is older, and not in the best of health, she was left alone to pick up the pieces of her life. This would be a herculean task for one person to do alone. “I probably would have ended up having to gut the house and move stuff by myself,” Trudy told OB staff.

But you provided hope for Trudy and other victims of hurricane delta when they needed it most. Thanks to your generosity, OB staff arrived ready to work. Operation Blessing helped Trudy remove debris, rip out moldy drywall, and sift through her precious belongings. “It’s awesome. It’s really, really awesome to know that somebody cares,” Trudy said thankfully.

None of this would be possible without your generosity and support. Because of you, Operation Blessing is able to respond in times of crisis. To learn more about how you can get involved, please click here. Thank you and God Bless.

Hurricane Delta Makes Landfall

BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA – Hurricane Delta made landfall in the United States, hitting the coast of Louisiana. Operation Blessing teams have mobilized and stand ready in Birmingham, Alabama, to respond to the victims of the strong winds and rain. Trucks full of supplies and tools will provide the first stages of relief for these families, still recovering after Hurricane Delta made landfall.

Louisiana’s coast was hit earlier this summer by catastrophic Hurricane Laura, making this an already vulnerable area. But thanks to our generous partners, Operation Blessing’s Disaster Relief team is poised to respond quickly! Your prayers and donations are so helpful as Hurricane Delta victims begin to seek help and support. Thank you for your heart to see these men, women, and children cared for in these trying times.

Operation Blessing Preparing for Hurricane Delta

ALABAMA, USA – Operation Blessing is preparing for Hurricane Delta by pre-staging disaster relief supplies in Alabama. Early in the morning on October 7th, OB sent a team of disaster relief staff down to a safe location. Here, the staff will be on standby, ready to spring into action after Hurricane Delta hits. Please keep our team in your prayers as we spend time preparing for Hurricane Delta.

To learn more about Operation Blessing’s disaster relief efforts, click here. Because of you, we are able to respond whenever disaster strikes. Your generosity provides disaster relief for hundreds of families at home and round the world. Thank you and God Bless.