KENYA – Meet Dominic, a hard-working father doing his best to provide for his family as an industrial painter in Nairobi, Kenya. Little did he know how crowdfunding would change his life and allow him to get the tumor surgery he would so desperately need.
One day a few years ago Dominic got what he thought was nothing more than a pimple on his face. He assumed the blemish would go away but it began to grow, instead. Over time, it became a large benign parotid tumor that bulged from the left side of his face.

Dominic’s life was greatly affected by the enormous tumor. He became very self-conscious, wearing a hooded sweatshirt wherever he went in an attempt to hide the unsightly growth. Dominic needed surgery to remove the tumor, but his income as a painter and his wife’s work as a subsistence farmer weren’t enough to afford the operation.
When Operation Blessing found out about Dominic’s condition, we knew that the kindness of OB partners like you could change Dominic’s life. We set up a crowdfunding campaign to raise the $2,000 needed for Dominic’s tumor operation—and faithful friends like you responded!

Although Dominic’s tumor surgery was funded quickly, then COVID-19 hit, placing a hold on non-emergency surgeries. Thankfully, the hold was eventually lifted and Dominic’s tumor was finally removed. Now Dominic is completely healed!
To help people like Dominic, who struggle with medical conditions requiring surgeries they cannot afford, Operation Blessing created our Life-Changing Surgeries catalog where you can read stories like Dominic’s and change lives of adults and children forever through the priceless gift of healing.