Cynthia lives in Boerne, Texas. Before COVID-19 hit the United States, her health was already at high-risk as she has been battling stage four carcinoma. Cynthia was devastated from the diagnosis. But matters were made even worse when the coronavirus shut down her office where she has worked for the past 8 years. Her income was cut by more than 75%. Cynthia was forced to choose between buying groceries or paying the utility bill.
Groceries or Utilities?
But thanks to generous partners like YOU, Operation Blessing partner Hill Country Daily Bread in Boerne was stocked and ready with food for struggling men and woman like Cynthia! Your love is providing groceries for Cynthia to be able to feed her family with nutritious food while keeping up with her monthly expenses. Your continued support means she will not have to choose between groceries and utilities. Cynthia is extremely grateful. Thank you for caring for the vulnerable during these trying times.
Hurricane Sally victims in Florida need help. Thanks to friends like you, Operation Blessing is sending vital disaster relief supplies like ice, water, food, and recovery items to help them get back on their feet after the huge storm devastated their community.
Hurricane Sally Strikes
This week Hurricane Sally, a category 2 storm, slammed into the Gulf Coast. Areas like Gulf Shores and Pensacola were especially hard hit.
In addition to causing floods and damaging homes and buildings, the storm left around a half a million people without power. The ice you sent to Hurricane Sally victims is vital to keeping their food supplies cold, and the water and groceries you provided will help keep them stocked until the crisis passes.
You also sent tarps for damaged roofs and THDF disaster kits full of cleaning supplies that can be difficult to access so soon after a hurricane.
Providing Help for Sally Victims
Our partner on the ground, Brownsville Church, is making sure these supplies get into the hands of victims who so badly need them. And they’re so very appreciative for your help.
Our outreach to the victims of Hurricane Sally is continuing to expand. Disaster kits from our faithful partner, The Home Depot Foundation, have arrived in Florida. We’re now partnering with Liberty Church as well, and reaching out to more churches in the area as potential disaster relief distribution centers.
UPDATE 9/18 – Our first shipment of ice, water, food, tarps and bags has arrived to Pensacola, Florida. It’s been distributed to victims of Hurricane Sally by our partner on the ground, Brownsville Church. They’re so grateful that friends like you are sending disaster relief at this time, especially as so many struggle without power. Much more help is still on the way.
GULF COAST, U.S. – During what some suspect will be a record storm
season, the Gulf Coast has been struck once again. Hurricane Sally hit the
coast as a Category 2 storm, and the massive tropical system packed a strong punch
for Gulf Shores and a huge area from Alabama to Florida.
Strong winds and torrential rainfall caused extensive damage and flooding. In some areas, highways became waterways, walls were ripped from buildings, and bridges were damaged. Hundreds of people needed to be rescued, and approximately 500,000 have lost power. As the storm continues to cause harm, at least one death has already being connected to Hurricane Sally.
Disaster Relief for Hurricane Sally
Although still hard at work helping victims recover from Hurricane Laura, thanks to you, Operation Blessing is sending help to Hurricane Sally victims as well.
Trucks with disaster kits, ice and other vital disaster relief supplies are already on their way to the area. We are also continuing to monitor the situation to assess more opportunities to bless the people of Alabama and Florida.
JORDAN – Imagine if you will: Islamic extremist overrunning your home city with terrifying violence. You grab your family—along with a handful of belongings—and suddenly become persecuted Christian refugees on the run.
In desperate fear for your life, you flee down dark roads
through the night. So many have already died. Eventually you reach the safety
of Jordan, a neighboring country much more accepting of your faith, and you
breathe a deep sigh of relief.
The New Nightmare For Christians
But your nightmare is not really over. Not yet. In your new
country, you’re denied refugee status, which might afford you a right to
assistance. At the same time, you’re not given resident status, a work permit,
or access to public education for your children either.
Yours is one of thousands of Christian families termed
“guests” in this nation; you have few rights or recourses as you await the
decision that determines your future. The small savings you managed to bring
with you from home is quickly running out. And this goes on…for years!
Persecuted Christian Refugees Need Our Help
This is exactly the situation for far too many Christian refugees right now. Although they escaped the terrible persecution of terror groups, their hometowns in Iraq and Syria have been decimated and remain unsafe. These Christians still suffer for their faith. Caught in limbo as refugees in places like Jordan, they badly need us to help.
And wonderful friends like you have stepped up to do exactly
that! You are blessing these dear people with the humanitarian aid they need
like food, supplies, and medical clinics.
Friends like you also helped provide a wonderful Christian school for refugee children who don’t have access to education. Even during the COVID-19 crisis, Christian refugees continued to be blessed with food, and the children took their school classes online just like here in the states!
You’re also supporting persecuted Christians in places like
Kenya and Pakistan. Thank you so much for your love and for reaching out to
suffering brothers and sisters around the world with hope and encouragement.
Nancy Ryan is a single-mother and grandmother living in Lake Charles, La. When Hurricane Laura hit her community, her home was completely destroyed. A few years ago, Nancy had to recover after Hurricane Rita, but Laura left her house unsalvageable. Nancy has been spending her days recovering what she can of her belongings, but finding a place to stay has been a challenge. All nearby hotels are full and her daughter’s home in town was also destroyed. Nancy has resorted to living in her shed in the meantime, but many singles were blown away in the storm. She felt overwhelmed and devastated after her home was destroyed by Hurricane Laura.
Operation Blessing Volunteers Arrived to Help Nancy in Her Time of Need
But thanks to generous partners like YOU, Operation Blessing teams arrived to help Nancy in her desperate hour of need! You made it possible for volunteers to tarp her roof, clear debris, and clean up the tree branches in her yard after her home was destroyed by Hurricane Laura. More than that, your love transcended time and space to offer encouragement to a woman in the midst of trouble. Thank you for your heart to see Nancy supported as she continues to recover from Hurricane Laura.
Danielle is a single mother in Georgia fighting for her family amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Before COVID-19 hit the United States, she was living with epilepsy and Grave’s Disease. So when high-risk individuals were recommended to be extra careful, Danielle decided to leave her job in the medical field. She suddenly found herself with no job, no income, and no sight of when the mass lockdown would come to an end. She was struggling to decide whether to pay for electricity or food for her children.
Your Generosity Helped This Georgia Single Mother
But thankfully, Danielle saw a flyer for Operation Blessing partner Destination Church in Blackshear, GA, and her life was changed. Thanks to YOU, Danielle and her family can now regularly visit DC Downtown to receive food supplies while their budget is tight. Thank you for your heart to see a single mother supported in these trying times!
LAKE CHARLES, La. – Volunteering with Operation Blessing is a great way to give back to the community after disasters like Hurricane Laura. Hurricane Laura devastated Lake Charles, leaving massive trees downed and many homes severely damaged. Because of the widespread destruction caused by the storm, OB is in dire need of volunteers. Ivonne Adame is one individual who gave up her time to volunteer with Operation Blessing. “There’s such a big need here,” Adame said. “And mostly for volunteers. These things can’t get done without hands.”
Volunteers like Adame are a great help to Operation Blessing staff during cleanup. Like Adame said, things cannot get done without the hands of generous volunteers. When you volunteer with Operation Blessing, you will receive all the tools, supplies, and first class volunteer coordination that you need to make the most of your time on the ground. And knowing that you are helping people at their most vulnerable is a great gift. “It’s been amazing to get the opportunity to come out here and get to help them!” Adame exclaimed joyfully.
We here at Operation Blessing thank God for all of our wonderful volunteers. Please click here to learn more about volunteering with Operation Blessing. Because of you, we are able to respond to crises like Hurricane Laura. Click here to show your support for disaster victims here at home and around the world. Thank you!
Georgiana and her children fled Lake Charles when they saw Hurricane Laura was forecasted to make landfall as a category 4. Even her husband, who has stayed behind to endure hurricanes in the past, decided to evacuate. They hoped that the storm would spare their house. But when they arrived back home the hurricane damage was everywhere. Georgiana and her family saw that their lives were devastated by Hurricane Laura. Their home, while still standing, had been ravaged by the storm. The doors to their home were blown open, making way for wind, rain, and debris to soak and cover their home, floor to ceiling. Their yard was covered in fallen branches. The amount of work to be done seemed insurmountable as their home and yard were devastated by Hurricane Laura.
But hope was not far behind! Thanks to our generous partners, Operation Blessing volunteers arrived to take action for Georgiana’s family. Debris was cleared, trees were rid of hanging branches, and their home was mucked out. Georgiana described the work done in just a few hours as something that would have taken them months! Your gift made it possible to respond in her family’s darkest hour. Thank you for your heart to see disaster victims cared for.
LAKE CHARLES, La. – Operation Blessing provided aid for Hurricane Laura survivor Cassie, a homeowner in Lake Charles. When Cassie heard the storm was coming, she decided to stay and ride it out in her brick home. When OB staff asked why, Cassie explained that after Hurricane Rita hit in 2005, her home had minimal damage. Many members of her family were unable to evacuate, so they decided to try and ride out the storm in Cassie’s house. “I mean, Rita was bad, but I figured we could stay, you know… I figured it’d be about like Rita. I will never stay again,” Cassie said firmly.
Hope For A Hurricane Laura Survivor
Hurricane Laura tore through Lake Charles like a freight train, leaving a path of absolute destruction in its wake. Cassie’s home was damaged, and her yard was a disaster. Debris from all over the neighborhood made its way to Cassie’s property. The hurricane knocked out power so the refrigerator was useless. And cleaning supplies were flying off the shelves, if one was even able to make it to the store. Things looked bad for Cassie. “It’s like, I was helpless. I didn’t know where to turn. I didn’t know what to do,” she said. “And then when you all got here, it’s like I was saved.”
Your incredible support gave hope to Cassie after Hurricane Laura. Thanks to you, Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team arrived on the scene just when she needed it most. OB staff came prepared to chop up fallen trees, clean up the yard, and lend support to Cassie as she began to recover from the storm. Thank you for supporting Operation Blessing as we respond to the Hurricane Laura crisis. To learn more about volunteering with us, click here. God Bless you for your generosity.
LAKE CHARLES, La. – Operation Blessing began Hurricane Laura cleanup in Louisiana after the category 4 storm ripped through the state. Laura’s 150 mile-per-hour winds caused major destruction in the city of Lake Charles, where OB’s Disaster Relief crew is now stationed. We were introduced to Larry, a homeowner in the Lake Charles community. Larry and his wife evacuated to Texas during the storm. Thankfully, the family was safe, but they had no idea what they were going to find upon returning home.
Fortunately, the couple’s home had minor damage, but the yard was a different story. Larry and his wife found nearly every single one of their trees and shrubs completely demolished. The storm sent tree limbs, leaves, and debris flying all over their yard. Larry told OB staff, “I’m not as young as I used to be. I was feeling overwhelmed, to think about doing this all by myself.” Because of the extent of the damage, Larry and his wife needed help desperately.
Then your generosity came to the rescue! Because of your support, an Operation Blessing cleanup crew arrived at Larry’s house to help with Hurricane Laura cleanup. Equipped with chainsaws, our team made quick work of the massive tree limbs and debris in Larry’s yard. Larry is so grateful to have received this help. With emotion in his voice, Larry thanked OB for the help: “I wouldn’t have been able to do this by myself. I really appreciate it.” This is all thanks to your generosity. Click here to get involved with Operation Blessing’s disaster relief efforts. And if you’re interested in volunteering with us, please click here. Thank you and God Bless!